Grammy's All-Star Tribute to T-25; MJ Reported to Attend/Not Perform

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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LOL!!!! This has got to be one of the most confused comments I ever heard: "he should 'invite' his fans"... I've done heard it all now! :lol:
i know trouble....fanofthiller.. is living in another planet BIG TIME!!!
And how do you know your opinion is the truth? :) At least I am real to myself and not afraid to speak my mind unlike some phony people on here :)
Please fan ur gonna make me piss myself laughing here ( literally)....we need to hearr it from mj's ppl first!

....u calling US PHONY!!!!!! HAHA!!! ..YEH RIGHT..
Your opinion is an opinion cuz it's not based on facts. And to know your opinion is the truth is to know for a FACT that it's the truth...not that it could "possibly" be the truth. :lol: That's why opinions are opinions and not facts :lol:

And it's a fact that MJ doesn't always invite fans to important things cuz there are times where he hasn't LOL

But i'm still not gonna say my opinion is the truth but...I think the above supports my opinion a lot :lol:

And You can be open and express your opinions freely, but lets not think your opinion is the all end all okay? No one opinion is better than the other lol

Your comment reminded me of Jack Nicholson in "A Few Good Men" to Tom Cruise. You know the one.

"YOU can't HANDLE the truth!"

:lol: good one! lol
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...trouble..wish hed invite me to HIS PLACE!!!
And how do you know your opinion is the truth? :) At least I am real to myself and not afraid to speak my mind unlike some phony people on here :)

I am real as well and I do not sit on my rear and have the nerve to assume that MJ is not coming to the Grammys because he did not invite his fans. First off, the Grammys is a music industry award show, not a MJ show. Who are the "phony" people on here? You are coming on this site posting some rumor about MJ not coming to the Grammys and then try to assume that MJ is not coming because he did not invite his fans. I think the phony one is you.

There is nothing wrong speaking the truth.

What truth? Dude, the stuff you posted were not the truth. So, please go and sit down somewhere and stop bashing the fans on here.

FACT: There is an all-star tribute to Thriller
RUMOR: Mike will attend
RUMOR: Mike will NOT attend
RUMOR: Mike will submit video message

No one knows anymore than that, so anyone who thinks they do, pull your head in!
Excatly bee!!
we dont make up things up!
we wait till we hear the thruth..offically!
has mj always says!!!
hey bee..why do u leave the chat? :(
has mj always says!!!
hey bee..why do u leave the chat? :(

O/T: Because I was about to leave the board. :( I will come on tommorrow.

btw, I think he WILL attend. not perform, but I think that the chances are high

I feel the same way that you feel. Four days left and counting. BTW, am I the only one that was excited about that Grammy commercial?
O/T: Because I was about to leave the board. :( I will come on tommorrow.

I feel the same way that you feel. Four days left and counting. BTW, am I the only one that was excited about that Grammy commercial?
I was afraid to comment. I thought someone might throw food at me.
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I didn't see it. But I will have patience till Sunday. One way or another, Mike is to be put back in the positive spotlight. And his geniality will be shown to the world once again. Gotta sleep see you tomorrow hopefully with the updates ;)

Keep dreamin' !
lol i think we should all just hang tight and be patient
we'll know everything for sure by sunday night.
i kinda like this suspense in a weird way. all of these rumors and everything flying around makes it all the more fun lol
I believe MJ will not be there because he did not invite his fans. I think it would be very wrong if MJ went and did not invite his fans. If this was a special event MJ would want his fans to be there especially knowing how much MJ loves his fans.

Sorry, but I think this is a completely ridiculous statement. Wayyyyy off base. I mean really, can the man make a movement w/o having to tell us? You want him to tell us when he goes to the bathroom too? Please. He does not have to tell the fans anything in this case.
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You are the one sitting here saying MJ will attend so you should stop making things up if you do not have any facts. Secondly, I never said MJ was not attending. Before you talk, READ. Dont assume things. I said I DONT THINK HE WILL GO; THAT IS MY OPINION. Dont some of you people have better things to do with your life than sit there and try to start things with people you do not know? Stop sitting here bashing people and get yourself a life.

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Breaaaaaaaathe lol. Seriously, calm down. No one here is fighting or upset, well at least i'm not anyway. I just think it's silly to expect MJ to tell us his every little move. He doesn't have to let anyone know if he is planning on going to the Grammy's or not, it's as simple as that. He's not obligated to tell us anything.
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