All TMZ stories: Jackson family pursuit of Justice (wrongful death lawsuit)/see pg6 for documents

Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

How do you know michael and his father didn't get along during his last years. Joes was with michael when he needed his support at court. Wasn't it joe michael wanted for help with AEG? Joe was at michael's house last year for paris' birthday and michael went to his anniversary party, there was also another visit he had with his parents in may I think. Who knows what kind of relationship they had at the end of michael's life. They propbably had their differences and Joe hads the right to at least try to file a lawsuit as a father.

It's not about relationships it's about law.
Joe has to show proof that M's was supporting him,but the fact he was left out from the will and he already failed to provide this info before makes it harder for him to get everything he wants.
Yes he's entitle to do whatever he wants,getting it is another thing especially if your lawyer is Oxman.I don't think he will get what he wants maybe some of it which will be enough to at least pay oxman fees.
Re: All TMZ stories about Jackson family pursuit of Justice (wrongful death lawsuit)

On a good note that is good that Joe is fighting for his son but real talk dude is a little too late I'm just fed up and tired of holding back Dude knew his son life was a fate years ago and did nothing but i can really blame him cause it was to many powerful people around Mike and they did whatever they could to stop Joe from even taking a breathe around his son. I will pray for Joe and the family to continue to seek Justice for Michael trust me when I mean this case is about to get ugly it will out of no where we all are going to see all kinds of stories about Michael and people turning on him and so on. The real people need to start talking hopefully they will because "these people need to be stop" they just killing off people and think its ok they not no damn Gods i'm just in tears right now just up set
Re: All TMZ stories about Jackson family pursuit of Justice (wrongful death lawsuit)

Joe's lawsuit will be thrown out. Why because Joe has no standing to sue Michael was not supporting him

But he was, through Katherine. At least he was at one point in time, Michael said so himself on those phone call tapes on youtube. After that, who knows.

Though where else do you think Joe was getting money from to fund his lifestyle all these years? Depending on the argument people want to make, one minute they say Joe always asked MJ for money and he was living off Michael's money, and the next minute they say Michael was not supporting him.. I don't get it...make your minds up.
Re: All TMZ stories about Jackson family pursuit of Justice (wrongful death lawsuit)

mj gave katherine money.she gave some of that to joe. i guess it comes down to whether he was offically supporting him. and how he got that money. if mj gave kathering money and she decided to give joe some. thats nothing to do with mj. maybe it comes down to how offical it was

Dude knew his son life was a fate years ago and did nothing
joe wanted a peice of it thats why. all u have do is look at his actions with rowe in the months b4 june

as has been said many times over the years civil suites are about money not justice. and joe has no money......
Re: All TMZ stories about Jackson family pursuit of Justice (wrongful death lawsuit)

mj gave katherine money.she gave some of that to joe. i guess it comes down to whether he was offically supporting him. and how he got that money. if mj gave kathering money and she decided to give joe some. thats nothing to do with mj. maybe it comes down to how offical it was

joe wanted a peice of it thats why. all u have do is look at his actions with rowe in the months b4 june

as has been said many times over the years civil suites are about money not justice. and joe has no money......

I remember hearing that michael gave the money to katherine for her and for joe, and that katherine agreed to what joe said about michael supporting him.
Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

Isn't there a statute of limitations that dictates that if a case is filed it must be filed within a certain timeframe, like say 1 year of the alleged event. I think so. And if so, Mr. Jackson filed just close to the wire because he was also required to give a 90-day notice of intent to sue. Wow, people, give the man a break. His son was murdered!
Re: All TMZ stories about Jackson family pursuit of Justice (wrongful death lawsuit)

yes theres limitations
Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

Isn't there a statute of limitations that dictates that if a case is filed it must be filed within a certain timeframe, like say 1 year of the alleged event.

in California the general statue of limitations for wrongful death suit is 2 years after discovery (not the alleged event).
if you are filing a wrongful death suit based on medical malpractice than the statue of limitations is 1 years after discovery (not the alleged event).

discovery means establishing the reason for death.

I think that the statue of limitations would have started in September 09 when they amended the death certificate to include the reason.
Re: All TMZ stories about Jackson family pursuit of Justice (wrongful death lawsuit)

mj gave katherine money.she gave some of that to joe. i guess it comes down to whether he was offically supporting him. and how he got that money. if mj gave kathering money and she decided to give joe some. thats nothing to do with mj. maybe it comes down to how offical it was

Yeh maybe ur right about that.
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Re: All TMZ stories about Jackson family pursuit of Justice (wrongful death lawsuit)

Hello, All

1) Murray - Has the top lawyers, correct? Do you know anything about his criminal lawyers? They are working for him without payment. They are not receiving one dime from Murray.

2) Murray - Is a palm in the game plan of taking Michael Jackson's fortune as well as to disgrace him. However, Murray has insurance that these men do not screw him over because Murray has several of things we all are looking for in this case. Guess what they are?

3) Murray will not go down for this charge at all. It is a set up and Murray will be released which the police cannot pick him up on this charge again.

4) Remember the secret meeting between the DAs and Murray's Lawyers. What do you think they were discussing? They were discussing what charge would be easy to defend and to win against. They sat around discussing the case together and guess who joined them? I shall not tell you because I had to do all the research and I will let you find this answer.

5) Have you notice who was present in the court room for the official charge of Dr. Murray? Blow up the picture and see who was there. Locate the article and remember the list. Katherine, Randy, LaToya, the article is "Katherine Jackson on Conrad Murphy He's Guilty"

6) Look at this article from July 9, 2009 and

I hope this helps...if not let me know....
Re: All TMZ stories about Jackson family pursuit of Justice (wrongful death lawsuit)

the conspriacy section is for your train of thought. the case section is about the actual case
Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

How do you know michael and his father didn't get along during his last years. Joes was with michael when he needed his support at court.

Joe says (I think at Larry King) they didn't get along.
Joe Jackson to Sue Dr. Murray for Wrongful Death

Originally posted 17 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

TMZ has obtained a copy of a legal document that Joe Jackson has sent to Dr. Conrad Murray -- a prerequisite to filing a wrongful death lawsuit ... in which Joe claims Dr. Murray had been drinking at a strip club hours before he allegedly administered a fatal dose of Propofol to Michael Jackson.

According to the document, "On June 25, 2009, prior to treating Michael Jackson, defendant was at a 'strip club' called 'Sam's Hofbrau' in Los Angeles where he had been 'drinking.'" The doc goes on: "It was reckless for him to 'drink' prior to administering anesthesia to Michael Jackson. He concealed his conduct from Michael Jackson."

The doc, written by attorney Brian Oxman, outlines Murray's treatment and the medical emergency that ended in Michael Jackson's death.

According to the document, Michael had "neurological, pulmonary, and anemia signs over several weeks prior to his death. In May and June, 2009, Michael Jackson was confused, easily frightened, unable to remember, obsessive, and disoriented." Oxman goes on: "He had impaired memory, loss of appetite, and absence of energy. He was cold and shivering during the summer rehearsals for his show ..."

Oxman claims these problems were caused by Dr. Murray administering a "polypharmacy" of drugs (multiple meds) to Michael. And Oxman claims, Dr. Murray "ignored the signs of Michael Jackson's pulmonary inflammation, brain swelling, and anemia."

Oxman alleges Murray repeatedly lied about the drugs he administered to Jackson and withheld vital information from EMTs and doctors who were trying to save Jackson's life. He repeated all of the alleged inconsistencies that have been previously reported.

Oxman says of Dr. Murray, "His conduct was inhuman. It was an extreme violation of the standard of care."

We're told Dr. Murray received a copy of the document in March. Dr. Murray's legal team tells TMZ, "The allegations are absolute, utter nonsense."

And people close to Dr. Murray insist he does not drink ... ever.

We're told the document was served on Dr. Murray on March 27, 2010. According to California law, Joe Jackson must wait 90 days from the date the document is delivered before filing an actual wrongful death lawsuit. The 90-day period is up Friday, the anniversary of Michael's death.
Re: Joe Jackson to Sue Dr. Murray for Wrongful Death

updated the title for the legal documents
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Re: Joe Jackson to Sue Dr. Murray for Wrongful Death

Joe and Oxman..... :sigh:

According to the document, Michael had "neurological, pulmonary, and anemia signs over several weeks prior to his death. In May and June, 2009, Michael Jackson was confused, easily frightened, unable to remember, obsessive, and disoriented." Oxman goes on: "He had impaired memory, loss of appetite, and absence of energy. He was cold and shivering during the summer rehearsals for his show ..."

Oh..... really?????? :smilerolleyes:

And here we go....

Next.... :coffee:
same claims from Oxman is now presented in a written format..

one interesting tidbit

Michael Jackson was identified to UCLA personnel under the false name Soule Shaun.
Re: All TMZ stories about Jackson family pursuit of Justice (wrongful death lawsuit)

mj gave katherine money.she gave some of that to joe. i guess it comes down to whether he was offically supporting him. and how he got that money. if mj gave kathering money and she decided to give joe some. thats nothing to do with mj. maybe it comes down to how offical it was

joe wanted a peice of it thats why. all u have do is look at his actions with rowe in the months b4 june

as has been said many times over the years civil suites are about money not justice. and joe has no money......

There is nothing wrong with suing for money in a civil case. That is how it works. My child dies wrongfully, by a company or a doctor - I am suing for money. I hope everyone in the family sues. How much money there will be from Murray's insurance policies, if he kept paying them?? Companies often change policies, resulting in better safety from lawsuits. Hopefully this will result in changes that will prevent future tragedies.

We are far likely to find out more from a civil trial than the one by the DA. I look forward to it.
Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

Joe says (I think at Larry King) they didn't get along.

IMO it doesn't matter whether they got along perfectly or not - people often go thru periods where they don't get along & are estranged - then later have very good relationships. I have coworkers who have been divorced & years later they ended up remarried to their spouse.

We don't & will never know what MJ's relationship would have been with his parents, siblings, who he would have married - because Murray took his life.
Re: Joe Jackson to Sue Dr. Murray for Wrongful Death

What I would like to know is where did Oxman get his information regading the diagnoisi regaridin privacy issues. The condition MJ was in? Last I check, a patient's care must be held under strick confidental security. Unlsess there is some thing has changed...I may not be uware of.
Re: Joe Jackson to Sue Dr. Murray for Wrongful Death

What I would like to know is where did Oxman get his information regading the diagnoisi regaridin privacy issues. The condition MJ was in? Last I check, a patient's care must be held under strick confidental security. Unlsess there is some thing has changed...I may not be uware of.

Good question. Once someone passes away, just whom is legally able to obtain complete medical records of everything? Is Oxman going only by what the media has reported, ie the info released to the general public, or was he granted permission to Michael's medical records in proxy because of his relationship to Joe? But from I can understand, it's a mixed bag. Joe as the father, what legal hurdles does he have to overcome if he has no legal standing in the will?

Good question for Ivy: just how much info can Joe/Oxman obtain? Does being someone's father automatically give free access to all medical records, are there no restrictions, especially considering that Katherine (who is alive and of apparent sound mind) is explicitly named in the will and Joe is not?
Medical records are still protected by the privacy laws after death. Michael's estate and the criminal investigators will have access to it.

I believe Oxman is using the autopsy report (plus they have a private one done), the ambulance report and UCLA emergency records (remember which asked and was was given access to by the court order)..

IMO some stuff looks like over exaggeration of the autopsy report findings.
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I see, Oxman is pursing his drug addiction theory; noting in the autopsy.*

F* Oxman
Re: Joe Jackson to Sue Dr. Murray for Wrongful Death

Good question for Ivy: just how much info can Joe/Oxman obtain? Does being someone's father automatically give free access to all medical records, are there no restrictions, especially considering that Katherine (who is alive and of apparent sound mind) is explicitly named in the will and Joe is not?

Remember the judge ONLY granted MJs father/Oxman to view Michaels medical records from June 25th. That came along with restrictions like no leak to the media and the judge wanted to take a look at the documents before turning them over to see if it was too private or not. All other medical documents were due to maintain sealed. So, im baffled how they have come up with all of this.

According to the document, Michael had "neurological, pulmonary, and anemia signs over several weeks prior to his death. In May and June, 2009, Michael Jackson was confused, easily frightened, unable to remember, obsessive, and disoriented." Oxman goes on: "He had impaired memory, loss of appetite, and absence of energy. He was cold and shivering during the summer rehearsals for his show ..."

Err.. I think it can be very damaging for Oxman to claim MJ had SIGNS of this and that. Way to mislead the full picture. If you are not sure or know for a fact then hush!

This information sounds more like they have gathered this information from people around Michael during the rehearsals? I know some of the follower fans have shared their side of the story with Oxman. Karen Faye have been pretty vocal with claims about MJ during rehearsals and its gonna be intereting to see what MLB think now when he is gonna speak on 20/20 about this.
There is nothing wrong with suing for money in a civil case
didnt say there was but most ppl wait until a criminal case is over with first as getting justice is the main objective. money isnt. well we know it is for some ppl.
oxmans full of crap. other than the records he was given u can bet the rest is totally made up and mixed together from accounts of others. we saw the crap that was in his previous filings about what mj did or didint have.hes prob hoping for a settlemt b4 he has to prove his B.S in court
Re: Joe Jackson to Sue Dr. Murray for Wrongful Death

This information sounds more like they have gathered this information from people around Michael during the rehearsals? I know some of the follower fans have shared their side of the story with Oxman. Karen Faye have been pretty vocal with claims about MJ during rehearsals and its gonna be intereting to see what MLB think now when he is gonna speak on 20/20 about this.

That's the way it reads to me too.
Joe Jackson files wrongful death suit against Murray

LOS ANGELES - Michael Jackson's father filed a wrongful death lawsuit Friday against the doctor charged with giving the pop superstar a lethal dose of sedatives one year ago, accusing the Nevada doctor of negligence, secrecy and poor training.
Joe Jackson sued Dr. Conrad Murray on Friday — the anniversary of Michael Jackson's death — in federal court in Los Angeles.
The complaint, which seeks more than $75,000, accuses Murray of professional negligence for providing the singer with a mix of sedatives — including the anesthetic propofol — that authorities say killed him.
Propofol is normally administered only in hospital settings, but Murray had been providing Jackson the drug in the bedroom of the singer's rented mansion in Los Angeles. Joe Jackson contends the physician tried to conceal his administration of the drug after Jackson's death.
The lawsuit also names medical clinics that Murray operates in Las Vegas and Houston, claiming they did not properly train or supervise the doctor. The lawsuit was filed in federal court because Murray's clinics are in other states and the doctor lives in Nevada.
Murray has pleaded not guilty to an involuntary manslaughter charge filed in February. His attorneys have said that he did not give Jackson anything that "should have" killed him.
His civil attorney, Charles Peckham, repeated that assertion Friday.
"We'd like to remind people that Dr. Murray has not been found guilty of anything and we believe his innocence will be proven in a court of law," Peckham said in a statement. "We've been told we were going to be sued for months so today's filing is no surprise to us."
Joe Jackson's attorney, Brian Oxman said there's a one-year deadline after a death to sue doctors in the state of California.
"It's an important thing for Joseph Jackson," Oxman said of the lawsuit after he personally filed it. "He wants justice for his son Michael."
Also Friday, a court official in Nevada approved what a prosecutor called a reprieve of efforts to revoke Murray's medical license in that state.
Prosecutor Gerard Costantian said Murray's attorneys paid about $5,000 toward Murray's $15,000 back child support obligation, and the rest will be paid in coming months. Murray lawyer Kristine Brewer said later the money came from an anonymous benefactor whose name she didn't know.
Murray owes the money to the mother of his 12-year-old son in California. He didn't have to appear in court Friday. Nevada law allows for the suspension of professional licenses for nonpayment of child support.
The lawsuit came on a day when fans around the world were mourning Jackson. Joe Jackson was not seen at two of the marquee locations — the unveiling of a statue in the family's hometown of Gary, Ind., and the Glendale, Calif., cemetery where his son is interred.
Joe Jackson's lawsuit claims Murray repeatedly lied to paramedics and doctors about giving Jackson propofol. Using hospital records obtained earlier this year, the lawsuit claims Murray told an emergency room doctor that he had only provided Jackson two medications, Valium and Flomax.
It also claims the doctor changed his story to police. Murray's attorneys have said detectives misinterpreted parts of Murray's statements, and their official timeline differs from what he says happened.
The lawsuit faults Murray for not keeping adequate medical records. It also says Murray used his clinics in Nevada and Texas to obtain drugs that were then given to Michael Jackson.

The Jackson family patriarch is seeking damages for a variety of issues, including loss of income and support, emotional distress, and pain and suffering.
It is unclear what money, if any, he'll be able to collect if he wins. Even before Jackson's death, Murray faced mounting debts and adverse judgments in several courts for unpaid bills and child support. His $150,000 a month contract to be Jackson's personal physician while the singer performed in a series of comeback London concerts was never signed, and his attorneys have said he is barely hanging on financially.
The complaint leaves the door open to additional defendants being added.
"Mr. Jackson believes there are other parties responsible for Michael Jackson's death, but has not yet gathered sufficient information regarding their potential liability or responsibility," the complaint states.
Jackson has filed a complaint against concert promoter AEG Live with the California Medical Board, alleging it was engaged in the illegal practice of medicine by allegedly guiding Murray's treatments of the singer.
Steve Cron, a criminal defense attorney who also handles civil matters, including wrongful cases, said the case will likely benefit from the criminal prosecution of Murray.
He said Joe Jackson's attorney will now have access to evidence presented in that case, and could have the case strengthened if Murray is convicted.
"Hopefully from his point of view, Murray gets convicted," Cron said. "If he's convicted, that pretty much makes it a done deal that he's liable."
But Cron said there are disadvantages to filing the case in federal court, rather than state court where most wrongful death actions are heard. He said the case will likely move faster through the federal system than it would a state court, and the makeup of the jury will become a greater factor. Cron said a civil jury would have to unanimously find Murray is liable; in state court only nine jurors would have to find him guilty in the civil case.
Re: Joe Jackson files wrongful death suit against Murray

I heard about this, and TBH I think its more about money than justice for Mike...