What Are You Listening To?

Re: What are you listening to?

:wub: OH MY LAWDY!! I wanted to lick the TV screen everytime I watched Mike Tramp in this video at only 9 years old, hehehe. :naughty: He looks especially delicious here. LOVE the hot pink and black/white checkered-print combo outfit, too. :p These guys are the DEFINITION of 'Glamour Rock' in the 80s. Here's my favorite song/video from them. Oh yeah, and Headbangers' Ball kicked ass!! :punk:

White Lion - Tell Me
Re: What are you listening to?

AAAaaaaand the pretty boy of all pretty boys from all the 80s Hairbands in the entire world--- Sebastian Bach from Skid Row. :D I'm still naming my first born son after him... mmmmm-hhhmmmm, yissir'... Yeah, I was a liiittle bit obsessed with him growing up. :p This dude's seriously like 'The Celine Dione of Glamour Rock' or something, LOL. Boy is effin' HAWT and can wail. :stretcher:

Skid Row - I Remember You