Tom Sneddon dies of cancer

You clearly don't know me. So I'm going to tell you who I am.

I was a moderator on MJNewsOnline from 2004-2006, during the second trial, and a moderator on the forum that was formed after that from 2008-2009. I have MJ posters all over my wall, I live streamed a Michael party in 2003 where Michael was there, I have tons of Michael Jackson CDs and books, I am a fan of the whole family (and have every album made by a Jackson, including every album made by Latoya), I have every unreleased song and b-side that has ever come out, and I even wrote a song about Michael Jackson in tribute of him (you can find it on my 2009 album that is up on iTunes and Spotify.) I also bought tickets to the This Is It tour in 2009.

I'm a huge, huge, huge Michael Jackson fan. Probably bigger than you. I consider him my idol, and I was devastated when he died, and still am. I don't see anything wrong in what I wrote. Like I said, I didn't like Sneddon, but at least I recognized that he's a human being, with family members who loved him. I feel for them. I don't feel bad that Sneddon died, because he was evil, but I feel bad for his family. You are twisting my words, and I don't want to get into an argument with you. I just don't see how dancing on someone's grave makes you classy.

I never said you weren't a fan, nor did I ever say I was more a fan than you. Who you are or who you were is not the point. Quite the opposite since I clearly stated I was not reffering to you exclusively and that I understand you're trying to make us see someone else's point.

So, I take it as you decided to take the discussion to another direction, one that I have no interest in.

You didn't answer any of my questions so I have nothing to add. I'll just agree with a fellow fan:

This is getting ridiculous, honestly. We haven't even harrassed his family to remind them how nasty and despicable that failure of human being was, we haven't accused anybody of such disgusting wrongdoing like Sneddon did or ruined their lives. So the hatred and spiteful comments and attire he gets, it was well deserved. Again, I insist....

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I'm dropping the argument. I was wrong, I'm free to feel however I want and same with you. No need to get off the high horse, I've jumped off.
The high horse wasn't directed only specifically to you Ship but for all the people calling some of us out because we felt glad/didn't feel compassion/didn't feel bad when we knew he died and also feeling hatred based on your self righteous and "holier than thou"'attitude when we explained that snake is quite deserving of it.

Hatred is part of the human nature. But one thing is hating for sake of doing so due idiotic prejudice, envy, racism and bigotry like many who harmed Michael and another thing is hating because you despise evil inflicted on innocent people, animals and despise injustice, it's your choice if you decide to hate or not but please people,get off your moral high horse and don't judge the ones who decide doing so. Even Michael hated, he felt bad for hating that ungrateful bastard Arvizo but he couldn't help it, I don't blame him since the doctors and him saved his life and what did he get in return? A stab in the back because that mother f*cker and co. ruined his life and they robbed his children the chance of having a father. It wouldn't surprise to me if Michael hated that snake or the Chandlers as well.
The high horse wasn't directed only specifically to you Ship but for all the people calling some of us out because we felt glad/didn't feel compassion/didn't feel bad when we knew he died and also feeling hatred based on your self righteous and "holier than thou"'attitude when we explained that snake is quite deserving of it.

I think I said things poorly.

I do hate Sneddon for what he did, and I don't feel sad over his death. I feel bad for his family, but not for him. He's in hell, I'm sure.
Evan Chandler's dead, Sneddon's dead, Bashir was fired from MSNBC and currently has no career..hmm I wonder what's next? Looks like karma is catching up with all of MJ's enemies.
There's absolutely no justice in their deads because those SOB didn't pay for the harm they caused and their crimes. Yes, Chandler and Sneddon are dead but Jordan has a luxurious life for the blood money he took and fully supported by the media. As Michael said, many mean spirited, evil people are on the top of the world doing fine while they get away with it and innocents continue to suffer, what kind of justice is that?
Stacey Brown is fake as fake can get. He was on MJ side when the Arviso allegations first started, but then went on TV to tell MJ to call his momma and be around his family more, on the Dan Abrams show on MSNBC. Then MJ told him to shut up and literally STOP speaking for him on TV when he didn't even know him, by a letter sent by MJ to Dan Abrams and read to Stacey Brown on TV. He got EMBARRASSED because he was a poser trying to pass as a friend of MJs when he was really just Rebbie's irrelevant friend! So that pissed him off and after that he was a TRUE HATER! This is what literally started Stacey brown endless hate and rants against MJ! He was butt hurt that he got a HUGE MJ DISS! :rollin:

And goin back to Sneedon....again not for a sec do I believe he or Diane Dimond EVER believed MJ was a child molester. Diane "career" began when someone assigned her to report on the 93 made her money to make him look guilty. This is how she got her name out there, the ONLY way it works for her to make her money and since good news doesn't sell, why would she stop?

And Sneedon wasn't called "MAD DOG" for nothing! He didn't like to lose. No match in those 93 pics, yet he still wouldn't stop, he falsified evidence because he couldn't find any, which speaks volumes. Got the FBI involved and they couldn't find anything...yet Sneedon wouldn't stop! He just simply hated MJ and his life style...calling Neverland, "Fairlyland" In a interview he gave exclusively to Diane Dimond on CourtTV! This shit was personal! I guess if u weren't like Sneedon, believed in what he believed in and lived the way he saw was "normal" you were a threat to him! CREEPY!

And honestly lets not forget Victor Gutierrez! That guy is what got the ball really rollin that started the 93 shit and is connected to Diane Dimond as her best source. Sneedon just had the law on his side to try to put MJ away! So until all these bastards are gone, I won't be truly happy!
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That "he didn't like to lose" thing. That is so true, but when he lost twice in 93' and 05' he's secretly became a whiny loser. Well Boo-Hoo to him.
The day Chandler and Arvizo publicly and sincerely admit Michael never laid a finger on them and it was all a disgusting lie to get money from him, I'll be in a way happy. It's their choice doing the right thing and vindicate Michael once and for all but I doubt it will ever happen, they're both a pair of despicable, coward kunts.
I think everyone has two sides, a good side and a bad side. Even Michael said that Sneddon wasn't a bad guy, right? So why are fans so eager to celebrate Sneddon's death? It's kind of creepy to do that, honestly.

Sorry, but I don't believe for second MJ said that.
Have you listened DS?
Even if you dismissed the obvious lyrics, listed on 4:45 mark

That ain't sound of popcorn popping:D

You do know most of the time MJ wrote songs, they tend to be autobiographical, and HiStory album is full of songs that he felt strongly about. If I remember correctly, MJ was asked about how he has been, he replied something like "listen to my HiStory album". DS songs wasn't included in it, because MJ thought he wasn't bad man.

Secondly, I really don't get that some fans keeps bring in an argument that MJ didn't this or that, fans shouldn't either. I can only speak for myself, I am not Michael Jackson, and never be, nor pretend to be, nor want to be............if you and some others who keeps bring in similar argument, want to live your lives according to MJ, fine, but I can't, because I'm me and MJ is MJ.
There's absolutely no justice in their deads because those SOB didn't pay for the harm they caused and their crimes. Yes, Chandler and Sneddon are dead but Jordan has a luxurious life for the blood money he took and fully supported by the media. As Michael said, many mean spirited, evil people are on the top of the world doing fine while they get away with it and innocents continue to suffer, what kind of justice is that?

Exactly how I feel. The peace of death is too good for these disgusting people. Hopefully, if hell does exist, Evan and Sneddon will have to spend a lifetime suffering the same way Michael did.
I bet mj is munching popcorn and laughing with the angels in heaven at sneddon + chandler roasting in hell . :evil:

I bet they wish that they could ask mj for a even a glass of water.:evil:
I know its not a Christian thing to say bad things bout someone s death but I feel joy that he's no longer here. That man destroyed Michael and caused him so much pain, hope snedden gets to hell where he belongs
I bet mj is munching popcorn and laughing with the angels in heaven at sneddon + chandler roasting in hell . :evil:

I bet they wish that they could ask mj for a even a glass of water.:evil:

If you really think that, then you never understood Michael Jackson.
We can't judge people so easily. No one is pure good or pure evil. Besides death itself is a natural process that is not necessarily bad.
Originally Posted by red33 View Post
I bet mj is munching popcorn and laughing with the angels in heaven at sneddon + chandler roasting in hell .

I bet they wish that they could ask mj for a even a glass of water.

No. The way Michael hated seeing all things suffer? He'd be the first one down there with a pitcher of water for them. Just too nice, sometimes.
I think MJ would not be all to sad to hear of TS passing to be honest.

I don't think he would cry of happiness - but I do not think he would cry of sadness either. - Think he might just be a little relieved really...
No. The way Michael hated seeing all things suffer? He'd be the first one down there with a pitcher of water for them. Just too nice, sometimes.
Well that's true.
.:angel: He was too nice for his own good at times. He always showed kindness, even to people who definitely don't deserve it in the least *cough*thechandlers*cough* *cough*the arvizos*cough*. It's sad that his kindness that caused him to be ruthlessly exploited and treated so cruelly by others. :cry: :cry:.

Be careful who you love, indeed...
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None of us knows how Michael would (or wouldn't) treat Sneddon's death. Unless you knew Michael personally and spoke with him about how he would ever react to such news, nobody here can say with 100% certainty how he would react.
Michael wasn't a saint he was human. He was a very kind, talented man but he was human. He got angry, hungry, sad, happy, hot and cold just like the rest of us. I don't believe Michael would be sitting home mourning over Tom Sneddon's passing.
I wonder who's going to join sneddon next? :evil:
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I don't think Michael would celebrate Sneddon's death, but I do think he would breath a sigh of relief
When Michael did the short film "They Don't Care About Us," where he is wearing prison garb, he was making a point about District Attorney's like Tom Sneddon. Too many men are wrongly convicted. Tom Sneddon was an ambitious man, both politically and personally.

It's just too bad that he was so gleeful when arresting Michael Jackson in 2003. Tom couldn't look at himself as the man in the mirror and realize his faults. Tom was too proud a man to admit he was wrong about Michael Jackson. He took that to his grave, while other's continue to do his dirty work and continue to besmirch an innocent man. Safechuck and Robson prove that point. It's too bad.
Seen this a couple days ago. I really have no thoughts in regards to this. I'm just sad that he outlived Michael. People always tend to say "how dare you for applauding his death, Michael wouldn't do that, he had a family, how dare you"...Michael wrote a song ripping the guy, so I surely don't believe he'd be mourning for the man, and did Tom Sneddon care that Michael had a family when he was attempting to get him convicted for child molestation and trying to give Michael life in prison, away from his family? Sneddon didn't show one ounce of care in the world for Michael's family. So why should we do it for him?
Seen this a couple days ago. I really have no thoughts in regards to this. I'm just sad that he outlived Michael. People always tend to say "how dare you for applauding his death, Michael wouldn't do that, he had a family, how dare you"...Michael wrote a song ripping the guy, so I surely don't believe he'd be mourning for the man, and did Tom Sneddon care that Michael had a family when he was attempting to get him convicted for child molestation and trying to give Michael life in prison, away from his family? Sneddon didn't show one ounce of care in the world for Michael's family. So why should we do it for him?

Couldn't have said it better myself.
. I don't see what's wrong in being happy about the death of a very evil man who deliberately hounded an innocent man and probably ruined many other lives . He didn't even give a damn about justice (he let actual predators go free), so he doesn't even have that as an excuse.