These Are My Confessions

I confess I may have acted a little stupidly at my work's holiday party last night, but I don't care because I had a good time and no one is looking at me too funny today! :lol:
I confess cuz of deep sadness and frustration.. ate two slices of cake and some other sweetnesses... + 1 tangerine.. in the middle of the night..... and it don't makes me feel any better :no:
hugs back sweetie


i confess i slept all day most of tonight so now im full of energy and ready for what sunday has to throw at me :lol:

lmfao! i did the same thing hahaha dammit

i confess im to lazy to work out but i like seeing my abs all toned up haha
I confess it's all in the past and I have moved on and feel a much happier person. :)
I confess I wish that I wasn't the one that they selected for Jury duty..Oh what fun..

I confess, I wish Mr B knew about my feelings for him, it's driving me nuts..
I confess, I feel like God left me... :( cuz only bad goin' on all these months :(
I confess that when I see some people's sigs with messages to Michael in about how much they love and miss him I tear up and get hit with the reality of him not being alive anymore. :(