LMP discussion

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Not sure if lisa current husband is a member of the scientology church, but he properly supports her being apart of it.
I think he knew. He could've had intentions of joining, but when he discovered he was being lied to, he changed his mind and the marriage slowly started to end. This is off topic but, is ML Lisa's current husband a member of the church?

Hmmm that's a good question. I dunno, I don't read anything really about her past her and Michael.
I don't think he ever really considered it. He was brought up strongly in his church, even though he didn't stay in it, he kept a lot of the same principles.
Hmmm that's a good question. I dunno, I don't read anything really about her past her and Michael.
I don't think he ever really considered it. He was brought up strongly in his church, even though he didn't stay in it, he kept a lot of the same principles.
I think MJ considered it. He was very happy about having a family and he was willing to do what it took to make the marriage work, even if it meant changing religions. I believe MJ was doing over his part to make LMP happy. Oh well, look how she repaid him!!
I believe Michael would have supported her. He may have tried to talk to her about certain things but I don't think he would have wanted a divorce over it. Maybe that was one of the reasons why they divorced, who knows. I know plenty of couples that have two very strong religions that sometimes go against each other but they keep together. Some it doesn't work out, but for others it does.
I guess MJ and LMP just had too many differences that they didn't find out about until after they got married.
I think MJ considered it. He was very happy about having a family and he was willing to do what it took to make the marriage work, even if it meant changing religions. I believe MJ was doing over his part to make LMP happy. Oh well, look how she repaid him!!

So true!
Didn't Michael say that once he found someone he would have retired and settled down. Do you think he was ever planning on doing that with LM?
So true!
Didn't Michael say that once he found someone he would have retired and settled down. Do you think he was ever planning on doing that with LM?

He most likey properly was. I feel thats all he ever wanted, someone to love for all time and that person to love him bck with no strings attached.
He most likey properly was. I feel thats all he ever wanted, someone to love for all time and that person to love him bck with no strings attached.

:cry: yeah
Gosh, if I ever got the chance to be the lucky women to be his wife...I'd do it in a heartbeat!
I know we're talking about how people got into marriages too quickly, but I was just saying:p A girl can dream can't she.
I believe Michael would have supported her. He may have tried to talk to her about certain things but I don't think he would have wanted a divorce over it. Maybe that was one of the reasons why they divorced, who knows. I know plenty of couples that have two very strong religions that sometimes go against each other but they keep together. Some it doesn't work out, but for others it does.
I guess MJ and LMP just had too many differences that they didn't find out about until after they got married.
They obviously had no honest communication going on. I think LMP's deceit about having kids is what ended the marriage. I still wonder why she lied to him??? Did she really think he wouldn't catch on to her deceitfulness?
:cry: yeah
Gosh, if I ever got the chance to be the lucky women to be his wife...I'd do it in a heartbeat!
I know we're talking about how people got into marriages too quickly, but I was just saying:p A girl can dream can't she.

Aww hun dont cry :hug:

Yeh i think all of mjs girl fans feel the same...i know i do! :p
They obviously had no honest communication going on. I think LMP's deceit about having kids is what ended the marriage. I still wonder why she lied to him??? Did she really think he wouldn't catch on to her deceitfulness?

She had hid her pills somewhere in the bathroom, and that how mj found out ( well apperately anyway..) i feel so bad for mj, that all he wanted kids and a wife to love forever.
They obviously had no honest communication going on. I think LMP's deceit about having kids is what ended the marriage. I still wonder why she lied to him??? Did she really think he wouldn't catch on to her deceitfulness?

She probably thought that since he was so attracted to her and since he was the sweet man he was that he would have said OK and would have done anything to keep her happy and kept the marriage going. He even said that people need to quit acting like they know how he's feeling and that yes he's a sweet guy but he's still a man and when he has to get something done or said he does it. She knew he wasn't a pushover but she probably thought that since he loved her and since he was so attracted to her he would have forgotten his dreams and just stuck by her.
I actually think it's totally attractive that he wanted to be a father so bad. I mean how many guys can you find like that? The ones who don't really care about having that attractive wife but just really want children of their own. I know he wanted someone who he was attracted to, I mean we all do but he wanted children of his own more than anything.
She probably thought that since he was so attracted to her and since he was the sweet man he was that he would have said OK and would have done anything to keep her happy and kept the marriage going. He even said that people need to quit acting like they know how he's feeling and that yes he's a sweet guy but he's still a man and when he has to get something done or said he does it. She knew he wasn't a pushover but she probably thought that since he loved her and since he was so attracted to her he would have forgotten his dreams and just stuck by her.

Thats the #1 thing i hated- ppl trying to change michael! :angry: Michael was beautiful in every way possible...why change him??
He most likey properly was. I feel thats all he ever wanted, someone to love for all time and that person to love him bck with no strings attached.
I think I've read that. All he wanted was genuine acceptance and unconditional love.
She had hid her pills somewhere in the bathroom, and that how mj found out ( well apperately anyway..) i feel so bad for mj, that all he wanted kids and a wife to love forever.

are you serious?!

I heard a story, don't know if its true. I don't want to say it in detail because it's personal but after a certain time he asked her if she was pregnant and when she told him no he got a little upset and wanted to know why she wasn't pregnant yet. So that's why?
She had hid her pills somewhere in the bathroom, and that how mj found out ( well apperately anyway..) i feel so bad for mj, that all he wanted kids and a wife to love forever.

As far as I know that is a rumor and not confirmed. But I think I know why people believe it...(based on other stuff, apart from MJ's statements).
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She probably thought that since he was so attracted to her and since he was the sweet man he was that he would have said OK and would have done anything to keep her happy and kept the marriage going. He even said that people need to quit acting like they know how he's feeling and that yes he's a sweet guy but he's still a man and when he has to get something done or said he does it. She knew he wasn't a pushover but she probably thought that since he loved her and since he was so attracted to her he would have forgotten his dreams and just stuck by her.
I actually think it's totally attractive that he wanted to be a father so bad. I mean how many guys can you find like that? The ones who don't really care about having that attractive wife but just really want children of their own. I know he wanted someone who he was attracted to, I mean we all do but he wanted children of his own more than anything.
LMP wasn't really taking his feelings into consideration. She underestimated MJ. He was honest with her and she intentionally misled him. She never regained the most important part of him, and that was his trust. They had the sexual part, but I believe he never completely recovered from her deceit. It's such a pity fantastic, loving, modest, genuine MJ was mistreated. So unfair!!
As far as I know that is a rumor and not confirmed. But I think I know why people believe it...(apart from MJ's statements).

OK I thought so. I didn't think something like that would actually be released. Michael wouldn't have said anything, and even though she liked to bash Michael she wouldn't have said something to make herself look like the bad guy.
LMP wasn't really taking his feelings into consideration. She underestimated MJ. He was honest with her and she intentionally misled him. She never regained the most important part of him, and that was his trust. They had the sexual part, but I believe he never completely recovered from her deceit. It's such a pity fantastic, loving, modest, genuine MJ was mistreated. So unfair!!

Very, very unfair.
He deserved so much love, and yes he got it from his Children and his fans , but he deserved to be the family man he always wanted to be, to have a wife with him and his children. I had thought about why him and Debbie never really did such a thing but than I remembered someone saying that he wasn't attracted to her and he didn't love her like a wife, just a friend.
OK I thought so. I didn't think something like that would actually be released. Michael wouldn't have said anything, and even though she liked to bash Michael she wouldn't have said something to make herself look like the bad guy.

She can slip up. I'm pretty sure she said about having kids with MJ on Howard Stern that 'I got out of that one' and that she was worried about a custody battle. Remember she was very bitter and people can do and say ugly things when they are hurting.
She can slip up. I'm pretty sure she said about having kids with MJ on Howard Stern that 'I got out of that one' and that she was worried about a custody battle. Remember she was very bitter and people can do and say ugly things when they are hurting.

She said she got out of that one yet she goes and basically begs him back saying she'll have 9 of his children. Man she better be so glad Michael was the way he was because if he wasn't, well, I'm guessing she would be the one hounded and him being the one in the public viewed as the victim. I know he cared about what people though about him, but I think he cared more about being a gentleman than ruining her image for his sake.
Not to be rude but isn't that a little too personal for the board?
If it's not than OK but I don't want anyone getting into trouble here for invading anyone's privacy.:p
I also don't want this thread being locked.
ooops! That's right! I was responding to another poster about the rumor....thanks for telling me tho! Gotta be careful what we say.
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LMP may have been on the pill?

Yes. The rumor that was mentioned was that she was on the pill & not telling Michael. I think some fans were willing to believe that b/c of what was said by LMP's supposed friend in J. Randy's book.

@oldmoon20: It was briefly mentioned in the other LMP thread as pure rumor. That thread was very careful for fear of being thread locked. But I'd suggest we don't go down that road just to be safe, 'cause I know you don't want that to happen to this one.

She said she got out of that one yet she goes and basically begs him back saying she'll have 9 of his children. Man she better be so glad Michael was the way he was because if he wasn't, well, I'm guessing she would be the one hounded and him being the one in the public viewed as the victim. I know he cared about what people though about him, but I think he cared more about being a gentleman than ruining her image for his sake.

I see what you mean: she's lucky he's the man he is that wouldn't put their business out on the street. Well again I say, remember she was really bitter and hurt. She tried getting him back & it wasn't working so she decided to lash out. I'll bet she regrets it now, big time.
Yes. The rumor that was mentioned was that she was on the pill & not telling Michael. I think some fans were willing to believe that b/c of what was said by LMP's supposed friend in J. Randy's book.

@oldmoon20: It was briefly mentioned in the other LMP thread as pure rumor. That thread was very careful for fear of being thread locked. But I'd suggest we don't go down that road just to be safe, 'cause I know you don't want that to happen to this one.

I see what you mean: she's lucky he's the man he is that wouldn't put their business out on the street. Well again I say, remember she was really bitter and hurt. She tried getting him back & it wasn't working so she decided to lash out. I'll bet she regrets it now, big time.
LMP has plenty of regrets. I bet she's got one serious guilt trip.
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