[Updated] MJ Estate responds to: Jackson Family Lawyers to Screen THIS IS IT

MJ TinkerBell

Proud Member
Aug 27, 2009
Where Michael IS..Is where you will find Me <3
Message from The Estate via MJonline Team, concerning this unauthorised Event.
posted by Team MJJC


We noticed a lot of fans commenting on a screening of the "This Is It" film by one of the lawyers representing Katherine Jackson in the wrongful death suit against AEG and we wanted to let everyone know that, upon first seeing the advertisements for this unauthorized event, the Estate immediately took action to insure that it was cancelled. So the fans can rest assured, it did not happen.

The Official Online Team of The Michael Jackson Estate&#8482;

Jacksons&#8217; attorneys to discuss the case and answer questions
Posted, November 12, 2013 at 01:05 PM

BRIDGEPORT, November 12, 2013 &#8211;The Bridgeport-based legal team who helped the Michael Jackson family in its recent Los Angeles court case will hold a special presentation in the star&#8217;s memory, the law firm announced today.

The law firm of Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder will celebrate the career of Michael Jackson with a screening of &#8216;This Is It&#8217; at the Bijou Theatre. Koskoff attorneys who helped represent the Jackson family will hold a question-and-answer session afterwards to give attendees a glimpse into the Jackson family, the life and death of Michael Jackson, and the recent wrongful death suit against the concert promoter that hired the cardiologist who administered a fatal dose of medication to Jackson. Also discussed will be scenes from the movie that were not made public.

&#8220;Michael Jackson was a legend who was taken from the world far too soon,&#8221; said Michael Koskoff, partner at Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder and trial attorney in the case. &#8220;This is an opportunity to share the never-before-known truth about Michael Jackson&#8217;s death, and the making of &#8216;This Is It.&#8217;&#8221;

Several attorneys at Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder joined the legal team representing members of Jackson&#8217;s family, including his children Michael Joseph &#8220;Prince&#8221; Jackson Jr., Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson, and Prince Michael &#8220;Blanket&#8221; Jackson II, as well as their grandmother and legal guardian, Katherine Jackson (Michael&#8217;s mother). Their civil suit was brought against entertainment giant Anschutz Entertainment Group and its concert promotion subsidiary, AEG Live Inc., for the death of the pop icon.

&#8220;We were privileged to get to know members of Michael Jackson&#8217;s family and, through them, to get a glimpse into his life &#8211; the life of a great artist who was widely accepted as the most successful performer the world has ever known,&#8221; Koskoff said.

&#8216;This Is It&#8217; is a behind-the-scenes look at the performer as he developed, created and rehearsed for his final worldwide concert tour. Chronicling the months from April through June 2009 &#8211; just before he went into cardiac arrest and died on June 25 &#8211; this film draws from more than one hundred hours of raw behind-the-scenes footage featuring Jackson rehearsing a number of his songs for the show.

The screening of &#8216;This Is It&#8217; will take place at The Bijou Theatre, 275 Fairfield Avenue in Bridgeport on Sunday, November 24 at 4:00 p.m. Doors open to the public at 3:30 p.m. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased in advance at www.thebijoutheatre.com or at the box office throughout the day of the event. All proceeds benefit The Bijou Theatre. For more information, visit www.thebijoutheatre.com or call The Bijou Theatre at 203-332-3228.

For 75 years, Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder has been nationally known for personal injury, medical malpractice, product liability, and class actions, concentrating its practice in handling cases for people who suffer serious personal injury or economic harm. Koskoff attorneys have been responsible for important changes in the conduct of corporate and government defendants. The firm has offices in Bridgeport, Danbury, New Haven, and Stamford.
Will they ever leave Michael alone and let him rest? Why do people need to know "the never-before-known truth about Michael Jackson&#8217;s death"?

Please someone explain this to me. I'm confused.
Why is this article representing this lawfirm as Michael Jackson's Lawyers ? I don't think this firm ever represented Michael Jackson. Seems they assisted Katherine Jackson's attorneys for the civil suite. So they are going to show the beautiful genius creating "This Is It" and then discuss the AEG trial and Michaels death :( gulp ... weird .. doesn't sound like a celebration to me.

This is an opportunity to share the never-before-known truth about Michael Jackson&#8217;s death,
What Never before known truth ??? ... Jeeez will it never stop

Here is an interview I found so we know what to expect at this screening.

Published on Jul 25, 2013
Michael Koskoff, a partner in the Bridgeport-based law firm Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, is on the legal team for the wrongful death lawsuit. Here he speaks with News 12 Connecticut about the trial.
MJ TinkerBell;3929348 said:
&#8216;This Is It&#8217; is a behind-the-scenes look at the performer as he developed, created and rehearsed for his final worldwide concert tour. Chronicling the months from April through June 2009 &#8211; just before he went into cardiac arrest and died on June 25 &#8211; this film draws from more than one hundred hours of raw behind-the-scenes footage featuring Jackson rehearsing a number of his songs for the show.


Who is the owner from this footage? Isn't it Sony?

And isn't it the lawyers was given this footage for their trial work for in trust and good faith?

Know Michael's executors and know Sony from this Koskoff publicity event?
Michael Jackson as means of advertising for a lawyer firm???
Anyone representing the Jackson family (Michael's children excluded)makes me think their motives are money driven. I know this firm took on the civil case on the basis that they would be paid a percentage of any compensation awarded. No compensation awarded, so the lawyers, like the Jacksons, got zilch. So now they are using THIS IS IT for self-promotion? Just what we need... someone ruining the movie for us, as if enough damage has not been done already! Why can't they all just let us get on with enjoying Michael's legacy without their meddling?
This is more than bizarre :bugeyed
They certainly weren't Michael Jackson's lawyers. Can they be sued for mis-representation and trying to fool the public?

I wonder if the estate refused to pay KJ's bills for those lawfirms, they made this kind of deal with Katherine?

I wonder what Sony and the estate says about this money making scheme?

sfosteredi;3929353 said:
Why do people need to know "the never-before-known truth about Michael Jackson&#8217;s death"?

We will never heard the full truth about Michael's death. What we will be hearing is everyones own speculation what might or mightn't have happened, but never the real truth. That Never-Before-Known truth is just their speculation of what happened, nothing more.
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krikzil;3929362 said:

Totally. I'm not even sure what are they trying to do with this?
Why didn't they reveal the so-called truth in court?
Trying to make money for lawyers fees by getting fans to pay to watch this on the b.s its some exclusive footage?
strange but not shocking.. they weren't paid for repping Katherine because they were no contingency fee lawyers, so I guess the next best thing is to exploit MJ.
Mneme;3929457 said:
Who is the owner from this footage? Isn't it Sony?

And isn't it the lawyers was given this footage for their trial work for in trust and good faith?

Know Michael's executors and know Sony from this Koskoff publicity event?
Michael Jackson as means of advertising for a lawyer firm???
The footage they are describing is This Is IT. just as they said .
This Is It&#8217; is a behind-the-scenes look at the performer as he developed, created and rehearsed for his final worldwide concert tour. Chronicling the months from April through June 2009 &#8211; just before he went into cardiac arrest and died on June 25 &#8211; this film draws from more than one hundred hours of raw behind-the-scenes footage featuring Jackson rehearsing a number of his songs for the show.

It is legally being shown in a theater who has to pay royalties
They can not show other footage. and NO they were not given other footage. only allowed to view it in Sony studio.
So why? And who would actually show up to see this, knowing how transparent the motive is? Remember, they can't make any money if nobody shows up. This is not for Michael.

I'm assuming they're sore because they got nothing and are trying to turn lemons into lemonade. They should quit wasting their time and move onto some other case.
Mneme;3929457 said:
Who is the owner from this footage? Isn't it Sony?

And isn't it the lawyers was given this footage for their trial work for in trust and good faith?

Know Michael's executors and know Sony from this Koskoff publicity event?
I didn't think the attorneys could get any more pathetic. What are they going to do? Stop the film and show how thin Michael was-count the number of shirts he's wearing?? Show a snippet of a song and make it look like he forgot the lyrics??
Since Sony and the Estate co-own "This Is It", I hope they get some kind of court injunction to stop this. I know Sony did some kind of injunction to stop the attys in the Murray trial from looking at all the unused footage (even though it didn't work), but I would think they would want to stop this too.
qbee;3929620 said:
The footage they are describing is This Is IT. just as they said .

It is legally being shown in a theater who has to pay royalties
They can not show other footage. and NO they were not given other footage. only allowed to view it in Sony studio.
I spouted off before I saw all the comments-I understand that they will pay royalties, but it doesn't seem right that they can discuss other unseen footage-I guess Sony won't be able to get an injunction b/c it's assumed to be free speech? I hope NO ONE goes to it or leaves before the Q&A.
I have a couple of question.

Did the attorneys get to see or have additional footage from TTI?
And can they show the additional footage?
As stated above they are not showing additional footage. only 'This Is It" The attorney's were allowed to view additional footage but were never given access to it. Plus the Jackson's attorneys after viewing it did not sequester any of it for the trial. I guess it didn't show what they were looking for.
Mneme;3929457 said:
Who is the owner from this footage? Isn't it Sony?

And isn't it the lawyers was given this footage for their trial work for in trust and good faith?

Know Michael's executors and know Sony from this Koskoff publicity event?
Michael Jackson as means of advertising for a lawyer firm???

^^That is exactly what I was thinking--they are using Michael and the TII movie to advertise for their law firm. Also bad and disgusting is that they are trying to use the movie to show "death" when millions of people saw this as a way to observe the creative genius of Michael. It is almost as though because they lost that case, they don't care if they debase Michael's efforts.

This is such a distasteful idea, and who gets those 15 dollars? I hope no fans give their money for this.

The amount of odd people who are trying to make money off Michael Jackson is amazing. Has a law firm ever done something like this before, with evidence? Anyone knows?
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This makes no sense whatsoever, except for the money. I don't know how the doc is supposed to show what they want it to show, unless they twist it in some way.
Petrarose;3930557 said:
The amount of odd people who are trying to make money off Michael Jackson is amazing. Has a law firm ever done something like this before, with evidence? Anyone knows?

I can think of Flanny and Cherny participating that truly awful document of CM. Not really the same, but it was as bad idea as this one.
No wonder Cherny's law firm went under as who wants to see their attorney in boxer shorts, not professional at all. I say nothing about Flanny:)
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qbee;3930530 said:
As stated above they are not showing additional footage. only 'This Is It" The attorney's were allowed to view additional footage but were never given access to it. Plus the Jackson's attorneys after viewing it did not sequester any of it for the trial. I guess it didn't show what they were looking for.

I thought if they say some additional footage they might have kept it, like with the pictures they posted on their website. It's good to know they don't have any additional footage to show.
This is another reason why I wonder about the Neverland raid. What happened to all the things they took from Michael's house? Did he get everything back? Did some take photocopies of evidence and keep or sell? It is just scary to me about what can be done with one's material after it is presented in court. I guess this falls under the rule of "public access to information?"

If Sony/Estate can show that doing this to TII can decrease sales,can they can go after the law firm for damages? I mean the ad sounds as though they are twisting the premise of TII? Who wants to buy a dvd showing how AEG killed a man?

The screening date has already passed, so anyone heard if many people attended this mockery?
^^^ Screening is on Sunday 24th November. (See first post in this thread)