The Chef, Kai Chase's about the day Michael Died (Merged) (All discussion here, please)

She is a pretty woman, MJ is a lover not a Given the chance I bet she would've played "Hide the Salami" ...ctfuuuuu

Only the ppl that never met his kids or saw him parenting have dumb shit to say like Donnie and Marie.. Everyone that was around him and the children tell nothing but wonderful stories about how well mannered and loving his children are.. They want his kids to be wild and crazy llike the rest of those hollywood brats, but sorry MJ put some sense into his children's heads and I am sure his mom will continue to raise them as MJ would..
Okay! She raised a beautiful son in Michael, I'm sure the kids will turn out the same.. God bless them. I hope they grow up away from the media scrutiny as much as they can.
After watching this interview and taking note of the time Murray yelled for Prince and security - noon - and Michael being pronounced dead at close to 2:30pm I have nothing decent to say about the man nor will I ever and this is his fault not mine.

Dr. Murray's name is mud for all I care.. I am not for the death penalty but I would want him to suffer, and I mean really suffer..
Kai seems like a lovely person and i am glad she has done all those interviews :)
Re: Dr Murray screamed: Go get Prince! (chef)

I differ here MFWC; I believe like Ive Posted they had to "Murder him before he went to London because EVERYONE would SEE and KNOW then he wasnt some Junkie Drug Addict, in UnFit Shape and believe me if Michael signed for 50 shows he was going to do EVERYONE of them, so they had to kill him and create this ILLUSION of A UnHealthy Drug Addict, they knew Michael was Determine to make this the Show of all SHOWS and they also KNEW NOTHING WAS WRONG WITH MICHAEL JACKSON and there would be no stopping him once he hit that 02 Stage and like a guy said on another forum HE WOULD HAVE HAD ENOUGH MONEY TO PAY OFF SONY AND GET ALL HIS CATALOGS BACK 100% instead of 50%, and "THIS REALLY WAS IT" FOR MICHAEL JACKSON AND PERFORMING so they wouldnt make anymore Pimping Money off him. Because I believe La Toya and she said Michael was getting out of Music, well Hell he Owns Everyone that Anybody in Music anyway, so why not, He was going into MOVIE PRODUCING that right there would have ran SONY Music and Tommy DRY there CASH COW gone. ParisKatherine Its enough MOTIVE in Michael's Death for Murder for even Stevie Wonder to See, Michael was getting ready to STOP all THEIR CASHFLOW now wheter DEA, LAPD and The Coroners Office reveal this we will ALL SEE and KNOW.
I fully agree with you and I am so angry...
the flirt part is so tasteless especially under these circumstances
the flirt part is so tasteless especially under these circumstances

I can see how you might feel that way and it's ok. For me, it shows the world that Michael is a human male with those very same "guy instincts". I actually thought it was really cute that she "turned" because she could feel that he was looking at her. It made me smile.

I love him so very much. =)
the flirt part is so tasteless especially under these circumstances
she is humanizing michael

what's tasteless is aeg exploiting the hell out of this. oh a new shirt cuz we have license to this image...oh and let's make it in a myriad of colours. oh and let's do this and that....:doh:
For some reason the bit about him saying 'I'm packed and ready to go' totally floored me and made me feel sick. I don't understand how people can believe in god in circumstances like this. Guess that praying the children and everyone did didn't help huh. Sorry if that offends but I'm really angry right now.
For some reason the bit about him saying 'I'm packed and ready to go' totally floored me and made me feel sick. I don't understand how people can believe in god in circumstances like this. Guess that praying the children and everyone did didn't help huh. Sorry if that offends but I'm really angry right now.
hindsight is truly 20/20 and those kids have an amazing support system around them and hopefully it's their faith that can get them through this.
For some reason the bit about him saying 'I'm packed and ready to go' totally floored me and made me feel sick. I don't understand how people can believe in god in circumstances like this. Guess that praying the children and everyone did didn't help huh. Sorry if that offends but I'm really angry right now.

It's because of God that any of us could know Michael, even for the short time we did. It was God that gave Michael his talent and his heart.

I think at the point when Kai and the children prayed, Michael was already dead. Who knows, if they prayed for their father to be alright, in the arms of God, their prayer was answered.

I pray for the family, especially the children. :)
I hope the children's faith does help them and that God is looking after Michael. I think you guys are lucky that you have your faith to make you feel a bit better.
Re: Dr Murray screamed: Go get Prince! (chef)

um murray had a mobile phone too. he's full of shit

Yeah, he was only making $150,000/month, he damn sure could afford one. Like everyone else. He's a doctor.
So he had no equipment there to revive Michael and had to just do CPR, which he did ON A BED with one arm, and he didn't call 911, and he LEFT HIM to go run downstairs and ask for Prince??? WTH would the reasoning be for that? Then how long after that did someone actually call 911? Don't you think he should have called them first and then moved Michael to the floor and performed proper CPR? If nothing else, he was a total idiot with no sense and should be held responsible for negligence and never work as a doctor ever again.
Re: Dr Murray screamed: Go get Prince! (chef)

Oopsie sorry guys, I seem to have got a bit muddled in my posting!

hmmm on one hand it is indeed to show Prince that Murray was doing "everything he could" but then on the other hand how could Murray do this to a 12 year old boy when the doc knew he was already a gonner.

Either way you look at it, it will haunt kid forever.

Is there any news on how the children are coping since the Blanket asking for daddy report(s)?

I hate to think this, but am more and more pointed toward the idea that the doctor called in Prince because of his screw up. He wanted a witness, yet again, a young, impressionable boy, to see (think) he saw the doctor frantically trying to save his Daddy. I believe it was all an act that occurred after the fact. All reports are leading to this. The only comfort I find is in knowing that Michael died in his sleep, and did not have people pumping his chest. He died in peace.
Re: Dr Murray screamed: Go get Prince! (chef)

Yeah, he was only making $150,000/month, he damn sure could afford one. Like everyone else. He's a doctor.
So he had no equipment there to revive Michael and had to just do CPR, which he did ON A BED with one arm, and he didn't call 911, and he LEFT HIM to go run downstairs and ask for Prince??? WTH would the reasoning be for that? Then how long after that did someone actually call 911? Don't you think he should have called them first and then moved Michael to the floor and performed proper CPR? If nothing else, he was a total idiot with no sense and should be held responsible for negligence and never work as a doctor ever again.

And don't you think that there was or should have been some sort of "alarm" in Michael's room? Usually houses like that have a "home alert device" built into every room so that you can push a button and buzz the kitchen or wherever.

We know it's BS - and still, Murray has not been arrested. This is SO frustrating that it got me thinking this morning;

WHAT IF - Murray is more than cooperating with authorities?
What if - he's turning over evidence and they know if they jail him he's dead?
What if - he's actually under protective custody because he's decided that he's not going down alone - regardless of possible threats made to him and his family if he "rats them out"?
What if THAT is why it's taking so damn long for the tox reports etc, because they're piecing together evidence to do a sort of Sting arrest to get everyone involved - and they need the time to gather ALL the evidence?

The above will only appeal to those who believe like I do that Michael's death is a conspiracy. I believe it goes "layers" deep and the deeper in the more protected the murderers are. > harder to find or link to his death.
I just don't see the Dr. going down alone.. I think he is going to sing and then others will be sitting right next to him in court..
^^ I agree. I think we should find out if it's legal and pester the hell out of T-Mez. :hehe:
Re: Dr Murray screamed: Go get Prince! (chef)

WHAT IF - Murray is more than cooperating with authorities?
What if - he's turning over evidence and they know if they jail him he's dead?
What if - he's actually under protective custody because he's decided that he's not going down alone - regardless of possible threats made to him and his family if he "rats them out"?
What if THAT is why it's taking so damn long for the tox reports etc, because they're piecing together evidence to do a sort of Sting arrest to get everyone involved - and they need the time to gather ALL the evidence?
if he was cooperating, they would not have raided his home by suprise same goes for his offices andstorage room

again, if he were turning over ALL of what they needed, they would've have raided him

he's not in protective custody.he has a bodyguard and is staying at his home in vegas

the tox report has been done and finalized a long time ago. it looks like the lapd, the dea, and prosecutors are gathering evidence.

it's best to arrest everyone at the same time, charge them etc...instead of tryingot build one case while actively investigating another one

look, let's say they only grab murray. where did he get the drugs? who tol dhim about it? how was he shown to adminisiter it? if they cannotanswer that themselves (the state) then the jury will have a lot of unanswered questions. going to deliberations w/ a scenario like that is almost always an acquital.

remember, they need to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this man acted in a criminally negligent fashion. the only way to dothat is to have the answers to everything.
Re: Dr Murray screamed: Go get Prince! (chef)

if he was cooperating, they would not have raided his home by suprise same goes for his offices andstorage room

again, if he were turning over ALL of what they needed, they would've have raided him

he's not in protective custody.he has a bodyguard and is staying at his home in vegas

the tox report has been done and finalized a long time ago. it looks like the lapd, the dea, and prosecutors are gathering evidence.

it's best to arrest everyone at the same time, charge them etc...instead of tryingot build one case while actively investigating another one

look, let's say they only grab murray. where did he get the drugs? who tol dhim about it? how was he shown to adminisiter it? if they cannotanswer that themselves (the state) then the jury will have a lot of unanswered questions. going to deliberations w/ a scenario like that is almost always an acquital.

remember, they need to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this man acted in a criminally negligent fashion. the only way to dothat is to have the answers to everything.

Exactly - and I agree with you. But what if the law is making it look like they're pointing fingers only at Murray to convince "the others" that they're not under suspicion because if they thought so they may run?
Re: Dr Murray screamed: Go get Prince! (chef)

And don't you think that there was or should have been some sort of "alarm" in Michael's room? Usually houses like that have a "home alert device" built into every room so that you can push a button and buzz the kitchen or wherever.

We know it's BS - and still, Murray has not been arrested. This is SO frustrating that it got me thinking this morning;

WHAT IF - Murray is more than cooperating with authorities?
What if - he's turning over evidence and they know if they jail him he's dead?
What if - he's actually under protective custody because he's decided that he's not going down alone - regardless of possible threats made to him and his family if he "rats them out"?
What if THAT is why it's taking so damn long for the tox reports etc, because they're piecing together evidence to do a sort of Sting arrest to get everyone involved - and they need the time to gather ALL the evidence?

The above will only appeal to those who believe like I do that Michael's death is a conspiracy. I believe it goes "layers" deep and the deeper in the more protected the murderers are. > harder to find or link to his death.

MURRAY has nothing to lose now. everything he owned is gone. his home business he may even try to kill himself... who is watching him anyways? a question we probably will not ever know.
I can't believe this doctor's incompetence and eagerness to protect his own ass cost Michael Jackson his LIFE.

Kai Chase is a very attractive and likable woman. I'm glad she's speaking out.