Dave dave?

Jan 17, 2004
I'm not sure this is the right forum, but i'd like some help.

A very good friend of mine, also a hardcore MJ fan gave me a few youtube links and says it was incredible. So i check it, and i see it's the old Larry King interview with Dave dave. My friend went 'omfg, listen to him, the way he pronounces words, he seems nervous,...it's exactly like MJ'

So yeah...basically he's starting to believe it's MJ. Is there any concrete proof out there that it's really just Dave dave, the guy that MJ befriended long ago? I really need that right now..i can't convince him any other way.
oh im sorry... but wow that is all the Hoaxers talkin. wish they would stop
Pleas tell me why Michael would go through all that trouble, faking his death, framing Murray ( he would never do that) and go on national tv? Does that make sense ATT ALL?
To me not at all, i don't doubt for a second that the good man is in a much better place now. But my friends seems easily convinced or fooled...if you will. He says 'look at the eyes..the way he says things..the voice man' and i'm like, sure it's like him, but not THAT much like him though. You got all these comments on those videos saying it all makes sense, because he was in debts, had enemies that wanted him dead and so on...all nonsense. Youtube is filled with those videos, just like there's countless of theories on 2Pac and how he's still alive, yeah right. Or how Paul Mcartney has been dead for years now...pleaaaaase.
LOL. This shouldn't bother you if you don't doubt that its really Dave Dave. Is your friend also trying to convince you that its MJ?
I think you should leave your friend to investigate this on his/her own and decide for themselves.
maral;3550093 said:
Pleas tell me why Michael would go through all that trouble, faking his death, framing Murray ( he would never do that) and go on national tv? Does that make sense ATT ALL?

My friend says...it's possible that Murray is in on this as well, and that Michael wanted to see if he could live like this, and thus go on national tv.

I'm not in doubt, but he's going crazy about the whole thing, he thinks alot about it and tries to make me see what he means. Just now he told me this. Don't know where its from...i bet from one of those youtube videos.

LAX (Los Angeles airport) was shutdown for 2 hours on 25th June after Michael Jackson’s sudden death. A mysterious private jet departed from the airport during this time. The staff on the airport had been told to ignore the plane. This is interesting, since Jermaine Jackson made a little slip-up during a radio-interview not too long ago. He said that “Michael was not with us way before he arrived
to the airport.” The woman who interviews Jermaine gives him a strange look, and Jermaine quickly says he meant “the hospital”. Airport… Hospital. Alike?

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I don't think there are any videos proving the opposite of the videos you are talking about.

What do you mean exactly? :)

My friend also finds it curious how Dave Dave's eyes are blue in one video, and brown in others. I can't explain that...but it's no reason to believe its MJ.
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I'm sorry but Im certain it is Dave Dave and Ive spent a fair bit of time checking. I have even seen evidence on videos to show it is Dave Dave. Im not sure where to find them now Im sorry. But they show little things that prove it is him. Trust me, I spend enough time on the hoax thread and if I thought for a second it wasn't him Id be saying so.

Also about the eyes I dont think the pictures are clear enough and the eyes appear dark as his pupils are enlarged. I have the same problem, my eyes are very green, but in photos they can sometimes look brown or dark looking due to the enlarged pupils.

Hope this helps! :)
I believe he's talking about this picture


And then compared to his eyes and eye colour on Larry King.
I believe he's talking about this picture


And then compared to his eyes and eye colour on Larry King.

I can kinda see now why my friend finds it curious...look at this picture and the eyes...i can't explain that, i have to admit that.

Yes I see what you mean and as well take a look at the neck. It looks totally different!

The Larry King photo looks very close to the top shot though..... In the neck area as well.

Why is the Larry King thing always so blurry?.... Was there never a clear copy of it? I havent seen one and I dont get why its always so blurry. There really should be a clear video or shot somewhere, but Ive never seen it!

I wonder how old the pic is on the left? ....Are his eyes blue in that?.... I cant see that well, but I can see what you mean there looks a difference in the type of color they are there.
I believe he's talking about this picture


And then compared to his eyes and eye colour on Larry King.

I can kinda see now why my friend finds it curious...look at this picture and the eyes...i can't explain that, i have to admit that.

And that is one of the many reasons hoaxers exist because this is just way too off with the eye colors,voice and mannerisms. Can someone actually be this similar to MJ in demeanor? It's possible yet freaky.

Edit: He hardly even has a left ear lobe in the first picture while the pictures on LK depict visible parts of his ear lobe. On the LK interview the ears appear clipped back but on the first picture No ear LOBE...

Maybe Im delusional and its just the angle. But then again I see no parts of a visible ear lobe in the first pic even though its facing closer to the camera.
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This photo here happens to be the one I commented on when this individual, who I am not convinced is the real Dave Dave, first posted it on their MySpace a couple years ago. And oh, wouldn't ya know it, my comment was immediately deleted. haha. Well, I just couldn't resist posting what I did...I said,

"Pick a color, any color, but please commit to only one."

As you see, his eye on the right is green/blue and his eye on the left is brown. That means we are talkin' a contact in at least one of them. To make sure at the time I was seeing this correctly, I enlarged the photo on my computer to see the color of the pixels clearly in each eye.

This guy struck me as a player. I was turned off and eventually stopped going to that MySpace...haven't been back in over a year. The vibe did not match the vibe I picked up on the real Dave Dave that was interviewed on Leeza Gibbons at some point in his teenage years. He had a beautiful spirit about him. Now Dave Dave is a man in what...his thirties? I know Life changes individuals...but if MJ was always a loving presence in his life, and I believe he was, why would the inner spirit of Dave Dave change that much?

I think several people around Michael just adopted his manner so Dave one of them. Let's remember Murray's televised speech in 2009. many hoaxers still think it was MJ because of manner of speaking lol

Larry King should check a documents before invite smb :yes:
I cant see the video Shila.

Me neither, it's gone.

How odd. Here's the link (trying again)


Staford Bullterrier said:
Ok so that photo could be a faker and the real one was at Larry King

I'm revisiting all of this...it was two years ago when I first was considering these things, so I'm trying to remember my thoughts on this at the time.

I felt that both the LK Dave Dave and the Dave Dave on MySpace were not the real Dave Dave. And they also were not the same person. So I am discussing three different Dave Daves. Could my conclusions be ridiculous and very inaccurate...absolutely! Dave Dave could end up totally laughing at me and wondering how I could have such times on my hand to waste. lol. But I will communicate to you why I thought what I did.

First of all I remember (and it's unfortunate that I have not saved anything and am going to have to try to gather stuff on this again, which I'll do as I construct this post) when observing Dave Dave on Larry King that his shoulders looks unnaturally wide.


(btw, the MySpace Dave Dave has narrow shoulders)

I thought that something was being worn underneath the clothing to acheive that. However...then, I watched a special piece some news program did on Dave Dave at the time of the the burial and LK interview (which I thought was strange in itself). In this bit it briefly talked about Dave Rothenberg's being a past burn victim (along wht what he is up to these days) and showed some footage of his father, who had done this horrible thing to him, in his jail clothes. He has wide shoulders:


So it is possible that Dave Dave could have inherited these same wide shoulders. Just trying to be objective.

But there is one thing Dave Dave most definitely inherited and that is a distinctive eye shape. The lid on the outside of the eyes drop down at an angle which affects the shape.


It's difficult to see on the teenage Dave Dave due to the frames of his glasses.

Here's another pic of him as a boy with MJ. Aww, cute. :) How loving of Michael. This is why I think MJ's kindness and kind of heart would have rubbed off on Dave Dave. But inevitably, everyone has to take their own road and are responsible for their own heart attitudes. Even members here on the site evaluating Frank Cascio...well, he, too, grew up with MJ as his teacher and model, but Frank is his own separate person. MJ can only influence others so much. Then it's up to the person to become who they decide to become within.


Back to the person on MySpace. I had a major check that someone who had spent to so much time with MJ would as an adult turn around and try to take advantage of MJ's fans by pulling on the heart strings. This character posted pics of his supposed cousin who needed help in the area of rehabilitation costs and this Dave Dave asked that each fan be willing to send in $5.00. Does this not spell out scam? Someone with the correct heart would not do that, and MJ I cannot imagine would condone this.

Now as I indicated above,when I watch the Leeza Gibbons interview my heart feels warm...a good feeling comes over me when I listen to Dave Dave. But whenever I visited that MySpace I got a sick feeling in my stomach. Something felt quite wrong. The pics that were posted by the Dave Dave there, only about two looked to me like they could be the actual Dave Dave. I don't have all the pics, I didn't save them, but I did just now find this one that I remember was posted there:


Notice the consistant eyelid slant.

The rest of the pics posted on that MySpace account the individual stayed looking like the guy in the scarf, the pic where I had pointed out had two different eye colors.

Here, compare the one I feel is the real Dave Dave to the MySpace Dave Dave (who has no eyelid slant, but more rounded eye shape):


And notice the softer expression in the eyes on the Dave Dave on the left compared to the character on the right. Someone pointed out in a post above regarding scarf guy's ears. Even in his pics they vary, and the markings on his face seemed to me to vary. Again, I'm sorry I am unable to pull up all the pics of this Dave Dave from his MySpace.

Once again, I wish to beobjective, and I understand the applying of make-up enters into this. The young Dave Dave on Leeza Gibbons obviously had a good deal of make-up to help even his skin and cover a lot of the scarring. It's possible Dave Dave through the years did do that at times and could have himself have had his skin appear different pic to pic. On Larry King, he specifically mentions to Dave Dave that he is wearing a lot of make-up to help cover up the scarring. So this is why I looked to more than just what the scarring markings were doing, but what I was picking up in the eyes and expression and such.

Now, the brown-eyed Dave Dave on Larry King (whose eyes were more rounded also and did not have that disctinctive slant). So let's be objective again. Could the real Dave Dave have wanted to be more like MJ, that very somber day of Michael's burial, by having his mannerisms and voice inflections come close to his friend's, and even honor his friend further, by putting in brown contact lenses to cover his natural blue/green eyes in order to have brown eyes like Michael's?

Hmm. That kinda seems like strange behavior.

Or was the real Dave Dave wishing to play with MJ's fans?

Hmm. That seems a bit insensitive on such a day as that was for his grieving fans. Why would the real Dave Dave choose on that day to wear brown lenses?

Now some brought up the point that even greenish eyes, if a little deeper or darker in color, in some photos can come off brown. But I again, enlarged a captured still from the Larry King interview and saw the brown pixels. The eyes were brown there...for certain. No getting around it. Or how I like to say, no explaining this one away. Was this Dave Dave then, Michael Jackson? Well, how could it have been? I know a lot of people would bring up Dave Dave's very altered hands after the tragic burning...

So there you have some things to think about, and I hope it helps for you to at least come to your own conclusions, or maybe decide as Ashtanga often says (she's so cute, and she's right!) that there is just too much strangeness going on and it seems impossible to make any conclusions when nothing seems to make sense!

I personally feel this thread should be merged into the The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories thread, for I feel it is a good thing to have all things that controversally talk of the possibilty of MJ being alive, like this thread sort of does, put in only one place on MJJC and that being in only one thread. This would ensure that those who don't wish to be seeing this kind of discussion happening in threads all around the site, and even all through this Conspiracy Forum, won't have to, for it will just be taking place in one lone thread. Fewer will be annoyed or offended that way and can choose to not view the Hoax Theory Thread if they disapprove of things being discussed there. I think it is being the most fair and considerate to all concerned.

Here is a link to view the short piece on Dave Rothenburg filmed at the time of the burial.

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Even with all these comparisons though, in my heart i don't believe it's Michael. The eyes? I personally don't see it, the voice? Same story.....i can kinda see why its keeping some people busy and wondering, but not me.
^ Go with what you feel is right. Thats what I did. Same way it doesn't register to me that Michael is really really dead, nothing can change that feeling for me. I tried to believe he was dead for a while but like you said its not registering and its an awful feeling. Very hard for me to refer to him in past tense when speaking to other people because it doesn't feel right and I don't believe it. At least you were open minded about it. My reasons for believing in the hoax go beyond the dave dave theory although its a good place to start investigating.
Not long after his passing, i was watching those videos on Youtube as wel, but alot of things can be explained and i also see how alot of the creators of those videos try to 'feed you' the things they believe, when something is totally not the case, they make it so that it all of a sudden seems believeable it IS. I've given up on that...and i haven't seen any real things that could really make me doubt it.
Dave Dave.... The first time I saw the LK video on youtube I cried! I'm a 31 year old man and I cried. The similarities to Michael (in heavy prosphetic of course) are unbelievable. For weeks I thought about it and still, to look at the videos and photos make me feel uneasy.

I know Michael passed away, I don't believe that he is alive and disguised as a burns victim... but I do see why so many people feel this way x
Pleas tell me why Michael would go through all that trouble, faking his death, framing Murray ( he would never do that) and go on national tv? Does that make sense ATT ALL?

Please tell me - if he faked his death - why would he have done something that 'makes sense'. If he did it, it's just better being odd and confusing because it's harder to track...
Please tell me - if he faked his death - why would he have done something that 'makes sense'. If he did it, it's just better being odd and confusing because it's harder to track...
do you really believe Michael Jackson would leave his 3 children and let a man be convicted for a murder?