Justin Bieber doesn't know what the word 'German' means. No, really.

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Agent M

Proud Member
Jul 17, 2009
M.I.B. Headquarters
Justin Bieber doesn't know what the word 'German' means. No, really.

We're not quite sure how much more succinctly we can put it.

During an interview with a New Zealand talk show, the tween singing sensation is left flopping about like a cod on hot sand when asked what his last name, "Bieber," means in German.

It's not that he doesn't know the answer to the question, which would be understandable if one was not fluent in German.

It's that he doesn't understand the question because he doesn't know what the word "German" means.

He even reads the word from the interviewer's card.

"We don't say that in America," he says, referring to the G-word.

Justin Bieber is 16.

His IQ ... may be about the same.

Oh, c'mon! He's 16 for Christ sake!
^ Exactly, lmao. He's too old not to be held accountable for not knowing what "German" means. This is classic. At first I just thought he didn't understand the guy's accent, which would have been acceptable, but then you realize that he really just doesn't know. Awesome.
all I can say is although he SHOULD know what it means...he is just a kid so I think we should cut him some slack...lets be kind to the child..
Justin Bieber ridiculed for German 'mistake'

var baseURI = ''; var videoParams = { autoPlay : '0', vid : '19507134', embedCode: 'off', eventHandler: 'window.videoEventListener', baseURI: '' };

Teenage pop juggernaut Justin Bieber has responded to criticism on entertainment blogs after he appeared to be unfamiliar with the word 'German' in a television interview.
When Bieber recently appeared on an entertainment talk show in New Zealand, he was asked a series of playful true or false questions, one including the query:
"True or false: 'Bieber' is German for basketball."
Bieber appears confused over the word 'German', so the interviewer repeats it, and shows Bieber the written question on his hand card.
Still bewildered by the term 'German', Bieber responds by saying he doesn't know what the host means, "We don't say that in America."

Addressing the embarrassing interview exchange on his Twitter account, Bieber says, "I thought this interviewer in NZ said 'Jewman' instead of 'German' people think I don't know what German is?"
It appears that Bieber had been thrown off by the interviewer's thick New Zealand accident.
Bieber's defense has done little to quell the blog backlash with US site The Huffington Post ridiculing the teen star's home-schooling efforts, and then amending its post when it found out Bieber had recently conducted an interview in Germany where he talks about his German heritage and counts in the language.
"Guess I know what German is," he tweets. "Guess home schooling is working out. Do your research next time b4 making a lame attempt at hating on a 16 year old." Bieber quipped in response to the post.


Come on now, guys... I know the kid isn't really all that, but let's give him a bit of a break. It's very easy to criticize.
At 12 you should know what German is for crying out loud.
Really now...I could understand what he said the first time. Somehow Beiber couldn't but I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt, mainly because no one could be stupid enough to not know what Germany is.
He read the question on a card though.:smilerolleyes:

Maybe he did not find the word in the card. Or maybe he read too fast.

Everyday damn press lied about Michael Jackson and we know it. But we forget that when the victim is someone else. A singer who is a fan of Michael.

A shame.
Justin Bieber ridiculed for German 'mistake'

var baseURI = ''; var videoParams = { autoPlay : '0', vid : '19507134', embedCode: 'off', eventHandler: 'window.videoEventListener', baseURI: '' };

Teenage pop juggernaut Justin Bieber has responded to criticism on entertainment blogs after he appeared to be unfamiliar with the word 'German' in a television interview.
When Bieber recently appeared on an entertainment talk show in New Zealand, he was asked a series of playful true or false questions, one including the query:
"True or false: 'Bieber' is German for basketball."
Bieber appears confused over the word 'German', so the interviewer repeats it, and shows Bieber the written question on his hand card.
Still bewildered by the term 'German', Bieber responds by saying he doesn't know what the host means, "We don't say that in America."

Addressing the embarrassing interview exchange on his Twitter account, Bieber says, "I thought this interviewer in NZ said 'Jewman' instead of 'German' people think I don't know what German is?"
It appears that Bieber had been thrown off by the interviewer's thick New Zealand accident.
Bieber's defense has done little to quell the blog backlash with US site The Huffington Post ridiculing the teen star's home-schooling efforts, and then amending its post when it found out Bieber had recently conducted an interview in Germany where he talks about his German heritage and counts in the language.
"Guess I know what German is," he tweets. "Guess home schooling is working out. Do your research next time b4 making a lame attempt at hating on a 16 year old." Bieber quipped in response to the post.


Come on now, guys... I know the kid isn't really all that, but let's give him a bit of a break. It's very easy to criticize.

I agree. :)


God, so much siriuz bizniz on here lol.
Maybe he did not find the word in the card. Or maybe he read too fast.

Everyday damn press lied about Michael Jackson and we know it. But we forget that when the victim is someone else. A singer who is a fan of Michael.

A shame.

I agree :D
i think its not that big deal.............he is still learning.............i mean every thing suddenly exploded for that kid..........i am not going to say that he is just 16 becoz some people know alot more at 16 ..........i guess every one is different.
Poor justin!
Hes only a yound kid, the stupid media pfftt
Come on now, I odnt like Bieber as much as the next person but I think that people are over-reacting.

Remember Mike used to be in the same shoes as Justin once (except he was much smarter and way way way more talented... :p)

You know how all the constant lies and media attention pretty much destroyed Mike's self-esteem as a child.
Guys, he's 16, Im sure it was a simple mistake. One time (a few years ago) I had to do stand-up on TV. I ended up forgetting half of my set. Simple mistake. Just like him... I guess...
You know how all the constant lies and media attention pretty much destroyed Mike's self-esteem as a child.

At the risk of veering the thread off topic, I must point out out that the media was very favorable towards Michael when he was the child star of the Jackson 5.

It was Joseph's verbal and physical abuse that "pretty much destroyed Mike's self-esteem as a child."
One thing's for sure. He will remember the word "German" forever now.
Guys, he's 16, Im sure it was a simple mistake. One time (a few years ago) I had to do stand-up on TV. I ended up forgetting half of my set. Simple mistake. Just like him... I guess...

But he read the word and said he doesn't know it!
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