Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Hi everyone :) Hope everyone in the Harmony Hut is doing ok this evening (I about died laughing when you wrote that earlier, Amygrace :hysterical:) Sorry this is so l-o-n-g ... I just haven't replied for like 2 days :lol:

Haha also, I was referencing a phonetics experiment for my exam and the experimenter's name was Assman :rofl: Made me think of our convo here hahaha
:lol: Assman. It's like a little sign :giggle:

I came across a websites that talks about the Michael Teachings. Instantly curious I clicked on it and they described seven soul types and 10 laws of reincarnation, how much time there is/can be between lives. And there are several articles there about Michael. One article gives reasons why MJ could be the reincarnation of W.A. Mozart. I haven't formed a firm opinion on that one yet. I prefer to read stuff and let it sink in and then eventually I will accept it or reject the idea.
Hmmm, well that was interesting. I read through a lot of it and took their quiz and for myself I was kind of stuck between Scholar and Priest for soul type. It's funny that for some types you can easily dismiss them ("Oh, that's certainly not me."). I asked my pendulum and it went with Priest. Hmmm. Anyone else figure out their suppposed soul type? As for the MJ/Mozart stuff. Hmmm. Not so convinced. Mozart just doesn't FEEL like Michael to me, if that makes any sense. And I don't see how having similar lives means that it's the same soul. I've done quite a few past life regressions and those lives have been quite different. I suppose one soul would tend toward maybe a certain personality and carry some things over from one life to the next, but why they'd choose to have the same type of life with the same type of parents and the same type of circumstances is kind of puzzling. I mean, how do you really grow then? But of course, how would I know anymore than they really do? Some of the commenters stated that someone else claims to have been Mozart. And some of the 'evidence', like MJ liked all those European upper class old style paintings and clothes. Well, more often than any of that he wore military style stuff, and then called us 'soldiers' and his 'army', liked to head up small police militias (lol) and huge armies marching through streets in promos, used 'soldier' imagery in concerts, etc. So wouldn't that make him a strong candidate for having been a big military leader at some point (probably in the past couple hundred years, considering the styles used)? Actually, I had a whole theory on that some years ago, but it would be very unpopular and it's probably wrong anyway, so I don't feel like mentioning it now, lolol. Anyway, they didn't convince me on the Mozart thing ;)

I wrote daily at that point, it turned to a TON of poetry, some prose, but mostly poetry. A big chunk of what I write came through automatic writing.

Sometimes it was happy stuff, sometimes very sad stuff and sometimes I screamed in laughter, silly limericks and sometimes pretty risque' stuff that, I remember reading it for the first time thinking, WTF is this, going rated R?? :bugeyed :hysterical::hysterical:
Whoa, trippy that you get so much stuff like that! I've tried automatic writing some years ago and I guess I couldn't let go of control enough for it. As for the rated R stuff, that's just freaking funny :lmao: Let us know if you get any good macros or material for the Ass Man thread :lol:

I did really try. lol here's a couple of pics trying,but you can't see nothing,but a clear mirror. the ones w/out flash are even more blurry. I guess the purple ring is from the flash of the camera,pretty cool color though.
Pretty strange about the face on the mirror. I know what you mean about not being able to get a pic, though. Last summer the sunlight shone through our living room window and some vines and made this pic of Michael on my TV screen with shadow and light, I swear to God :lol: It looked like MJ, his curls, his eyes and as if he were wearing a fedora and face mask. But whenever I'd try to get a pic it looked like nothing... just some wavy light patterns. :scratch:

This part, that's exactly what I said earlier in this thread...I'm totally talking, walking, all of that, in my dreams. Didn't know that was actually called a 'REM behavior disorder'. ;)
LOL, I think they meant if you act it out physically, like dreaming that you're running and so you get out of bed and run against the wall while sleeping. I hope for your sake you don't do that. That would suck.

The hallway was suddenly flooded with an intense bright light, and MJ ‘appeared’ – to my complete shock. I managed to say something vaguely indicative of surprise, to which he smiled in an amused way, and placed his hands together ‘Indian greeting’ style. Then very slowly, the door closed again.
Welcome to thread-posting, myosotis :) Wonderful about Michael in the hallway with the light. I love dreaming about him so much. It makes me wonder how many others out there have amazing experiences that they just don't talk about or don't know where to go to tell whom about it. I love this thread :heart:

Actually we had a great conversation about auras recently because he studied child psychology and he agreed with me about how kids eyes are trained to read and stuff as they get older and the possibility of their eyes being "untrained" from seeing auras in the process. Sorry, I went into essay mode too!
I wonder if that's true. I don't remember ever seeing anything like auras and I can remember at least back to 2 1/2 to 3. Anyone else? My mom has said that when I was a baby they'd sometimes here me giggling and making noises and they'd peak in and find me being totally entertained by some invisible person/people, like someone was playing with me, standing over the crib. Whoa, I wonder who it was! One time when I was about 3 my grandma heard me talking with someone, like having a real conversation, but only my side of it. She peaked around the corner when I was quiet again and asked who I'd been talking to. I told her with my other grandparents (who'd died over a year before). She asked, "Are they still here?" :bugeyed and I said, "No, they went through that wall." Freaked her out :lol: Wish I could remember that. Damn.

Just wanted to point out when I read over this line last night my lights flickered. Woohoo! So cool. Love the synchronocity of that line of the song playing after that too! You seem to really be getting closer to seeing/feeling spirits around you. Like in a very real way. Sounds like your prayers and whines are finally paying off. :lol:
Wicked. I wonder if there's something to it all :scratch:Whines, lol. I don't know. Or just odd things tend to happen around dawn and I stay up too late? But yeah, that's two times I actually have gone "Ahhh!" outloud lately, the first being when I thought I saw someone in the living room. Don't know yet if it's a trend or just a phase. If it involves Michael, oh please let it be a trend :angel:

Hey girl :flowers: I'm noticing biiiig differences. I feel SO clear and so ME again. I also saged my house and had my Dad bless it which really helped. Interesting link you posted...will have to look over it tomorrow!
Good to hear things are better now. Must've been pretty freaky!

I swear as I was waking up this morning I heard Michael's voice on my mind. He was saying my name and giving words of comfort. :cry: I wish I knew that was really him and not just my imagination. I really didn't want to get out of bed today.
Way cool. So it was like in that in-between sleep and awake stage? Sometimes I'm just starting to wake up and that's when I realize I'm in contact with someone, you know. Like I can feel energy or just know things. It probably was Michael. I felt him bigtime for a moment last night. How sweet of him:angel:

But last night I did have a horrible dream that I came into my cube in the dept in the morning and someone had broken in and taken my laptop, wallet, everything. :(
I also had a nightmare this morning, about some German official trying to take my American driver's license away and I was screaming at him and he called the cops on me and stuff. I got my license back away from him, but that was the final straw. I was like, "F*** Germany! I'm outta here!", but I couldn't figure out what to do to move back home... money, health insurance, a job, etc. Argh.

Do you ever get little signs like MJ's initials appear in the most unusual ways? ( Not just your eye catching car number plates that have MJ - and yes I see that alot too....) but........
LOL, occasionally, yes. Those initials are very hard to miss with all our training :D

Yay guys! MJ fans do exist in this town! :D My cashier in Wal-Mart noticed my MJ shirt and went on to tell me how Michael was his Elvis... I was like, YES! So nice to meet another fan! I know it sounds lame but that really made my day. lol.
Oh, that must've been really cool, lol. In all my years in America, I very, very rarely knowingly interacted with another fan. There seem to be more per capita in Europe, lol.
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Hey Guys..I wanted to show you all something by Michael. :) Please leave your feedback as I can't make out every word he has written.



I am not sure when Michael wrote it. I had found the notes online Maybe some of you guys have seen them before & bigger? Here's what I could make out from top note,by zooming in with photo viewer.
Bottom left - with an arrow pointing to the word "Dream":

"greatest actor singer
dancer of all time
and entertainer
the Best"

Above "Dream" and one above the next are the words:

"Confidence", "Faith", "persistant", "Belief"


"Study the greats
of your field and
become greater"

The boxed part in the upper left-hand corner appears to say:

"No(?) act of (crossed-out word)
true training.
a never ending
persistence to
equal or exceed
the performance
in your minds


"Know the secrets of your endeavor
'the Method'"


"Mind (something beginning with Tap..?) to
control and influence
the ?"


"the best in
your field"


"Be scientist know
the greats(?) method
in side and out
then perfect it"

And finally:

"Move Mountains"[

I darkened the background and zoomed in like this:

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Yay guys! MJ fans do exist in this town! :D My cashier in Wal-Mart noticed my MJ shirt and went on to tell me how Michael was his Elvis... I was like, YES! So nice to meet another fan! I know it sounds lame but that really made my day. lol.
D' you found MJ fans in your town. I'm always showing off when I wear my MJ t-shirt, but so far no one has said anything. :lol:

LOL, I think they meant if you act it out physically, like dreaming that you're running and so you get out of bed and run against the wall while sleeping. I hope for your sake you don't do that. That would suck.
Lol, well I've never run and bumped against a wall...but I certainly do walk around when I'm walking around in my dream. Like last time I thought I had to grab for french fries in the air, I was dreaming that, and then woke up because my mom came in to ask what I was doing and I was standing up straight in my bed, hands in the air...grabbing french fries. :hysterical: So yeah, I actually do that sometimes....used to have it a LOT more back in the day though, so my parents had to put this fence for the stairway and all that.

I wonder if that's true. I don't remember ever seeing anything like auras and I can remember at least back to 2 1/2 to 3. Anyone else? My mom has said that when I was a baby they'd sometimes here me giggling and making noises and they'd peak in and find me being totally entertained by some invisible person/people, like someone was playing with me, standing over the crib. Whoa, I wonder who it was! One time when I was about 3 my grandma heard me talking with someone, like having a real conversation, but only my side of it. She peaked around the corner when I was quiet again and asked who I'd been talking to. I told her with my other grandparents (who'd died over a year before). She asked, "Are they still here?" :bugeyed and I said, "No, they went through that wall." Freaked her out :lol: Wish I could remember that. Damn.
Hahahah,'no they went through that wall'...LOL. Yeah I find it very interesting how kids are able to receive these kind of things. It's like they don't have a certain kind of filter for their conciousness, yet. I used to have those things a lot too when I was younger, I remember talking to a family of 'little things'...mouses or something, in the couch, and no they weren't real, but the couch was old....mouse ghosts? :giggle: Forgot a lot of those things though, and my mom had told me about stuff that I did when I was younger, before what I can remember.

Hey Guys..I wanted to show you all something by Michael. :) Please leave your feedback as I can't make out every word he has written.
Whoa, where did you get that from?! From when is it? It looks very interesting and see a lot of cool words on there...but can't make it out what it is about exactly. Hmmm.:scratch:EDIT: Oops, see you added the words and so on, intriguing!


Just a question here, does anyone of you know something about this:
"Apart from 1998, the only other date Michael put on with his autograph was the one he signed on the
MJ and Jacksons event auction - something like 2043 or something. With shapes and squiggles too."​
Someone said that on another MJ board, but it kinda shocked me to read 2043...I had that meditation where I supposedly was dead and Michael said it was '2034', remember? So now I actually wonder what he wrote down on that autograph, 'cause this 2034 thing is seriously coming back to me ALL the time in certain ways. :mello:
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MJJLaugh - Thanks for the link about soul types :) :flowers:

Mundy - :( That sounds so horrible, when that woman was horrible about MJ AND his kids. Really don't like it when people are like that :no:. My friend said something so, so horrible about MJ last year, like it really shocked me, and my reaction was just..take that back, I can't believe you said that. I was so But it made me feel funny for the rest of the night. Whenever anyone says anything bad about MJ, my heart goes a lil funny, like a dull pain or something..can't really describe lol. But :huggy: for you.

CaptainEoLove85 - That's sweet, I'm sure that was MJ talking to you :heart:

Billie_Jean09 - That's cool about the initials :lol: thanks for sharing.

amy - Yay for meeting MJ fans out and about :D

mjbunny - ooo so your soul type is scholar/priest. Mine is a server :lol: I've always thought of myself as being that soul type for some reason. It was interesting to read about that soul type too.

souldreamer - Wow those drawings are interesting. Thanks for writing down what you saw, cos I could make out the same words as you. That is very interesting, I wonder why he drew them :scratch:

Mrs.Music - That's weird about that autograph/number thing..

I had the most bizarre dream last night! James Brown and MJ were in it. I was working at a clothes shop and there was this huge queue of people waiting to pay, and I saw James and was like :bugeyed, James Brown is here?! He was wearing army clothes (?) and was with these other men who looked v similar to him. He came up to me at the till and told me to sign my name in this book, which also had loads of other signatures in it. The lights cut out, and a puppeteer entered and the puppet was MJ, but puppet size lol. He was in his bad tour outfit. I remember thinking god, that puppet looks so like MJ, right down to the curls. The song the puppet MJ was dancing to was APOM, and the guy was really making him dance like MJ lol. I left, but when I came back in, the puppet was someone else. It was so, so bizarre!!

:heart: to you all.
Hey Guys..I wanted to show you all something by Michael. :) Please leave your feedback as I can't make out every word he has written.



I am not sure when Michael wrote it. I had found the notes online Maybe some of you guys have seen them before & bigger? Here's what I could make out from top note,by zooming in with photo viewer.
Bottom left - with an arrow pointing to the word "Dream":

"greatest actor singer
dancer of all time
and entertainer
the Best"

Above "Dream" and one above the next are the words:

"Confidence", "Faith", "persistant", "Belief"


"Study the greats
of your field and
become greater"

The boxed part in the upper left-hand corner appears to say:

"No(?) act of (crossed-out word)
true training.
a never ending
persistence to
equal or exceed
the performance
in your minds


"Know the secrets of your endeavor
'the Method'"


"Mind (something beginning with Tap..?) to
control and influence
the ?"


"the best in
your field"


"Be scientist know
the greats(?) method
in side and out
then perfect it"

And finally:

"Move Mountains"[

I darkened the background and zoomed in like this:

I think michael may have write this for a way for him 2 keep his sprirts up. U know like like a special way for nhim 2 think postively annd keep his sprirtual strength up.
Thank you for all your kind welcomes, Louise, cyberjackson, mjbunny, Mundy, MJJ Laugh, Mrs Music and amy grace..(I hope I haven’t left anyone out).

I have indeed started to look for a ‘real’ dreamcatcher on the internet. .The real (twine/ feather) ones are very beautiful. I’ve read that there is a link to the Pleiades constellation (the seven sisters - which Michael mentions in one chapter of ‘Dancing the Dream’)..and I have seen a ( probably non-traditional) design with tiny crystals to represent the stars and a golden butterfly – it did remind me of Michael.
I haven’t found any ‘tiny fishing net’ designs on the internet (LOL – I didn’t really expect to), but I did find some miniature Native American woven baskets which were very similar in shape.

I wouldn’t be surprised if there are lots of people having ‘MJ experiences’ but not talking about them..this is an amazing thread and everyone is so open and willing to share and encourage. Thank you again to everyone.
Multi-Quote does not work for me at all! Boo Hoo!

Okay here goes ( from Memory)

Mundy Cool meditation shirt!

Amy Getting rusty huh ? Whenever a guy approaches me and asks for my number I somehow think he won't phone or mean anything he says, and then I'm SO surprised when the guy does call me. But they never seemed nice enough to pursue anything with. I guess I'm VERY picky. I want someone exactly like Michael, won't settle for less ( so that means I'll be alone all my life probably)

Souldreamer7 Very interesting find, that note from MJ. It reminds me of mindmapping. Mindmapping is something that some people use to come to the source or essence of their question/goal/purpose. Me, personally I prefer lists but I'm an organized, analytical type of person. If you're very creative I can easily imagine mindmapping working much better. It's more freestyle, less rigid than lists.

MjBunny and DarlingdearYesterday I tried automatic writing for the very first time. I asked a couple of questions out loud and started writing like a madwoman. LOL! I got that I'm a mature Server type of soul. Today I did the quiz ( had to search for it on that page) and it said Server too. Coincidence or not ?
Another thing that came up was about love. That I was loved very much and only needed to open up my heart and it would be there. ( it made me :cry: while writing it. Not sure that is supposed to happen during automatic writing ?) It was a very interesting experience and very insightful.

BillieJean09 Cool about the letters MJ. Reminds me of what happened at work last tuesday. I was looking through the titles of a publisher. Publisher of scientific/technical and medical titles. Boring stuff mostly. In one title the second word was Jackson and the title right beneath it first word was Michael. What are the odds of that happening ? If you wanted it to happen it wouldn't but this was so random ( and I totally loved it. Stared at it in amazement for some minutes, not wanting to tear my eyes away and break the spell).

I dreamed about all Michael's brothers and family. They were all very upset about something, but I can't remember anything else. Michael wasn't in my dream but he felt close because it was all related to him somehow, I knew that. That's the only reason I met them, to talk about what we needed to do.

Hope everyone is okay! Big hug to all of you! :hug:
I wouldn’t be surprised if there are lots of people having ‘MJ experiences’ but not talking about them..

It's funny that you should say that. I've been debating with myself whether or not to share a dream that I had in late March--the whole "everyone can see it phobia," but I think I'm ready. give some background information:

This was the first dream that I had of Michael that wasn't a nightmare, since he passed. I haven't had many to begin with. I have had some "interesting" dreams concerning him before June 25th (and if anyone is interested, I'll share them here), but post-June 25th, they had all been horrible and somewhat graphic dreams concerning his death. So, moving on...

I was walking to a shopping center near my house and it was a chilly, wet, miserable day outside, very gray and empty. I guess you could say it was similar to the "Stranger in Moscow" video. I went into the Rite Aid store and the inside was totally different (I've had this experience in a lot of dreams). I was cold and sneezing a lot, and then I started having this hacking cough that I couldn't get under control. I felt horrible and very self-conscious, like anyone who was in the store was looking at me, so I ducked inside the restroom until I could stop.

When I came out of the restroom, there were a few male employees at the counter, and they were all whispering and speaking in hushed tones, saying things like "should we tell her?" while looking towards me. One of them hurriedly waved me over and I went to the counter to see what was going on. When I did, one of them said to me:

"You're not going to believe this, but Michael Jackson is here. He was asking about you!"
"He wanted to make sure you were okay."
"Um, yeah, I'm okay." I could feel my face turning red and I quickly looked down at the floor.

Just then, they all hushed up and turned away from me to look like they were busy, so I turned around to see what had startled them. The other restroom door opened and Michael came out. He was dressed entirely in black, in the sort of outfit that he would wear on his shopping trips during the last year--black hat, black scarf underneath to conceal his hair, black trenchcoat and pants, with sunglasses. The only difference was that he was not wearing a surgical mask over the lower half of his face.

I couldn't help myself from staring at him, even though I thought to myself that I shouldn't, that it was rude. I felt myself breaking out into a smile, but I couldn't stop myself. As he walked by me, he turned his head in my direction, and smiled back. It was a closed mouth, sweet, warm smile. Even though he had sunglasses on, our eyes locked and it was like there was a mutual understanding between us. He kept his gaze on me almost until he reached the door. For those few seconds, it was like everything was moving in slow motion. He opened the door, walked through and vanished. I stood where I was for a moment, blinking, then I went over to the door and looked out. There was no sign of him, or any cars that he could have left in.
Was kind of upset last night, was doing some music (new piece plopped up in my mind, hurray) but was upset. I shouldn't have read the "New pic! CURLS!" thread, then one where they wondered what his screen name might have been.

I remember going to bed thinking, Michael I'll try say Hi to you dreaming. All I remember is dreaming all night long and that he was there, I didn't see him but I felt him around the entire time, just observing.
I do remember dancing though and that was very happy. He did have some gold top on his hair was reeeeeeeaaally long, very black and long. I remember he had his huge hand on my back, and I remember there was some kind of swirl, his hair flew around like a girl would have her dresses flying around her. He was happy relaxed and laughed.

Kinda reminded me of this.
Hey Guys..I wanted to show you all something by Michael. :) Please leave your feedback as I can't make out every word he has written.

Neat, I haven't seen that before. It is hard to make out, but to me it seems like he was trying to work out how to be successful or setting goals for himself. We know he was always trying to outdo himself in the best way he can. :)

I had the most bizarre dream last night! James Brown and MJ were in it. I was working at a clothes shop and there was this huge queue of people waiting to pay, and I saw James and was like :bugeyed, James Brown is here?! He was wearing army clothes (?) and was with these other men who looked v similar to him. He came up to me at the till and told me to sign my name in this book, which also had loads of other signatures in it. The lights cut out, and a puppeteer entered and the puppet was MJ, but puppet size lol. He was in his bad tour outfit. I remember thinking god, that puppet looks so like MJ, right down to the curls. The song the puppet MJ was dancing to was APOM, and the guy was really making him dance like MJ lol. I left, but when I came back in, the puppet was someone else. It was so, so bizarre!!

lol pretty weird dream.

I was walking to a shopping center near my house and it was a chilly, wet, miserable day outside, very gray and empty. I guess you could say it was similar to the "Stranger in Moscow" video. I went into the Rite Aid store and the inside was totally different (I've had this experience in a lot of dreams). I was cold and sneezing a lot, and then I started having this hacking cough that I couldn't get under control. I felt horrible and very self-conscious, like anyone who was in the store was looking at me, so I ducked inside the restroom until I could stop.

When I came out of the restroom, there were a few male employees at the counter, and they were all whispering and speaking in hushed tones, saying things like "should we tell her?" while looking towards me. One of them hurriedly waved me over and I went to the counter to see what was going on. When I did, one of them said to me:

"You're not going to believe this, but Michael Jackson is here. He was asking about you!"
"He wanted to make sure you were okay."
"Um, yeah, I'm okay." I could feel my face turning red and I quickly looked down at the floor.

Just then, they all hushed up and turned away from me to look like they were busy, so I turned around to see what had startled them. The other restroom door opened and Michael came out. He was dressed entirely in black, in the sort of outfit that he would wear on his shopping trips during the last year--black hat, black scarf underneath to conceal his hair, black trenchcoat and pants, with sunglasses. The only difference was that he was not wearing a surgical mask over the lower half of his face.

I couldn't help myself from staring at him, even though I thought to myself that I shouldn't, that it was rude. I felt myself breaking out into a smile, but I couldn't stop myself. As he walked by me, he turned his head in my direction, and smiled back. It was a closed mouth, sweet, warm smile. Even though he had sunglasses on, our eyes locked and it was like there was a mutual understanding between us. He kept his gaze on me almost until he reached the door. For those few seconds, it was like everything was moving in slow motion. He opened the door, walked through and vanished. I stood where I was for a moment, blinking, then I went over to the door and looked out. There was no sign of him, or any cars that he could have left in.

Wow really intriguing dream. It does seem like he was checking on you for real to make sure you were ok. :)

I also had a dream this morning. I know there was a lot more to it, but I only remember one brief part with Michael. It's weird because it's like my mind didn't want to remember this dream for some reason. :scratch: It was just that I was trying to take a picture of Michael (Bad era look), but every time I would try to, he would run away laughing. I kept chasing him, but I couldn't take a picture because then he'd be off again lol. Then I followed him up a grassy hill, but that was about it.
Hello guys.
How's everyone doing?

I haven't been able to be online a lot and I certainly haven't been able to read all the long posts in this thread. What a shame.

Anyway, I miss Michael terribly. Words can't describe it. I hope to see him in my dreams soon again.
Thanks everyone for your comments and stories. It still bothers me sometimes that I didn't say something to her but I knew at the time I would have been a babbling mess and I would have just made myself look like a fool instead of her :sigh:

I swear as I was waking up this morning I heard Michael's voice on my mind. He was saying my name and giving words of comfort. :cry: I wish I knew that was really him and not just my imagination. I really didn't want to get out of bed today.

Awh :wub: That's something you just have to try to believe in. There's no way of proving you right or wrong, if you feel it was Michael, try not to doubt yourself :heart:

That experience sounds awful....I'm going back in time to give you hugs.

OK I'm back. ;) seriously, that's so cool about the shirt!
Yes I will take a pic of my nails tomorrow!
That's really cool about your you keep a journal? I feel like I haven't had any significant dreams in a long time...meditation is much more insightful to me for some reason. But last night I did have a horrible dream that I came into my cube in the dept in the morning and someone had broken in and taken my laptop, wallet, everything. :(

Love to all!

That's a horrible dream. :huggy: I don't have a journal, I usually type my dream into my phone or iPod but I really need to keep a journal. Half the time I can barely make out what I was trying to type :doh:. What's really annoying me is the last few mornings I remember my dream, fall asleep, then can't remember anything when I wake up again. I need to get a journal and keep it under my pillow.

Yay guys! MJ fans do exist in this town! :D My cashier in Wal-Mart noticed my MJ shirt and went on to tell me how Michael was his Elvis... I was like, YES! So nice to meet another fan! I know it sounds lame but that really made my day. lol.

Cool :) I wonder if he has seen any of the cash you have written on :giggle:

I wonder if that's true. I don't remember ever seeing anything like auras and I can remember at least back to 2 1/2 to 3. Anyone else? My mom has said that when I was a baby they'd sometimes here me giggling and making noises and they'd peak in and find me being totally entertained by some invisible person/people, like someone was playing with me, standing over the crib. Whoa, I wonder who it was! One time when I was about 3 my grandma heard me talking with someone, like having a real conversation, but only my side of it. She peaked around the corner when I was quiet again and asked who I'd been talking to. I told her with my other grandparents (who'd died over a year before). She asked, "Are they still here?" :bugeyed and I said, "No, they went through that wall." Freaked her out :lol: Wish I could remember that. Damn.

I don't know if we would remember being able to see auras. If we tune out from seeing them I'd say we could easily un-remember seeing them in the first place. I don't know, maybe only some kids see them naturally.

My mother asked me one day why I was in her room the night before. I didn't know what she was talking about. :scratch: She said she woke up and there was a shadow at her door so she said "Amanda go back to bed" and the shadow left. It was dark so she thought it was me. Another time my brother asked my mother who was behind her. He would have been three-ish at the time. He said it was an old man or woman. My mam got a fright and turned around but she couldn't see anything.

I had the most bizarre dream last night! James Brown and MJ were in it. I was working at a clothes shop and there was this huge queue of people waiting to pay, and I saw James and was like :bugeyed, James Brown is here?! He was wearing army clothes (?) and was with these other men who looked v similar to him. He came up to me at the till and told me to sign my name in this book, which also had loads of other signatures in it. The lights cut out, and a puppeteer entered and the puppet was MJ, but puppet size lol. He was in his bad tour outfit. I remember thinking god, that puppet looks so like MJ, right down to the curls. The song the puppet MJ was dancing to was APOM, and the guy was really making him dance like MJ lol. I left, but when I came back in, the puppet was someone else. It was so, so bizarre!!.

:lol: Crazy dream!

It's funny that you should say that. I've been debating with myself whether or not to share a dream that I had in late March--the whole "everyone can see it phobia," but I think I'm ready. give some background information:

This was the first dream that I had of Michael that wasn't a nightmare, since he passed. I haven't had many to begin with. I have had some "interesting" dreams concerning him before June 25th (and if anyone is interested, I'll share them here), but post-June 25th, they had all been horrible and somewhat graphic dreams concerning his death. So, moving on...

I was walking to a shopping center near my house and it was a chilly, wet, miserable day outside, very gray and empty. I guess you could say it was similar to the "Stranger in Moscow" video. I went into the Rite Aid store and the inside was totally different (I've had this experience in a lot of dreams). I was cold and sneezing a lot, and then I started having this hacking cough that I couldn't get under control. I felt horrible and very self-conscious, like anyone who was in the store was looking at me, so I ducked inside the restroom until I could stop.

When I came out of the restroom, there were a few male employees at the counter, and they were all whispering and speaking in hushed tones, saying things like "should we tell her?" while looking towards me. One of them hurriedly waved me over and I went to the counter to see what was going on. When I did, one of them said to me:

"You're not going to believe this, but Michael Jackson is here. He was asking about you!"
"He wanted to make sure you were okay."
"Um, yeah, I'm okay." I could feel my face turning red and I quickly looked down at the floor.

Just then, they all hushed up and turned away from me to look like they were busy, so I turned around to see what had startled them. The other restroom door opened and Michael came out. He was dressed entirely in black, in the sort of outfit that he would wear on his shopping trips during the last year--black hat, black scarf underneath to conceal his hair, black trenchcoat and pants, with sunglasses. The only difference was that he was not wearing a surgical mask over the lower half of his face.

I couldn't help myself from staring at him, even though I thought to myself that I shouldn't, that it was rude. I felt myself breaking out into a smile, but I couldn't stop myself. As he walked by me, he turned his head in my direction, and smiled back. It was a closed mouth, sweet, warm smile. Even though he had sunglasses on, our eyes locked and it was like there was a mutual understanding between us. He kept his gaze on me almost until he reached the door. For those few seconds, it was like everything was moving in slow motion. He opened the door, walked through and vanished. I stood where I was for a moment, blinking, then I went over to the door and looked out. There was no sign of him, or any cars that he could have left in.

Hi Tarin. Thanks for sharing :) It does sound like Michael was making sure you are ok. The long gaze sounds intense! :wub:

Was kind of upset last night, was doing some music (new piece plopped up in my mind, hurray) but was upset. I shouldn't have read the "New pic! CURLS!" thread, then one where they wondered what his screen name might have been.

I remember going to bed thinking, Michael I'll try say Hi to you dreaming. All I remember is dreaming all night long and that he was there, I didn't see him but I felt him around the entire time, just observing.
I do remember dancing though and that was very happy. He did have some gold top on his hair was reeeeeeeaaally long, very black and long. I remember he had his huge hand on my back, and I remember there was some kind of swirl, his hair flew around like a girl would have her dresses flying around her. He was happy relaxed and laughed.

Sorry you were upset :huggy: but wow, wonderful night of dreams to make up for it :heart: All night?! Lucky you! ;)
Happy weekend, everyone! :heart: Hope everyone is doing ok today :group: I had a terribly weird night last night into today. Just this... energy. Jittery, feeling of unease somehow and longing so badly for Michael. Weird feelings. Maybe it's just hormones, lol...

Hey Guys..I wanted to show you all something by Michael. :) Please leave your feedback as I can't make out every word he has written.
Like MJJLaugh said, looks a lot like mindmapping. Looks like he was putting together the things that needed to be on his mind in order to achieve his goals. Neat to see, thanks. I wonder when this was from ...?

Someone said that on another MJ board, but it kinda shocked me to read 2043...I had that meditation where I supposedly was dead and Michael said it was '2034', remember? So now I actually wonder what he wrote down on that autograph, 'cause this 2034 thing is seriously coming back to me ALL the time in certain ways. :mello:
Read that before too. God, I wonder what that meant to him? Oh the mysteries of Michael. I wish I could just sit down with him and really talk, like really talk, like friends, with him knowing now how I truly feel about him and that he could trust me, not like in some stupid interview. :( (Maybe someday that will be possible with lucidity? I hope.)

mjbunny - ooo so your soul type is scholar/priest. Mine is a server :lol: I've always thought of myself as being that soul type for some reason. It was interesting to read about that soul type too.
Oh, like MJJLaugh, cool :) I think my hubby might be too, but I'd have to have him read it all sometime, I guess. Did you also read some of them and think, "Ok, that's not me" lol? I think we can all have many of those characteristics at times (or feel we should), but I read about how it's that thing we expressed most as a child and that often around 40 we return to that deep urge and change what we were doing. I was just torn between Scholar and Priest based on what I feel deepest inside and from the quiz, but my pendulum said "yes" there's something to this system and "yes" on Priest type, so I'll go with that. I better get working harder then, lol. (And lol, I just connected that to the jerk media person in my dream from last week who was insulting me by calling me a "self-appointed minister of the Church of Michael Jackson" :lmao: Well, hell, so be it :lol:)

I had the most bizarre dream last night! James Brown and MJ were in it. I was working at a clothes shop and there was this huge queue of people waiting to pay, and I saw James and was like :bugeyed, James Brown is here?! He was wearing army clothes (?) and was with these other men who looked v similar to him. He came up to me at the till and told me to sign my name in this book, which also had loads of other signatures in it. The lights cut out, and a puppeteer entered and the puppet was MJ, but puppet size lol. He was in his bad tour outfit. I remember thinking god, that puppet looks so like MJ, right down to the curls. The song the puppet MJ was dancing to was APOM, and the guy was really making him dance like MJ lol. I left, but when I came back in, the puppet was someone else. It was so, so bizarre!!:heart: to you all.
Weird! I had a dream about John Lennon last night! Which was also weird! Why John Lennon? LOL Ok, I did look up info the other day about a guy in Russia who runs the "Temple of Peace & Love" dedicated to him. Maybe that's why. I was having to put together some movie or video about LOVE that combined stuff from MJ and JL. About your dream... signing the book... hmm, maybe our names were there too? That part about the puppet is pretty strange. I mean it doesn't sound good, so I don't know how to take it (if it really means anything). Is it about an MJ imposter in some way, controlled by someone behind the scenes? Or someone pretending to be like Michael, but they're just a "puppet"? Hmmm. James Brown in army clothing... a soldier? Yeah, just weird. But maybe I'm just taking it too seriously. I had a dream some months ago about a doll about the size of a 5-year-old who looked like MJ and could even "come to life" to a degree and talk like Michael, but I knew it was just a doll.

I wouldn’t be surprised if there are lots of people having ‘MJ experiences’ but not talking about them..this is an amazing thread and everyone is so open and willing to share and encourage. Thank you again to everyone.
I totally think so. And we're not the only forum. I was on a group conference call a while back with Barbara from Inner Michael and there were some folks on that call that must not have been members of forums at all. So many stories are untold. Thanks for sharing yours as well :)

Another thing that came up was about love. That I was loved very much and only needed to open up my heart and it would be there. ( it made me :cry: while writing it. Not sure that is supposed to happen during automatic writing ?) It was a very interesting experience and very insightful.
I dreamed about all Michael's brothers and family. They were all very upset about something, but I can't remember anything else. Michael wasn't in my dream but he felt close because it was all related to him somehow, I knew that. That's the only reason I met them, to talk about what we needed to do.
Oh, your automatic writing sounds so nice. I think it's so true for us all. All the love we could ever want or need is there all the time if we'd only open up to it, which seemingly isn't easy or we'd all be walking around with bliss in our hearts, huh? I wonder if your dream has any connection with my feelings of unease and jitter last night into today. I pray the kids are safe. :angel:

"You're not going to believe this, but Michael Jackson is here. He was asking about you!"
"He wanted to make sure you were okay."
Oh, sweet :heart: Wait, was that the dream in March or was it more recent? Either way it sounds very special indeed. And welcome to the thread :)

Was kind of upset last night, was doing some music (new piece plopped up in my mind, hurray) but was upset. I shouldn't have read the "New pic! CURLS!" thread, then one where they wondered what his screen name might have been.
Nice dream, but omg about the curls thread. Yeah, I made that mistake a couple weeks ago :no: Earlier today I was flipping through some stuff on my DVR because it's about full. I ran across a show produced by E! months ago and watched a bit. They showed the vid of Michael in his new curls being asked "Can you still moonwalk?" by that dork pap. Oh my God, my beautiful Michael :cry: That hurt. I'm really trying to be strong lately, though. Really trying not to cry. Trying to talk about things without tears, keeping some joy in my heart, as I was told to do in a meditation. I'll think I'm doing well, but then I'll realize that it's partly due to not being challenged by things like the show on my DVR and by staying out of The Case threads. So it's not so easy when dipping a toe back into it all. :(

It was just that I was trying to take a picture of Michael (Bad era look), but every time I would try to, he would run away laughing. I kept chasing him, but I couldn't take a picture because then he'd be off again lol. Then I followed him up a grassy hill, but that was about it.
Oh sweet :wub: :photo:

Anyway, I miss Michael terribly. Words can't describe it. I hope to see him in my dreams soon again.
:hug: I know, it still hurts something awful. Maybe it helps to think in the way my hubby said the other day. He said if all is one and consciousness is everywhere, then Michael could be right here (reach your hand into the air). That night I dreamed of something just like that, like Michael was everywhere in some way, like in glowing strands of light. I just know he's 'around', he's alive in spirit. I hope you have and remember a dream of him soon :angel:
Oh, like MJJLaugh, cool :) I think my hubby might be too, but I'd have to have him read it all sometime, I guess. Did you also read some of them and think, "Ok, that's not me" lol? I think we can all have many of those characteristics at times (or feel we should), but I read about how it's that thing we expressed most as a child and that often around 40 we return to that deep urge and change what we were doing. I was just torn between Scholar and Priest based on what I feel deepest inside and from the quiz, but my pendulum said "yes" there's something to this system and "yes" on Priest type, so I'll go with that. I better get working harder then, lol. (And lol, I just connected that to the jerk media person in my dream from last week who was insulting me by calling me a "self-appointed minister of the Church of Michael Jackson" :lmao: Well, hell, so be it :lol:)

Yeah at first when I saw the 7 soul types I was like I am not a king, not a warrior or scholar :lol: but I mean, some bits of the info of server I was the majority of it I agreed with. And I did worry I was subconciously choosing my answers, cos I knew I was a server, if that makes sense. But I mean, I gave it to my mum to try and the soul type she got, I read it out to her and I was like okay, that is not me, so server seems to be right.

Weird! I had a dream about John Lennon last night! Which was also weird! Why John Lennon? LOL Ok, I did look up info the other day about a guy in Russia who runs the "Temple of Peace & Love" dedicated to him. Maybe that's why. I was having to put together some movie or video about LOVE that combined stuff from MJ and JL. About your dream... signing the book... hmm, maybe our names were there too? That part about the puppet is pretty strange. I mean it doesn't sound good, so I don't know how to take it (if it really means anything). Is it about an MJ imposter in some way, controlled by someone behind the scenes? Or someone pretending to be like Michael, but they're just a "puppet"? Hmmm. James Brown in army clothing... a soldier? Yeah, just weird. But maybe I'm just taking it too seriously. I had a dream some months ago about a doll about the size of a 5-year-old who looked like MJ and could even "come to life" to a degree and talk like Michael, but I knew it was just a doll.

I really have no idea why JB was there :lol: I guess I did attempt a James Brown shuffle in the kitchen while waiting for my food to cook. So maybe that's why, but to actually see him..He was also with these other guys who were all in army wear too.
About that book. I wonder if all your names were in there too, it seemed like an actual book, but with signatures in the margins. My signature looked way better in the dream than in real life :lol:.
The puppet thing is just weird. I dunno what intepretation to go with tbh, I was pondering the controlling behind the scenes option. But maybe this is just too craaazy to even intepret lol. It finally happened, I went that :crazy: I just wished it was real MJ lol. But seeing JB was nice.

MJJLaugh - highfive for being a server too :lol:

TarinJade - Welcome to the thread :flowers: :heart:
Thanks for sharing your dream with us. I agree with what the others said, sounds like MJ was just checking to make sure you are okay :)

Modulation Alert - :sigh: I looked at that thread a few weeks ago. Needless to say it made me very sad for the rest of the night :cry:.
That sounds like a sweet dream though.

Zenab - :huggy: Hope you find him in your dreams soon. :heart:
Hey guys! :flowers: I was just reading in Dancing The Dream since a while, and kinda got deeply touched by the poem 'Are You Listening?'.
It got to me like never if I suddenly understood it in-si-de out, as if it fell on it's place. Totally weird feeling actually.

Like a message straight from where he is now....are we listening? Do we really understand? He's much more, but still the same, immortality is his game, we have to see it, in all of our surroundings, all forms of what he could be, not based on time, playing hide-and-seek (ha!), in consciousness, believe in you and you'll believe in him, it's a shame for those who don't, etc.

I'd say it for yourself and you'll know and hopefully feel what I mean. :heart:
(Thankyou Michael for something beautiful and deep like that book, awesome!)

Who am I?
Who are you?
Where did we come from?
Where are we going?
What's it all about?
Do you have the answers?
Immortality's my game
From Bliss I came
In Bliss I am sustained
To Bliss I return
If you don't know it now
It's a shame
Are you listening?
This body of mine
Is a flux of energy
In the river of time
Eons pass, ages come and go
I appear and disappear
Playing hide-and-seek
In the twinkling of an eye
I am the particle
I am the wave
Whirling at lightning speed
I am the fluctuation
That takes the lead
I am the Prince
I am the Knave
I am the doing
That is the deed
I am the galaxy, the void of space
In the Milky Way
I am the craze
I am the thinker, the thinking, the thought
I am the seeker, the seeking, the sought
I am the dewdrop, the sunshine, the storm
I am the phenomenon, the field, the form
I am the desert, the ocean, the sky
I am the Primeval Self
In you and I
Pure unbounded consciousness
Truth, existence, Bliss am I
In infinite expressions I come and go
Playing hide-and-seek
In the twinkling of an eye
But immortality's my game
Eons pass
Deep inside
I remain
Ever the same
From Bliss I came
In Bliss I am sustained
Join me in my dance
Please join me now
If you forget yourself
You'll never know how
This game is played
In the ocean bed of Eternity
Stop this agony of wishing
Play it out
Don't think, don't hesitate
Curving back within yourself
Just create...just create
Immortality's my game
From Bliss I came
In Bliss I'm sustained
To Bliss I return
If you don't know it now
It's a shame
Are you listening?
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hey everyone! I forgot to goes lol

TarinJade, welcome! That sounds like a special dream :wub: I'm sure it was Michael sending a message to you!

Amanda, yes, I do that too...fall back asleep and can't for the life of me remember what the dream was.

From Bliss I came
In Bliss I am sustained
To Bliss I return

I love love love this poem.....these lines, I'm hoping to get them as a tattoo, with Michael's signature underneath. I can't get it till Oct/Nov but that gives me time to design it better :)

I know exactly what you mean about that poem. the line "are you listening" always makes me stop and think.
Anytime I read that book, I have goosebumps all over me. It just shows me how much Michael knows, understands about the universe, energy, everything.

OK I have a big paper due on Monday so trying to get it done.
Love to all!
^ I love that poem. I just love that entire book. So beautiful. :heart:

Another one I love is Angel of Light. I love this bit taken from it:

You can pray to the angels and they will listen, but the best way to call them, I am told, is to laugh. Angels respond to delight, because that is what they're made of.
Hello. lol you know - I can't get the 'multi-quote' option to work for me. :doh:
There's so many of you I would like to reply to. I do it old school & copy and paste everything on word doc. :lol:

Anyways about the notes Michael had written..I agree that it is mindmapping. That is the first thing I thought of when I saw it. I just thought that it was very interesting & relevant to this thread. I mean I always knew Michael was very spiritual & motivated so this just gives a look into how serious that he was about that and how much that he really believed. As I mentioned I am not sure when Michael wrote them. I found them about 6 months ago from a friend online whose a MJ fan as well.

Wow! There's even more pages now that I want to read through. :cheeky:

I am glad that you all enjoyed the notes. :wub:
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This is the video that Ramss70 made with this poem in mind "Are You Listening ?"

I came across some old margarine with a very old expiry date that needed to be thrown out, but the date made me sad and I cried for a bit June 19, 2009. Stupid little things like that should not get me upset, but they do.

I avoid The Case thread too and the Curls thread was also sad to read. On the other hand, I love the Booty or Ass Man thread and when I feel down Gold Pants helps a lot as well as the LOLGraphics thread in Man in the Mirror. Oh that cracks me up big time!
Like this one:


And this one:

ok, last one:
:hug: I know, it still hurts something awful. Maybe it helps to think in the way my hubby said the other day. He said if all is one and consciousness is everywhere, then Michael could be right here (reach your hand into the air). That night I dreamed of something just like that, like Michael was everywhere in some way, like in glowing strands of light. I just know he's 'around', he's alive in spirit. I hope you have and remember a dream of him soon :angel:

Aww. Thanks for the advice.
:lmao: @ macros

My bf is watching golf but I glanced up at the tv for no reason and saw a flicker of Michael's face on an ad about a program called "Legends" :wub:
Hello girls!! It's been a long time! I've missed you :hug: How is everyone doing? :) Been super busy the last couple of weeks , had 3 exams in 9 days , my best friend's grandpa was you can imagine...

Something weird happened.I think I've told you before about this thing about the number 1 , I've been seeing it a lot randomly but the other day I found a missed call in my cell from the number 1111111111 , WTF !?! :bugeyed I don't know what to think about that... :scratch:

I'll try to respond to some post properly later...

Much love :heart: :flowers:
Hello. lol you know - I can't get the 'multi-quote' option to work for me. :doh:
Maybe this is a dumb question and for some reason it's just a glitch, but after you click multiquote on each post, do you go to "Post Reply" button on the bottom left instead of trying to use the quick reply thingy? That's what I do and it just worked again, so just checking, lol.

Hey guys! :flowers: I was just reading in Dancing The Dream since a while, and kinda got deeply touched by the poem 'Are You Listening?'. It got to me like never if I suddenly understood it in-si-de out, as if it fell on it's place. Totally weird feeling actually.
I am the craze
I am the thinker, the thinking, the thought
I am the seeker, the seeking, the sought
I am the dewdrop, the sunshine, the storm
I am the phenomenon, the field, the form
I am the desert, the ocean, the sky
I am the Primeval Self
In you and I
Fav part above. I know, amazing :angel: Regarding this poem, here's a page to check out! ...

I came across some old margarine with a very old expiry date that needed to be thrown out, but the date made me sad and I cried for a bit June 19, 2009. Stupid little things like that should not get me upset, but they do.
I saw "June 2009" like 3 times last night. That month will suck for eternity :( On a much, much lighter note, you picked two of my all-time favorite macros, yeah! :punk: I have those saved... the "This is the LAST time I'll explain it" and "bitch, we're going to court!" :hysterical: Classic. Just classic :lol:

P.S. Hi Flor! :) I used to get calls occasionally from 1111111111 on my cell too. I guess sometimes anonymous numbers don't go through right. If you ever get "777", though, definitely pick up :lol:
Maybe this is a dumb question and for some reason it's just a glitch, but after you click multiquote on each post, do you go to "Post Reply" button on the bottom left instead of trying to use the quick reply thingy? That's what I do and it just worked again, so just checking, lol.

Fav part above. I know, amazing :angel: Regarding this poem, here's a page to check out! ...

I saw "June 2009" like 3 times last night. That month will suck for eternity :( On a much, much lighter note, you picked two of my all-time favorite macros, yeah! :punk: I have those saved... the "This is the LAST time I'll explain it" and "bitch, we're going to court!" :hysterical: Classic. Just classic :lol:

Tell me about it... the 26th is my friggin' birthday. So, half the day on the 25th I am getting calls from friends and relatives from place that are already in the 26th, so MJ partially died on the day of my birthday. The phone is ringing and I just want to scream. This SUCKS. It's really silly because it's just a birthday but it'll be filled with this effin sadness, for a long time to come.
I really shouldn't have read that curl thread, now it's haunting me. The excitement, all the happiness and then BAM, gone.
Tell me about it... the 26th is my friggin' birthday. So, half the day on the 25th I am getting calls from friends and relatives from place that are already in the 26th, so MJ partially died on the day of my birthday. The phone is ringing and I just want to scream. This SUCKS. It's really silly because it's just a birthday but it'll be filled with this effin sadness, for a long time to come. I really shouldn't have read that curl thread, now it's haunting me. The excitement, all the happiness and then BAM, gone.
I can only imagine how much that sucks, I'm sorry :( I guess the only thing worse would've been if it was THE day of your birthday. :doh: In the bodyguards thread it's been claimed that MJ had read the Curls thread. I wonder if it's really true. So weird to think about, Michael reading something I wrote. Sometimes I think about that, about all the things I've written about him and said to him in my mind... things I've never said to/about anyone else, things too gushing and corny to squeak out outloud (for me, cuz I'm so wimpy about expressing personal emotions). It makes me crazy shy sometimes to imagine he knows what I've said for REAL :lol: :blush: But also, it's wonderful, truly :cry: :heart:
Hey guys, I was looking at stuff to find out my soul type (it's scholar, which fits me perfectly) but the page had a link about the Michael teachings....
um, weird much? I haven't had time to look through it properly but it's a group of souls who contacted this lady in the 70s, they took the name Michael because that was the most recent name of one of the soul's incarnations. Though maybe you all know this already! I was just stunned when I saw that all this info about essence and energy came from this Michael :wub:

EDIT: oh man this is crazy, they have a section explaining/claiming that MJ was the reincarnation of Mozart..... I need time to digest this!

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