What are your thoughts about the video for You Are Not Alone?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Before I joined MJ fan message boards I never knew that so many disliked this video, even more so than the song itself. Some has described it as tacky, unnecessary and dowright awful and uninspired. How would you rate this video? Do you remember how you felt about it the first time you saw it? Admittedly I am indifferent to this video. If by chance this comes on TV or something I'll watch it but i'll never actively look for it and play it. Even Liberian Girl has more replay value for me than this.
It is a funny one. It has some great moments. The version near the end, when it's close up of his head and he spins & smiles at the camera - he looks sublime and the only time he looks happy in any HIStory video.

I like the bits with Lisa Marie who looks hot in it.

But some puzzling moments also that I'm sure where they came from...

Director: "So Michael, you're gonna be on stage for this one, singing to an empty theatre, you know because you're alone, and alone is in the lyric of the song"
MJ: "Okay, I get that"
Director: "Then I thought we'd get Lisa Marie involved, cos that'd be cute"
MJ: "Okay"
Director: "But you know when you two talk.... I don't want you sitting down or anything, I thought maybe you could be laying down on a cold hard floor, nearly naked, and Lisa-Marie could be bent over you."
MJ: "Hmmm?"
Director: "If we're lucky, we'll get a glimpse of your knackers"
MJ: "What's that now?"
Director: "But that's not all. You know how your short films have pushed the boundaries of speccial effects in music video?"
MJ: "Surely"
Director: "Well, we're gonna use some really bad green screen to make it look like you're in a pond, by a waterfall & on a cliff."
MJ: "This seems strange"
Director: "Then we're gonna stick some CGI angel wings on you!!!"
MJ: "Can someone get me John Landis please?"
Honestly, I don't like the video at all. It's very cheesy, with the angel wings and all.
But I really like the song, It's one of the bests from HIStory.
I've always liked it.. than again the only MJ videos I don't care for are those he is not in...
I love the concept because it's inspired by Maxfield Parrish painting 'Daybreak.' It's almost like watching a Greek mythology setting come to life, very artistic but I still find the theater part puzzling.

First of all, I get why Michael chose his then wife to start YANA with him but at the same time I can't help thinking she looked ordinary compared to him. I mean, Michael looks like the beautiful real version of Narcissus with god-like qualities in him standing along with an ordinary nymph.

And also it's the closest moment we saw him naked. I need the BTS footage in my life!

This is my favourite MJ video, mainly because he's HOT HOT HOT in it. And there's one frame near the end where he's sitting with Lisa Marie and you can see his you-know-what. It's only for a mili-second, blink and you miss it, but boy, the dreams I had about MJ in this video...

The bolded is SO true.
The bolded is also why I never really watch the video.:lol:
I always just fast forward to certain parts.:wub:
I love the concept because it's inspired by Maxfield Parrish painting 'Daybreak.' It's almost like watching a Greek mythology setting come to life, very artistic but I still find the theater part puzzling.

First of all, I get why Michael chose his then wife to start YANA with him but at the same time I can't help thinking she looked ordinary compared to him. I mean, Michael looks like the beautiful real version of Narcissus with god-like qualities in him standing along with an ordinary nymph.

And also it's the closest moment we saw him naked. I need the BTS footage in my life!

IKR, the video is very artistic.:yes:
Despite me for the most part only fast forwarding to certain parts of the video I've gotta give it props for that.:yes:

And your right about Lisa looking ordinary.:lol:
Michael made all of the women he was seen with look plain/not as good as him in comparison TBH (sorry Janet, but Michael did look better than you in Scream.:lol:)
Same thing goes for any men he was around too.
There was just something about Michael.:yes:

I also agree 100% with the bolded.
I would LOVE to see that.:wub:
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This is my favourite MJ video, mainly because he's HOT HOT HOT in it. And there's one frame near the end where he's sitting with Lisa Marie and you can see his you-know-what. It's only for a mili-second, blink and you miss it, but boy, the dreams I had about MJ in this video...

Whaaa? Are you kidding me? :busted:

Michael does reveal a lot in the video, but... but... but... *is lost for words*

I dimly remember hearing that the more "dangerous parts" (pun intended :lol:) of the filming were finally removed / cut *ouch!*. :lol:
IKR, the video is very artistic.:yes:

Oh yes, especially we female fans totally underestimate and neglegt the artistic value of YANA! On the one hand. there is so little left to *ahem* uncover, but on the other hand there is so much meaning left to discover ... :smarty: :lol:

And your right about Lisa looking ordinary.:lol:
Michael made all of the women he was seen with look plain/not as good as him in comparison TBH (sorry Janet, but Michael did look better than you in Scream.:lol:)
Same thing goes for any men he was around too.
There was just something about Michael.:yes:

So true! He was more beautiful than most men and also women he was seen with. I cannot think of any other person who is or was like that.
I like it.

The Pantages theatre is lit beautifully.

It's MJ grabbing attention. And I always admired that about him.
In short, it's the most 90's piece of footage ever recorded. Michael with bangs, singing an R Kelly penned song and Lisa Marie..

It's always puzzled me to be honest. I'm not a big fan of how MJ looked in the video with bangs but that doesn't really matter
Other than that, I like the idea of seeing Mike in a small empty theatre, and the pathos of it, with him usually playing to full stadiums, it's very well lit and well performed by Michael but it could be better.

I do like the interaction between Michael and Lisa, they do look like a man and wife in love and not awkward (apart from the cringe moment when Lisa spots the camera and puts her head back). It's well shot and it's a nice tip of the hat to that beautiful painting. From a guys point of view Lisa looks stunning in it as well :popcorn: lucky Mike :cheeky:

This is where it falls down for me personally, the other shots. I like how he walks away from the paparazzi then they evaporate but why he ends up in a desert (yeah I see the feeling of, "my life is a barren land without you" but still it could have been worked better) then I do cringe at the close up shots in front a fan thing (around 3.50) because they're so out of context. Even the pool part makes no sense to me.

My opinion is I think the short film would have worked better had, the video centred around the painting setting with Lisa, Michael alone at Pantages Theatre and maybe start with the footage of him leaving the paparazzi behind, use the desert for the bridge of the song. I think it would have been more fulfilling had we have seen Michael and Lisa "reunited" at the end of the video to bring the narrative full circle, similar to TWYMMF, although I see how that would have been too cheesy. Just my thoughts.
So true! He was more beautiful than most men and also women he was seen with. I cannot think of any other person who is or was like that.

I can't think if anyone else like that either.
Just Michael.:wub:

He did make some people look more plain then others tho.
For example, I have to give it to Naomi.
She looked great in ITC (much better than I've seen many other people look compared to Michael), but overall not as good as Michael.

If I were a man I'm pretty sure I'd be gay just for Michael.:yes::lol:
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I don't care for the naked angel crap, but the rest of the video is pretty good. It was nice to see him and Lisa Marie actually happy together.
Well it was nice seeing Lisa near naked. :D Other than that I never cared too much about this video.

Is this pic fanmade or real (backstage)? Can't tell for sure here, looks pretty real. (Of course the arrow would not be really real :D)
A scene with an arrow down there could have been too much Jesus to make the final cut.


Does anyone have more backstage / making-of photos or videos?
It is a funny one. It has some great moments. The version near the end, when it's close up of his head and he spins & smiles at the camera - he looks sublime and the only time he looks happy in any HIStory video.

I like the bits with Lisa Marie who looks hot in it.

But some puzzling moments also that I'm sure where they came from...

Director: "So Michael, you're gonna be on stage for this one, singing to an empty theatre, you know because you're alone, and alone is in the lyric of the song"
MJ: "Okay, I get that"
Director: "Then I thought we'd get Lisa Marie involved, cos that'd be cute"
MJ: "Okay"
Director: "But you know when you two talk.... I don't want you sitting down or anything, I thought maybe you could be laying down on a cold hard floor, nearly naked, and Lisa-Marie could be bent over you."
MJ: "Hmmm?"
Director: "If we're lucky, we'll get a glimpse of your knackers"
MJ: "What's that now?"
Director: "But that's not all. You know how your short films have pushed the boundaries of speccial effects in music video?"
MJ: "Surely"
Director: "Well, we're gonna use some really bad green screen to make it look like you're in a pond, by a waterfall & on a cliff."
MJ: "This seems strange"
Director: "Then we're gonna stick some CGI angel wings on you!!!"
MJ: "Can someone get me John Landis please?"
Think this is also the exact conversation I had in my head when I first saw the video.
Probably when the wings spread on YANA is CGI but Michael had real ones.

The arrow pic and these 2 were shared by Tom Woodruff Jr. who created the special effects.

His broad shoulders... :swoon:


Although I admit when MJ's an angel is another puzzling part of the short, it still looks artistic. Unless you're gay or bi men with a crush on Michael, you'd get why many of us female fans were so happy to see him nearly nude. :cheeky:

Probably the arrow was used for the photo shoot.

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It is a funny one. It has some great moments. The version near the end, when it's close up of his head and he spins & smiles at the camera - he looks sublime and the only time he looks happy in any HIStory video.

I like the bits with Lisa Marie who looks hot in it.

But some puzzling moments also that I'm sure where they came from...

Director: "So Michael, you're gonna be on stage for this one, singing to an empty theatre, you know because you're alone, and alone is in the lyric of the song"
MJ: "Okay, I get that"
Director: "Then I thought we'd get Lisa Marie involved, cos that'd be cute"
MJ: "Okay"
Director: "But you know when you two talk.... I don't want you sitting down or anything, I thought maybe you could be laying down on a cold hard floor, nearly naked, and Lisa-Marie could be bent over you."
MJ: "Hmmm?"
Director: "If we're lucky, we'll get a glimpse of your knackers"
MJ: "What's that now?"
Director: "But that's not all. You know how your short films have pushed the boundaries of speccial effects in music video?"
MJ: "Surely"
Director: "Well, we're gonna use some really bad green screen to make it look like you're in a pond, by a waterfall & on a cliff."
MJ: "This seems strange"
Director: "Then we're gonna stick some CGI angel wings on you!!!"
MJ: "Can someone get me John Landis please?"

I have a feeling that those things were Michael's decision. The discussion could go other way around.
This is in my opinion not a typical MJ short film. I skip it every time when I watch the history DVD.

I like the song though.
Probably the arrow was used for the photo shoot.

Yes, that would make sense. Can't see it fit in the YANA video.
Although there could have been a different original concept (+photoshoot).

More making of pics i found:



Seem to be stills from a video. (See blurred moving hand).


With director Wayne Isham.
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Eh I think that I only liked the video because of the song.
I remember loving Michael's vocals on such a sad sounding song.
In general, I don't like the video, I think his make up artist over did it because he appeared very feminine looking in that video.
Seem to be stills from a video. (See blurred moving hand).

The blurred moving hand has nothing to do whether it's a photographic still or a still from a video source.

It has to do with the shutter speed that photographer has set the camera to.
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The nudity, the ancient Greek mythological elements, Lisa Marie Presley's appearance were entirely MJ’s idea.

The director Wayne Isham was interviewed in 1998 for the printed version of the Black & White Magazine, & he revealed a lot of things:

“… The nude scenes were Michael's idea. I thought it was ballsy and honnest; you can't get any more open than that… We had planned out all these elements for the video and then Michael had this idea where he wanted to use this Greek, classical-styled, artistic imagery. And, he wanted to appear in it naked with his wife, Lisa Marie Presley. Like they were Greek gods. It had nothing to do with the video we were doing, but I said, ‘OK, that’s cool. We can shoot it.’ We set it up and as we’re ready to shoot, he leads me into the trailer and says, ‘Have you asked her?’ He [MJ] wanted me to ask her to appear in the video. He was too shy. So I asked. And we did it…” (Wayne Isham)
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mj_frenzy;4193226 said:
The nudity, the ancient Greek mythological elements, Lisa Marie Presley's appearance were entirely MJ’s idea.

The director Wayne Isham was interviewed in 1998 for the printed version of the Black & White Magazine, & he revealed a lot of things:

… The nude scenes were Michael's idea. I thought it was ballsy and honnest; you can't get any more open than that… We had planned out all these elements for the video and then Michael had this idea where he wanted to use this Greek, classical-styled, artistic imagery. And, he wanted to appear in it naked with his wife, Lisa Marie Presley. Like they were Greek gods. It had nothing to do with the video we were doing, but I said, ‘OK, that’s cool. We can shoot it.’ We set it up and as we’re ready to shoot, he leads me into the trailer and says, ‘Have you asked her?’ He [MJ] wanted me to ask her to appear in the video. He was too shy. So I asked. And we did it…” (Wayne Isham)

I believe in 2017 that's called "cultural appropriation". You should be outraged :p

I don't really care for the song or the video, tbh. The song is a bit too sappy for me, especially the chorus. I don't like the way Michael looks in the video, his haircut and make-up are too feminine, and the wings are just weird. It's probably my least favourite MJ short film.
Truth be told, I don't really care for You Are Not Alone and I think it's overrated. It's amongst my top 3 least played tracks on HIStory. iTunes says I've played it in full 3 times over the past 5-6 years, whereas the remix of it on BOTDF has been played 16 times (as recently as Feb).

As for the music video, well I share the same thoughts. Watching it now, it's just too slow and boring... too little happens. Like let's be real, most of it is just Michael Jackson standing in front of a green-screen, swaying side to side somewhat slowly as he sings. The Ancient Greek imagery is cool and I liked seeing the origins of it a few years back on MJJC. I don't find it mindblowing as some of you seem to, but ya know, it's cool. That's it really. Also being a straight guy, the topless scenes do nothing for me.

Ending on a positive note, I do like the song at the end when everything is coming to a climax.