Would you rather game....

Subway! The thought of being underground is cool! (maybe I'm nerdy haha)

Edit: Fast Dance

Would you rather go to the Moon or float through space??
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neither because I'm female

would rather be a whale or shark
A rabbit. It kinda seems uncomfortable just mainly hoping on 2 legs.

Would you rather ride a horse or an elephant?
Smooth criminal :wild:

would you rather star in a movie or direct one?
ewww neither :lol: um... sea shells? LOL

Would you rather someone you loved feel pain or yourself feel pain?
A tv because you can watch most tv channels on a computer too now :cheeky:

Would you rather go to the cinema or watch a good film at home?

Would you rather light candles on a b-day cake or be the one blowing them out?

Would you rather have a visit from the tooth fairy or the Easter bunny?
chicken cooked to a golden brown.

Would rather play the violin yourself or listen to Vivaldi?
I love Vivaldi.

Piano would be great.

Would you rather be a guard or forward when playing basketball?
I have been listening to Four Seasons everynight to go to sleep by for awhile now. So lovely.

Frosted Flakes, BayBee.

Would you rather skip or hop?
hmm usually a cone...no usually a bowl..no um..hm?

would you rather salad with dressing or with no dressing?
dressing...I love sauces and dips and dressings (but maybe I shouldn't)

Would you rather have a tickling nose that won't go away, or an itch on your back where you couldn't reach to scratch it?