Murray Trial - 29 September - Day 3 - Discussion

when alberto went upstairs he saw prince there walking opposite him
I'm listening to Alvarez's testimony and I just realized that Kai nor anyone else ever got to actually GO and get security. Kai Chase had said Murray ran downstairs, asked for Prince and asked for someone to get security. Well, why the hell hadn't no one gotten security if they were all standing downstairs. Kai also said Prince didn't go upstairs. So what the hell was she doing if she a) wasn't getting security and b) did not see Prince go up the stairs? Did she totally blank out what happened when Murray came downstairs?
Alvarez said that once he reached the landing upstairs. He seen Muarry coming from a hallway toward the bedroom
I'm listening to Alvarez's testimony and I just realized that Kai nor anyone else ever got to actually GO and get security. Kai Chase had said Murray ran downstairs, asked for Prince and asked for someone to get security. Well, why the hell hadn't no one gotten security if they were all standing downstairs. Kai also said Prince didn't go upstairs. So what the hell was she doing if she a) wasn't getting security and b) did not see Prince go up the stairs. Did she totally blank out what happened when Murray came downstairs?

I think that was when Dr. Muarry was telling her to send someone upstairs
Kind of a side note, it must be terrifying testifying in court. While he is stumbling through his words, at least he's not answering, "I don't recall" dozens of times, like yesterday.
Kind of a side note, it must be terrifying testifying in court. While he is stumbling through his words, at least he's not answering, "I don't recall" dozens of times, like yesterday.

I think its better to reply "i dont recall" under oath than to speculate . Im sure Faheem may have remembered more, but did not want to speculate on the stand. That wouldnt do anyone any good
saw prince on the landing. saw murray coming from a hall way towards the bedroom he said alberto come quick
When Alberto seen Muarry (upstairs).. Muarry said "come, come..... quick"
At that time Alvarez terminated the phone call with Michael Amir
murray and him went back into the room murray started doing cpr with mj on the bed
Alvarez seen Muarry giving CPR to MJ (on the bed) once he entered room. Muarry preceded Alvarez to room.
Alvarez said MJ was laying on his back (on bed), hands extended out to side w?palms up, eyes were open and mouth open
albert saw mj lieing on his back on the bed hands by his side eyes slightly open or open and his mouth open. face slightly towards the left murray gave cpr with one hand on the bed murray used his left hand
Alvarez is testifying that as he walked toward bed in room, Prince and Paris walked behind him. Paris screamed out daddy
poor Paris :(

she saw her dad lying on the bed like that :(
I think that was when Dr. Muarry was telling her to send someone upstairs

But I thought she said he came down the stairs that led to the kitchen. In any case it seems Murray came down the stairs after all those calls between Amir and Alvarez then...which would have been much later than estimated. Kai said it was Noon...and it was...but it was closer to 12:18; almost 20 minutes later. What was Murray doing from 11:51 when the call to Sade dropped and 12:12 when he made that first call to Amir? Then what was he doing for the next 5-6 minutes before coming down the stairs? That's 20 minutes he wasted when there was a house full of ppl inside and a trailer of security outside.

Chernoff initially said it was a big house and Murray couldn't find anyone or some crap. There was a set of stairs on each side of the upstairs foyer and near each bedroom. No excuse for him not going downstairs to yell for help earlier. He wasted MINUTES not saving Michael when it would have taken him seconds to run down one of those stairs and yell for someone to call 911. Ugh!
Alvarez said Muarry told him not to let them see their dad like this. Alvarez took them out of room anmd told them that they would take care of it and take care of MJ

Alvarez said he seen the catherter(sp) on MJs genetials.
dont quite like this. so fars theres no mention of hiding the drugs b4 calling 911 and we he says mj was wearing an oxygen tubing which hasnt been said b4
Alvarez said Muarry told him not to let them see their dad like this. Alvarez took them out of room anmd told them that they would take care of it and take care of MJ

the kids must have come back again because Faheem then said he took the kids out from the room as well :(

i wonder how long alberto were there by himself before Faheem came