The Person Above Me

Boo! hehe :lol:

Hi Johanne!

TPAM is from Norway!! What a cool place...can't I be from there too?? I can't even see any trees out my window in this gosh darn city :lol:
Haha, hey Abbey!!

TPAM needs to know that "cool" is probably not the right word for NORWAY..:lol: but for USA on the other hand ;)
TPAM is wrong, Norway IS cool! Well, never been there, but Canada often looks up to Norway in many different fields like environment and health care if I remember right......
TPAM is probably right about that one.. hehe ;) We are good at that. But other then that..not many cool things happening here, we are so isolated :/
Haha agree with Carine ^ TPAM :D See Johanne?? It IS cool! Especially because you can just go off for a walk in the forests, wow that sounds lovely, like you actually take care of nature unlike here where there aren't any trees in sight!! :(

Oh no now i have to edit haha:

TPAM has a kitty! :lol:
TPAM comes from Québec

And yea it is a cool siggy ae. Campari put a link for me a few pages back on where to find heaps of them and i havn't seen anyone use this one so i used it myself... Thanks Campari