L.A. Police Chief: Homicide or Accidental Overdose

So with that said, how in the world did a doctor 'convince' Michael Jackson to take something so dangerous? I just don't get it, you have a nurse allegedly telling him its dangerous and on the other hand someone else was telling him its okay as long as he's monitored? I keep thinking, MJ's children meant too much for him to have been so reckless with his safety!

He may have trusted the doctor more especially if that doctor had more experience with it than the nurse. And if he actually did have this stuff during History tour, he may have felt it was safe based on his own "safe" experience with it in the past. He may have felt that all he needed was to be monitored and he would be okay. And that may have been true. Problem is he may not have considered the person who was supposed to monitor him would FLUCK UP...or worse, purposely let him drift off into eternal sleep!
who is judging Michael ?? i missed those posts, please quote them cuz i aint got time to read all these posts again. I am supposed to be sleep now :lol:

False alarm. I'm all messed up right now over this and I said something stupid. I apologize. Still, I'll wait for more solid information. This is the best course of action.
You might want to be somewhat careful of what you say and how you say it as Sony also has the right to sue you for libel. Saying you believe something is probably alright, just don't categorically accuse them or it could have unpleasant consequences.

If Sony is to blame, I sure the f*ck won't keep my mouth shut.
I'm not afraid of some racists pricks.
Would you take Xanax for Lupus? Is this for pain? I thought it was an anti-depressant to get you thinking positively??
Not sure about first degree felony murder, only because the felonies under that statute are things like arson, robbery etc.

Possibility for second degree felony murder but I'm not familiar with CA's statutes that well enough to say.

Either way.... :(


189. All murder which is perpetrated by means of a destructive
device or explosive, a weapon of mass destruction, knowing use of
ammunition designed primarily to penetrate metal or armor, poison,
lying in wait, torture, or by any other kind of willful, deliberate,
and premeditated killing, or which is committed in the perpetration
of, or attempt to perpetrate, arson, rape, carjacking, robbery,
burglary, mayhem, kidnapping, train wrecking, or any act punishable
under Section 206, 286, 288, 288a, or 289, or any murder which is
perpetrated by means of discharging a firearm from a motor vehicle,
intentionally at another person outside of the vehicle with the
intent to inflict death, is murder of the first degree. All other
kinds of murders are of the second degree

Combined with this:

(b) Involuntary--in the commission of an unlawful act, not
amounting to felony
; or in the commission of a lawful act which might
produce death, in an unlawful manner, or without due caution and
circumspection. This subdivision shall not apply to acts committed in
the driving of a vehicle.

Makes me think it would fall under a 2nd degree felony murder.

I know CNN isn't that credible, but they are now reporting that "doctor" Klien and "doctor" Murray are now under onvestigation!
I felt they did something to Michael so he wouldnt be able to go to his tour.
Something is wrong about this all. Michael looked so healthy in the rehearsal pictures. Michael wouldnt be sleeping in the afternoon would he? Why was this doctor with him? I have so many questions, I dont want to think the worst but im so scared about what really did happen.
Would you take Xanax for Lupus? Is this for pain? I thought it was an anti-depressant to get you thinking positively??

Xanax is like an anti-anxiety medication....to calm the nerves, I believe. The thing is sometimes it's hard to tell why a person is given medication like that. Sometimes it's for actuall anxiety and sometimes it's to deal with the effects of other medications that can affect a person's state of mind. I heard of a woman who was diagnosed with high-blood pressure and was prescribed a medication for that. However, the medication made her feel weird or something so the doctor then prescribed Xanax so she could feel less "weird". There are a lot of ppl who are taking 3 & 4 medications for ONE issue. ONE medication is to actually deal with the ailment/complaint and the other 3 are to deal with all the side effects of the first medication. Lord help someone who has 2 or 3 issues that require other medication. It's a vicious cycle. And the sad part is the FDA knows this crap yet they approve certain drugs cuz the benefits may outweigh the negatives such as addiction and possible dependency on other meds. And let's not forget they get rich all the same. 3 meds for ONE issue?? That's a lotta kaching! in their pockets.

Combined with this:

Makes me think it would fall under a 2nd degree felony murder.


It's possible that it would fall under 2nd degree in CA.

While governed by similar principles as the first-degree felony-murder rule, the second-degree felony-murder doctrine has a much more restrictive application because it is a common law rule that reflects the court’s disfavor of the rule. As a result, the second-
degree felony-murder doctrine only applies to felonies that are
“inherently dangerous to human life.”

A felony is deemed to be “inherently dangerous to human life” when, viewed in the abstract and not to the particular circumstances of a case, there is “a high probability that it will result in death.” The California Supreme Court has further sought to limit the felony-murder doctrine’s application to second-degree murder by adopting the “merger” rule.

The rationale for such a rule is to ensure that prosecutors prove the necessary mens rea for murder. The second-degree felony-murder doctrine is thus limited to non-assault felonies that are inherently dangerous to human life.

From a Loyola Law Review article...so it's tough to say but interesting to contemplate! I would say administering that drug in that manner is inherently dangerous to human life.
Well, sad to contemplate...actually.
All of the potential people who administered anything to him in the past or present should be under investigation and this investigation should NOT be played out in the court of public opinion!
What is wrong with the LAPD? Have they not heard of professionalism? The LPAD need a GAG order! They need to keep the press { in all fomrs} out of their investigation until they have a final report to dispense regarding this case.

In my humble opinion.
:lol: :lol:...hey can i have one too? :lol:

here are a couple that i could find quickly

dont tell anyone where you got them... SONY skurrrrrrrs me :lol:


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