Have you ever...?

Oh yes. :doh:
When I was at my friends house, at night, watching her dog because she was out of town for a few weeks I heard some stuff up stairs and I thought Oh great someones up there! ...yeah I'm just a little scaredy cat. :doh: :lmao: I called my dad and everything. I just hate the night time, it just makes me think people are watching me or people are out lurking around finding something bad to do.

Yeah, I guess I was scared of that, but I don't really remember, it's all pretty hazy. I had to go to the ER and they made me drink loads of charcoal....no fun. =/

Have you ever had an overnight hospital stay?
Only along to a movie hehe (Waynes World opening sequence :p )

Have you ever sent an email to the wrong person?
No, then again I rarely email anyway.

EDIT: lol no i've never done that

Have you ever humiliated your superior at work in public?
Can't say I have.

Have you ever completely dropped your entire drink/plate of food all across the floor in a public place? :lol:
No...only an ice-cream haha

Have you ever been singing/dancing/doing something embarrassing in private only to turn around & realise someone is watching you?
oh yeah.. once i was doing the thriller dance and turned around to see my sister is just laughing her ass off!!

Have you ever slept for more than 12 hours?
Yep...I love sleeping haha but its a waste of time :p

Have you ever left a massive project to the night before its due?
HAH yeah, the biggest procrastinator of the world is right here :p

have you ever spent your entire salary in one week? >_>
[size=+2]DUH[/size] :giggle: when haven't i ever? :blushing:

Have you ever sang somethin' in your head & suddenly someone next to you (a friend or sibling) started singing the same verse out loud? it's SPOOKY :lol:
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Yes & the same for quotes!
My brother & I always thnk of the same quotes at the same time! I think its less spooky & more sad we know Friends so well! haha

Have you ever watched cartoons for a whole day?
yeah A lot of times actually.

EDIT: damn you guys are fast (or i'm just slow)

and yes to your question as well Luci.

have you ever went to a restaurant right after you just got out of one?
OH YEAH.. I met the man himself.. :D

have you ever used a swear word in front of your parents?
haha, noo..but i guess you have? :lol:

who? me? :shock:
well, actually yes :trytobeangel
you missed a lot btw :giggle:

OH YEAH.. I met the man himself.. :D

OH WOW :jumpy:
i'm jealous :girl_tantrum: :western:

have you ever used a swear word in front of your parents?

:girl_whistle: not a very bad one though :lol:

Have you ever had a ticket for speeding? I'm Speed Demon :horsey:
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well My camera caught me more times then I could remember sooo... >_>

Have you ever seen a dead body?
noooo, but sure sounds sweet!! hehe i am back i am back! :hug:

have you ever drank a double shot of espresso??
nah but that's one gross experience I actually want to do

Have you ever got burned?
no, i'm the baby in the family, the youngest in my whole family, including cousins, extended family. etc. :lol: Plus no young neighbors around...IDK just never done it! hah

Have you ever seen a porcupine up close??

oh no...lol EDIT: yes i've burned my fingers on hot stuff, my back from sunburns, and my eyebrows from waxing hah!! the last one was so embarrassing...talk about red!!
oops edit, we posted at the same time abbey! and heeey, you're back :) yes, i have. they are soo cute

Have you ever spent more then a 1000 $ on one piece of clothing?