Michael Jackson To Unleash World Premiere Experience At Billboard Music Awards

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The impersonators I know (and I don't know them all) never perform anywhere near Michael's level. To me the advantage of an impersonator would be the face looking similar (to an extent) to MJ. But if the face isn't used I don't get why they would need an impersonator. It shouldn't be that hard to find a 5' 10" thin dancer that can do MJ moves. I mean look to Usher, he can do an impressive moonwalk. Sure it probably won't be convincing to fans (meaning fans can identify MJ and a dancer) but the dancing would look more high quality. So I truly don't get why would they even need an impersonator for this if they don't need a look alike face..

Of course even a good professional dancer wouldn't be able to duplicate MJ's movements exactly but wouldn't you think they would be better than an impersonator? I mean Vincent Peterson dancing next to MJ at Bad 25 documentary and the backup dancers at TII had a lot better movement than any impersonator I saw. So I disagree that impersonators are better that duplicating MJ moves - when it comes to dancing.


If we operate on the idea that a living human was needed for the movements but not the face and we all agree that no one can match MJ's movements, why not go with a decent dancer so that at least the moonwalk etc would look better? Not look like MJ but good dancing skills?

An Impersonator or someone who has studied Michaels moves would be the best you could get, Jamie King isn't an impersonator but does dance like Michael and he helped choreograph and produce this "Avatar".............I still think its him, he has quite long hands like MJ. But until we see any kind of proof, I am sticking that its a filmed impersonator with Michael's head CGI'd on, just because the difference in quality of the body and the head.
OK, This was a Holographic 3d projection by Christie digital explained here:


What they did is scanned the moves of a dancer, added CGI effect to make an MJ like animation and used the Christie projector.. This isn't a true hologram.. This was very disappointing, but I had very low expectations.. Maybe for the Invincible 25 @ 2026 We'll get to see a lifelike MJ hologram...
It was amazing. Like I was watching a real life performance of E'Cassanova. Magical.

Hey, if it helped Xscape sell more copies... great. But I never ever want to see them attempt this ever again. You can not re-create Michael.
Robin's new article

It had taken a team of 104 cast, crew and execs two years and six months to create the one-of-a-kind full-stage experience to showcase Michael. The first two years was the development of new technology and the last six months filming and choreography.

The 16 dancers and five-piece band were onstage as Michael appeared in hologram form to sing “Slave to the Rhythm,” a track he had recorded in 1991 with L.A. Reid and Babyface only recently discovered and released on the album “Xscape,” which may hit No. 1 on Billboard this week and has hit No. 1 worldwide since its release last Tuesday.

L.A. told us backstage: “We tried to do as best as we could with what we thought Michael would have loved, but the truth is you can’t ever really know because he wasn’t here.”

Michael wore brick red trousers, a gold jacket and white T-shirt on a set that was modeled from “Dangerous” artwork. A special stage was built at the back of the arena that was used only for that one performance. Michael opened the near five-minute sequence seated in a throne and then rose to walk down steps to perform various dance routines all the time surrounded by and dancing around dancers who had come onstage from arena aisles.

It was late last year that Michael Jackson estate lawyer John Branca made the final decision to use the “Slave” recording. “We wanted people to experience Michael in a live setting, a live performance in front of a live audience, and nothing speaks to that more than an awards show. It’s the magic of Michael exactly as if he was performing.”

Jamie King, who directed Cirque du Soleil’s “Michael Jackson: The Immortal World Tour” and “One” at Mandalay Bay, was brought in to stage this production. Rich and Tone Talauega, who choreographed Michael’s HIStory Tour in 1997, started work on the Michael dance moves early in January with the dancers.

They said backstage that the project was simply labeled “Secret Mission”: “The dancers rehearsed to the track but had no idea they would be dancing with Michael. It’s classic Michael with our spice on it. The angle of his hand. The tilt of his head. All the dance moves are completely within his world.”


Seems to me his misworded it when he said footage I think he meant audio recording least that's what it seems like in this new article.
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Another thing, what would be the point of also having real people (the dancers) also imposed on the same screen as "Michael"? Wouldn't they be CGI too?

probably "Cost', MONEY, time


Another thing, what would be the point of also having real people (the dancers) also imposed on the same screen as "Michael"? Wouldn't they be CGI too?

probably "Cost', MONEY, time

Why CGI other people when they are real? When they film movies like Terminator, Transformers, Avengers, Spiderman... The real actors shoot their scene normally and then in post production they add unreal things (in this case virtual MJ) like Hulk in the Avengers or cyborgs in The Terminator. The only problem here was MJ's face and dancing in some parts (especially Moonwalk).
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Birchey : An Impersonator or someone who has studied Michaels moves would be the best you could get, Jamie King isn't an impersonator but does dance like Michael and he helped choreograph and produce this "Avatar".............I still think its him, he has quite long hands like MJ. But until we see any kind of proof, I am sticking that its a filmed impersonator with Michael's head CGI'd on, just because the difference in quality of the body and the head.

This is Jamie King https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/2241919248/jamie-king.jpeg
-- very muscular arms, doesn't resemble the body of 'virtual Michael' at all.
It's true no one could recreate MJ, but why making misleading advertisems for that show? It was announced as a hologram, not the case. Containing never before seen footage, Michael wasn't present in any moment.

I saw what it was done with Tupac and Madonna, I couldn't believe they weren't able to do the same for Michael. No matter how much good press it gets, it was mediocre and crappy attempt to present him.
It's true no one could recreate MJ, but why making misleading advertisems for that show? It was announced as a hologram, not the case. Containing never before seen footage, Michael wasn't present in any moment.

It was NEVER announced as a hologram. It was announced as "Virtual Michael" and "King Of Pop Illusion". FACT.
It was NEVER announced that it will contain never before seen footage. FACT.

1 guy (some unknown reporter ala Roger Friedman) made up all that bullshit and it spread around. The lesson here is to never believe anything that comes from that kind of "journalists" and "reporters" that claim that they are insiders but they are actually LIARS!
This is his new "post-show" article:


Same guy, different story now.

"The 16 dancers and five-piece band were onstage as Michael appeared in hologram form to sing “Slave to the Rhythm,” a track he had recorded in 1991 with L.A. Reid and Babyface only recently discovered and released on the album “Xscape,” which may hit No. 1 on Billboard this week and has hit No. 1 worldwide since its release last Tuesday."

only recently discovered - track NOT footage!
Calling him a liar is taking it a bit too far, especially since he never said it was being used, he or his source got it wrong, it happens, I seriously doubt he intentionally lied.

Strong points and I agree 1 million percent. What I see is the misinformation derived from FAN HYPE, not anything coming from the Estate. This new album is everything "Michael" wasn't, but should have been. I LOVE this album, can't stop playing it (the retouched versions AND the originals), so does many of my friends and family that grew up in the J5 era. If we Old Schoolers are down with the new technology/sound being used with Mike's music, so should those generations younger than us (which grew up in this internet technology age).

How is his legacy supposed to continue, out live us if the way it's presented doesn't adapt/change with the times? How many of you still buy/listen to cassette tapes? How many of you still listen to 8-Track tapes? How many of you still own albums that were pressed/released over 35 years ago? Today those old formats are either discontinued, not used or are novelty items resurrected to appear "hip". I still have plenty of mine, but that's because I'm from the era when they were NEW.If this dinosaur can adapt, so can everyone.

The major thing I had to adapt to that's Mike-related is he's no longer in the land of the living. That still stings deeply to this day and probably will until I'm gone. I've adapted to that FACT; it's time some of you do, too. We're never going to see him perform again, dance again, unless we're surfing YouTube or watching his DVDs. It's time to stop shooting his legacy's immortal potential in the foot by small timing the Estate when they get the huge task of advancing it, RIGHT.

In the meantime, pop in Michael Jackson's Vision and be happy we have his performances digitized to enjoy for years to come (and pass them on to the next generations).

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For the people who feel unsettled about the "hologram", its the "uncanny valley". :D Blame the company who animated MJ, not the estate, LA Reid, Sony etc, lol
An Impersonator or someone who has studied Michaels moves would be the best you could get, Jamie King isn't an impersonator but does dance like Michael and he helped choreograph and produce this "Avatar".............I still think its him, he has quite long hands like MJ. But until we see any kind of proof, I am sticking that its a filmed impersonator with Michael's head CGI'd on, just because the difference in quality of the body and the head.

Strong points and I agree 1 million percent. What I see is the misinformation derived from FAN HYPE, not anything coming from the Estate. This new album is everything "Michael" wasn't, but should have been. I LOVE this album, can't stop playing it (the retouched versions AND the originals), so does many of my friends and family that grew up in the J5 era. If we Old Schoolers are down with the new technology/sound being used with Mike's music, so should those generations younger than us (which grew up in this internet technology age).

How is his legacy supposed to continue, out live us if the way it's presented doesn't adapt/change with the times? How many of you still buy/listen to cassette tapes? How many of you still listen to 8-Track tapes? How many of you still own albums that were pressed/released over 35 years ago? Today those old formats are either discontinued, not used or are novelty items resurrected to appear "hip". I still have plenty of mine, but that's because I'm from the era when they were NEW.If this dinosaur can adapt, so can everyone.

The major thing I had to adapt to that's Mike-related is he's no longer in the land of the living. That still stings deeply to this day and probably will until I'm gone. I've adapted to that FACT; it's time some of you do, too. We're never going to see him perform again, dance again, unless we're surfing YouTube or watching his DVDs. It's time to stop shooting his legacy's immortal potential in the foot by small timing the Estate when they get the huge task of advancing it, RIGHT.

In the meantime, pop in Michael Jackson's Vision and be happy we have his performances digitized to enjoy for years to come (and pass them on to the next generations).


Oh my god, kill this stupid theory. Nobody who dislikes whatever that thing was last night, have never once said they didn't like it because it isn't Michael, or that they can't grasp the fact that Michael is dead. Not ONE person. Yet you automatically assume that's the reason why people disliked it, because they can't face the fact that Michael's dead?

Does it ever occur that perhaps that isn't the reason at all, but people simply feel it was overhyped, and lacking in many area's? No, right? Because of course, anyone who dislikes and voices they're opinion on that "thing", that doesn't relate to your positive view of it, are simply fans who just can't get over the fact that Michael is no longer with us...

Go somewhere with that.
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NOWHERE was it announced as a hologram or containing unseen footage.





Literally every article that spoke of it, prior to the actual perfomance, announced it as a hologram.

BlueSky said:
Another thing, what would be the point of also having real people (the dancers) also imposed on the same screen as "Michael"? Wouldn't they be CGI too?

probably "Cost', MONEY, time

Like I said to Onir, believe what you will. Me however, will continue to believe that I know better than whatever the Estate feeds to the writers. Tough noogies.
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It's just easier to say its a hologram than it is to say a life-size projected video.
Gold Pants Girl;4009855 said:
Calling him a liar is taking it a bit too far, especially since he never said it was being used, he or his source got it wrong, it happens, I seriously doubt he intentionally lied.

I don't know if he worded it weirdly but it sure seemed that way check out my post here with all his tweets

Though the original article said this:
From the article he wrote on May 17
I learned that Michael’s estate trustees came across undiscovered L.A. Reid recorded footage of Michael that they didn’t know existed. The lawsuit says the music will be a new song, “Slave to the Rhythm.”

He has since changed it in the new article he wrote this morning.
Changed it to "Slave To The Rhythm" being a "newly discovered" song...When it's not.

I feel bad for him really, he's clearly being fed information and is writing whatever he's fed. The problem is whoever it's coming from, all the information is wrong. The guy has been a respected journalist for 50 years. Don't see why he'd wait till now to start making mistakes like that all on his own.
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