Relationship with Diana Ross

i have nothing to say about the relationship, I don't really want to speculate.

I just wanted the excuse to post this video! (watch it all the way through but 2.02 is the BEST! :lol:)


How cute is Michael! :D

I like this video showing Diana sitting on MJ's lap
I remember taping this WMA show and I thought this was a nice gesture on her part for showing MJ much needed support at that time :lol:
Mike said he had a crush on her lol. I remember in some interview he said that...he used to live with her too when he was younger. They were/are close, like family.

But yeah, Diana is in her mid 60's and I have to say...she looks STUNNING!

Man, I can only hope to look like she does when I'm her age.
i loved that interview, shes so cool, i wish i knew her.

im amazed they havent dated, older woman, younger man.. im sure she would think it would be weird since she knew him a lil boy.. but michael could only crush on her this whole time!!

im sure there still friends, period.
I adored the relationmship between MJ and Diana Ross. I truly believed that she was one of his loves back in the day. People like to laugh and ignore it when MJ said that he was in love with her. The way he would talk about her was real, to me. Diana was nothing but a great friend to Michael and his family. She was also a mentor to him. Their friendship/suppose love affair was very deep. People need to know about that.

BTW, Diana's son, Evan (the black gossip blogs always wanna say that Mike is his father because he looks a lot like him. LOL.) is very good friends with MJ's nephews and cousins and he grew up with them.

Invincle J, thanks for posting the clips. :)
What is Michael's relationship with Diana Ross like these days? I've seen plenty of videos from the early 80's where they were singing together and were great friends. Do they remain great friends today?
they are still friends, Diana defended Michael a couple of months back at a British tv show and said "dont talk like that about my friend, Michael is still my friend and I still love him" so there's your answer :)
yeah mj said he had a thing for her but said it was all in his head interms of there being something betwen the 2 of them. according to those taped convos
thanks for all your responses everyone! i assumed they remained friends but just wanted to know about any updates. thanks :)
GO Diana! :D She's so awesome defending Michael in that interview!
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I do not believe anything from those taped convos but I do believe that MJ and Diana's "love affair" was unrequited love.
WAIT, what "taped convo's", Bee1983 and elusive moonwalker?????
the tapes were made in the early 90's mj got friendly with a family and talked to the mother/wife alot on the phone.husband got jealous thought they were having an affair and taped the convos. he sold them to the media around 04. quality isnt great on alot but theres alot of funny and intresting stuff in them
the tapes were made in the early 90's mj got friendly with a family and talked to the mother/wife alot on the phone.husband got jealous thought they were having an affair and taped the convos. he sold them to the media around 04. quality isnt great on alot but theres alot of funny and intresting stuff in them

hmmmm...thanks a lot! I've never heard of these can this be????? LOL
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alot of fans missed out on them. i didnt really take notice at the time cause of everything that was going off back them.only caught up a year or 2 later
Let's not make this thread a discussion about those leaked phone convos. I am going to say this and then focus back on topic. What Elusive said was on point because that is how I remembered hearing about the tapes. The tapes were leaked on some website and some fan (sad, but true) bought these tapes from the person who owned the website and put the tapes online. There is this blog by done some "fan" who has all of the audio. I am not going to post the link because quite frankly, it violates MJ's privacy. Even though this "fan" has a password to listen to the audio, it still violates the man's privacy. The tapes were a bit interesting, but hard to believe.

So anyway, back to Diana, you guys must read the things that MJ said about her. Very deep and interesting.
From what I understand, they're still on friendly terms, and probably occasionally contact each other.
Yea just watching the way he kinda held or hugged Diana at the WMA kinda looks a lil more affectionate than he's been wid anybdoy else. He's needed a sista for a long time, she'd whip him into shape no doubt. Lisa Marie was kew, but not a fan of Debbie.
Michael adored her,he even said one time in the '80s he wants to marry her.i think he was upset on her-you can see Dirty Diana,no?i don't know what relation they have/don't have today...
the tapes were made in the early 90's mj got friendly with a family and talked to the mother/wife alot on the phone.husband got jealous thought they were having an affair and taped the convos. he sold them to the media around 04. quality isnt great on alot but theres alot of funny and intresting stuff in them
I think that is a terrible invasion of privacy if not illegal. This is no different from the Chandlers trying to cash in. Every body seems to have an ulteria moitive when it comes to MJ and money is at the root of it. I think the fans should respect MJ's right to privacy and not seek out these tapes. I am sorely embarrassed and I would never listen to such tapes.:mello:
I adored the relationmship between MJ and Diana Ross. I truly believed that she was one of his loves back in the day. People like to laugh and ignore it when MJ said that he was in love with her. The way he would talk about her was real, to me. Diana was nothing but a great friend to Michael and his family. She was also a mentor to him. Their friendship/suppose love affair was very deep. People need to know about that.

BTW, Diana's son, Evan (the black gossip blogs always wanna say that Mike is his father because he looks a lot like him. LOL.) is very good friends with MJ's nephews and cousins and he grew up with them.

Invincle J, thanks for posting the clips. :)

I know Bee everybody i talk to thinks Evan is Mike son. LOL what the nickname they gave him LaMichael or something..
think that is a terrible invasion of privacy if not illegal.

yeah i would think it is illegal recoding the convos without either side knowing. i havnt ever listened to them just read the old threads on them back when it happened
I think that is a terrible invasion of privacy if not illegal. This is no different from the Chandlers trying to cash in. Every body seems to have an ulteria moitive when it comes to MJ and money is at the root of it. I think the fans should respect MJ's right to privacy and not seek out these tapes. I am sorely embarrassed and I would never listen to such tapes.:mello:

right. thanks alot.
I'd assume Michael is still great friends with Diana. His first real crush. I wonder if Michael ever followed through with his crush or if it always remained just that. I mean if you talk to some fans they're convinced MJ and Diana had a sexual relationship in the late 80s and they had a son (Evan Ross). But I don't know. He look a lot like Michael. But Michael looks a lot like Diana anyway.
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in those interviews mj said it was all in his head thinking therewas something there between him and diana so i guess nothing did happen

LOL at la michael