All TMZ stories: Jackson family pursuit of Justice (wrongful death lawsuit)/see pg6 for documents

Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

All I wish is that *it* didn't happen :(
Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

IMO Joe is doing this for distraction.
And he is using Oxman the same way too. Joe is not a fool, he knows he could get a better attorney.
I tend to believe he is working undercover to prove the will is forged.
Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

No, it's not a distraction.
IMO, Joe and Oxman are aiming at AEG et their money. It's pretty clear.

And he is using Oxman the same way too. Joe is not a fool, he knows he could get a better attorney.
Concerning Oxman, he's around Joe for many years. And Joe not being a fool is only your opinion.

One thing is sure, Oxman is selling stories to tabloids and making some $$$$.
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Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

Lawsuit Aims To Stop Katherine, Joe & Jermaine Jackson From Inheriting Millions From Michael's Estate

Posted on Aug 05, 2009 @ 03:25PM

In what will very likely be the first of many legal actions involving The Estate of Michael Jackson, Segye Times Inc. filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles Probate Court to put a lien on money that may be going to Katherine, Joe and Jermaine Jackson.

In legal papers obtained by, the South Korean newspaper company is trying to collect on a debt that goes back 20 years.

Segye Times fronted the three Jacksons $5.5 million for a series of Jackson family concerts in 1989. They didn't happen and the company won a breach of contract judgment against the Jacksons in a CA court in 1994. Segye was never able to collect so they went back to court and renewed the judgment in 2003.-- the Jacksons didn't even bother to appear in court to defend themselves that time.

Interestingly, the attorney representing the Katherine and Joe through this was the very same Brian Oxman who presented himself as the Jackson family attorney/spokesman in the hours after Michael's death.

Segye Times is now saying it is owed $7,865,730.78 plus interest that amounts to about another $4.5 million and is growing daily. They want the court to order that when Michael's estate starts paying out inheritances, they get their money before the "judgment debtors" see a dime.
Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

This article shows Joe and Oxman at work.
Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

I know it's my opinion Marc, I said it right from the top : I M O

I guess time will show. What matters is not who is right and who is wrong in their speculations. We are not trying to convince each other here.
What matters is truth that became lost and is waiting to be uncovered.
Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

What I think about Joe and Oxman I better not say.
Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

Lawsuit Aims To Stop Katherine, Joe & Jermaine Jackson From Inheriting Millions From Michael's Estate

Posted on Aug 05, 2009 @ 03:25PM

In what will very likely be the first of many legal actions involving The Estate of Michael Jackson, Segye Times Inc. filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles Probate Court to put a lien on money that may be going to Katherine, Joe and Jermaine Jackson.

In legal papers obtained by, the South Korean newspaper company is trying to collect on a debt that goes back 20 years.

Segye Times fronted the three Jacksons $5.5 million for a series of Jackson family concerts in 1989. They didn't happen and the company won a breach of contract judgment against the Jacksons in a CA court in 1994. Segye was never able to collect so they went back to court and renewed the judgment in 2003.-- the Jacksons didn't even bother to appear in court to defend themselves that time.

Interestingly, the attorney representing the Katherine and Joe through this was the very same Brian Oxman who presented himself as the Jackson family attorney/spokesman in the hours after Michael's death.

Segye Times is now saying it is owed $7,865,730.78 plus interest that amounts to about another $4.5 million and is growing daily. They want the court to order that when Michael's estate starts paying out inheritances, they get their money before the "judgment debtors" see a dime.

Joe and Oxman together.... the result never be good. :unsure:
Breaking news: Joe jackson to file a civil lawsuite against murray

It has just been reported that Joe jackson WILL file a civil law suite against Murray saying the night MJ died was like Murray was playing a game of Russian Roulette with Michael's body untill he got the bang.
He says that the court isnt charging Murray enough and still stands by the fact that he was involved in a lot more then man slaughter.
Re: Breaking news: Joe jackson to file a civil lawsuite against murray

Great! They should have done this much earlier!
Re: Breaking news: Joe jackson to file a civil lawsuite against murray

Good! Its about time.
Re: Breaking news: Joe jackson to file a civil lawsuite against murray

Joe must have been visited by 3 ghosts of christmas and woke up this morning deciding to do something good

Nice job Joe.
Re: Breaking news: Joe jackson to file a civil lawsuite against murray

Thats great!
Re: Breaking news: Joe jackson to file a civil lawsuite against murray

I'm not trying to put a downer on this thread but a civil case is all about the money not justice....
The only way justice will be served is if Murray down for all thats possible!
Re: Breaking news: Joe jackson to file a civil lawsuite against murray

^ I don't see it that way. I just see it as Joe being fed up and taking matters into his own hands. Good on you Joe!
Re: Breaking news: Joe jackson to file a civil lawsuite against murray

^ I don't see it that way. I just see it as Joe being fed up and taking matters into his own hands. Good on you Joe!

Sorry I wasnt being against what Joe is doing, sorry I didnt make that clear in my reply
I was just informing that a civil case normally the outcome is in monetary terms :)
Re: Breaking news: Joe jackson to file a civil lawsuite against murray

I ain't trying to be a downer either, BUT, in my opinion, the criminal case should be decided before Joe Jackson files a civil suit.

And although I don't mind seeing the floor under Murray's feet completely crumble, these types of things need to be handled properly so that you can ensure a correct outcome.

Lastly, according to the law, I'm not even sure that Joe Jackson is the one who should be filing this type of lawsuit. I always thought it would be filed by Michael's HEIRS, namely, his three children and so far it appears that whomever will file a civil suit on behalf of the children are taking their time. Or so it would seem.

One more thing, what ever Joe Jackson decides to do, I just wish it was with another attorney and NOT Brian Oxman!
Joe Jackson suit cites Murray for murder

Joe Jackson's planned wrongful death lawsuit against Dr Conrad Murray has reportedly cited him for murder of his late son Michael.

According to Reuters Joe's lawyer Brian Oxman earlier spoke out about the details of the suit.
"The continuous administration of drugs over six weeks - he (Murray) gave him propofol every night - that is Russian roulette, that is loading six bullets into a gun with only six chambers," Oxman said.

Prosecutors have charged Murray with involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death.

The singer's personal physician is currently fighting accusations that he administered the anaesthetic propofol which killed Jackson. He pleaded not guilty to the involuntary manslaughter charge in February.

Joe plans to file his lawsuit within 90 days.
Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

I think the the family should wait until after the possible trial before filing any lawsuits.
Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

I do not believe Murray was given Michael Propofol for six weeks Michael would have been dead six weeks before June 25. He had no equipment to monitor or give Propofol in the right way And, Joe has no legal standing to sue Murray at all this case if he files it could be thrown out.
Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

Please show or tell me how this is considered in any way Justice for Michael.

In my opinion Murray should get everything thats coming to him for taking away Michael.

Your same question applies when other people are compensated with money when their loved one dies. It doesn't bring them back, but it happens. Wrongful Death suits were not invented for Joe Jackson.
Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

Weird because Joe did it with Oxman but Oxman isnt able to go in courts etc... he is not a lawyer right now. SO This ball is ridiculous.. ?
Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

I don't care how it happens.

That truth needs to come to light. All I can say is, DIG! And don't stop till we find it! We know it's down there, buried. But we're just not digging in the right place, or not digging deep enough, or both.
Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

Weird because Joe did it with Oxman but Oxman isnt able to go in courts etc... he is not a lawyer right now
yes he is. hes on probation nothing more
Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

Joe's lawsuit will be thrown out. Why because Joe has no standing to sue Michael was not supporting him and lets face it he and Michael did not get along so he can't say lost of companionship
Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

go Joe! please god help this man and his family to find justice for their son!!!!
Re: Joe Jackson Gets Wrongful Death Ball Rolling

Joe's lawsuit will be thrown out. Why because Joe has no standing to sue Michael was not supporting him and lets face it he and Michael did not get along so he can't say lost of companionship
How do you know michael and his father didn't get along during his last years. Joes was with michael when he needed his support at court. Wasn't it joe michael wanted for help with AEG? Joe was at michael's house last year for paris' birthday and michael went to his anniversary party, there was also another visit he had with his parents in may I think. Who knows what kind of relationship they had at the end of michael's life. They propbably had their differences and Joe hads the right to at least try to file a lawsuit as a father.