Pet Peeves


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What are some of your pet peeves?

Mine are

When people say ''Much'' at the end of certain sentances like when one person is happy the other person will say ''Wow happy much?'' i really hate that

People who watch youtube videos and comment saying ''Thanks for wasting 5 minutes of my life'' (or how ever long that certain video lasts for).
What are some of your pet peeves?

Mine are

When people say ''Much'' at the end of certain sentances like when one person is happy the other person will say ''Wow happy much?'' i really hate that

People who watch youtube videos and comment saying ''Thanks for wasting 5 minutes of my life'' (or how ever long that certain video lasts for).

LOL. Those are pretty annoying. :D

Let's see, I have a few small online pet peeves.
Like the words "Noob" and "pwnd". (they're not real words, just nerd lingo).

I also find ThIs VeRy FrEaKiNg AnNoYiNg! LOL. aRe ThEy TrYiNg tO GiVe Me A BrAiN tUmOr?! :p

And last but not least... wen people typin lik dis cuz they 2 damn lazy 2 spel rite. Wut the heck iz that shiieeet. :doh:

These are the first pet peeves I can think of, but I'm sure I've experienced a lot more through my years working online. :D
LOL. Those are pretty annoying. :D

Let's see, I have a few small online pet peeves.
Like the words "Noob" and "pwnd". (they're not real words, just nerd lingo).

I also find ThIs VeRy FrEaKiNg AnNoYiNg! LOL. aRe ThEy TrYiNg tO GiVe Me A BrAiN tUmOr?! :p

And last but not least...
wen people typin lik dis cuz they 2 damn lazy 2 spel rite. Wut the heck iz that shiieeet. :doh:

These are the first pet peeves I can think of, but I'm sure I've experienced a lot more through my years working online. :D

:lmao: I find that really annoying too :lol:
LOL. Those are pretty annoying. :D

Let's see, I have a few small online pet peeves.
Like the words "Noob" and "pwnd". (they're not real words, just nerd lingo).

I also find ThIs VeRy FrEaKiNg AnNoYiNg! LOL. aRe ThEy TrYiNg tO GiVe Me A BrAiN tUmOr?! :p

And last but not least... wen people typin lik dis cuz they 2 damn lazy 2 spel rite. Wut the heck iz that shiieeet. :doh:

These are the first pet peeves I can think of, but I'm sure I've experienced a lot more through my years working online. :D

People just type like that "Cuz their delinquants from da Ghetto"
:lol: y'all are funny...

well, my pet peevs are who say "Like" after every word. "I talked like to him and like he was like OMG, like oh no you didnt. And I was like uhh yes I did...:lol:

People who eat with their mouth I want to see whats going on in there...:smilerolleyes:

and people who leave dumb comments on Mike vids. and say really stupid things.

People who don't know the difference between you're and your, there, their, they're, etc...

And lots of other things.
What are some of your pet peeves?

Mine are

When people say ''Much'' at the end of certain sentances like when one person is happy the other person will say ''Wow happy much?'' i really hate that

Hit the nail right on the head with that one.....I HATE when people do that.......IT USUALLY DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE!!! I personally blame "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" for making that one popular....
People who finish my sentences for me or answer a question for me when I am the one being addressed.

Bad grammar and misspellings (my own and others).

People who curse like sailors (especially in the office).

Pushy, aggressive, loud people.

Slow as molasses cashiers and checkout people.

Men who hold a door for you but who blatantly act like they really didn't want to (if you are going to hold the door for me, do it like you want to and with a smile please or just don't bother).

More later...

One pet peeve of mine is knowing "there" are people that exist that have respect for George Bush

^^^^ OMG I know....

People who insist on playing the music on their phone OUTLOUD while on the train... we don't all like it... hello... :mello:

Men who spit in public or god help us all, close one nostril and blow their snot out the car window :bugeyed

Newscasters who love to rip on MJ :rant:

People who drive way too slow....zzzzzz....

Men who don't wear deoderant :puke:

I'm sure there are many many more :p
OMG! Gross!!! Haha - you've seen people do that out of a car window?!?

I agree, I hate when people tYpE lIkE tHiS- what's that all about?

I hate when people ask you a question, and then ignore you when you're answering it.

I hate when customers think they are right, when clearly they are wrong. There is a reason why I work here, and you don't :lol:

People who don't know the difference between you're and your, there, their, they're, etc...

And lots of other things.

Don't forget "loose" and "lose." People are always mixing those up.

I hate when people use the word "good", in a sentence like "I'm doing good." The word is WELL!!!
I have a few more

People who don't signal in they're cars on roundabouts
Noisy Eaters
haha funny thread! Here are some of mine, I could make a big list..

I cant stand the sound of someone eating / chewing loudly! If there is a tv or a radio or something around I have to turn it on so I dont have to listen lol.. or just leave the room!

I hate when Im talking to someone and they are not listening to what Im saying, and they think I dont notice that they are not listening, like on the phone..

When people bump into you and dont say that they´re sorry

I hate when guys "clear their throat" in the shower, that noise and the spit at the end....yuck! Why do they do it??

that! yuck!!! I agree with you.. and not just in the shower just everytime they do that!

People who make "rabbit food" jokes or say stuff like "This steak really tastes good" in front of me on purpose or "I could never give up meat". I don't know why they are so concerned with what I'm eating, lol.

People who use profanity constantly or repeatedly say "Ya know what I'm sayin'/mean".

Little kids on the bus talking nasty and loud. Especially when there are older people riding.

douche bags (the super muscular bulging biceps guys) who wears ED HARDY SHIRTS! its just not attractive ahhhh sickk only mj can pull off the flashy style of christian audigier
I have more...

Neighbors who don't smile or acknowledge you when you say hello.

Neighbors who find it too exhurting to push their garbage all the way down the chute, leaving it stuck half way (so I have to do it).

Rude children.

Rude adults.

Bus drivers who stop the bus 10 feet away from the actual bus stop area where people stand to wait.

People who have no idea what "personal space" means.

People who are in such a big hurry to get through a revolving door that they push you while you are going through ahead of them.

When I'm waiting for the elevator and I have clearly pressed the "up" or "down" button because hello, the light is on and someone always feels the need to push the button again. What, like my push wasn't good enough???

I'm gong to bed. I'm angry now...heh!
People who blast their car stereo SO FREAKING LOUD that it not only shakes my car and rattles my fillings, it could also wake the dead.

Butt cleavage. Seriously. Pull your damn pants up.

People who type 'prolly', when they mean 'probably'.

People who type 'could of' when they mean 'could have'.

Husbands who will watch a movie on TV, intermittently, missing parts of it to switch channels, but who refuse to watch the same movie I own on DVD.

Having to watch the same commercial 15 times during an hour-long tv show. They aren't gonna make me buy it by pissing me off. So what's the point?

The TV show, Operation Repo. Just when I thought American television broadcasting couldn't get any worse, they sink to a new level of must-be-crap-tv.

People who wear public.
Hmm where to begin?

I really REALLY hate it when people keep on clicking their pens! That clicking sound drives me crazy! (tapping your finger on a surface is also very annoying.)

People who can't seem to understand how to be silent and courteous inside a movie theater...please close your mouth when you're chewing your popcorn and please STOP asking what's going to happen next in the movie. Also the constant kicking or bumping into the back of my seat. I don't know how many times I've gotten mad at the person behind me for doing this.

Reckless drivers i.e. drivers who talk on their phone or text while driving, drivers who eat while driving, women that put on their makeup while driving, really now?

People who thinks that the world revolves around them...guess what? your poop doesn't smell like flowers.

Teenagers who loiter in the parks or at the mall for no reason other than being loud and obnoxious. Go home, it's way past your curfew.

Really drawn-in eyebrows, dark lip liners with light lipstick (reminds me of middle school haha)

and a whole lot more.....haha.
I have sooooooo many.

Homophobes, racists, rude people, perverts, people who smoke, sloppy drunks, liars, backstabbers, drama queens, cheaters (both male and female), girls who try to look and act like their some Hollywood princess, girls sporting the ‘tan in the can’ look (unless you think the glow worm look is sexy, then be my guest), people who talk on their cell phones while driving, sluts, fakeness, ignorance, posers, people who try to correct my grammer. Sorry, my school didn't teached me good. I is learning quite goodly, don't you think? Shoes (if I could, I'd be barefoot most of the time or just in socks.), Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Hohan (yes, I spelled her name correctly), Black Friday, people who can’t take no for an answer, mormons or jehova witnesses banging on my door at 8 in the morning wanting to convert me. They never get anywhere because I turn the hose on them

I have too many to name. Those are just some of the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
o0o I like this game! Here are a few of mine, I have loads too but it's very early at the moment;

Noisy eaters - I can't stand it, please close your mouth, I could almost cry if I am stuck in a room with someone who eats like that

People who are stuck up my arse when I'm driving - I'm going the speed limit so F off!

People who 'snort' all the time but you can hear this gross horrible sound when they do it, ick!

PeOpLe WhO TyPe LiKe ThIS ToO - took me ages to do that!

People who don't say thank you or please - EVER!

Ppl hu typ lke dis - Learn how to spell!!

People who are rude or ignorant

People who say "I'll borrow you this" instead of saying "I'll lend you this"

Customers who are rude and impatient on the phone - it's not MY fault 100 people have already passed you around so don't take it out on me!

People who are really messy and dirty

People who don't put their hands to their mouth when they cough or sneeze

People who say wait "2 minutes" when they really mean half hour/hour

People who don't take their shoes off at someone's house when they have carpet - surely it's only polite??

And many many more :)
major pet peeve... When computers mess up! Viruses, trojans, broken modems, corrupt kernels, dead hard drives ARRRGH!!!



