

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2009
It is with great sadness that I received the following news. Myriam (aka MIchael.Mania ), who posted in the members support thread a while ago, has passed away :cry: She was 17 years old :cry: Her brother Joshua would like to thank everyone for their kind and supportive messages.

May she rest in peace. God bless her soul.

R.I.P. Myriam :angel:
:weeping: I feel like someone just punched me in the stomach. Oh god....
This is a reminder to us all here that we must help and support each other. This is still such a hard time! If we are able, we must reach out to the people feeling bad. This is so distressing!

I remember she PMed me a few times she just couldnt take the pain no matter how much I tried to help :cry: She didnt want to live in a world without Michael and it felt there was nothing to stop that. She posted a goodbye message here but we were too late :cry:

Is there something we can do for the family? This is really terrible :no:
That is so tragic. :cry: I remember her brother wrote in the thread she started asking for it to be locked. He didn't say anything specific, but I feared the worst. Now it's been confirmed it feels as though someone has punched me in the stomach. :weeping:
How did you find out Stephen?

I PM'd her account in the hope that her brother would pick up the message. He replied earlier today :( If I get another reply to my reply to today's message I'll ask him if there is anything we can do.
I didn't want to give up on her until it had been confirmed, now that it has I can only say how sad it is that we lost one of us in this way. Her family are no doubt devastated and heartbroken. It is unbearable to think about the pain Miriam must have been in to want to take her own life :(

Goodbye Miriam, Rest Peacefully x
I PM'd her account in the hope that her brother would pick up the message. He replied earlier today :( If I get another reply to my reply to today's message I'll ask him if there is anything we can do.

Yes that would be nice! My condolences to the family.
What a tragic loss for them and for us as community also. So sad!
May she rest in peace!!!
R.I.P. Myriam little angel, you won't suffer anymore sweetie. Please watch on us
My condoleance to the family

Omg... :cry: So sad.. does someone know how she died? i know its suicide but what did she do?

RIP Myriam :cry: :cry: i feel so sad... i want to help her but it was to late...
does she have facebook or something.. wanna see how she look.........
I don't think its appropriate to speculate on the cause. Her family are grieving and we shouldn't be talking about that side of things :(
She is to young.... TO YOUNG..
Gone to soon :cry:
RIP Myriam , sweet angel, no matter who you are

Everytime I see a thread with someone wanting to end their life I try and reply or think and say ''its all gonna be ok'' and that the person will change their mind, in which most cases they do. But when tragedy strikes like this I am at loss for words. This is so upsetting and unreal and I cant believe Michaels loving fans actually go to lenghts like this. I dont know what to say.. Was there anything that could have been done differently to save this girls life? Or had she already decided it was no point in trying to help her? She had so much to live for even though she did not see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Im beyond petrified that this will happen again. My heart is racing everytime I see a goodbye message on this forum. There is a difference between expressing sadness and coping with sadness and leaving a goodbye-notice to everbody. I have never experienced suicide in my surroundings and this is as morbid as it gets, this is something beyond my worst nightmare.

Everybody on this forum please do not do this to yourselves. We can move forward through this black hole and make the future brighter.

In loving Memory of this young girl. We felt your pain. We just wished you could stayed a longer on earth and dealth with this loss differently. I hope you are in the hands of loved ones and that you are doing OK up there. May god be with you.

God bless her and her family. I hope she has found god and happiness.

Im gonna have a heartattack next time I see someone saying their goodbyes here.. I cant take this.

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MIchael.Mania's last message

"After all my strugglings with myself I had some moments of positivity and I posted some positive things here in the hope that it would have a positive influence on me. But I can't go on anymore. I can't wait untill the funeral. I can't go on.

I wish everyone the very best. I just hope I'll meet Michael and hope that my pain will finally be taken away.

Michael, I have alwasy loved you. I love your music. Your style. Your kindness. I love you with all my heart. And my heart has been ripped out since you died.

I wish you all the very very best. I'll be looking down from heaven.


I'm really sorry to hear she's died. I just hope that her wishes came true and that she's met Michael in heaven. And is looking down on all of us just like she said she would. RIP