Original Pic Used To Fake MJ Ambulance Pic

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Dangerous Incorporated

Below is the picture that was used to fake the ambulance picture of Michael.

Original Image:

Sorry I have to clarify, in the first image, the LAFD blurred that patients face due confidentiality reasons. This is the only thing that has been done to it.

Fake Image:

Image of Michael used to composite fake image:

(Thanx to Matt MJ)

The picture is legit and was found on the EMT Bravo West website:



So this whole story that the pap Ben gave is BS. And makes his slip up look more poignant: “Yes Chris, and the other people that were there that day and the other da… uh and uh are part of that agreement, are going to make a lot of money, absolutely.”

Entertainment Tonight must feel like idiots for purchasing a fake Michael Jackson picture. Wonder why they didn't mention it publicly that they were dupped?​
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Oh my god. Is this true? Please tell me that this picture of MJ that we have had so long, that we have had to associate with his final day here, is fake... that would be such a relief.

On the other hand, though, what's with the other picture? It's a little frightening.
I do not understand is this Michael on the first one too or not?
Both pics have looked entirely fake to me, actually. I've not seen the first one, but the second on was everywhere. For one thing, his hair was long in the pic. Uhm, I hope you realize this, but he really did wear wigs? We have NO idea what his actual hair looked like (nor do I care. He was beautiful regardless. He would have been beautiful to me bald as-an-egg, or with hair down to his knees!). But in that well-known ambulance pic, his hair is long, down his shoulders. He did not SLEEP in a wig, for cripes sake. So what did they do, stick it on his head for a photo op? I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but it is what it is. I can't really believe either one of them. Photo-shop can do anything. . . .
Wow, well that's some good image editing right there...
Both pics have looked entirely fake to me, actually. I've not seen the first one, but the second on was everywhere. For one thing, his hair was long in the pic. Uhm, I hope you realize this, but he really did wear wigs? We have NO idea what his actual hair looked like (nor do I care. He was beautiful regardless. He would have been beautiful to me bald as-an-egg, or with hair down to his knees!). But in that well-known ambulance pic, his hair is long, down his shoulders. He did not SLEEP in a wig, for cripes sake. So what did they do, stick it on his head for a photo op? I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but it is what it is. I can't really believe either one of them. Photo-shop can do anything. . . .

I was wondering that same thing Victoria, but at first I thought he might have woken up before the tragedy. He had make-up, his hair was done...then I thought maybe he did sleep like that...it's all so heartwrenching...

Where do these 2 pics come from? Please, source, what is this?
I'm sick to my stomach
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I had read somewhere that that first pic was a digital modification of the second pic (which we've all seen). Is there record of that first pic before June 25? In internet cache perhaps?

I have also believed for a long time that the ambulance photo is a fake. I think it could be one reason that no one in the family has spoken out about it. If it were my family member in a similar photo, I would denounce the photographer who took the photo and make sure everyone knew how disrespectful/disgusting I found it. But I have not seen such a statement... has anyone else?

I know "that photo" is not usually allowed here, but for the purposes of the investigation I hope we can continue to discuss it.
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If the picture on top is real it looks like the patient’s head there was turned to a right side, the opposite side from the cameras? Or I am wrong? This photo could be fake too...
And we know that MJ was wearing wigs. Ppl usually do not sleep with the wig on. I do not really care cuz he looks good to me with no hair and no makeup at all. His heart is more important than his look.
In response to the wig thing, I think he could have slept with a wig on or off -- really nice/expensive lace-front wigs can be glued to the head and slept in if desired. But not necessarily... so it's an interesting point to keep in mind!
Somehow I'd like to think the first pic is the "fake" one, people who want to play tricks
Or maybe that was the true pic but they just "retouched" michael's face so it is more visible? !? OMG this is so macaber!!! I'm shivering
Sorry I have to clarify, in the first image, the LAFD blurred the patients face due confidentiality reasons. This is the only thing that has been done to it. I'm sure the person or this person's family would not want their face all over the news and net. That would explain why some people doubt the first image.

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Sorry I have to clarify, in the first image, that LAFD blurred that patients face due confidentiality reasons. This is the only thing that has been done to it.

To me, I see a slight difference-- the amount of black rectangular screen showing above the arm badge area of the EMT on the right.
I've been told that the person who posted on the EMT forum took MJ's picture, changed some of it and blurred the face to get more details on the vehicle that was used. I'm not sure if the 1st is a derivative of the 2nd or vice versa.
Sorry I have to clarify, in the first image, the LAFD blurred the patients face due confidentiality reasons. This is the only thing that has been done to it. I'm sure the person or this person's family would not want their face all over the news and net. That would explain why some people doubt the first image.

Another reason that obviously shows that the MJ pic is fake is that YOU DONT GIVE CPR TO SOMEONE SUFFERING FROM CARDIAC ARREST!

If they blurred the image it has to be a white spot there? No? Also some parts both pictures look different.
And I heard many times that CPR was dano by Dr. Murray. Was it wrong info too?
Where did you get the 2nd picture? It looks different than the ones in the OK magazine and the ones you find on google?
Thank you. I knew it was taken from that pic but I couldnt find it.

I was mistaken about the CPR. My apologies. (Cant be right all the time! lol)
OK, I have been studying these pictures side by side and who ever did the "Michael" picture has done an excellent job of retouching this photo!
It is hard to tell from the picture that was posted on page one, but here is a better copy.
Now look at the foreheads in both pictures. It is the same forehead! They have put MJ’s face in from the eyebrows down. Then they touched up the side of the head with his sideburn.(You may need to enlarge the original photo as the lighting is bad.)
The infamous forehead vein that everyone discussed, as someone that is no longer living wouldn’t have, is on both pictures! This was professional for sure!
Is there no end to this madness!?
(I am actually happy to know that isn't Michael. I was pretty PO'ed when that ending up on the cover of O.K. mag!)


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wow that is just crazy. I too did not think that photo was real. Something about it seemed rather odd to me.
On the wig - maybe Michael had some extensions... you know - hair that are attached to your original hair (even when yours are not really long) - when this is done really well, you can't distinguish the real hair from the fake ones.

I also have no problem whatsoever with Michael wearing wings, but I thought that together with the curly hair being back Michael might have chosen extensions instead of wig, as he was to go for a tour and that was maybe easier during the concerts - in fact he always had curly longer hair for the concerts.

Having said that I am also suspicious about the photo.
I had a feeling it is just too great (in terms of composition!!!) to be true...
I don't know what to think about that... sick world... :(