MJ Estate Sends a Cease and Desist Letter to Katherine's Business Partner

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I don't believe the estate has the authority to MAKE Katherine Jackson do anything. Their only recourse is to sue Mann and/or have Bravado sue Mann for "trying" to sell anything that has MJ's likeness on it.

In my opinion, Katherine Jackson is not just "helping" certain members of her family. (I think it's normal to help folks in the family, IF you can, to a certain degree.) To ME, it just looks like not only is Katherine helping some family members, she is helping them to live like they lived when the Jackson-5 were a hot group and the money was rolling in.

I'm sure that's one of the reasons she wanted Michael to join his brothers on stage again. She was trying to capture the good old days of glory & PLENTY OF MONEY.

I'm sure life was swell back then, but times have changed and the surviving members of the J5 don't have money rolling in like they did back in the day. Folks want to ride around in fancy cars and live in fancy homes, but just don't have the dough to do so, WITHOUT Big Momma's help.

Folks living ABOVE their means, what's gonna happen when Big Momma ain't there to pick-up the slack anymore?

i was thinking they could somehow legally get her to end the contract. but i dunno. i think some of them live outside of their means just like many americans do. we are so busy tring to live the american dream it is putting so many of us into debt. i think another reason she wanted them to tour again is so they could be equally successful n im sure she like seeing all her babies perform together. it probably brings back memories. i think it would have been different if they all didnt start off equally successful. im also glad tht the money tht mj left katherine goes back into his estate cause lord tht would be a MESS
i know it says she recieves 26000 monthly. but y would she go to court and say the estate ONLY GIVES HER 7-8000
She never went to court and claimed that, these outrageous claims where made by her to TMZ and various other gossip outlets in a vain attempt to justify her dealings with the porn producer whom she bound MINOR CHILDREN to a lifelong contract although she has no authority to do so. And since she never went to court claiming this you could have never seen documents stating this.

-toya... say what you want abt her but she is well off.
Since Michael's death she is somewhat well off, b4 she was as broke as the rest of them, her house in Vegas was on foreclosure, not even the money she made while selling her brother to the British tabloids could rescue that apartment.
-marlon is in real estate and does things in africa

Marlon, filed for bankruptcy multiple times throughout the 90s.
-rebbie husband is in business from what i read on here..-
Rebbie's husband never had money, and still doesn't have money Katherine always supported her, I believe Janet and Michael did as well.
As for Tito, he stopped paying for his own sons education while he was divorcing DeeDee, of course Michael stepped in and ensured the boys could still visit the expensive private school, they had enrolled them in back in the 80s.

The California Raisin filed for bankruptcy multiple times himself.
Randy again has filed of bankruptcy several times, he was convicted of fraud as well, as he stole money of the company he used to work for.

Even Katherine and Joseph filled for bankcruptsy a couple of times! They are not ''Showbiz' No. 1 Family'' but the ''No. 1 Bankrupt family in Showbiz''!! LOL!
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She never went to court and claimed that, these outrageous claims where made by her to TMZ and various other gossip outlets in a vain attempt to justify her dealings with the porn producer whom she bound MINOR CHILDREN to a lifelong contract although she has no authority to do so. And since she never went to court claiming this you could have never seen documents stating this.

Since Michael's death she is somewhat well off, b4 she was as broke as the rest of them, her house in Vegas was on foreclosure, not even the money she made while selling her brother to the British tabloids could rescue that apartment.

Marlon, filed of bankruptcy multiple times throughout the 90s.

Rebbie's husband never had money, and still doesn't have money Katherine always supported her, I believe Janet and Michael did as well.
As for Tito, he stopped paying for his own sons education while he was divorcing DeeDee, of course Michael stepped in and ensured the boys could still visit the expensive private school, they had enrolled them in back in the 80s.

Randy again has filed of bankruptcy several times, he was convicted of fraud as well, as he stole money of the company he used to work for.


and once again where was baby sis Janet? Janet was raking in the dough in the late 1980's, to the late 1990's did she help out her brothers? while they were waiting for MJ to tour why didn't the brothers join Janet on any of her tours?
You know it's a VERY said state, when your 80-year old mother and/or grandmother has to continue to dole out money to "several" of her adult children (and their children) when it should be the OTHER way around.

Exactly. If a mother can raise and take care of 9 children.. then how come 8 adults (and their children) can't take care of ONE person that happens to be their 80yr old mother (grandmother)?
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and once again where was baby sis Janet? Janet was raking in the dough in the late 1980's, to the late 1990's did she help out her brothers? while they were waiting for MJ to tour why didn't the brothers join Janet on any of her tours?

frm what i read janet wouldnt let jermaine join her on tour because they wouldnt let her join them on tour.(tht was over 20 yrs ago) n the reason they didnt join janet on tour cause last i checked janet wasnt part of the jackson 5 or the jacksons. n they were trying to tour as the whole group.
n from what i seen, she did help marlon and rebbie out financially.
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She never went to court and claimed that, these outrageous claims where made by her to TMZ and various other gossip outlets in a vain attempt to justify her dealings with the porn producer whom she bound MINOR CHILDREN to a lifelong contract although she has no authority to do so. And since she never went to court claiming this you could have never seen documents stating this.

Since Michael's death she is somewhat well off, b4 she was as broke as the rest of them, her house in Vegas was on foreclosure, not even the money she made while selling her brother to the British tabloids could rescue that apartment.

Marlon, filed for bankruptcy multiple times throughout the 90s.
Rebbie's husband never had money, and still doesn't have money Katherine always supported her, I believe Janet and Michael did as well.
As for Tito, he stopped paying for his own sons education while he was divorcing DeeDee, of course Michael stepped in and ensured the boys could still visit the expensive private school, they had enrolled them in back in the 80s.

The California Raisin filed for bankruptcy multiple times himself.
Randy again has filed of bankruptcy several times, he was convicted of fraud as well, as he stole money of the company he used to work for.

Even Katherine and Joseph filled for bankcruptsy a couple of times! They are not ''Showbiz' No. 1 Family'' but the ''No. 1 Bankrupt family in Showbiz''!! LOL!

i love how some of yall try to make it seem like the only reason the family has any money is because of mj, which is not true. judging by what youre saying, according to you then mj was broke because hayvenhurst was abt to go into foreclosure, n he almost lost neverland. mj was takin care of his bills, his mommas n then that falls to whoever stayed with her.

-LaToya has had money before mj died. she lost one home, so what. youre saying it like she sated there and was evicted. which is not true. she drove a bentley before mj died, n from what they say, she stayed like 5min from mike n she has been seen shopping on melrose ave. BEFORE MJ DIED. n i read tht the apartment in vegas was for somebody else, not her. so she has been financially stable for a good min. n toya has done some interviews due to mikes death but most of the stuff she is doin, she was doin before he died.

-you could have kept abt tht marlon filing bankruptcy multiple times in the mid 90's. also i hope you know that filing bankruptcy doesnt always mean youre broke. between the mid 90's n recently is abt 12 yrs anyway. im sure he got back on his feet or he would have filed it recently. n he is in real estate n doin projects in africa. cause i remember not too long before mj died, they interviewed him abt that.

-honestly idk what rebbies husband does, but they have to be making it somehow. cause mj was giving katherine money but he wasnt giving her that DAMN MUCH where she could pay EVERYBODY bills as you say. they all stay in cali or vegas n thats not cheap property. n she couldnt have been paying for all of them cause heyvenhurst was abt to be lost n all the bills were behind. but i will add that in janets divorce papers where she listed her monthly expenses it stated tht she gave rebbie, her husband n marlon 150,000 each monthly. that was in late 90's/ early 00's( i know some of you are gonna disregard the last part because you dont like janet)

-n you also brought up something tht happened with tito OVER 20 yrs ago. his kids are all in their 30's now. n from margarets book she said he just stopped supporting them, not he stopped because he was broke. i think it was bad between him n dd. she also said that he later took them back into his home. like i said earlier, tito is straight.

-n how long ago did jermaine file for bankruptcy??? cause it seems as if bankruptcy means to you that someone is broke. even when you file ch7, you still have money coming in, its just that the money coming in, is more than the money going out. but i still dunno abt him. he has to be gettin money from somewhere though

-n i clicked on the link in your signature, n you do know that he filed for fruad because he withheld an asset when he filed for bankruptcy protection. so you actually saying he was convicted of fruad goes against your argument. its actually saying he has something and he was hiding it so he could recieve the protection, which is why it is fruad. this also dated back to 2001 which is a long time ago. n his situation is like if i wanted to file for food stamps but i leave out that i own a house and two cars. if they find out, i will be in the same situation he was in. it does show that he was having money problems though. n if he stole money from the company he worked for that would be embezzlement which is a federal crime. so im sure it would be printed somewhere n then you would have it posted in your signature.

-n i know that katherine n joe has filed for bankruptcy also. n i do think they have/had money problems

honestly none of us know what they have and what they dont have. we can only assume which is probably wrong anyway. im sure mj has supported various family members over the years, i truly belive that. in recent years mjs money was tight so im sure he couldnt shell out like he has in the past. but you cant dig up something that happened 15, 20 yrs ago and act like it still holds true to this day. even if most of what you said happened post 2005 I would give you more credit. the main people i think stand on their own now is janet, toya, marlon, n tito. well jackie, rebbie, n her husband maybe cause i havent seen anything that proves otherwise. now randy n jermaine i really dnt know at all. especially jermaine
Correction we know that Mrs Jackson says she needs more money and that she totally depended on Michael for support. We know that Marlon and Tito sold Michael out to the same rags that called Michael a pedo. We know that Latoya didn't even wait for Michael to go into his crypt before she started running her mouth and lying to anyone who would pay her including Victor Gutierrez. We know that Rebbie took some of Michael's things including his sunglass and IPhone case and sold them at auction. We know that Randy has a personal gig with a tab where he has sold pictures of Michael's crypt and even tried to get Michael's kids to be there and bitched on twitter about it that they were not there. Rich people don't act this way. Broke people with morals don't act this way. You are trying your best to defend the indefensible it does not work.
Correction we know that Mrs Jackson says she needs more money and that she totally depended on Michael for support. We know that Marlon and Tito sold Michael out to the same rags that called Michael a pedo. We know that Latoya didn't even wait for Michael to go into his crypt before she started running her mouth and lying to anyone who would pay her including Victor Gutierrez. We know that Rebbie took some of Michael's things including his sunglass and IPhone case and sold them at auction. We know that Randy has a personal gig with a tab where he has sold pictures of Michael's crypt and even tried to get Michael's kids to be there and bitched on twitter about it that they were not there. Rich people don't act this way. Broke people with morals don't act this way. You are trying your best to defend the indefensible it does not work.

They just act SO desparate (and at times CLUELESS, i.e. Victor Gutierrez) and in my opinion, it all boils down to how much money they can earn.

If they were so comfortable before Michael passed away, they wouldn't be so desparate to speaks to anybody who looks at them twice. And in my opinion, they would also stay away from publications that they know, OR SHOULD KNOW, have hurt their brother in the past.

I hate to say it, but they like to call themselves this great showbusiness family, but in my opinion, they have learned NOTHING from all of their "previous" experiences in showbusiness, whether it be dealing with the media or handling their money.

P.S. And Jermaine's "child-support" issues are not helping the Jackson family either.
Correction we know that Mrs Jackson says she needs more money and that she totally depended on Michael for support. We know that Marlon and Tito sold Michael out to the same rags that called Michael a pedo. We know that Latoya didn't even wait for Michael to go into his crypt before she started running her mouth and lying to anyone who would pay her including Victor Gutierrez. We know that Rebbie took some of Michael's things including his sunglass and IPhone case and sold them at auction. We know that Randy has a personal gig with a tab where he has sold pictures of Michael's crypt and even tried to get Michael's kids to be there and bitched on twitter about it that they were not there. Rich people don't act this way. Broke people with morals don't act this way. You are trying your best to defend the indefensible it does not work.
Thank you!! Exactly, at first I thought I'd ignore the above written, but thanks for setting things straight. I agree broke people with morals do not act that way, this kind of disturbing behavior can't even be excused by ''hey,they're broke they gotta do something for a living''. lol

Also, this seems to be a vain attempt of 'defending in disguise' to me.


They just act SO desparate (and at times CLUELESS, i.e. Victor Gutierrez) and in my opinion, it all boils down to how much money they can earn.

If they were so comfortable before Michael passed away, they wouldn't be so desparate to speaks to anybody who looks at them twice. And in my opinion, they would also stay away from publications that they know, OR SHOULD KNOW, have hurt their brother in the past.

I hate to say it, but they like to call themselves this great showbusiness family, but in my opinion, they have learned NOTHING from all of their "previous" experiences in showbusiness, whether it be dealing with the media or handling their money.

P.S. And Jermaine's "child-support" issues are not helping the Jackson family either.
I don't think they are clueless they simply do not care, they have proven time after time that they'd sell their own out for the right amount, or shall i say no matter what amount as long as they get some money.
These people only seem to care about themselves, and how they can fill their pockets, get their dead and long forgotten careers back on track etc. It's always 'me, Me, ME' with each and everyone of them. It's both ridiculous and sad at the same time, but the saddest part is that they don't realize how all of their actions make them look, apart from a handful obsessed J fam fans who show up, on every MJ board, no one thinks highly of these people.
Correction we know that Mrs Jackson says she needs more money and that she totally depended on Michael for support. We know that Marlon and Tito sold Michael out to the same rags that called Michael a pedo. We know that Latoya didn't even wait for Michael to go into his crypt before she started running her mouth and lying to anyone who would pay her including Victor Gutierrez. We know that Rebbie took some of Michael's things including his sunglass and IPhone case and sold them at auction. We know that Randy has a personal gig with a tab where he has sold pictures of Michael's crypt and even tried to get Michael's kids to be there and bitched on twitter about it that they were not there. Rich people don't act this way. Broke people with morals don't act this way. You are trying your best to defend the indefensible it does not work.

I just like to be rational when it comes to things especially when It's people I don't know. I still will like to know how you KNOW that's exactly what they did. WHo gave all this inside info. N I can understand if you think that, just like I think what I think but don't I don't act like mine is written in stone. I'm seriously asking where did you receive this info from cause maybe I missed something somewhere. I had never seen any proof to any of those claims n everytime someone talks about it they add on more stuff to the story, so that's y I don't believe it.
Thank you!! Exactly, at first I thought I'd ignore the above written, but thanks for setting things straight. I agree broke people with morals do not act that way, this kind of disturbing behavior can't even be excused by ''hey,they're broke they gotta do something for a living''. lol

Also, this seems to be a vain attempt of 'defending in disguise' to me.

I don't think they are clueless they simply do not care, they have proven time after time that they'd sell their own out for the right amount, or shall i say no matter what amount as long as they get some money.
These people only seem to care about themselves, and how they can fill their pockets, get their dead and long forgotten careers back on track etc. It's always 'me, Me, ME' with each and everyone of them. It's both ridiculous and sad at the same time, but the saddest part is that they don't realize how all of their actions make them look, apart from a handful obsessed J fam fans who show up, on every MJ board, no one thinks highly of these people.

N I was just being the devils advocate n bring another side to the argument. Do I believe they have been rich all of the years, no. DO I believe mj has supported various family members throughout, yes. Do I believe many of them are as broke as yall say, no. Especially not recently cause you guys have no proof. All you say is "they sold mike out", they told this story n that story" n I won't believe it until there is proof. N I brought up some good points n if I was wrong n you could have proved that, you could have told me but you failed to. You just agreed to the same ol, same ol stuff yall always say. N tIe only thing I really wanted you to answer was about randy n you still couldn't explain to me what I had wrong. So you believe what you want n I will to

They just act SO desparate (and at times CLUELESS, i.e. Victor Gutierrez) and in my opinion, it all boils down to how much money they can earn.

If they were so comfortable before Michael passed away, they wouldn't be so desparate to speaks to anybody who looks at them twice. And in my opinion, they would also stay away from publications that they know, OR SHOULD KNOW, have hurt their brother in the past.

I hate to say it, but they like to call themselves this great showbusiness family, but in my opinion, they have learned NOTHING from all of their "previous" experiences in showbusiness, whether it be dealing with the media or handling their money.

P.S. And Jermaine's "child-support" issues are not helping the Jackson family either.
I agree with most of your post. How many times have they given interviews strictly about mj (besides latoya n jermaine). N with janet she is promoting a movie. The company she worked for don't care who was nasty to mike or not. Many people gives interviews for business purposes n don't care for who they are interviewing or who's giving it
Come on now, if you need proof that MJ's brothers and sisters sold him out to any publication that was willing to pay them all you have to do is SEARCH this very board. LOL!

Rebbie DID sell Michael iPhone case and another item. Why a family member would want to sell MJ's iPhone case is beyond me, but to each his own, I guess.

Randy on Twitter telling folks that MJ's childen "will be there," only to have to come back with his tail between in legs and complain that "my mother said no." LOL!

The thing that cracks me up with "some" of the Jackson family is WHERE was all of this AMBITION before Michael passed away? Waiting, Waiting, & MORE Waiting and now they have NOTHING to show for all of that waiting.
There's a long post about the relationship between Mann, Melissa Johnson and Henry Vaccaro just posted in Leslie's Michael Jackson blog:


The Fantastic Three: Vaccaro, Mann and Johnson

An unbeliavable story develops in the case of Melissa Johnson. Here comes the details...

Johnson already used two sets of lawyers in his case against the MJ Estate since August, 2009. On November 1st, 2010 she hired a new lawyer, Edgar B. Pease. Does this name sound similar?

Pease was an attorney of Henry Vaccaro, the man who got ahold the biggest Jackson Family memorablia on the world through bankrupcy court. Now Pease is not only the attorney of Vaccaro and his Vintage Pop, but for Howard Mann and his Vintage Pop Media. Another interesting name?

Mann is the Canadian businessman who approached Katherine and Joe Jackson to support the collection Vaccaro still owns. They have release a book, a calendar and several other merchandises. So now Vaccaro, Mann and Johnson plays in the same team.

On the same day as Johnson hired Pease, Johnson and Mann signed a contract related to a business project. According to this contract Johnson will help Mann to promote the Vaccaro memorablias with her vast collection of intellectual properties related to MJ (mainly domains and trademarks). In a nutshell: Mann tries to get validity for making money of the memorablias, and found a good partner in Johnson who is still fighting against the MJ Estate. Mann will pay 33% of the profits to Katherine and 33% to Johnson (another shady move from Mann that he is not paying Johnson directly, but through Katherine), as well Mann pays all of Johnson's debts that already exceeded $130.000.

How come that Johson's case hasn't been thrown out by the Judge so far? She prayed for extensions in the case on many occasions. On the other hand Johnson has quite a lot e-mails backing her story. She claims that Shmuley Boteach approved her activities preserving MJ's Heal The World Foundation back in 2002.

And if it's still not enough, Johnson claims that in 2005 MJ approved for Johnson to act in his name when it comes to keeping HTWF alive. Guess who was the man between MJ and Johnson? Brian Oxman! Oxman even gave a written statement this September saying that MJ really approved Johnson's work.

Johnson in 2008 contacted MJ's than manager, Van Alexander. The manager once said to her that there is a fight in MJ's team and some "bad figures" took over MJ. Alexander advised Johnson to take HTWF on her own name, because MJ can't take care of it. Johnson furthermore contacted Al Malnik and Mark Harrison as well, both of them were well known representatives of MJ in earlier years.

So what Johnson owns? She has appr. 1800 domain names, trademarks registered all around the world. Pease claims that however MJ paid Johnson $25.000 in 2004 for some intellectual property, this amount was used for reviewal of the domain names. Johnson did not gave back the ownership rights to MJ or any of his entities.

And what Mann owns? 19800 photos, 26 hours of videos, 273 tracks related to MJ and his family.

While Mann is preparing for his testimonial hold on January 7, 2011 and Oxman the day before the parties are arguing over documents. Oxmann will be questioned about his interview gave to one of the television networkds this summer. While Mann will have to proove his connections to the Jacksons.

Unbeliavable, isn't it? Have you seen any articles with so many shady names at all?
Come on now, if you need proof that MJ's brothers and sisters sold him out to any publication that was willing to pay them all you have to do is SEARCH this very board. LOL!

Rebbie DID sell Michael iPhone case and another item. Why a family member would want to sell MJ's iPhone case is beyond me, but to each his own, I guess.

Randy on Twitter telling folks that MJ's childen "will be there," only to have to come back with his tail between in legs and complain that "my mother said no." LOL!

The thing that cracks me up with "some" of the Jackson family is WHERE was all of this AMBITION before Michael passed away? Waiting, Waiting, & MORE Waiting and now they have NOTHING to show for all of that waiting.

Don't bother some turn a blind eye on purpose this is a hopeless case.
I agree with most of your post. How many times have they given interviews strictly about mj (besides latoya n jermaine). N with janet she is promoting a movie. The company she worked for don't care who was nasty to mike or not. Many people gives interviews for business purposes n don't care for who they are interviewing or who's giving it
I would THINK that Janet Jackson is established enough to be able to pick & choose to whom she speaks. She's not a NEWBIE who needs to speak to everybody.

And in the climate we live in today, there are LOADS of medium where you can do your thing without cowtowing to the first person who asks you for an interview.

Aside, from the fact that she knew how to say NO, when anybody wanted to discuss her breakup with Jermaine Dupree! It's clear to me that homegirl knows how to say "NO" when she wants to.

Don't mean to highjack the thread. Back to the topic at hand: Mann is the type of character who is only looking for a fast buck, in my opinion. He knows he doesn't have a leg to stand on, but will play like he does, because that's what a con-artist does.
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I would THINK that Janet Jackson is established enough to be able to pick & choose to whom she speaks. She's not a NEWBIE who needs to speak to everybody.

And in the climate we live in today, there are LOADS of medium where you can do your thing without cowtowing to the first person who asks you for an interview.

Aside, from the fact that she knew how to say NO, when anybody wanted to discuss her breakup with Jermaine Dupree! It's clear to me that homegirl knows how to say "NO" when she wants to.

Don't mean to highjack the thread. Back to the topic at hand: Mann is the type of character who is only looking for a fast buck, in my opinion. He knows he doesn't have a leg to stand on, but will play like he does, because that's what a con-artist does.

I agree with your post about EVERYTHING.
I just like to be rational when it comes to things especially when It's people I don't know. I still will like to know how you KNOW that's exactly what they did. WHo gave all this inside info. N I can understand if you think that, just like I think what I think but don't I don't act like mine is written in stone. I'm seriously asking where did you receive this info from cause maybe I missed something somewhere. I had never seen any proof to any of those claims n everytime someone talks about it they add on more stuff to the story, so that's y I don't believe it.

Don't you think that it is hypocritical and contradictory to say that MJ fans don't KNOW about the things that were stated in the previous posts and you act as if YOU know what Janet does or doesn't do? Think about it.
Don't bother some turn a blind eye on purpose this is a hopeless case.

Ironically, I have been hearing RADIO DJ's say the exact same thing about Michael's brothers and sisters.family, etc. They said WHERE was all of this ambition BEFORE Michael passed? Why didn't the brothers AND the rest of the family put as much effort into their careers before Michael passed? Why NOW? If they had been doing all of this before, then maybe Joe and the rest of them wouldn't have had to badger and harrass Michael to tour with them. Of course, that is why I will never believe these "in-denial" stories. IF Michael was so "addicted" and "in-denial", why the COMPLETE rush to have him tour with his brothers and Janet. Makes you wonder, doesn't it. Of course, THAT's another story!
There's a long post about the relationship between Mann, Melissa Johnson and Henry Vaccaro just posted in Leslie's Michael Jackson blog:

The Fantastic Three: Vaccaro, Mann and Johnson

An unbeliavable story develops in the case of Melissa Johnson. Here comes the details...

Johnson already used two sets of lawyers in his case against the MJ Estate since August, 2009. On November 1st, 2010 she hired a new lawyer, Edgar B. Pease. Does this name sound similar?

Pease was an attorney of Henry Vaccaro, the man who got ahold the biggest Jackson Family memorablia on the world through bankrupcy court. Now Pease is not only the attorney of Vaccaro and his Vintage Pop, but for Howard Mann and his Vintage Pop Media. Another interesting name?

Mann is the Canadian businessman who approached Katherine and Joe Jackson to support the collection Vaccaro still owns. They have release a book, a calendar and several other merchandises. So now Vaccaro, Mann and Johnson plays in the same team.

On the same day as Johnson hired Pease, Johnson and Mann signed a contract related to a business project. According to this contract Johnson will help Mann to promote the Vaccaro memorablias with her vast collection of intellectual properties related to MJ (mainly domains and trademarks). In a nutshell: Mann tries to get validity for making money of the memorablias, and found a good partner in Johnson who is still fighting against the MJ Estate. Mann will pay 33% of the profits to Katherine and 33% to Johnson (another shady move from Mann that he is not paying Johnson directly, but through Katherine), as well Mann pays all of Johnson's debts that already exceeded $130.000.

How come that Johson's case hasn't been thrown out by the Judge so far? She prayed for extensions in the case on many occasions. On the other hand Johnson has quite a lot e-mails backing her story. She claims that Shmuley Boteach approved her activities preserving MJ's Heal The World Foundation back in 2002.

And if it's still not enough, Johnson claims that in 2005 MJ approved for Johnson to act in his name when it comes to keeping HTWF alive. Guess who was the man between MJ and Johnson? Brian Oxman! Oxman even gave a written statement this September saying that MJ really approved Johnson's work.

Johnson in 2008 contacted MJ's than manager, Van Alexander. The manager once said to her that there is a fight in MJ's team and some "bad figures" took over MJ. Alexander advised Johnson to take HTWF on her own name, because MJ can't take care of it. Johnson furthermore contacted Al Malnik and Mark Harrison as well, both of them were well known representatives of MJ in earlier years.

So what Johnson owns? She has appr. 1800 domain names, trademarks registered all around the world. Pease claims that however MJ paid Johnson $25.000 in 2004 for some intellectual property, this amount was used for reviewal of the domain names. Johnson did not gave back the ownership rights to MJ or any of his entities.

And what Mann owns? 19800 photos, 26 hours of videos, 273 tracks related to MJ and his family.

While Mann is preparing for his testimonial hold on January 7, 2011 and Oxman the day before the parties are arguing over documents. Oxmann will be questioned about his interview gave to one of the television networkds this summer. While Mann will have to proove his connections to the Jacksons.

Unbeliavable, isn't it? Have you seen any articles with so many shady names at all?


Unbelievable. And scary.
N I was just being the devils advocate n bring another side to the argument. Do I believe they have been rich all of the years, no. DO I believe mj has supported various family members throughout, yes. Do I believe many of them are as broke as yall say, no. Especially not recently cause you guys have no proof. All you say is "they sold mike out", they told this story n that story" n I won't believe it until there is proof. N I brought up some good points n if I was wrong n you could have proved that, you could have told me but you failed to. You just agreed to the same ol, same ol stuff yall always say. N tIe only thing I really wanted you to answer was about randy n you still couldn't explain to me what I had wrong. So you believe what you want n I will to

Don't be an idiot, Chanel. It's because of blind mice like you that many "in the know" fans stopped coming here.

Just search the threads posted here, in the 2003 Jackson Street, and you'll see proof of what many accused the Jacksons of doing and that, fellow poster, is the tip of the iceberg.

Just google "Tito+mirror" or "Marlon+mirror" and the list goes on and you'll see how they sold out MJ. Hell, forget that; it won't give you the full picture: search the threads posted here and you'll see the proof you're so desperate not to see.
Don't be an idiot, Chanel. It's because of blind mice like you that many "in the know" fans stopped coming here.

Just search the threads posted here, in the 2003 Jackson Street, and you'll see proof of what many accused the Jacksons of doing and that, fellow poster, is the tip of the iceberg.

Just google "Tito+mirror" or "Marlon+mirror" and the list goes on and you'll see how they sold out MJ. Hell, forget that; it won't give you the full picture: search the threads posted here and you'll see the proof you're so desperate not to see.

And see, in my opinion, that's why the Jackson's don't get the RESPECT they feel they deserve.

When famous folks die, their surviving family USUALLY closes ranks and stays on one page.

Here we got Joe Jackson going in his OWN direction. Katherine & THE PORN GUY. Jermaine still TRYING to recapture what happened 30-years ago, with a straight face (LOL). Janet willing to talk about "denial" so that she can have an opportunity to promote her latest project. Jackie "trying" to push that bogus single. Randy putting the family's business on his twitter page.

Supposedly famous folks just don't act like that. They come together as ONE and project a UNITED front.

The Jackson's are all over the place and folks (not just MJ fans) can see it!

And see, in my opinion, that's why the Jackson's don't get the RESPECT they feel they deserve.

When famous folks die, their surviving family USUALLY closes ranks and stays on one page.

Here we got Joe Jackson going in his OWN direction. Katherine & THE PORN GUY. Jermaine still TRYING to recapture what happened 30-years ago, with a straight face (LOL). Janet willing to talk about "denial" so that she can have an opportunity to promote her latest project. Jackie "trying" to push that bogus single. Randy putting the family's business on his twitter page.

Supposedly famous folks just don't act like that. They come together as ONE and project a UNITED front.

The Jackson's are all over the place and folks (not just MJ fans) can see it!



totally embarrassing! and another thing the family is the first family I've seen that when the family member was murdered/killed there is absolutely no outrage. I said from the very beginning that the family showed no outrage when MJ died. Not one of them raked the killer doctor over the coals like he should've been. I would've been all over the place asking why in the hell would this doctor give my son/brother this drug for sleep knowing it was wrong. And I also noticed that when other famous folks died of suspected overdoses, their family didn't trash them publicly like MJ's family did. When you're relative is killed by his physician you don't talk about drugs ( that he didn't die from), denials or interventions. The attention should be focused on the man that killed your brother/son.
And see, in my opinion, that's why the Jackson's don't get the RESPECT they feel they deserve.

When famous folks die, their surviving family USUALLY closes ranks and stays on one page.

Here we got Joe Jackson going in his OWN direction. Katherine & THE PORN GUY. Jermaine still TRYING to recapture what happened 30-years ago, with a straight face (LOL). Janet willing to talk about "denial" so that she can have an opportunity to promote her latest project. Jackie "trying" to push that bogus single. Randy putting the family's business on his twitter page.

Supposedly famous folks just don't act like that. They come together as ONE and project a UNITED front.

The Jackson's are all over the place and folks (not just MJ fans) can see it!


Yet folks try to deny all this nonsense happening and continue to turn a blind eye on it, straight up embarrassing. I tell you I thank the Lord everyday, for Michael to have had the wisdom he had, and not letting these ppl run his estate.


totally embarrassing! and another thing the family is the first family I've seen that when the family member was murdered/killed there is absolutely no outrage. I said from the very beginning that the family showed no outrage when MJ died. Not one of them raked the killer doctor over the coals like he should've been. I would've been all over the place asking why in the hell would this doctor give my son/brother this drug for sleep knowing it was wrong. And I also noticed that when other famous folks died of suspected overdoses, their family didn't trash them publicly like MJ's family did. When you're relative is killed by his physician you don't talk about drugs ( that he didn't die from), denials or interventions. The attention should be focused on the man that killed your brother/son.
Exactly, with these people it was like ''oh well it happened and I was sad but now it's my time to shine''. It wasn't Michael's fault nobody cared about his dozens of siblings. It was their destiny, Michael was destined to become the successful one. I think there is a lot of resentment toward Michael from their side still, as he rocketed sky high while they weren't even able to keep whatever position they had. They should be angry at God and not at Michael.
The Jackson's are all over the place and folks (not just MJ fans) can see it!

Alot of non MJ fans don't just see it, they laugh about it. Because i'm an actual fan of MJ's, for me none of this is funny. It's just sad.
And I also noticed that when other famous folks died of suspected overdoses, their family didn't trash them publicly like MJ's family did.


Look at Corey Haim's mother. She was an army of ONE. She was well aware of her son's past problems but she was STILL adamant that the media not say it was a drug overdose, until all of the facts were in.

Corey H. wasn't even famous like that but his momma was out there protecting her baby regardless. I give her mad props for that!

I "think," so far, the most noise we have heard from the Jackson family has come because of the 3 Casico songs. SOME members of the family spent a lot of time tweeting on that subject. I only wish they would show the same determination when it comes to Murray.

ME, I'd be on Murray like white on rice. Everytime his attorney says something, I would respond in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS! And I'd also make sure I was up on ALL of the facts. Starting with what's in the autopsy report!

Look at Corey Haim's mother. She was an army of ONE. She was well aware of her son's past problems but she was STILL adamant that the media not say it was a drug overdose, until all of the facts were in.

Corey H. wasn't even famous like that but his momma was out there protecting her baby regardless. I give her mad props for that!

I "think," so far, the most noise we have heard from the Jackson family has come because of the 3 Casico songs. SOME members of the family spent a lot of time tweeting on that subject. I only wish they would show the same determination when it comes to Murray.

ME, I'd be on Murray like white on rice. Everytime his attorney says something, I would respond in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS! And I'd also make sure I was up on ALL of the facts. Starting with what's in the autopsy report!
Exactly Big Apple, so true, it's just sad no matter from which angle one tries to view it.
Corey's momma was sure out there protecting her child, here on the other hand you had Michael's mother out there cracking on Michael's nose on national television, on THE SUBJECT he was so damn sensitive about.
I also agree with what your saying about Murray, but I guess they just don't bother.
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