Beyonce Slams the Jackson Family

How would mike feel seeing those comments she has made?
i mean she always been so kind to mike... i dont get it :(

I agree. I hope this isn't true. I don't want to think that Beyonce' could be this classless. Michael must be hurting right now. She was hugging him and all that at the 2006 WMA's. Made me proud. But now, I'm like," Beyonce', How could you talk about his family like that?
How could you? How could you?"
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Please do not fret over this IGNORANT comment...


At least the Jackson's didn't have EVERYTHING handed to them on a silver platter...they WORKED very hard every step of the way for what they have truly earned..!

SOCIETY has way MORE "RESPECT and ADMIRATION" for the Jackson Family than they will "EVER" have for Beyonce..!

In describing her own childhood, Beyonce recently told a reporter: "I grew up upper class. Private school. My dad had a Jaguar. We're African-American and we work together as a family, so people assume we're like The Jacksons."
"But I didn't have parents using me to get out of a bad situation."
When Janet heard about the slam, "she blew up," revealed the insider.
"Yes, Janet and the Jackson family came from Gary, Indiana, and there was a time they barely squeaked by. But Janet has many loving memories and is incensed that Beyonce would make a crack like that.
"Janet wanted to know why Beyonce had to mention her family. They're not friends and barely know each other. She feels Beyonce went out of her way to tell the world she's from the upper class and the Jacksons were like a bunch of dirty gutter rats.
"Janet is proud of her family and how they came from nothing and became superstars.

so if she did say it.. ''USING'' thats a huge insult. joesph wanted his kids to have the best life possilbe. joe was a musician himself..not succesfull but music was always in him so he instilled that on his family. how hard is that to understand. so how was he using? he instilled music which was in him, guess what music was in michael and his brothers too! err anyway all familys have their issues okay BUT the jacksons have great lives because of joe. other parents in this world believe it or not do not care for their kids to thrive for anything because they didnt themselfs!! also alot of parents beat their kids up back then it wasnt only lets not only blame joe for how he raised his kids to get got spanked differently back then for instance. im not saying its right but michael and janet grew up in a different time than beyonce. so people like beyonce need to stop the joe insults on how or why he pushed his kids to do good really in the end. he simply did not want his kids living in a town where they will end up doing bad becuase their friends were. if it wasnt for joe the world wouldnt have michael even with all that talent he had, sometimes you need other people to come in and pave the way like joe did for him. i was raised in Gary myself and i take huge offence to her comment maybe differently than some of you. and im sure shes going to come out and say she never said it. but SOME spoiled rich kids/adults have said things like this..APPARENTLY poor people use the 'Buisness' to get rich and NOT because they happen to have more talent then beyonce will ever have. michael is bigger obviously. so if its true im not buying no beyonce since she basically insulted my city as well as janets, not only the jackson family. she in fact she insulted poor people. its okay im over her. boo
that was very disrespectful. That bitch is just mad because Jennifer Hudson won an academy award and she didn't:cheeky:
Please do not fret over this IGNORANT comment...


Well said.

Agree thats just my take on the matter. Ive already express how I felt about the comment on a MJ board already and just like many others here, I feel it was out of line but its no need to trip about a ignorant comment.

We know the comment is not true and is to me, childishly put so there is no need to continue to give attention to it. Its a waste of time.
oh Beyonce, Beyonce..just when i was trying to like are signed to MJ's company..i realize you can't have him..but you need to keep you big azz mouth shut!!

destiny's child was the only time you put out great music, in the beginning. you need those sisters back. otherwise...Neyo is keeping ur butt in the ring.

i think this is due to the fact that ur dad did fashion your career, just as you assume Joe Jackson fashioned his kids' career.

and we really can't be told to keep quiet about this. if we were supposed to keep quiet on a discussion board, then the only thing to do, is not post this thread, and it's in the first place. nice to see the host of the entertainment show, tell Beyonce like it is. so, we might as well do the same thing. i certainly am.
hmmmmmmmm to think mathew knowles isn't a vindictive and controlling person is laughable. to also show that she's bougie as hell and disrespectful is amazing to me and hopefully jigga can knock some sense into her.

sorry but if u lived in gary at the time in that neighborhood u either sold dope, did it, or worked in the mill so he did everything he could to get his kids out. i say it time and time again, they were not the most talented group in the city or on the street but they wanted it the most and worked together as a family to acheive their dreams.

everything w/ knowles is so scripted. from her sister's 'marriage' to conceal an out of wedlock conceived son to the suprising divorce once she was thru w/ her baby her 'friendship' w/ jay.....hmmmmmmmmmmm could it be that she's been busted on her age? gabby union said she used to hang out w/ sasha fierce when they were younger....problem is, b is only supposed to be in her 20s when gabby isn't....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm liar.

she ain't jan, she will neva be a jackson, and her 'tude does NOT reign supreme. a part of me wants mimi to knock her down w/ some mink but hmmm we'll see.
i don't no whether to believe it or not cause u all know what the media are like

Yeah that's why something don't seem right with the comment. I know Bee had said some crazy sh*t, but this? Man I don't know... if she did say it, she sounds dumb but I don't know...

But also, and this is a reason I say she sounds dumb, how can SHE say that she was "privileged" when Destiny's Child's entire career was looked over by a man who gave up his job to bring them to where they were? I mean, does Beyonce really think that she got successful with a silver spoon in her mouth? Her family wasn't even WEALTHY like that, lol!
what a SNOB Beyonce is!!Thats just wrong of her to say. She is acting like she is wayyyy better than the Jacksons, pleaseeee she needs to be queit because she def. isnt better.

Beyonce truely acts like she is the best there is LMAO, the nerve of her.She needs to wake the hell up...
yes but she should have chosen her words more carefully, if she didnt intend to offend anyone.

I agree. Its really really rude to say that. Like if shes saying that she is better than celebs that were poor before they got famous, like she is better than them because she went to a private school and wasnt poor.. ok psshh :rolleyes: Beat her ass Janet. The Jacksons worked their asses off , she grew up with a silver spoon which doesnt make her better than the Jacksons or anyone. Thats just a big insult.
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you notice this is the second time that i have seen media actually stand up for the Jacksons, today. one in the UK and one here usa. maybe it has something to do with the recent Michael scare and the fans' reaction to media, concerning it. maybe media has finally discovered that Jackson fans are a force to be reckoned with...

^^ hell yeah, thats good to hear too. Glad that the media has stood up for the Jacksons!!
what a SNOB Beyonce is!!Thats just wrong of her to say. She is acting like she is wayyyy better than the Jacksons, pleaseeee she needs to be queit because she def. isnt better.

Beyonce truely acts like she is the best there is LMAO, the nerve of her.She needs to wake the hell up...

I am suprised she would say something like that. Beyonce always talks about how classy she is in interviews but someone who is a real class act would NEVER brag about their money or the fact that they grew up "upper class". That is just tacky and wrong no matter how you look at it.

One thing I like about The Jacksons though is that you never hear about them bad talking other artists or celebs, even when they were at the height of their fame. That's just not something they've ever done so for Beyonce to sit there and say something like that when The Jacksons have never said anything bad about her or her family, is not right imo. She should not have gone there.
Exactly, IF she really did say all this stuff then its really uncalled for. Thats just not classy at all. What the hell sparked her to say something so rude like this about The Jacksons. She is being real rude.
are you sure she said this ???

but if she did then ....she is stupid because the Jacksons were and will always be from the elite in the American history..
i heard from a real reliable source that someone once badmouthed Michael in front of Janet, and she punched that someone in the mouth.
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This is no surprise from "B" she always tries to please whoever she is being interviewed by so much until she goes to far and make a complete butt out of herself. She did this before saying she wish she was latin or something stupid like that. She really got some nerve smiling in his face at the wma's....
With her whack jingle sounding songs. Girl is FAKE.

handle yours, hanndlle it janet lol.
:bugeyed upper class!! Wow!!....must remember to bow next time she graces my TV screen :doh:

hahaha me too! Great great beyonce bless my family with your money, i thought Bill Gate had that tittle, now i realize it was you, damn!

Anyways, please! in my country she does not even exists(Argentina the place Madonna chose to made the dvd for her sticky and sweet tour, not a madonna fan, just a little info) ,if you say beyonce they look at you and say
who is that? they cant even pronounce her name! hahahah
Michael would not even care about this, she's not good enough, and btw beynghecedodododidah, stop trying to be a blond, you ARE NOT
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well, if she did say it.. she has to remember about KARMA...

Michael already gets money off Destiny's Child... next thing you know.. he will be owning JayZ's stuff....LOL
Even Perez Hilton tore into Beyonce for her statement about the Jacksons:

Beyonce grew up rich and better than you!

The Single Ladies singer has raised some eyebrows and angered many with a rather, uhm, interesting new interview in the December issue of Elle magazine.

“I grew up upper-class. Private school. My dad had a Jaguar. We’re African-American and we work together as a family, so people assume we’re like the Jacksons. But I didn’t have parents using me to get out of a bad situation.”

Ouch. Burn!

We thought musicians weren't supposed to talk smack about other musicians???? Especially about their parents.

Looks like Beyowulf doesn't only have a big ass, she's got a big head too!!!!

During the interview, even Momma Tina Knowles speaks out about their family. She says that one day dadager Mathew Knowles took Beyonce, her sis Solange, and some friends to the Bottoms, "a rough section of Houston."

Tina reveals, “He had my kids talking to the homeless people there. I told him, ‘Mathew, that could have been dangerous.’ He said, ‘I want them to feel their songs, not just sing them.’ ”

What kind of shit talk is this?????

They must have all been smoking some crazy shit that day! talks as if he can relate to MJ's a long way from how he talked about him, not too long ago. he says 'better than YOU', as if to put himself in Mike's shoes.

somebody freeze this day. that's three media defenses on behalf of MJ/and, or, MJ's family, in row. i might never see this again. lol

dayum...he even called the Jacksons..'MUSICIANS!!' Dayum!