Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael"/ Excerpt @pg151/New Interview Post 3743

Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Is it too late to submit a question? Darn, the Q & A thread was closed. If not, does it have to pertain to the book or can it be about Michael in general?

I submitted the questions to the publisher :(
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Frank wants to people see that Michael didn't hurt kids right? Well he needs to go to joy behar and showbiz and tell them off because they just compared Michael to the penn state situation. Not the same at all. Sorry to be off topic but I am so mad right now. I sent a complaint to them saying to leave Michael alone and rest in peace and to stop the hate. Not that they will listen but I feel helpless when these nonsense. Sorry again to go off topic here.

I have heard this too and unfortunately Joy Behar is not the only one. They use the Penn State scandal to trash Michael's name once again even when he has absolutely nothing to do with this case! Apparently Tom Mesereau will be on Bill O'Reilly to show why MJ's case wasn't like this. I can't stop thanking this man! But it's frustrating whenever the word "pedophile" comes up people need to throw MJ's name in. It's like the world is not satisfied with the fact he's dead. They want to destroy him completely - his legacy, his name, his reputation, his memory. Seems like he was that much of a threat for all these bigoted, ignorant, short-sighted fools!
Said MJ's back became chronic problem. MJ wanted to him to be spy at home to watch out his employee at neverland. MJ felt things went wrong when he was not home. MJ took off somewhere and left Frank to watch over. Said MJ didn't trust people. The staff was too relaxed when MJ wasn't home. Said MJ was the soul of neverland and when he left, the energy changed. People started talking about their colleagues when MJ left. He told MJ what he heard etc, some people got fired. MJ tried to rebuilt neverland.

I think Frank was one of those employees getting "too relaxed" when MJ wasn't home. From Jesus Salas' testimony in 2005:

22 Q. Do you remember Michael Jackson complaining

23 that Frank was going into his bedroom when Michael

24 was out of town?

25 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection; hearsay.

26 THE COURT: Sustained.

27 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: Was it your understanding

28 that Frank could get into that room on occasion? 4726

1 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection; foundation.

2 THE COURT: Sustained.

3 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: Do you know whether or not

4 Frank seemed like he could get into Michael’s

5 bedroom from time to time?

6 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection; foundation.

7 THE COURT: Sustained.

8 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: Did you ever observe Frank

9 in Michael Jackson’s bedroom?

And he would entertain people in the lower 4727

1 portion of his bedroom, correct?

2 A. That is correct, yes.

3 Q. People would get served food there, correct?

4 A. That is correct, yes.

5 Q. People would get served drinks there, right?

6 A. That is correct.

7 Q. And you say there’s a fireplace?

8 A. There’s a fireplace there.

9 Q. People would sit around the fireplace and

10 chat, correct?

11 A. Yes.

12 Q. And sometimes they did it when Mr. Jackson

13 was there, and sometimes they did it when he wasn’t

14 there, right?

15 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection. Foundation;

16 assumes facts.

17 THE COURT: Overruled.

18 You may answer. Do you want the question

19 read back?

20 MR. MESEREAU: Do you want — I’m sorry.

21 THE WITNESS: Answer it?

22 THE COURT: Yes. Do you want the question

23 read back?

24 THE WITNESS: No, I understood the question.

25 Pretty much when Mr. Jackson wasn’t there,

26 nobody was allowed to go into his room.

27 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: There were times when he

28 let people in, weren’t there? 4728

1 A. Yes, there was.

2 Q. And they would have some fun when Mr.

3 Jackson wasn’t even there, right?

4 A. That is correct, yes.

From Violet Silva's testimony:

“BY MR. SANGER: Was there a time when Mr.

3 Cascio threw a big party?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. And did that result in the depletion of

6 ranch resources?

7 A. Yes.

8 Q. Okay. Did that cause a problem between Mr.

9 Cascio and Mr. Jackson?

10 A. Yes.”
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Who didn't abuse MJ hospitality and abuse there association and/or friendship with MJ is what I want to know?! SMH And I find it an ugly habbit of people that were around MJ gettin jealous of eachother for his attention! He was only one dude. SMH

And OMG I can't believe MJ is being compared to penn state scandal? :bugeyed I havn't been watchin TV much since the trial ended and definitely not HLN, I had enough about them. Bless T-Mez for what he continues to do and if he thinks he has to go to a show like O'reily then media must be comparing MJ to this scandal a lil to much? >=(
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

People started talking about their colleagues when MJ left. He told MJ what he heard etc, some people got fired.

Why do i get the feeling frank may have told a few lies bout that?..mmmmm
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Frank wants to people see that Michael didn't hurt kids right? Well he needs to go to joy behar and showbiz and tell them off because they just compared Michael to the penn state situation. Not the same at all. Sorry to be off topic but I am so mad right now. I sent a complaint to them saying to leave Michael alone and rest in peace and to stop the hate. Not that they will listen but I feel helpless when these nonsense. Sorry again to go off topic here.
are they kidding me? from what i saw this guy have accusers coming forward from left, right, front and behind. that was NOT the case with MJ.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

I mentioned several days ago that there were eery similarities between the accusations against Michael and the Jerry Sandusky indictment. Specifically, there are things in the Sandusky indictment that read just like the excerpts from Frank's book that were released last weekend. Frank has a moral obligation not to back down from this. His friend is not here to defend himself. He should not have tackled this subject if he's not willing to fight it head on.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Eery similarities between the two cases? Such as, can you elaborate?
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

I'll just say that there is a trend now that is HORRIFYING! The Sandusky case is being compared to allegations against Michael -- directly -- by the usual "talking heads." On HLN, there was a photo of Sandusky and one of Michael, side-by-side, with the caption, "Did they get away with it?" Horrible. Just horrible. That Michael was acquitted of all charges, seems to have been ignored, and the abuse just goes on, and on, and on.

Frank will be making the talk-show rounds soon, and I truly hope that he can try to do major damage control about this, and confront the issue forcefully, that Michael molested NO ONE. Because of his book, he's now position to do just that, and as a friend to Michael, I hope he takes on that responsibility.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

^that's terrible, I think it deserves a thread of its own to plan and implement some action.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

I'll just say that there is a trend now that is HORRIFYING! The Sandusky case is being compared to allegations against Michael -- directly -- by the usual "talking heads." On HLN, there was a photo of Sandusky and one of Michael, side-by-side, with the caption, "Did they get away with it?" Horrible. Just horrible. That Michael was acquitted of all charges, seems to have been ignored, and the abuse just goes on, and on, and on.

Frank will be making the talk-show rounds soon, and I truly hope that he can try to do major damage control about this, and confront the issue forcefully, that Michael molested NO ONE. Because of his book, he's now position to do just that, and as a friend to Michael, I hope he takes on that responsibility.
this is upsetting. i don't understand, after hearing murrays recording where MJ is drugged and still only talk purely about children and wanting to help them, anyone still believe he was guilty.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

It's very horrifying. Seems when it comes to Michael it's guilty until proven innocent and then it's guilty after proven innocent.

Anyway, so far I am enjoying Frank's book. I like the little part where he describes Michael reprimanding him harshly as a child when he got mad at his mother and screamed at her. He said, "You never speak to your mother that way, ever. She gave birth to you. You would not be here if it weren't for her and she would die for you. You must respect your mother." He would also tell them "you have no idea how special your mother is" and "One day you'll see."
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

It's HLN you shocked?
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Despite the unfortunate headlines related to drug issues, Frank did a great job in making it absolutely clear that Michael was innocent. His stance is firm.
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Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

guys I think discussion of Jerry Sandusky should be kept outside this thread.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Im reading the book... I did not purchase it, and i did not put any money in Franks pocket. I want to read to hear what he has to say.. And can't be attacked for that!! So far Im on page 51 and it has been very good so far.. I know from reading previous pages in the thread its not all going to be that way. But at least up to this point the book has been great.. He explained how they met, what Michael was like, how it was at Neverland, and being a child around Michael, and meeting Jordy, the alegations... That is where I am right now.. It has been filled with interesting stories that caught my attention.. the first 51 pages he has painted MJ to be a wonderful person with a heart of gold that him and his family admired..

Keep in mind im only on page 51.. I am aware that things could change, and I know it will talk about drugs.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Im reading the book... I did not purchase it, and i did not put any money in Franks pocket. I want to read to hear what he has to say.. And can't be attacked for that!! So far Im on page 51 and it has been very good so far.. I know from reading previous pages in the thread its not all going to be that way. But at least up to this point the book has been great.. He explained how they met, what Michael was like, how it was at Neverland, and being a child around Michael, and meeting Jordy, the alegations... That is where I am right now.. It has been filled with interesting stories that caught my attention.. the first 51 pages he has painted MJ to be a wonderful person with a heart of gold that him and his family admired..

Keep in mind im only on page 51.. I am aware that things could change, and I know it will talk about drugs.

If it is still "very good" when you finish it do you plan on buying the book? Don't you think Frank deserves the respect of people legally purchasing his work?
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

the first 51 pages he has painted MJ to be a wonderful person with a heart of gold that him and his family admired..

all of the pages portray Michael that way... even the drug use due to pain doesn't portray michael as a bad person, it just shows how evil the world and people was towards michael..
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

I bought the book yesterday and read it in an entire sitting until it was done, 2 am in the morning.

And let me tell you, I really, really appreciated it. Yes, it's his side of the story, I get that. I very much get that.

I laughed tears in spots, "Agent Orange", anyone?? :rofl:
Pastry and the Second Coming? Awww.
I cried a bucket of tears in other spots.

I am happy I bought it- I found it very healing to read and for that, THANK YOU! May the author feel free to come to my house of Italian inlaws, I understand. :D

As I put down the book, the last pages still rang in my ears. I went online- and this was the first picture I saw. And it made total sense.

"Thank you, Frank."

Some won't find what I found reading it- others on the hand felt a sense of appreciation and peace- and that is all that matters and I'd think that Michael would appreciate the sense of healing (as short lived as that feeling was) being brought through simply a book.
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Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

guys I think discussion of Jerry Sandusky should be kept outside this thread.
AGAIN - Please dont derail this thread further with discussions of the Sandusky case.
all such further posts will be deleted- Thanks for your cooperation

If you wish to discuss it you are more than welcome to open your own thread on the topic
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

all of the pages portray Michael that way... even the drug use due to pain doesn't portray michael as a bad person, it just shows how evil the world and people was towards michael..
Thats what I've been sensing from the summaries, I guess this topic of drug use was being taken out of context.
I bought the book yesterday and read it in an entire sitting until it was done, 2 am in the morning.

And let me tell you, I really, really appreciated it. Yes, it's his side of the story, I get that. I very much get that.

I laughed tears in spots, "Agent Orange", anyone?? :rofl:
Pastry and the Second Coming? Awww.
I cried a bucket of tears in other spots.

I am happy I bought it- I found it very healing to read and for that, THANK YOU! May the author feel free to come to my house of Italian inlaws, I understand. :D

As I put down the book, the last pages still rang in my ears. I went online- and this was the first picture I saw. And it made total sense.

"Thank you, Frank."

Some won't find what I found reading it- others on the hand felt a sense of appreciation and peace- and that is all that matters and I'd think that Michael would appreciate the sense of healing (as short lived as that feeling was) being brought through simply a book.

I liked the way you put it . I guess I'll buy the book eventually now, seems like a refreshing read from the summaries and reviews so far.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Did anyone see him on GMA today? You didn't miss anything..... more drug talk -_-
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

Did anyone see him on GMA today? You didn't miss anything..... more drug talk -_-
I didnt see it. Was that all he spoke about or was it the GMA wanting to focus on that.
Did Frank portray Michael in a bad light or explain the pain MJ endured ? Is that what
you focused on in the interview or was there more being discussed? Thanks

Every show Frank goes on will want to focus on the drugs. Thats what they do
but Frank must learn to intervien and stated the book is much more than that.
and the focus of his book isnt on Mjs drug use. The media will always go there.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

He handles it well though on the GMA :)
Did anyone see him on GMA today? You didn't miss anything..... more drug talk -_-
and did he set the record straight? or how about he never wrote about in the first place. i guess that was a condition of murdochs ppl giving him a deal. we want some dirt.
Re: Frank Cascio "My Friend Michael" book release date Nov 15 ,2011 / Excerpt posted at @pg151

He handles it well though on the GMA :)
Thank you becuase based on the above statements they were implying Frank didnt
handle it well or try to defend MJ .. just talked about drugs Why ?? I dont get it ..

Ill have to watch and see how he did - Thanks :)

Frank can not control the questions being asked - all he can do is clarify and show
MJ in a positive light regardless of where the media wants to take it. I asume most
people already know that.