Rare Pictures Thread

Nice to read your notes Lil. Most of it corresponds with what I remember (I took notes too but haven't looked at them). Yeah, I remember the video starting with him walking into the booth after we saw a brief glimpse of the orchestra. Totally feel the same as you about how private it felt seeing him record the song. His facial expressions were more intense than in concert. The only thing I do not remember the same way you do is him smiling throughout the entire song. In my memory he seemed to be really 'living' the lyrics as he sang them, both the sad ones and the more 'magical' ones (like "Like pirates in adventurous dreams, of conquest and kings on the throne..."). With the latter he was definintely smiling and seemed ecstatic, his demeanour during those parts kinda reminded me of the Unauthorized interview, very giddy, lol. Big beaming smile as well during the instrumental sections of the song, when he had a moment to reflect and to judge the performance of the orchestra. That's also where I remember him making that 'YEAH' motion (I think he even said it, but obviously not too loud as it would interfere with the recording).

Yeah, at the end he also seemed very happy with the result and indeed, he basically stormed outta there as soon as he finished singing the final note, lol.

The gif is rather odd, at first I thought it was the 'nailed it'-gesture he made at the end :D but it could also be the part you described SoCav! If your memory on all of this is better than mine (which I'm sure it is, lol), would you mind sharing with me what you remember? (you can PM me if you want!)
Could be as well, I am not a 100% on anything I wrote above either! I just remember him giving that kinda gesture twice during the song, both during the instrumental break and at the end.

^^I'm not sure if he owns the actual footage or just a copy of it..
I hope so! But I doubt it tbh, they pretty much just asked him to stop using any unreleased material. But I guess Brad is not the only one who was able to get his hands on it.. I hope it'll be the same as with the BoW bts footage, where they first leaked a couple of seconds of it and then eventually all of it!:wild:
I think Brad does own it because it was his private recording. He wasn't hired by Michael to document anything, he just kinda did, from what I understood. The other videos he showed during the seminar I attended (recording of the Christmas song with a kids choir, the Andrae Crouch Choir rehearsing for TDCAU, and Michael hanging out with John Lennon's kid, were also all recorded by him. But he probably cannot do anything with the footage as it contains Michael's likeness which the Estate controls.
Lil & SoCav, thanks for sharing this with us. I am reading it with great interest. I wish we could see it.
^^My pleasure Respect & barbee, I really wish every fan could see it.. !:sigh:

Lil;4090746 said:
Before recording started he was talking to someone, he said something along the lines of "I really love the way you… -something, complimented someone on something- loved it, loved it!"
I went back to listen to it (it's not mine, but I have some very crappy audio of it) and he says "I loved the way you played that!" and just keeps saying it :rofl: He even hums it and goes "loved that, loved it!" I just thought that was really cute..

SoCav;4090801 said:
The only thing I do not remember the same way you do is him smiling throughout the entire song.
Really? Well as you said, I'm not 100% sure on anything either! Things get blurry after a while… but I remember literally thinking to myself 'oh my god, he's smiling?!' when he sang the line "no one understands me" because I was so curious what his expression would be with those type of lyrics! In my memory, he almost looked like:

Starting to doubt myself now lol, but anyways! I definitely felt like he was really living the lyrics too, for sure. He actually had me crying - and I wasn't the only one! I remember thinking of that quote of him, where he says something along the lines of feeling like 'an instrument of nature' and 'the music just flows through me, and it's the best feeling in the world'. I could feel that when watching that footage.

SoCav;4090801 said:
I think Brad does own it because it was his private recording.
I knew he recorded all the other video's, but I didn't know the Childhood one was also recorded by him! I guess that leaves little hope for it being shared, since he said he never would (unless he gets authorized by the Estate, which clearly he hasn't been). Lets hope the Estate will want to use it someday then!

Were you at one of the Westlake Studio seminars btw SoCav? Just wondering if we went to the same one by chance :D

And uhm, to get back on topic:laugh:, some more pics that I thought were rare:



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Lil;4090931 said:
Really? Well as you said, I'm not 100% sure on anything either! Things get blurry after a while… but I remember literally thinking to myself 'oh my god, he's smiling?!' when he sang the line "no one understands me" because I was so curious what his expression would be with those type of lyrics! In my memory, he almost looked like:

Starting to doubt myself now lol, but anyways! I definitely felt like he was really living the lyrics too, for sure. He actually had me crying - and I wasn't the only one! I remember thinking of that quote of him, where he says something along the lines of feeling like 'an instrument of nature' and 'the music just flows through me, and it's the best feeling in the world'. I could feel that when watching that footage.
I am starting to doubt myself as well now. :D Hope we get the opportunity to figure it out sooner rather than later!

I knew he recorded all the other video's, but I didn't know the Childhood one was also recorded by him! I guess that leaves little hope for it being shared, since he said he never would (unless he gets authorized by the Estate, which clearly he hasn't been). Lets hope the Estate will want to use it someday then!
Yeah I am pretty sure he said he filmed it.

I'm not sure if Brad would even be willing to share the video with the Estate if they had plans for it. He (and several of the other past collaborators) do not seem too happy with the way things have been handled thus far.

Were you at one of the Westlake Studio seminars btw SoCav? Just wondering if we went to the same one by chance :D
Oh no, I wish I was. Must have been amazing to see Westlake! No, I live in Europe.

Yeah, sorry for going offtopic guys. Was nice to refresh some of these seminar memories (cheers Lil).
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Wow, Lil. :girl_blush: He's so damn gorgeous.

I know! How is it possible? He's just fine to pieces! :wub: OMG!

And this one too that Lil posted...Mmmmph! Mmmmph! Mmmmph! Be still my heart!
I love the black mask. Those eyes. Mysteriously sexy. Just hot!


And as for the possible "Childhood" gif....you already know!!!
It's hot to me. :swoon: -_-

TYSM you guys!
I know! How is it possible? He's just fine to pieces! :wub: OMG!

And this one too that Lil posted...Mmmmph! Mmmmph! Mmmmph! Be still my heart!
I love the black mask. Those eyes. Mysteriously sexy. Just hot!

oh yes-the eyes are absolutely killing me. They always have. I just can't take it anymore and may have to sign off and go thru withdrawal.
more gorgeous rares!









I am starting to doubt myself as well now. :D Hope we get the opportunity to figure it out sooner rather than later!
Oh no, I wish I was. Must have been amazing to see Westlake! No, I live in Europe.

Yeah, sorry for going offtopic guys. Was nice to refresh some of these seminar memories (cheers Lil).

Lol, let's hope so & yes, it was!! Very special to be in that studio indeed (at one point Brad pointed right to where I was sitting and said "he always used to stand right there and practice his dancing.." Can't explain the feelings that gave me to be honest!:cry:.. It cost me a small fortune 'cause I live in Europe too, but I just had to go) But yeah, thanks for reminiscing with me SoCav :D cheers!
Geeez...I've definitely come in this thread more. Clearly I've been missing out.
Your pictures are fantastic Lil!

Makes you think of all that footage out there not being used. God! They could make a documentary just of him in the studio alone.
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More gorgeous rares! Credit to: instagram.com/jackson.rare :kickass:



SO CUTE :heart::heart::heart:





^^^^OOOOH-adorable picture of him with the girl in the hat. Do you know the girls in these pix or what years they're taken???!!!
I've read this story before, but I'd never seen the full picture! I remember laughing about Michael thinking they were 'long deceased' while he actually had lunch with them earlier:lol: And I would LOVE to hear that 'interview' :wild:
(too bad the words 'strange' and 'bizarre' had to pop up, but yeah.. I guess to some people animals & toys are just really.. strange:mello:)
