Murray Trial - Day 14 - October 20 - Discussion

Was just looking at the label for Lorazepam online - daily dose for anxiety and insomnia caused by it : 0.5 - 2.5 mg.
now onto the concentrations of diprivan. u can tell the concentrations depending on how much was given.

you give a dose of a drug. from that you get a concentration level. and from the concentration level you get an effect from the drug given. if the concentration level changes the effect changes.

he did tests on the concentration levels of diprivan. shaffer created the rules on dosages what dosage gets put in machines is based on his studies.

diprivan doesnt act in the blood it acts in the brain. so the brain concentration is important the brain is called the effect site.. did a study by measuring the brain waves to work out the brain concentration without doing brain surgery! paul white worked on this study with him they worked out how much diprivan needs to be in the brain to stop someone from breathing. 2.3mg per ml. is when half of paitents might stop breathing. but every paitent is diff so they added a range plus or minus .5 so it covers a wide amount of paitents. two standard deveations. 1.3-3.3mg pml is the range for ppl to stop breathing when given diprivan
He gave him between 15 and 80 times the daily dose of Lorazepam. Plus Valium and Midazolam and Propofol. What's wrong with this picture?
How brilliant to bring Dr White's work into the prosecution. Superb.
Walgren: So, Michael received more than 25mg of Propofol?

Dr. Shaffer: Yes, Michael received more than 25mg.

Dr. Shaffer thinks that it's likely Michael would have stopped breathing if given 50mg of Propofol.
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how long does it take for circulation to stop after u stop breathing was part of the takes 9 mins from stopping breathing to the heart stop beating when tested on pigs . shaffer used the number of 10 mins as a human is bigger than a pig and mj was on oxygen so it would take longer.

shaffer went through lots of diff senarios as to what happened with mj based on the data he had. shaffer rejected a few senarios based on the evidence.

. the level of dip in the femoral blood was very near to the amount that would cause you to stop breathing. concentration levels drop very quickly due to the liver and other tissues. brain concentrations goes up after the first injection as it takes time for the dip to get to the brain. afterwards the brain levels drop more slowly than in the rest of the body. showing that a small % of ppl given 25mg would be expected to stop breathing. theres a timeframe when someone whos been give 25mg could be expected to stop breathing. taking benzos ontop increases that risk. what mj had in him increased his risk.even if he had been given just 25mg.

shaffer doesnt think this is what happened to mj. mj got more than 25mg. murray said in the interview he gave lidocaine and diprivan in equal mixture so a full syringe with half lidocaine and half diprivan was injected via bolus. 50 mg of diprivan is what was given in shaffers opinion. would 50mg stop mj breathing ontop of the other drugs given.?yes it would. he thinks mj stopped breathing between 1-min and 3-4 mins after the bolus was given. after that the heart would keep beating for at least another 10 mins. this info doesnt support a TOD of around noon. (is walgren gonna say mj was long gone before noon?) shaffer rules out one single dose of 50mg was given
i can't believe the things I see. how much propofol was there?? poor Michael.
I like how he's saying self injection would require a bit of time and control...If Michael is on all those drugs and is supposed to have done this in 2 mins, not likely
Would need good vein to inject in vein - something Murray said Michael didn't have.

Multiple injections of propofol also unlikely as, as need an hour an half to simulate for self-injection and would fall asleep during each injection.

Slowly by slowly the defence case is being debunked
I haven't even emotionally arrived yet at the "more than 25 mg of Propofol", I'm still stuck and utterly shocked about the 40 mg of Lorazepam ...
I haven't even emotionally arrived yet at the "more than 25 mg of Propofol", I'm still stuck and utterly shocked about the 40 mg of Lorazepam ...

I know what you mean.... I am listening to the testimony and can't believe the things I am hearing... I don't even have words to describe Murray anymore....
I hope all CM's patients are watching this trial, and see how "good" is their doctor. :angry:
if mj was given 100mg he would stop breathing within 1 minute. heart would beat for another 10. shaffer rules out mj being given 1 single dose of 100mg based on the concentration levels.

shaffer talking about self injection and how hard it would be. 2 possibilities to self inject you could stick the needle in your own vein. but murray said mj had bad viens so that doesnt fit. and diprivan stings. would be painful if u miss the vien.

6 injections 50 mgs is another theory. 50 mg would put u to sleep on its own. mj would be out so wouldnt be able to self inject, he would have to wait till the levels went down then wake up. 1hrs 30 timeframe given for 6 injections thats how long it would take mj to do that. because he needs to wake up and come around. shaffer says this senario doesn fit says shaffer based on the levels

this is getting confusing. walgren needs to get to the point.

another theory based over 3 hours 6 injections of 100ml each. one 100ml shot would prob be fatal on its own says shaffer. this didnt happen based on the levels found. mjs fem blood level was higher than if he was given 600ml? thats what i think shaffer is saying. more than 600ml in mj???

lunch break till 1345
I know what you mean.... I am listening to the testimony and can't believe the things I am hearing... I don't even have words to describe Murray anymore....

I don't think what Murray actually did to Michael as we're finding out now, will actually sink in until the Trial is all said and done. :sigh: Truly Inconceivable & Unbelievable. :(
I know what you mean.... I am listening to the testimony and can't believe the things I am hearing... I don't even have words to describe Murray anymore....

It's getting really scary, something doesn't add up and I'm very upset.
"it's a crazy scenario, it just doesnt happen, but for the purpose of discussion...." LMAO
even if he gave 6 injections the level you would get would not be at the level they found in how much did Murray give him?
Incredible, even in that crazy scenario for purposes of discussion with self-administration of 100mg, several times (said he would have died after the first or the second), STILL FEMORAL BLOOD WOULD BE MUCH LOWER!!!!
this basically rules out everything but an IV I guess. and assuming that's why Walgren asked for the break. He would start with the IV scenario.
It's getting really scary, something doesn't add up and I'm very upset.

Yeah, something does NOT add up. The witness is fantastic, and has explained everything step-by-step. The "SlX self-injections" totally rule out Michael giving HIMSELF the propofol. The amounts seem much too high for a simple mistake, by Murray. I'd say, yeah, something does not add up, and it IS getting scary now.
So this must mean he gave him 40 mg of Lorazepam via drip during that night and Propofol at the same time during that night? I can't even put into words what I'm thinking.
Yeah, something does NOT add up. The witness is fantastic, and has explained everything step-by-step. The "SlX self-injections" totally rule out Michael giving HIMSELF the propofol. The amounts seem much too high for a simple mistake, by Murray. I'd say, yeah, something does not add up, and it IS getting scary now.

15 to 80 times of the daily dose of Lorazepam ... why would a doctor do that?
There's no way in hell that Michael self injected. But what i dont get is how someone can let another person(so-called doctor) put all that junk into his body.
Also. How can MJ have survived those other 79 nights???
This is where we all wish (again) that this guy was on a murder charge. If he was then I bet the jury would be willing to believe this guy did this intentionally. How could this guy be so stupid to do this accidentally?
There's no way in hell that Michael self injected. But what i dont get is how someone can let another person(so-called doctor) put all that junk into his body.
Also. How can MJ have survived those other 79 nights???

That's the big question, how did he survive the other 79 nights ... seems impossible, so something was done differently that night ... and then the question would be ... what and why?

This is where we all wish (again) that this guy was on a murder charge. If he was then I bet the jury would be willing to believe this guy did this intentionally. How could this guy be so stupid to do this accidentally?

I agree.