All Alternative Songs And Snippet Talk Here.

That's not even the part that bothers me. I can live with some ad-libs added in here and there. It's the vocals themselves that are the head scratchers.

Exactly! We can understand the producers adding some MJ ad-libs however it is NOT Michael Jackson on the lead vocal of Breaking News, Monster, carry on etc........
They all sound like MJ.

At the most, parts of the songs are him. But the majority of them are someone else again!

Another Day, LNFSG, Blue Gangsta, Much too Soon are all Michael.
^ Or it could just be MJ singing the same sound again? Look I'm all for these conspiracy theories, but it really is getting out of control.
Guys....the Tracklist was NOT officially confirmed..So please, stop trying to portray speculation as a fact...We don't know the tracklist....
I already analysed the 'Breaking News' ad-lib 'whoo!' with the 'You Rock My World acapella' and the wave structure is exactly the same.

Does that mean BN is real or that they have Mixed something from YRMW into BN ? I'm confussed, sorry.

Go to 2:43


Listen to the first 5 seconds...

Damn, you are very's exactly the same!!! Do you have some comparions of 'Breaking News' with other songs too? Cause you sure do have incredibly hearing ability, i wasn't aware of this adlib sounding exactly the same.

And personally i find it cheap, adding ad libs? Come on now...don't release the song at all then if that's nessecary.
This is what I think!
Another Day=
MJ Obviously! no question about
Carry On=
MJonly some 'ooohhh" and "if you walk away, say goodbye" in the background
Much too soon=
MJ , no question
Never felt so good=
All I need=
i think is all MJ
Blue Gangsta=
MJ! no question about
mj mixed again with someone.
Like expected, all Cascio songs are mixed with someone vocals.
The easiest and quickest way for Sony & The Estate to deal with this is simple.....say no to Cascio. Cut their tracks and add other ones to replace them. It shouldn't be that hard to pick 2 or 3 other songs.

If they can remove Shout from Invincible and add You Are My Life within a week of it going to press, they can easily do the same thing with this album.
Re: What about this new Snippets!!!!????? is this aint Michael too???

The 2nd and 3rd are Jason Malachi.
Re: What about this new Snippets!!!!????? is this aint Michael too???

The 2nd and 3rd are Jason Malachi.

I'll correct you there

'In my opinion they are a yet to be disclosed 'impersonator'.

I wish people would stop harking on about Jason Malachi....... or whatever his real name is.
Carry on" to me is a duet. Like HMH Akon or s0mething.
All I need', think isMj.

Yes, just screw those Cascio shit and all is fine.
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According to Roger Fridman it is a Cascio song that did not make the album.
This is what I think!
Another Day=
MJ Obviously! no question about
Carry On=
MJonly some 'ooohhh" and "if you walk away, say goodbye" in the background
Much too soon=
MJ , no question
Never felt so good=
All I need=
i think is all MJ
Blue Gangsta=
MJ! no question about
mj mixed again with someone.
Like expected, all Cascio songs are mixed with someone vocals.

I only disagree with you on "All I need". I think someone takes over to sing the phrase "we 're almost there" because that sounds nothing like Michael (I am pretty firm on this one, it is obvious for me). For the rest I am not sure, could be or not
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Daaamn i am getting tired of that Cascio B-iiitch!
After hearing monster i am convinced them bastards should work with timberlake or spears. The chorus is way below MJ's level and it's exactly what music is today: veeeery veeery commercial and cheap sounding. I don't like any of it!!

What's next MJ on auto-tune, like all the rappers that can suddenly sing on this effect?! :-(
To add some much needed positivity to this place: the 17-second snippet of Much too soon was absolutely beautiful. The moment the clip started I practically melted. :wub: Thank you very much for posting that!

(The Cascio tracks are still fishy tho, like shark-fishy.)
To add some much needed positivity to this place: the 17-second snippet of Much too soon was absolutely beautiful. The moment the clip started I practically melted. :wub: Thank you very much for posting that!

(The Cascio tracks are still fishy tho, like shark-fishy.)

"Much too soon" is wonderful! It has a "Fall again" impact on me :wub:
I'm a dude, and 'Much too soon' simply gave me goosebumps, haha...i'm loving it. Can't wait to hear the full version!!! I really like the instrumentals used in it too, and it reminds me of how this was missing on Invincible IMO. There were plenty of slow songs(imo too many) but the instrumentals just didn't sound too good, not as good as in this snippet. This sounds beautiful.
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Indeed! Much to soon is delightful and Fall again is also a beautiful song.
I can't wait for the REAL songs, make no mistake about that ahaha ;)
OK did some research for the 6 leaked snippets in the book "For the record", that contains all the tracks Michael worked on or was rumored to have worked on.

Another Day: Song by Lenny Kravitz confirmed in 2001, in an interview in Blender magazine, he had been working on with Michael - failed to make the final track listing of MIchael's album Invincible - remains unreleased

No Friend Of Mine (Blue Gangster): Song by rapper Tempamental, featuring prominent backing vocals by Michael, made available in late 2006 on Tempamental's 'myspace' web page - originally titled, Gangsta

Much Too Soon: Song Michael wrote circa 1981, and cited by him in his court deposition in November 1993 - remains unreleased

Do You Know Where Your Children Are: Song Michael cited he had written in his court deposition in November 1993 - remains unreleased

Under the "rumored" section of the book I found only Monster with no description whatsoever. Breaking News, All I Need and Carry On are not in the book
OK did some research for the 6 leaked snippets in the book "For the record", that contains all the tracks Michael worked on or was rumored to have worked on.

Another Day: Song by Lenny Kravitz confirmed in 2001, in an interview in Blender magazine, he had been working on with Michael - failed to make the final track listing of MIchael's album Invincible - remains unreleased

No Friend Of Mine (Blue Gangster): Song by rapper Tempamental, featuring prominent backing vocals by Michael, made available in late 2006 on Tempamental's 'myspace' web page - originally titled, Gangsta

Much Too Soon: Song Michael wrote circa 1981, and cited by him in his court deposition in November 1993 - remains unreleased

Do You Know Where Your Children Are: Song Michael cited he had written in his court deposition in November 1993 - remains unreleased

Under the "rumored" section of the book I found only Monster with no description whatsoever. Breaking News, All I Need and Carry On are not in the book

I seeeeee, and in this book ALL the unreleased songs are mentioned? Every single one of em?