The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and Other Theories

Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I wonder which celeb would tell something to a hoax vid maker...
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I just wasted 3 min of my life.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

my 2 cents - still back then in March when was this press on the O2 there were rumours that this is not Michael. Probably if you go back you will find even here in this board some threads discussing this. So i think we should agree there was somethng that made so many ppl have this strange feeling - who was on the press?
For sure i can't prove this was not Michael (even i had still back then from 1st moment this feeling - this is not him) and i don't want do that. I'd like to discuss with you -- WHAT could be the reson for him not being him? Was there a danger still back then -- how some beLIEvers tell, or this was a way AEG make him do the concerts or .....

For sure looking at where they were on 25 june - it not possible there to be concerts! so was this plan set during the process or they had the plan still before this presscoference in March ? and most important - who are the players ? in meaning - was Michael alone against them all or they all played the way he wants ??

i am not sure who is the person on O2, but there is one think i am 100% sure -- Michael has at least 1 double who can copy Michael's voice, Michael's movements, etc. a person who can stend there and lie many if not all. especially in a moment like this - O2 - fans going while.

oh... just 2 more cents - david beckham has double , who can mislead even his wife - speaking about voice, way of looking, acting....
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Have you ever seen this double of David Beckham? Because I sure would like to see, there are some people who can copy the way Michael speaks, but even with surgery, I don't know if someone would be able to duplicate a complete facial appearance, or a persons aura about themselves. I doubt there's one person in the world who looks completely identical to Michael Jackson, let alone seven.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

An insider reveals the truth about "This Is It" Part 1

^I watched the video and I don't see anything that isn't the truth from what I can tell and that I already didn't know! Cause another hoax person months ago shown in their video(s) the same info without even having to talk to this so call "insider." lol Also you can pretty much research this info yourself! But being a so called "insider" I look forward to whatever else this person will "reveal anyways!" :)
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Well there were a few things that were new to me.

Although this doesn't really make me see why Michael would be alive.
I mean this video could easily be used to make people see he was murdered and it was all planned.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I remember when Michael made an interview with that b*** Diane Saywer a long time ago and she asked him:
" Do you see yourself on stage in your 60"s ? "
Michael took a long, long pause before answering....He said ( in a unsure voice ) " Yeees....but I wanna make movies..."
What you said, Angela MJJ is also true..a lot of things can be seen in different ways.
Sometimes I really think Michael planned a long time ago to just dissapear in a misterious way with a lot of fuss and controversy. One thing I am sure of...I don"t think he wanted to do concerts any more.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

You know, Ive been thinking long and hard about all these things.

Things he said ...

& stuff that doesnt add up in all these events ...

Today I feel after watching so many videos of him, and also like the recent documentary in Gary and his 45 birthday celebration.

Have you seen that last documentary.?

I really feel Michael could not live without his fans ..

In fact his life would be meaningless.

I am beginning to believe no matter what is said that looks like cold hard evidence,

The truth is, Michael would not choose to live on his own without his children or fans.

Just think about it for a minute,

Not even to save his life, I doubt he would do it.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

That is one way of thinking. But he is not without his fans. We still love him more than anything. As for his kids...maybe he is not without him.
Don"t get me is just thst there are SOOOO many ways and options that we don"t know about.
Oh...I don"t know what to think. Imagining this world without him is just too painfull. Damn.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

That is one way of thinking. But he is not without his fans. We still love him more than anything. As for his kids...maybe he is not without him.
Don"t get me is just thst there are SOOOO many ways and options that we don"t know about.
Oh...I don"t know what to think. Imagining this world without him is just too painfull. Damn.
I know how you feel.:better:
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

That is one way of thinking. But he is not without his fans. We still love him more than anything. As for his kids...maybe he is not without him.
Don"t get me is just thst there are SOOOO many ways and options that we don"t know about.
Oh...I don"t know what to think. Imagining this world without him is just too painfull. Damn.

You're right it is possible.
And I know what you mean I still don't want to give up on this because I don't want to feel the loss.
Don't get me wrong I still have my moments and I'm not completely in denial but I have to have this one piece of hope in me that he's still with us.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

You're right it is possible.
And I know what you mean I still don't want to give up on this because I don't want to feel the loss.
Don't get me wrong I still have my moments and I'm not completely in denial but I have to have this one piece of hope in me that he's still with us.

THIS....i feel the exact same way....I'll always have a shimmer of hope...even just a little bit...
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories is just thst there are SOOOO many ways and options that we don"t know about.

that is so I just watched the Schaffel documentary on YT, and it's brimming with the good and the positive. As a legacy piece for Michael, it tells about his humanity (as against being seen as a demi-god) and his humanitarian deeds.

well, of course it MAY be all for the money. Schaffel can't put out a bad docu because it won't sell. the fact that he took it to Japan was, in itself, a business decision.

but there was bad blood between them, and yet Ms Katherine chose to work with him on that interview for NBC. Schaffel said Ms Katherine "sought him out."

makes you wonder what's really going on. and because i know nothing, i suspend judgment. i just continue to watch.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I don"t think he wanted to do concerts any more.

I always had this feeling deep in my heart when I watched the press conference. Something inside me was trying to tell me something. It was a strange feeling. :unsure: I bought two tickets for the concerts. My brother is also a big fan and he did not buy tickets. When I told him I had bought, he just said to me: "I do not know, but I have a feeling that these concerts will not happen." He was right. :( :cry:

makes you wonder what's really going on. and because i know nothing, i suspend judgment. i just continue to watch.
Yes.... It is soooooooo difficult to try to understand everything that is happening, that all informations are going in the wrong direction. So you can not know what is truth and lie in this story. I do not care more on trying to understand everything that is happening, why I see it is completely impossible. I decided I'll just be watching carefully to everything and see what happens. But I hope the truth to come to us.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

That is where Im at, you cant trust anything, so you have to go on your own judgement of common sense.

Common sense says to me he wouldnt task his children to lie and cover for him. They are just kids. They would soon blow his cover and we can see what the cousins are like they would soon blab something out there inadvertantly.

He wouldnt want to live without his kids and to be honest as much as he wanted his peace he still enjoyed his limelight at times. He couldnt live without that Im sure, as it is all he ever knew.

The theories about are truly amazing!... but thats what Micheals whole demeanour and spirit was, was truly amazing.

One fascinating thing I find is how many people he knew with the same name or similar names or surnames.

Also a few with double names, the christian and surname the same. It is quite bizzare I see a link often between people in his life I often wonder if he chose people that way.
But then you have to realize too, that he met soo very many people in his life.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I always had this feeling deep in my heart when I watched the press conference. Something inside me was trying to tell me something. It was a strange feeling. :unsure: I bought two tickets for the concerts. My brother is also a big fan and he did not buy tickets. When I told him I had bought, he just said to me: "I do not know, but I have a feeling that these concerts will not happen." He was right. :( :cry:

I had the same feeling as your brother when I bought my tickets - I never really seemed to believe I was going to actually go.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I believe much as we all were so frantic about Michael"s come back...there was something in the air about TII. At least for me.
Very strange. I have the movie on DVD but I have watched it only once.
You can hear the phrase " This is it " every day so many times around you.
When something is done you say : this is it
When something is over you say : this is it...
Those common words remind me of him every day.
Sometimes I have a feeling those words have a deeper meaning.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I had the same feeling as your brother when I bought my tickets - I never really seemed to believe I was going to actually go.
i understand what you mean.i mean i,ve been to mj concerts before,and you know when you get that feeling of butterflies in your stomach months before the concert starts,i didn,t feel the same as i did before,as much as i wanted to see him the whole thing was so surreal,
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

I feel exactly the same, I remember the buzz of excitement about the concerts and something inside me didn't feel right. I said to my boyfriend something is gonna happen, I didn't know if I felt the shows weren't going to happen because I had wanted it for so long or if there was a deeper reason. Then I had a dream early June time, I remmeber it so clearly I had a dream I was watching TII in the cinema. I said to my boyfriend why on earth would we be watching it in a cinema?!! How strange etc! I think it was a premonition. I have never felt that this is over though, this doesn't feel final like a death should feel. It feels like there is a whole lot more to it. When Michael came out on to the stage for TII conference he seemed hyper, frantic almost - I wonder if it was because he knew 'this is it' the final time I look at my fans and talk to the press... everything about that conferencve hung in the air afterwards, it got me thinking that something was going on. I know that we may never find out the truth but I will always have hope and love in my heart for Michael.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

To me it was like Michael was trying to tell something at the TII announcement, and it wasn't very positive.
To me it looked like Michael was saying: look, this is it okay, I'm tired of being in the spotlights and to do concerts and all the crap around it. So this is the last time and then it's over, I'm gone ok?!?

Bad and shady people kept Michael in dept so they could keep controlling him and force him into doing concerts and promotions.
If he had the right honest people around him he would be 1: alive (or not disappeared), 2: not doing concerts etc and 3: spending the rest of his life with his family living the good life with enough money from the music he already made.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Hey guys, I agree with you all. :cry: *big sigh*

I had the same feeling as your brother when I bought my tickets - I never really seemed to believe I was going to actually go.


I believe much as we all were so frantic about Michael"s come back...there was something in the air about TII. At least for me.
Very strange. I have the movie on DVD but I have watched it only once.
You can hear the phrase " This is it " every day so many times around you.
When something is done you say : this is it
When something is over you say : this is it...
Those common words remind me of him every day.
Sometimes I have a feeling those words have a deeper meaning.

This is it = end.... (???)

To me it sounds like the end. :(
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Hey guys! :)

Question have u guys ever notice that mysterious picture frame in Janet's house during her primetime interview? It was a frame with a white paper in it with words written on it that read "I will be back soon" O_O

So like who wrote that and why was something like that framed by her? It was near by the "last" pic of MJ alive with his son blanket and nephews at the family reunion that happen in may! Hmmm?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

No I havent seen it.... you have my curiousity now!

.. So where can I find it or can you show us please?
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

yeh are there any screenshots of it?,thanks
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Part of the reason for the feelings of things being incomplete or unfinished (best way I can explain it), is the looming trial. Until Murray get's what's coming to him, hopefully, I think a lot of us will continue to feel this way.
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

To me it was like Michael was trying to tell something at the TII announcement, and it wasn't very positive.
To me it looked like Michael was saying: look, this is it okay, I'm tired of being in the spotlights and to do concerts and all the crap around it. So this is the last time and then it's over, I'm gone ok?!?

Bad and shady people kept Michael in dept so they could keep controlling him and force him into doing concerts and promotions.
If he had the right honest people around him he would be 1: alive (or not disappeared), 2: not doing concerts etc and 3: spending the rest of his life with his family living the good life with enough money from the music he already made.

Yes that is exactly how I feel about the anouncement too.
I still keep wondering what he was about to say when he said "when I say this is it it really means this is it because.." and then he laughs
Re: The Hoax Theory - Discussing Errors, Inconsistencies, Observations and other theories

Crap...I was looking through that Janet interview and I didn't see the picture frame or I missed it!? o_O lol Sorry about that! :(

But, here's a screen shot of what I am talking about in the end of this video!
