Watch it or ditch it...

Okay, I'm not ditching the candy but I'm not going to just watch it either. I'll eat it, thank you. :lol:

Edit: wait a minute? Is there a movie called Candy?? if yes, then ditch it cuz I haven't seen it. oops.

Victor/Victoria (movie)
I've never seen it so I can't say

The Prince and the Showgirl
Watch it

All the old "Gidget" movies
Hmm...never got into the Gidget movies. Ditch it, I guess.

An American in Paris?
Watch it! maybe when I get home because I own it:lol:

Sense and Sensibility
EDIT: I'm interested in seeing that, yes. (Slumdog Millionaire)

Never heard of Bolt.

Walk the Line?