Rebbie Jackson to be on "The View" on January 27

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Well said, marebear. Thank you.

Maybe my memory is failing but I find that the Jackson family keeps focussing on the 'mess' (as Al Sharpton spoke of at the memorial) as opposed to the 'message'. This is why I am so discouraged.
Very true ChosenOne, Marbear I completely agree with your post as well.
Well said, marebear. Thank you.

Maybe my memory is failing but I find that the Jackson family keeps focussing on the 'mess' (as Al Sharpton spoke of at the memorial) as opposed to the 'message'. This is why I am so discouraged.

I feel the same way. I would rather hear from other people than from his own family. Michael did so much for so many people and who he was as a person gets overshadowed by other things. Things that shouldn't define him to people.
I feel the same way. I would rather hear from other people than from his own family. Michael did so much for so many people and who he was as a person gets overshadowed by other things. Things that shouldn't define him to people.

I agree... hearing from the Cascio's, folks like Dave-Dave, hell even Stevie Wonder is doing an excellent job and he acted more heartbroken over MJ's death than Mike's own family. It's just absolutely sad that other folks are giving MJ respect whereas his own folks are throwing him under the bus. None of them have talked about MJ's charitable efforts, his talents, his love for people, his wanted to heal the world. Absolutely nothing about that kind of stuff from any of them. Well I take that back because LaToya said some wonderful things about her brother, but I've heard nothing from Randy, Janet, Rebbie, Marlon about what a wonderful and kind man MJ was.
Exactly,, that's what we've all been saying for the past 18 months.. Even after MJ's death was ruled a homicide, his stupid family members were talking about painkillers, interventions and denials and painkillers had absolutely nothing to do with how he died. It made me sick to my stomach. And then even after the DA charged Murray, the family was still talking trash about 'others involved', and AEG etc etc..

Just a big mess they are.. they make me so sick. Their behavior could've influenced potential jurors and they trashed MJ and he was the one that was freakin' killed !!!!

This is why I can't understand why ANY MJ fan would defend his family. They are the most pathetic pieces of @#$% that I have ever seen. Rebbie NEVER wanted to talk about Michael in the past, now she has her ass on TV degrading him. Are they really THAT stupid or is all of this intentional. Rebbie is only interested in HER career. I truly pray to God that if something ever happens to Katherine, Rebbie does NOT get her hands on Michael's children. I would rather Debbie have them than anyone in the Jackson family. Btw, did anyone notice how disgusted WHoopie looked when Rebbie came out. She didn't seem happy at all with the questioning and Rebbie's answers. Again, this family does NOT give a damn about Michael and I am glad that he basically shut them the hell out of his will. He KNEW.
Personally, I don't know if I want to support the family anymore because of this. And it makes me very sad because I have liked most of them for nearly my entire life. For them to spend all those years publicly supporting Michael while he was here and then suddenly trashing him after his death is like a hard smack in the face for me. I know Michael wasn't perfect. But seriously, there is no excuse for the family's current behavior. They are so quick to rightfully say that Murray is responsible for Michael's death because he administered the things that killed Michael. But then the family contradicts that statement by saying that " Michael was an addict in denial". It seems to me sometimes that they are trying to get in good with Michael's haters to get themselves back in the spotlight. And to even think that just makes me sick. I also have noticed how every time the media says something about Michael being to blame for his own death, The Jacksons tend to repeat it as if it's fact. And I can't help but wonder why. The media started that whole thing about there being an imposter on "This Is It". Then the family ran with that too. I don't understand them at all. And I am very disgusted. This is truely discouraging considering that I looked up to these people for years and years. I know they are human. But I thought they were better than this. And for them to be handing Murray his defense is a real let-down as well.
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Personally, I don't know if I want to support the family anymore because of this. And it makes me very sad because I have liked most of them for nearly my entire life. For them to spend all those years publicly supporting Michael while he was here and then suddenly trashing him after his death is like a hard smack in the face for me. I know Michael wasn't perfect. But seriously, there is no excuse for the family's current behavior. They are so quick to rightfully say that Murray is responsible for Michael's death because he administered the things that killed Michael. But then the family contradicts that statement by saying that " Michael was an addict in denial". It seems to me sometimes that they are trying to get in good with Michael's haters to get themselves back in the spotlight. And to even think that just makes me sick. I also have noticed how every time the media says something about Michael being to blame for his own death. The Jacksons tend to repeat it as if it's fact. And I can't help but wonder why. The media started that whole thing about there being an imposter on "This Is It". Then the family ran with that too. I don't understand them at all. And I am very disgusted. This is truely discouraging considering that I looked up to these people for years and years. I know they are human. But I thought they were better than this. And for them to be handing Murray his defense is a real let-down as well.
good post!!:clapping:
Joseph started the imposter thing and the media ran with it. cant even say they ran with it as it was barely mentioned as opposed the all the other bs
I'm also thinking since Janet and Randy are such close buddy's she should leave whatever she has for Randy and put Randy in charge immediately.

Janet and Randy are definitely very close, she was tweeting him "I love you and support everything you do". I remember how back in June 2009 media reported that Janet was named executor of the estate and fans were happy saying it's great move because she's independent and knows how to manage the estate etc. Well, now we can say it's great that she is not the executor, because in my opinion she would put Randy in charge.
Janet and Randy are definitely very close, she was tweeting him "I love you and support everything you do". I remember how back in June 2009 media reported that Janet was named executor of the estate and fans were happy saying it's great move because she's independent and knows how to manage the estate etc. Well, now we can say it's great that she is not the executor, because in my opinion she would put Randy in charge.
Jeez..I don't even want to know the shape the estate would be in now if Michael would of left Janet the executor. Michael was a very smart man..he new he couldn't leave his children's financial future in the hands of another Jackson.
Jeez..I don't even want to know the shape the estate would be in now if Michael would of left Janet the executor. Michael was a very smart man..he new he couldn't leave his children's financial future in the hands of another Jackson.

there would be no estate if the family was running it
Janet and Randy are definitely very close, she was tweeting him "I love you and support everything you do". I remember how back in June 2009 media reported that Janet was named executor of the estate and fans were happy saying it's great move because she's independent and knows how to manage the estate etc. Well, now we can say it's great that she is not the executor, because in my opinion she would put Randy in charge.
yeah I remember that as well, again we can only thank God and Michael for not letting either one of them (or another Jackson) run his estate.
Yeah, at least if she focused on saying Michael being a wonderful, loving person. That he was so kind and all that, which she knew he was. Why not say things like that? Jermaine once called him a 'saint' on Larry King Life, I'm not putting anyone on a pedestal or anything (Michael, in this case), but that was some really deep thing to say and Jermaine has been quiet consistent in his affirmations about Michael, he really did defend him a lot...

That's so easy to say "He was wonderful", even add he wasn't perfect, but a wonderful being all-out, and that's it....
I dunno why I thought it will be a positive interview for a change. I'm disappointed.
Whatever time I have left on this earth will never be enough to understand why a family such as Michael's, has to do any interviews if they are not going to be positive interviews. What purpose does it serve to present these apparently negative aspects of his life? Is it done to make them feel better? Or to give fodder to the media? Or do they think that the fans want to know this, whether true or not?
Who benefits from an interview such as Rebbie gave? Was she pushing the book her daughter is writing? If she wanted to draw attention to Bipolar disorder, I think she could have done better job. If she was seeking publicity for her touring, same thing. If she wanted to stand up for her brother, she was rather feeble about it. IMO. If she was blindsided by the questions about the will and Diana Ross, I wish she would have said something like, well you know Barbara, that really is our family's business and no one else's. Or something like that. *sigh*
Maybe she got out there surrounded by the aging sharks and started to regret being there!
These interviews give the family members a chance for the spotlight and such opportunities to do good for Michael's legacy. Why won't they do it?
Is it truly a case of 'bad news sells' and if there was a whiff of positivity they wouldn't be asked for the interview?
It is such a shame to see hostility directed towards any of Michael's family but I have to think that if they didn't put themselves out there as they do, it would not happen.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt"
cinzia - I agree with you. I am all for them dealing with their private family business privately. Not everything is to be in the public domain.

However, when they choose to be interviewed, knowing that the topic of Michael Jackson is going to come up, then they need to treat him with the same respect that he treated them.

Of course there is more to their lives than Michael. But they have to know that the advancement of their careers and causes rely heavily on a particular constituency - us. It is silly to alienate us.
Almost 50 years in the business and this family still does not get it.. It's very sad
Is the family intentionally trying to destroy MJ's legacy? I just don't get why they are doing this? Michael was killed.. he didn't die of painkiller abuse and he wasn't medicating himself, he was under the care of a doctor. Why is this family so damn gung ho on trying to portray MJ has some crazed addicted person? I am just so upset and so disappointed with them. And if he was addicted and had a major problem, what exactly did they do to try and stop it?
But they have to know that the advancement of their careers and causes rely heavily on a particular constituency - us. It is silly to alienate us.

This is another thing that makes their actions so WTF. Who exactly are they trying to reach in these interviews? Already most of the viewers or readers don't care for The Jacksons, so they piss off MJ fans who are the most open to supporting them?
This is another thing that makes their actions so WTF. Who exactly are they trying to reach in these interviews? Already most of the viewers or readers don't care for The Jacksons, so they piss off MJ fans who are the most open to supporting them?


The media doesn't give a damn about them. And most MJ fans were Jackson family fans because of MJ. Now they are dissing MJ, so they will alienate the majority of us. That doesn't make sense. I know for a fact I'm not supporting anything from any of them because of what they've done to MJ. I was even willing to give Austin Brown a chance, but since I hate his mother I won't even give him a shot now because he comes from her ( LOL....)

I am pissed at all of them... RIP Michael!!!!
As time goes by, I am crossing them off one by one from my 'like' list (not all of them though, there are some still there :) ). Even if these things were true, there is no need to speak to the media about it.

Michael was so intelligent and classy. I'm sure there are things he could have said about some members of his family, but he didn't.

... but maybe i'm being too harsh.. idk.. but there are a few of them who have done some disappointing things anyway..
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As time goes by, I am crossing them off one by one from my 'like' list (not all of them though, there are some still there :) ). Even if these things were true, there is no need to speak to the media about it.

Michael was so intelligent and classy. I'm sure there are things he could have said about some members of his family, but he didn't.

Exactly.. Michael would never do this to them and here they are throwing him under the bus.. If MJ had a problem and died because of it then ok you may want to discuss in some way, but MJ didn't die from what they allege. He died at the hands of his doctor so Murray and his punishment should be the only words coming from their mouths..

Janet suddenly now is back to her old mantra of not discussing her brother. Why didn't she follow this a year ago when she was talking to Roberts and Winfrey? why did her discussing MJ again have to consist of drugs, interventions and denials? That woman even tried to compare MJ to her crack and heroin smoking ex husbands? what kind of crap is that?

Mike was killed under the care of his doctor, a cardiologist, how do you compare that to her husbands stealing from her to smoke crack in a alley? Janet officially is crossed from my list. I will never ever support her again.
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Is the family intentionally trying to destroy MJ's legacy? I just don't get why they are doing this? Michael was killed.. he didn't die of painkiller abuse and he wasn't medicating himself, he was under the care of a doctor. Why is this family so damn gung ho on trying to portray MJ has some crazed addicted person? I am just so upset and so disappointed with them. And if he was addicted and had a major problem, what exactly did they do to try and stop it?

Becuase mj is dead i guess they think it their "time to shine" now

They are pissed that the money is going to the mjj3 and not them
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