Official Statement From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

I'm listening to "Tabloid Junkie" right now. First time since Monday.
What a composition it is. A real Michael Jackson song, AMAZING vocals, AMAZING music, AMAZING lyrics.

Play this right before or after "Breaking News". You'll hear a masterpiece and mediocrity.

I just walked the dog and listened to Unbreakable and Billie Jean. My ears rejoiced. When I heard BN (from the very first listen when I'd heard nothing about it) I just wanted to switch it off.
And another thing that's bugging me....

If all the 1000's of fans that called 'fake, we want a statement from Sony and the estate!' to the get that statement then say 'well it's still fake as we are super fans and know every last detail about Michael Jackson'..
If your sooo sure why not create a Paypal account for all the fans to donate a £2,$5 or whatever, hire a forensic audiologist and get the damn track tested yourself.

Short of that what exactly will it take to shut you up bickering..... Taking swipes at the ruddy site owner..... Stupid.
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

:yes: I agree with you. All of you who say, "oh, I'm not buying the album now," who are you hurting by doing that??? Yourself and Michael. Do you think Sony cares? No, they don't. It's getting to the point that it's ridiculous. If the whole thing was fake, and you had evidence that it was fake, then I could understand saying you won't buy it, but that's not the case.
As other people have said, why would they risk putting fake songs on the album when they have all the authentic songs they could use? It makes no sense. I really don't care that some of the Jacksons didn't think it sounded like him because it DOES sound like him, just different, which can be done in the studio. If someone had told Blanket that they didn't think it was actually his dad singing on "2000 Watts", then asked him if he thought it was, do you think he would have said yes? No, he would have agreed with them.
What more will it take to convince some of you? Arguing doesn't help. Two forensic musicologists determined it was him, numerous people who worked with him over the years (in the studio) also determined it was him, Sony is out to make money, but they are not stupid. What more will it take???????????? I just don't get it. :no::smilerolleyes:

@ butterflies, this picture you posted of Michael singing We are the world with the children. Do you remember when was that and on what occasion? I ask because i remember it was MJ's first TV performance since the trial. i also remember there was some controversy over MJ's voice when he briefly sung a few words. He sounded not really himself. Could this be 2007? Could he really had a problem with his voice back than? Do you have a link for this performance on youtube?

Chris_Jones;3068836 said:
And another thing that's bugging me....

If all the 1000's of fans that called 'fake, we want a statement from Sony and the estate!' to the get that statement then say 'well it's still fake as we are super fans and know every last detail about Michael Jackson'..
If your sooo sure why not create a Paypal account for all the fans to donate a £2,$5 or whatever, hire a forensic audiologist and get the damn track tested yourself.

Short of that what exactly will it take to shut you up bickering..... Taking swipes at the ruddy site owner..... Stupid.

A clip of the original, unedited demo is all that's required...
Chris_Jones;3068836 said:
If all the 1000's of fans that called 'fake, we want a statement from Sony and the estate!' to the get that statement then say 'well it's still fake as we are super fans and know every last detail about Michael Jackson'..
If your sooo sure why not create a Paypal account for all the fans to donate a £2,$5 or whatever, hire a forensic audiologist and get the damn track tested yourself.

We dont need a damn test! Thats not what music is about, using all these machines to test if the vocals belong to MJ or not.

I'd much rather believe my own ears.
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

But you should not go through this stress after listening to your favorite artist--you see what I mean. You should be able to play his song, say Waw he has changed his technique, love it, or don't like it. You should not have to say "which part is him and which is Jason?" They took the fun and love out of the new release and I am not happy with them.

exactly. never in my entire life, ever since i was a baby, have i EVER been made to go through this 'artificial' process, when it comes to listening to music. either i danced in my crib, or i didn't period. like the two year old who sang 'beat it', that's what music listening's supposed to be about. from the soul. 'audiologists' never interfered with the average listener, before.

so, all of a sudden, this process is supposed to be ok?

nobody is supposed to tell you that you can't hear, and that you should listen to an 'audiologist'. that's bullshit.

hell...i never had that problem with Elvis Presley. why am i supposed to have it with Michael Jackson, all of a sudden?

indeed..the MJ experience has been the most fun experience in my life. it was never a dictatorship.

now, sony is trying to make it a dictatorship. along with people who agree with them.

i don't need a 'professional director' to tell me how to keep MJ's legacy.

don't worry MJ, i will keep your legacy.

i don't have to buy Breaking News, and i won't.

and for those who say, i'm hurting MJ's legacy by not buying this, you know that's bullshit when you're saying it. you already know there are myriad ways to keep his legacy, witnout buying this album, just as Elvis' legacy is being kept without any new music of his coming out.

so making that leap and rediculous comparison, is like saying i hate MJ's mother, because i disagree with something she said about Michael. or hate my mother because i disagree with something she said.

you know that disagreement does not automatically mean hate. and you already know that not buying something new does not mean erasing a legacy, when you can surely rebuy something old. but you already knew that, and just want to argue, anyway.
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^ MJ has referred to himself in the third person many times. I've seen countless videos of him doing it, including where he defends himself from child molestation he says "that's not who I am, that's not Michael Jackson"

Thats a bit different to doing it in a song. Theres a lot of things you'd say casually that you wouldnt in a song.
^ MJ has referred to himself in the third person many times. I've seen countless videos of him doing it, including where he defends himself from child molestation he says "that's not who I am, that's not Michael Jackson"

Yeah and at the end of HIStory...well on my dutch copy that is, he gives a thank you message to the fans in holland. He says 'Hi this is Michael Jackson' ..the way 'Michael Jackson' is said in BN is SO different from that speech/thank you message. I don't know man.

I just would like to know from all these people who believe it's really MJ(people on forum,the producers of MJ,etc) WHICH parts are 100% Michael, and which are not. That's all.
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

i really like, it reminds me of Dangerous (probably teddy rileys production) and tabloid junkie/ 2bad, it has a 'Michael' sound to me, obviously the majority dont agree with me and i dont want to argue with people im just stating what I feel when I listen to it, I feel Michael, maybe not Michael at his best but I feel Michael.

I like it too, and I feel Michael too. It may not be all him, and it may be "messed with" in the studio, but it's still him, and it's good.
Yeah and at the end of HIStory...well on my dutch copy that is, he gives a thank you message to the fans in holland. He says 'Hi this is Michael Jackson' ..the way 'Michael Jackson' is said in BN is SO different from that speech/thank you message. I don't know man.

I just would like to know from all these people who believe it's really MJ(people on forum,the producers of MJ,etc) WHICH parts are 100% Michael, and which are not. That's all.

Sorry, are you talking about Michael Jackson or 'Michul Jaaaaacksuuun-AH!'?

The 'Michael Jackson' lyrics (both in terms of their inclusion in the first place and their tone) are the biggest giveaway on the whole sorry thing.
Chris_Jones;3068836 said:
And another thing that's bugging me....

If all the 1000's of fans that called 'fake, we want a statement from Sony and the estate!' to the get that statement then say 'well it's still fake as we are super fans and know every last detail about Michael Jackson'..
If your sooo sure why not create a Paypal account for all the fans to donate a £2,$5 or whatever, hire a forensic audiologist and get the damn track tested yourself.

Short of that what exactly will it take to shut you up bickering..... Taking swipes at the ruddy site owner..... Stupid.

I would consider release of signed forensic audiologists reports as proof. I would consider a direct statement from Bruce Swedien and the other experts listed in the estate press release, that the lead vocals streaming online are the same vocals that they previously analyzed and that they are Michael's. This should be very simple to do.
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

So what they are saying is, it's definitely Michael on the lead vocals? The 'I'm Michael Jackson....' parts, and the very fast parts in the begin are all him? Why doesn't it sound anything like him then? The tone of that voice...he did that in several other songs, and it never sounded like this.

Listen to the acapella version, and you can tell it's him, but you can definitely tell they've done something to the vocal. I really wish they hadn't.
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

Listen to the acapella version, and you can tell it's him, but you can definitely tell they've done something to the vocal. I really wish they hadn't.

I was actually more convinced that it wasnt him after hearing the accapella.....
Sorry, are you talking about Michael Jackson or 'Michul Jaaaaacksuuun-AH!'?

The 'Michael Jackson' lyrics (both in terms of their inclusion in the first place and their tone) are the biggest giveaway on the whole sorry thing.

When I first listened to "BN" as soon as I heard, 'Michul Jaaaaacksuuun-AH!' I knew that wasn't MJ.

So right there you know it's not 100% MJ and Sony says it is 100% him.

Therefore: Sony is lying and can't be trusted.
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

@ butterflies, this picture you posted of Michael singing We are the world with the children. Do you remember when was that and on what occasion? I ask because i remember it was MJ's first TV performance since the trial. i also remember there was some controversy over MJ's voice when he briefly sung a few words. He sounded not really himself. Could this be 2007? Could he really had a problem with his voice back than? Do you have a link for this performance on youtube?


He couldn't hear himself in the monitor. Difficult to sing when you can't hear yourself in the monitor.
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

@ butterflies, this picture you posted of Michael singing We are the world with the children. Do you remember when was that and on what occasion? I ask because i remember it was MJ's first TV performance since the trial. i also remember there was some controversy over MJ's voice when he briefly sung a few words. He sounded not really himself. Could this be 2007? Could he really had a problem with his voice back than? Do you have a link for this performance on youtube?


I'm not butterflies but I might as well answer. It was recorded in 2006 at the World music awards. The issue wasn't that he didn't sound like himself, but he sounded out of pitch. I don't think he could hear himself because the fans were going wild and he was pretty much trying to sing over Stevie Wonder in the song and it was putting him off. But yeah... he still sounded like himself. It wasn't like his voice was damaged or anything.
^ MJ has referred to himself in the third person many times. I've seen countless videos of him doing it, including where he defends himself from child molestation he says "that's not who I am, that's not Michael Jackson"

the spirit behind your comparison is wayyy different. and we all know this.

if i say my name, to clear it of a crime, that is not self aggrandizing.

but if i sing it in a lyric, about reporters chasing me cus..IIIIM so and so..that's self important.

why is it that some people ignore the spirit behind how something is said, whenever it's convenient?
The BN now certainly sounds like Michael a lot more than it did before, , perhaps a new Mix...?
And ? I don't care if it sounds like Michael Jackson and if it's not him.
That's not MJ and even if Bruce Swedien or Dorian Holley say it's him, it will not change my mind.

It's easy for Sony or I don't know who to convince people saying "help us and say it's him, you will be on the next project".
I don't say that's what is going on but everything is possible if these guys say it's him.
Sorry, are you talking about Michael Jackson or 'Michul Jaaaaacksuuun-AH!'?

The 'Michael Jackson' lyrics (both in terms of their inclusion in the first place and their tone) are the biggest giveaway on the whole sorry thing.

Yep, for me too. When i heard that i was like...WTF?!!! Other things in the song have me doubting but this part...nah.

Listen to the acapella version, and you can tell it's him, but you can definitely tell they've done something to the vocal. I really wish they hadn't.

I actually thought even more it wasn't MJ after this, lol ;)

I listened to it Tsjukiii, but i hear no difference with this one
And ? I don't care if it sounds like Michael Jackson and if it's not him.
That's not MJ and even if Bruce Swedien or Dorian Holley say it's him, it will not change my mind.

It's easy for Sony or I don't know who to convince people saying "help us and say it's him, you will be on the next project".
I don't say that's what is going on but everything is possible if these guys say it's him.

You know I wonder if that the guys that say it's him are referring to rough vocals that were used for this? It would be great to hear the actual rough vocals, maybe that could clear some stuff up..I really don't know what to make of this anymore :unsure:
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

does everyone realise that the vibrato is done digitally?? its completely obvious.....

yup, mike forgot how to sing with vibrato....
what next? he forgot how to pitch and his vocals have to be microtuned?
/sarcasm off
When I first listened to "BN" as soon as I heard, 'Michul Jaaaaacksuuun-AH!' I knew that wasn't MJ.

So right there you know it's not 100% MJ and Sony says it is 100% him.

Therefore: Sony is lying and can't be trusted.

Yep. And, lest we forget, that was the first line of the song.

I wish that Michul Jaaaaacksuuun-AH! would just piss off back to wherever he came from. Sony need to stop treating us like idiots. However divided we might be on this topic, a huge number of us still realise this song is sung by an impostor.
Originally Posted by Laura_Jo
They were so convinced it was Michael they rang Jason Malachi just to 'double check' it wasn't him! What a joke!
'Hi Jas, we have these tracks and we're pretty sure they're Michael, even know they sound nothing like him. Can I just check where you were circa summer 2007?'

Yep, Scary that they even thought they had to do that! But, obviously even that wasn't convincing! They had to ask people that worked with MJ for 20 yrs who said they believed it was him too! And still even that wasn't enough! The Estate then hires a musicologist to check! Oh wait now Sony then does the same! I guess they don't care to much about what the estate might find? That is a lot of checking to see if it's MJ ain't it? Should it really BE THAT HARD? NO! SMH

I like the song but, it's the lead Vocals that kill it for me! Thanks a lot Porte/Jason?....
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Sorry, are you talking about Michael Jackson or 'Michul Jaaaaacksuuun-AH!'?

The 'Michael Jackson' lyrics (both in terms of their inclusion in the first place and their tone) are the biggest giveaway on the whole sorry thing.
I totally agree, I was like "is it a joke ?"

No this is a real fake !
I'm still listening to this song randomly throughout the day trying to give it a fair shake.

New version, old version, whatever. I'm not hearing Michael Jackson in that song.

I want to know why they'd put this track out first if they needed eleventy-billion people to verify its authenticity?
I guess they would not let me into the building otherwise I would go to the Sony office here and bring our concerns to them in a professional manner.
How can they explain why "All I Need" is on Jason Malachi's myspace?