Your Favorite MICHAEL JACKSON GIF's Ever


And the gifs in my siggy ofcourse :naughty:

:wild: HOLYCRAP!! That is one HAWT Gif! He seems to be sweating quite profusely. Michael, Michael, Michael... I'll be your towel girl ANYDAY! :naughty:

I've always loved this one. He just looks so beautiful and sweet. :heart:

I can say all ones above are my favourites, they're all amazing

but when I saw this one on the forum:

I just couldn't stop laughting :lol:

LMAO, I remember posting this one in The Manhood Thread. This one is definitely a WINNER!! :D:D:D
^^^ I couldnt find a smiley to express how I feel... ^^^

some may find this disgusting....but right now all I wanna do is lick the sweat off his body!

Who doesn't? Those are my thoughts too. :naughty:

oops! sorry for the duplicate posts.
It's from the making of Stanger in Moscow. He probably won a contest or something..

Anyway, I finally managed to make my own gifs, but they're so tiny.. oh well:




These are the best GIF's I've ever seen. So gorgeous OMG :swoon: You made my day. :heart:
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This is my favorite OF ALL TIME. He's way too cute in this one, i cant bear when i watched the video and then i made this (to view it as much as possible, lol) :)


Does anyone know where its from? Is it an interview? Can anyone please give me the link of it. I thnk you thousands times.

Haha it just looks like he asked somone to call him or gave him here number :D
I love all the gifs above.
If i have to post all of my favorite gifs, i can fill 3 pages with it! :')
So i'll post only a few of them.




I know there was a thread about that gif..
But I can't remember if someone had a video..
I know there are pictures of this event!