Update: Behind the Scenes on Jan 28th 8PM ET OWN Channel / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

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Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound


you are so right.. Murray has already said something to the effect that he was the last man standing and that 'others' gave it to him too..

It doesn't excuse Murray at all though because he could've easily said 'Nope too dangerous Mike'. I am hoping that the prosecution do a good job without the help from the family.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I completely understand why MJ moved out of the Encino home and made a beautiful home for himself...Neverland. There, he did not have to put up with his dysfunctional family and all their chaos and lies. Prince, Paris & Blanket don't deserve that mess.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I wish more and more that the kids were with Diana Ross.. I bet Diana would not have had those kids on the Oprah show
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Elusive you took the words out of my mouth.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

i dont understand what treatments did michael get for his vitilago on his upperbody? katherine said he didnt know, but its sounds like something permanent
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

i dont understand what treatments did michael get for his vitilago on his upperbody? katherine said he didnt know, but its sounds like something permanent

Depigmentation treatment, which is very normal for patients with Vitiligo in this advanced stage. This is something I didn't like about the interview, how Katherine kept saying Michael "changed" his skin and she didn't know how on earth he did that. She should have just said Michael got treatment for his skin to get rid of the blotches. At least she did mention that he still had blotches under his clothes (didn't know that btw), that's further proof of him having Vitiligo... cause you know, the autopsy report is apparently not enough for some people :smilerolleyes:
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

edit... already answered above.
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Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

katherine destroyed what was left of her sons reputation and legacy and good ole niave taj claimed im his tweets that his grandmother was gonna set the record straight. yeah she certianly did that.so not not only was he a druggie and thats why he died he was a druggie from the early 80's aswell. why is it that his own fmaily are so clueless about what happened to him. i guess they get all their news from the national enquirer. they have no clue about diprivan and what it is no clue about his insomnia.no clue about the autopsey. yet they make vague comments about addcition never stating any set dates,times drugs.knowing dam well that oprah and the rest of the world media will take it and run with it. everythings vague with them cause they dont have a clue and believe anything what good ole randy feeds them since he started selling crap to friedman in 06. the family are either severly lacking in the intelligence market or frankly do not care about mjs legacy through jealousy etc and have no real clue about what went on his life and are like the gen public who belive any old shit thats written about him. with a family like that who needs enemies. but i guess what matters most is whether some song is fake or not. not that what u are doing is handing murray his aquittal on a plate. what sort of family does that. i guess they never heard of the term if u have nothing nice to say than dont say anything at all. but they continue to crap on mj without a care in the world while everyday fans have to suffer something that u would expect from the likes of dimond and co not from his own family. yet they will all trudge off to court when they are the ones who have given murrays his best defence case. but i guess when murray is aquitted they can all go back to oprah and say well murray was a victim of the druggie just like we were. and on top of that we have comments about his surgery.which is a whole other issue. what sort of mother would do that.mj summed it up. "even my own mother doesnt believe me" but now mj will go down with elvis and the rest as druggie who killed himself because of his own families actions. and ppl wonder why he stayed away from them .everyone betrays u in the end

Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

The interview that never shouda been!

First reaction is WTF?
Mistake # 1. Can't believe she'd agreed to this interview that was brokered by Schaffel & Mann. She must as well get a better shot with Perez Hilton of TMZ.
What was she thinking ? Nobody told her of Schaffel and Mann & their shady background?
Mistake # 2. She never asked for editing control. Oprah butchered her all the way. You think that hand holding was real? My 2 year old nephew could spot that fake like a spotted cow. No pun intended.
Mistake# 3.Let Oprah stir the pot with controversial issues like plastic surgeries and instead of trying to stop the bleeding Katherine went along with it.
Did she really have to go there?
Mistake # 4 Failure to stop Oprah from bringing up child abuse allegations.
She could be more adamant and put her feet down...
"No need to beat that horse to death all over again. The trial has vindicated him. He was acquitted on all counts and the truth came out. You want closure, you got closure."
The world at large wants to remember Michael Jackson as entertainment's greatest music genius and simply let his legacy be. And throw in a humanitarian for good measure .
If a grieving mom is the best she can be, then stop at that.
Her tears and emotions minus her words spoke volumes.
Her son, Michael Jackson is better served by that.
Someone has gotta to tell her she's not media savvy.
Disappointment all round...she'd just hammered the final nail in the coffin Michael being a druggie. If Murray walks, I'm so much as going out on a limp to say this interview, together with LMP's had just handed to him. Oprah's got her last word. Gloating all the way to retirement.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I agree Christy
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Has anyone seen any tweets from Randy Jackson since the interview? where is he at? I would like to hear his comments regarding his parent's interview
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

The interview that never shouda been!

First reaction is WTF?
Mistake # 1. Can't believe she'd agreed to this interview that was brokered by Schaffel & Mann. She must as well get a better shot with Perez Hilton of TMZ.
What was she thinking ? Nobody told her of Schaffel and Mann & their shady background?
Mistake # 2. She never asked for editing control. Oprah butchered her all the way. You think that hand holding was real? My 2 year old nephew could spot that fake like a spotted cow. No pun intended.
Mistake# 3.Let Oprah stir the pot with controversial issues like plastic surgeries and instead of trying to stop the bleeding Katherine went along with it.
Did she really have to go there?
Mistake # 4 Failure to stop Oprah from bringing up child abuse allegations.
She could be more adamant and put her feet down...
"No need to beat that horse to death all over again. The trial has vindicated him. He was acquitted on all counts and the truth came out. You want closure, you got closure."
The world at large wants to remember Michael Jackson as entertainment's greatest music genius and simply let his legacy be. And throw in a humanitarian for good measure .
If a grieving mom is the best she can be, then stop at that.
Her tears and emotions minus her words spoke volumes.
Her son, Michael Jackson is better served by that.
Someone has gotta to tell her she's not media savvy.
Disappointment all round...she'd just hammered the final nail in the coffin Michael being a druggie. If Murray walks, I'm so much as going out on a limp to say this interview, together with LMP's had just handed to him. Oprah's got her last word. Gloating all the way to retirement.


Every. Single. Word.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I completely understand why MJ moved out of the Encino home and made a beautiful home for himself...Neverland. There, he did not have to put up with his dysfunctional family and all their chaos and lies. Prince, Paris & Blanket don't deserve that mess.

Neverland has been his dream way before that. He made Neverland to help and heal children and people.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Honestly mods just lock this thread like you did for the LMP/Oprah thread. It has gotten kinda outta hand.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Honestly mods just lock this thread like you did for the LMP/Oprah thread. It has gotten kinda outta hand.

why should it be locked? no one is disrespecting anybody. Katherine gave an interview to Oprah, she should expect that MJ's fans would comment on it and that some would be hurt by her comments. I'm sure Katherine is well aware that MJ's fans are devoted and we definitely didn't want to hear that his own mother would talk about nose jobs and drugs. I'm sure Katherine is hurting like we are but my God to feed into the tabloid crap and talk about stuff like that was just wrong in my opinion.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Opinions should be expressed, why try to silence the truth?
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Opinions should be expressed, why try to silence the truth?

exactly... the truth is Katherine gave an interview to Oprah which honestly did no good for MJ. The saving grace in that whole interview was Paris Michael Katherine Jackson.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

exactly... the truth is Katherine gave an interview to Oprah which honestly did no good for MJ. The saving grace in that whole interview was Paris Michael Katherine Jackson.

I actually think it painted him in a great light.
It showed him to be more human.
Heck, if his own mother believes he had to much surgery then it proves the reality...he had too much surgery.
Also, it proved Janet was not lying about the interventions, as Katherine brought that up.
I seem to remember you specifically having an issue with Janet's Oprah interview.

I actually think its good cause it silences the haters who think MJ is bonkers, but ALSO the dumb fans who think he some sort of super human angel from outer space that can do no wrong.

Reality is, Michael had a drug problem, he had a problem with his looks, he had a lot of issues that he hide from the public cause he was too shy and embarresed to deal with them.
This I can deal with, and still listen to his music and love him.
Sad some fans are so determined to keep this rose tinted image of him, even so they would attack his own mother and loyal sisters.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I wish more and more that the kids were with Diana Ross.. I bet Diana would not have had those kids on the Oprah show

StacyJ...I have to ask. Do you seriously believe when Paris asked at the hospital "Where do we go?" A better answer to her would have been...."to Diana Ross".

I totally understand fans being upset about some of Katherine's comments on Oprah, but it seems PPB are doing pretty well and that's because they are with their grandmother. She's not perfect, but for MJ's children, who were basically orphans, she by far seems to be the person they should be with at this time.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I actually think it painted him in a great light.
It showed him to be more human.
Heck, if his own mother believes he had to much surgery then it proves the reality...he had too much surgery.
Also, it proved Janet was not lying about the interventions, as Katherine brought that up.
I seem to remember you specifically having an issue with Janet's Oprah interview.

I actually think its good cause it silences the haters who think MJ is bonkers, but ALSO the dumb fans who think he some sort of super human angel from outer space that can do no wrong.

Reality is, Michael had a drug problem, he had a problem with his looks, he had a lot of issues that he hide from the public cause he was too shy and embarresed to deal with them.
This I can deal with, and still listen to his music and love him.
Sad some fans are so determined to keep this rose tinted image of him, even so they would attack his own mother and loyal sisters.

They were Michaels issues and none of our damn business!!! See how you feel when one of your friends starts talking about your personal life when you thought it would remain in confidence.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

I actually think it painted him in a great light.
It showed him to be more human.
Heck, if his own mother believes he had to much surgery then it proves the reality...he had too much surgery.
Also, it proved Janet was not lying about the interventions, as Katherine brought that up.
I seem to remember you specifically having an issue with Janet's Oprah interview.

I actually think its good cause it silences the haters who think MJ is bonkers, but ALSO the dumb fans who think he some sort of super human angel from outer space that can do no wrong.

Reality is, Michael had a drug problem, he had a problem with his looks, he had a lot of issues that he hide from the public cause he was too shy and embarresed to deal with them.
This I can deal with, and still listen to his music and love him.
Sad some fans are so determined to keep this rose tinted image of him, even so they would attack his own mother and loyal sisters.

It really is posts like this that make me want to give up. No disrespect to you. But you really make me feel it is not worth it to stand up for MJ. It's not about putting MJ on a pedestal as I said, it is about what is respectful. Also, stop calling fans dumb unless you have no problem with people doing the same to you.

It is truly a mark of (how can I choose my words correctly) misinforamtion to think anyone who disagrees with a family member thinks MJ was a saint who could do no wrong.

You know what? Why bother. I could really only tell you what I really think of your post if I wasn't a mod. But then it would only be deleted. So I'll keep it to myself and agree to disagree. How's that! :)
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Also, it proved Janet was not lying about the interventions, as Katherine brought that up.

When were the "interventions?"

Before, during OR after Janet and the rest of the family were BEGGING Michael to join them on stage?

That's what I would like to know. It's no secret that the family was BEGGING Michael to perform with them. Do you really believe that he was so drug addicted, yet the family was STILL BEGGING him to join them on stage?

We all know they were BEGGING as a matter of fact, the brothers have been BEGGING for years! In my opinion, somebody is not being truthful.

It's also very interesting that a few family members speak about interventons, but they NEVER mention when those supposed interventions took place.

And no offense, but what Katherine Jackson said to Oprah and what she said on her DATELINE interview are two different things. In my opinion, she contradicted herself and that's why folks shouldn't do multiple interviews unless they can keep their story straight.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

he had a problem with his looks, he had a lot of issues that he hide from the public cause he was too shy and embarresed to deal with them.

Every human being has the right to keep his privacy, he wasn' obliged to give any explanations.

In relation to the alleged problem of drugs you say Katherine's words prove, remember she said she had heard of it, and that's not a conclusive proof... Moreover, even if he had had it (he had admitted it once), it's not clear in the interview what period they're talking about. And if she believes that was happening for the last year, it would still have nothing to do with the homicide and should have remained a private issue.
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Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

In relation to the alleged problem of drugs you say Katherine's words prove, remember she said she had heard of it, and that's not a conclusive prove...

Excellent point, re: she HEARD.

I mean, since Katherine Jackson is the only family member that spent an abundance of time with Michael seems like it should have been the other way around, in my opinion.

Janet even said during one of her interviews before Michael passed, that Michael only really kept in touch with their mother and her mother would keep her updated as to what Michael was doing. She made it clear on several occassions that she got Michael related news from her mother and not the other way around.

Like I said before: Somebody is NOT being truthful!
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Ok this will be my last word and then I am gone. I promise. My emotional and mental health is suffering.

I just feel like some people say they are Michael Jackson fans when it appears they don't like Michael Jackson.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Katherine Jackson offered, absolutely no insight into the genius
of Michael Jackson. The main purpose of the interview was to promote her book. In my opinion, she "created answers" to Oprah Winfrey's questions at the expense of Michael Jackson.

I just pray Katherine Jackson will stop exploiting Michael's children for the purpose of financial gain for herself, Joe Jackson, the rest of her many children, and her none Michael Jackson grandchildren.

Pray for the children of Michael Jackson: Prince, Paris, and Blanket.:angel:
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

super human angel

To me Michael was and always will be just that. :)

I do not quite understand the arguments that he wasn't perfect because he had insecurities about himself, because he had problems with prescription medication due to physical pains etc.

What counts to me is whether someone has a heart of gold, how someone carries himself in public, how he reacts to attacks, how he treats other people, his ideals etc.

In that respect, and I believe this is the only thing that counts, Michael Jackson was a SUPER HUMAN ANGEL, because he ALWAYS treated people kindly, even those who F***ED him. Even in 2005 when he went through HELL he forced himself to smile FOR HIS FANS!

So stop saying that he wasn't perfect, because the only flaw that people can have is to hurt others, and Michael never did anything to anyone.
Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Katherine Jackson offered, absolutely no insight into the genius
of Michael Jackson. The main purpose of the interview was to promote her book. In my opinion, she "created answers" to Oprah Winfrey's questions at the expense of Michael Jackson.

I just pray Katherine Jackson will stop exploiting Michael's children for the purpose of financial gain for herself, Joe Jackson, the rest of her many children, and her none Michael Jackson grandchildren.

Pray for the children of Michael Jackson: Prince, Paris, and Blanket.:angel:

Re: Update: Air date Nov. 8 th / Katherine Jackson May Be 'Oprah' Bound

Reality is, Michael had a drug problem...Sad some fans are so determined to keep this rose tinted image of him, even so they would attack his own mother and loyal sisters.

Ok I honestly was NOT going to comment but I just cannot take the B.S. anymore.

I am not an admirer of Michael's who thinks that he was flawless, I know he had his flaws LIKE EVERYONE ELSE DOES! However, the misgivings and anger towards certain things that certain members of the Jackson family have been propegating, i.e. like the "addiction" problem he supposedly had, etc. holds zero water for myself and others like me. Why? Well let's see...

- Everytime a member of the family has come out, like Janet and like Katherine, they have said that he was addicted, they also say that they never saw him take anything, and so on. They made an assumption.

- Most importantly the autopsy report DOES NOT IN ANY WAY SUPPORT WHAT THEY ARE CLAIMING! PERIOD! I HAVE READ THE ENTIRE REPORT and I have relatives who are in the medical field who have confirmed that if Michael was abusing the drugs he was supposedly doing so for the length of time that has been alledged, there is NO WAY IN HELL THAT THE AUTOPSY REPORT WOULD HAVE LISTED his state as being in fine shape for his age, NONE WHATSOEVER! HIS ENTERNAL ORGANS WOULD HAVE BEEN F*@KED UP BIG TIME!

-The Jacksons have given statements and comments on Michael that contradict the "drug addict" claim and other such statements. Katherine is A FINE EXAMPLE of this. Her comments on the subject matter during the DATELINE interview completely contradict what she said in the Oprah interview. The Truth NEVER changes!

- And if all these people, Jackson family members and none members (like LMP) who have come out and said that they BELIEVED he had a problem with drugs etc., even that body gaurd who claimed Michael was taking an OBSURD amount of Xanex or whatever during the trial, then WHY THE HELL DIDNT ANYONE, JUST ONE PERSON EVER SAY THEY SAW HIM TAKE SOMETHING?! NOT ONE PERSON WHO HAS MADE THESE CLAIMS, and there have been MANY, has said they ever SAW him take this stuff. Not one! Wow Michael must have been the world's best drug addict to be able to hide what he was doing FROM EVERYONE!!!!

- Then you have LMP, who even after being told by a medical physician that Michael was not on drugs after testing him for drugs, STILL believed that he was taking something when he was hospitalized at the end of '95. Medical evidence CANNOT LIE!

- Did Janet or anyone else ever consider that maybe the reason Michael was "acting strange" was that he wasn't getting enough sleep? Insomnia is bitch! I have it majorly! Sleep depervation makes people act differently, trust me I KNOW! Also, NO ONE, NOT EVEN JANET can even begin to understand the stress, BS, lies, etc. that he lived with on his shoulders EVERY DAMN DAY OF HIS LIFE! No one can. Not even her experience during "nipplegate" can compare to it. Did they ever once consider that maybe this affected his well being so much that he couldn't get a good nights rest? I know I sure as hell couldn't if I had to deal with that kind of trash!

- Did anyone in this family consider that maybe Michael didn't want to have much contact with them towards the later years of his life because they wouldn't leave him alone about getting "the group" back together, that they themselves only treated him as a commodity? Janet herself said, back before 6/25/09 that they were "working" on him to get back with family to perform. Funny, if I had a brother who required multiple interventions because of his "addictions" I sure as hell would not be trying to get him go on tour! SCREW THAT! I'd be trying to get him back into rehab! STAT! I know if my family treated me like a good amount of the Jackson's treated Michael, I wouldn't want anything to do with them either. Oh but Michael had to be addicted because why else would he not want to be around that loving family? **end sarcasm** **rolls eyes** Also it's funny how all these Jackson family members have come out saying they believed he had a problem, and yet for most (Janet included) they hadn't seen/been in constant contact/etc. with him in years. Janet herself even stated as much. Yeah sounds like a tight knit family who all know the inner workings of their brother...yep sounds just like it. **rolls eyes again**

- Also, Michael would not have been able to be the type of father he was, to have raised his kids to be who they have become if he was the drug addict others are making him out to be! I have known people who have been addicted, grown up around it...THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL HE WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO FUNCTION THE WAY HE DID!

- Yes! Michael had an addiction with pain killers back in '93. HE ADMITTED TO IT! And he got help for it. Period! End of story!

- And here's a thought did any of these people ever think, did Katherine even consider, that maybe when Michael said he wasn't taking anything, that oh I don't know, HE WASN'T TAKING ANYTHING! THAT HE DIDN'T HAVE A PROBLEM?? Did that thought ever enter their minds? Not, oh well he's obviously in denial, all addicts are, since he didn't own up to what we are only ASSUMING. I have a feeling that whatever "interventions" happened, that they were trying to intervene in order to get Michael on board for their tour, to get him back with the brothers.

It's also not an issue of "Oh well, you just don't want to think of him as being an Addict, you don't want to face the truth, blah blah blah." Honestly, if Michael did have an ongoing and extensive issue with drug addiction, my opinion of him WOULD NOT CHANGE! This isn't about that for me. It's about WHAT THE FLIPPIN' TRUTH IS!

I swear to God that the last several days have been an emotional train wreck for me and I cannot even begin to say everything I have wanted to say. But I will add that I HAVE HAD IT! I will take Michael's word and MEDICAL FACT over hearsay by people who have only "heard" things and have made assumptions to fit what they want to believe.

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