What websites do you always visit when you're online?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Mine would be Facebook, Yahoo Mail, and MJJC =)

I try not to go on Youtube too often because I end up being sucked into the all these random videos for hours! I remember looking up MJ interviews on Youtube and a few hours later there I was watching a Japanese girl eat pounds and pounds of noodles. Lol!
I try not to go on Youtube too often because I end up being sucked into the all these random videos for hours! I remember looking up MJ interviews on Youtube and a few hours later there I was watching a Japanese girl eat pounds and pounds of noodles. Lol!


I usually come here, CNN.com, YouTube, and any links that I get sent through my e-mails. Any other websites I visit irregularly.
I visit Facebook, Youtube, & Hulu the most.. I usually only plan to be online for a couple minutes and then I get sucked into something and I could be online for hours!

Its difficult cause I work online and sometimes I get distracted and forget to do my work :wild:
MJJC of course! And facebook, youtube, and sometimes twitter but not so much anymore.
Well mostly it is these sites:

King Of Pop Discussion board
as well as some news and games type sites
Blingee (That site can be quite addictive at times.)
You Tube
and my tv listings site to see what is on tv at a certain time

Those are my mostly visited sites. And can anyone please tell me what Flickr is? I had never even heard of that site until now.
MJJC, facebook, youtube (although i try not to go there often: reasons; stated by someone above). TSN.ca (get all my sports)
usually go to igoogle and my google reader which usually leads me to youtube, twitter and here. also some news site. you are so right about getting caught up in 'michaeling' , i try really hard to curb it a little but i wind up doing it anyway:wild:
lets see.. MJJC!! and Trade Me (NZ version of eBay, which imo, is a heap better), Gmail and usually some news site - either 3News (NZ site) or Fox News.

And then i end up on Youtube at some stage watching random stuff :p
Google (I'm a habitual Googler)
hopstop.com (for great subway, bus, walking directions)
Facebook (though I can take long breaks from there because I get tired of the people)
Bushwickbk.com (a site for my Brooklyn 'hood)
CNN (whenever there is a major news story breaking)
wowy.com (site for working out with others online)
youtube (but only for specific things...not for just surfing randomly)
Optimum.net (my cable provider)
TMZ (mostly through links here and on my cell phone when I'm waiting for the bus or something)
Twitter (mostly from my cell to relieve boredom while waiting for the bus)
mta.info (for bus schedules/subway info)

Edit: I forgot Ebay! How could I forget THAT place?
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Google (I'm a habitual Googler)
hopstop.com (for great subway, bus, walking directions)
Facebook (though I can take long breaks from there because I get tired of the people)
Bushwickbk.com (a site for my Brooklyn 'hood)
CNN (whenever there is a major news story breaking)
wowy.com (site for working out with others online)
youtube (but only for specific things...not for just surfing randomly)
Optimum.net (my cable provider)
TMZ (mostly through links here and on my cell phone when I'm waiting for the bus or something)
Twitter (most from my cell to relieve boredom while waiting for the bus)
mta.info (for bus schedules/subway info)

OMG! How can I forget Google?

I use Google so often, I don't even remember life without it... :lol:

I love you, Google... You made our lives so much more easier.... xD
MJJC, facebook, ebay, another couple of forums, gmail, google, twitter, calorie-count lol,
umm that's about it... oh and tvguide :yes: :p
here you tube face book my space twitter heyitsinthebag.ning.com ( the bag store where i am going to to get my fake LV bags ) weather.com ( have to know the weather for the next day or ill be stuck in the rain lol ) yahoo mail Google yahoo search
I see you were or are a student at David Letterman's alma mater. Did you ever get to meet him or see him appear there?

I am a freshman there. I have never seen him or met him, unfortunately. He donated money for us to have a lecture series, and we recently had Ted Koppel come with some of that grant. I believe the last time he was there was about 3 years ago to dedicate the communications building named after him. I had class in that building -- it's very nice. I actually live not too far from where he's originally from.
I have not seen him/met him, but I hope he stops by in the future!!! :D

Oh, another website I visit quite frequently is College Humor. :p
Facebook, my email, news headlines, MJJC and Google, especially if I'm at work and I have to look up stuff.
Well mostley, Yahoo, AOL, MJJC, MJJB, Max-Jax, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter(but I don't go on there too much), any other artists fan sites like-Uchris, rihanna daliy, & beyonceworld.
http://www.hyves.nl (Dutch network site, it's awesome)
http://www.pathe.nl (site for Dutch movie theatres, to see what movies are playing)

I know, too much time on my hands. :lol:
I'm actually looking for a site that has makeup tips, hair advice and maybe even a (good!) forum. Does anyone have any sites they can recommend? Thanks :flowers:


They're all really good with all things girly (makeup, fashion, hair, etc) =)