Randy Jackson's Twitter...

Oh God speak of the devil.. he's back... 'more facts will come'
This trial can't come any sooner. When all of the facts come out we can all decide for ourselves if someon other than murray was involved or should be held responsible also.
on twitter it says his account doesnt excist. when u click on the link to his username in this thread. has he shut it?
Seeing how Murray is the only one who will be going on trial you will have a long wait
Seeing how Murray is the only one who will be going on trial you will have a long wait
It is true that the trial is focused on Murray since he's the only one charged but you don't think other names will be mentioned? Even If all the blame points to Murray as it seems then my statement still stands.
This trial can't come any sooner. When all of the facts come out we can all decide for ourselves if someon other than murray was involved or should be held responsible also.

u realise murray is the only one on trial. unless u are talking about the civil case?

but you don't think other names will be mentioned?
the only other names are coming from the defence ie the bodyguards and the nation of islam.nothing will come from the pros as their case is against murray and no one else
u realise murray is the only one on trial. unless u are talking about the civil case?

the only other names are coming from the defence ie the bodyguards and the nation of islam.nothing will come from the pros as their case is against murray and no one else
The civil case is just a lawsuit there is not trial for that at least not yet.

I when I said The trial can't come sooner i mean all the facts anout Murray and his care for Michael. If all the evidence comes out and it proves his gross neglect then who else is there to blame unless there is a turn of events and Murray mentions other people. I blame only Murray because he was the doctor in charge and administered the propofol. Some fans fell Michael was murdered, if he was murdered it'll most likely inlove other people than Murray because what would be his motive?
The civil case is jsut a lwsuit there is not trila for that unless it esclates to that, right?
a civil case is a trial aswell. a civil case is a lawsuit. it goes to trial and a jury decides like in a criminal case
This is a civil suit brought on by Katerine Jackson and her grand children by her son Michael. Why is Randy even speaking on it.
I guess Randy will be happy that the case can move forward
So if Kenny Ortega would've told the family that Michael wasn't feeling well and that something was 'off' with him, what would Randy have done?
ScrEAm.Jack5on;3226435 said:
randyjackson8 Randy Jackson
I need to clarify and address something that was miscommunicated yesterday
36 minutes ago

randyjackson8 Randy Jackson
My mother’s a very kind & sweet woman...
35 minutes ago

randyjackson8 Randy Jackson
However, The Jackson Family as a WHOLE does NOT extend any sort of an apology to Kenny Ortega
33 minutes ago

randyjackson8 Randy Jackson
In their obsession to get the show out, it appears Kenny & AEG didn’t care about my brother’s health & they didn’t inform the family
31 minutes ago

randyjackson8 Randy Jackson
... at times driving my brother to tears.
29 minutes ago

randyjackson8 Randy Jackson
Michael would still be here had they informed his family of the situation. More facts will come out.
26 minutes ago

Randy came back.... :doh: :sigh:
randyjackson8 Randy Jackson
Michael would still be here had they informed his family of the situation. More facts will come out.
26 minutes ago

Randy says that "more facts will come out." In my opinion, the FACTS that have come out thus far put the Jackson family in a bad light.

Case in point, why would AEG need to notify the family? It's not like Michael did not see his family in the months before his death.

Michael want to the Anniversary Party for his parents, I'm "guessing" Randy was there also. His parents were at that meeting with Randy Phillips and Leonard Rowe. And his mother said that she spent time with him a week or so before he passed away.

So why the heck would AEG need to "inform" the family. LOL! In my opinion, THUS FAR, the facts are not on the side of the Jackson family. That could change tomorrow, but today, I just don't see it!
I totally agree Big Apple.. why in the world should AEG have notified them? if they were concerned they should've checked on MJ themselves. They knew he was undertaking a big tour, they had heard the rumors of his supposed frailness and illness and I know they all could see that MJ was thin and was going and coming from Klein's office very often. Why didn't they check on their own son/brother?
big apple ,i am also waiting for those facts from both sides .

I hear you blankylurdoodoo!

Right now I'm looking forward to hearing what EXACTLY went down in that meeting which was attended by Michael, Katherine, Joe, Leonard Rowe and Randy Phillips.

In my opinion, it was about Joe and Rowe's involvement in the AEG deal, or the AllGood Entertainment NON-deal, or maybe it was a little bit of both.

I don't believe that meeting had anything to do with Michael's health or any concern for Michael's health on the part of his mother and/or father.