Autopsy Photo's, Crime Scene Pic to Show what really happened to our MJ!?

what makes me wonder and may be it's a small detail and doesnt matter but i still wonder - why all the pillows and blankets are in a pile? as if somebody assembled it. i guess if they worked on him, all that might be on the floor. if the police came after to investigate, then it shouldnt be touched. if they wanted to clean the room after the police investigated, then who would be doing that so soon? there is no new staff hired yet and the rest is fired. and there is this random cushion on the bed...sorry for rambling but it makes me wonder

I do not know when were those pictures taken but obviously they were taken before LAPD ruled the case as a homicide, so ppl who went in and out could do anything even to change sheets on Michael’s bed to cover some evidences. AEG was renting this house for Michael. So probably whatever was done there in this room after Michel’s body was delivered to the hospital, it was done by ppl associated somehow with AEG. It could be done by securities, other stuff whatever. Who else could go in and turn everything upside down on his bed? We do not have an information who was in this house within the next few hours after the first report about his death was on CNN. It is a big secret.
His family was at the house straight away. LaToya apparently got some of MJs music that was lying around.

Somebody fired all the staff at some point too.
His family was at the house straight away. LaToya apparently got some of MJs music that was lying around.

Somebody fired all the staff at some point too.

Latoya said it was Tohme that fired the staff.

After returning from the hospital with the children and her mother to Katherine’s home, they received a troubling call from the Jackson mansion. It was Michael’s long-term assistant Michael Amin, a devout Muslim known as Brother Michael.

He told La Toya that her brother’s Lebanese-born, self-appointed business manager Dr Tohme Tohme had fired all the staff at the Beverly Hills property and at a second rented home in Las Vegas.

There is a lot of information in this interview.
I really, really hate to mention this, but it's been on my mind. Sorry! Popescu, along with that list of things you mentioned? Do you remember the tabloid photo and article about the bloody shirt "supposedly" found in the closet? There was a pic. Some fans said it was paint, or something else. Looked like blood to me, the way it was smeared and spattered. Anyone remember that? OMG, this is awful. . . . . .

Yes omg that really disturbs me :cry: God I have had the worst awful nightmares of Murray or someone choking Michael ever since June and they are recurrent. I really hope no one hurt Michael but my gut feeling keeps telling me that something bad happened. I am really disturbed by it. I just want to know the truth and Michael to have justice once and for all. please god help us!!!!!! :angel:
Im starting to have crazy theories again like what if the doctor was withdrawing too much blood from MJs body with IV or hurting him. I still dont know if drugs is what caused this. I am so disturbed!!!
I do not know when were those pictures taken but obviously they were taken before LAPD ruled the case as a homicide, so ppl who went in and out could do anything even to change sheets on Michael’s bed to cover some evidences. AEG was renting this house for Michael. So probably whatever was done there in this room after Michel’s body was delivered to the hospital, it was done by ppl associated somehow with AEG. It could be done by securities, other stuff whatever. Who else could go in and turn everything upside down on his bed? We do not have an information who was in this house within the next few hours after the first report about his death was on CNN. It is a big secret.

I dont understand why they would change the sheets unless they were trying to cover something up like blood or something, some kind of evidence. I am quite disturbed right now. Its all so awful :no:
A great way to find out if these pics were real. Show this picture to someone who knew what Michael's room looked like. Someone had to know who had nothing to do with his murder...right?? If not, then at least one of his older children knew what their father's room looked like. Unless, they NEVER saw their father's room, not even once.


But SOMEONE, at least one person might be able to tell that this IS Michael's bedroom. Then we know the pics are real.....

Unless, the others are photoshopped.....

But also, like someone else said, with the pic of the bloodied shirt, would'nt Michael have more clothes than that in his closet??????

I'd expect a bloodied shirt to go where the changed sheets went.
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Latoya said it was Tohme that fired the staff.

Why am I not surprised.

A great way to find out if these pics were real. Show this picture to someone who knew what Michael's room looked like. Someone had to know who had nothing to do with his murder...right?? If not, then at least one of his older children knew what their father's room looked like. Unless, they NEVER saw their father's room, not even once.


But SOMEONE, at least one person might be able to tell that this IS Michael's bedroom. Then we know the pics are real.....

Unless, the others are photoshopped.....

But also, like someone else said, with the pic of the bloodied shirt, would'nt Michael have more clothes than that in his closet?????? No one hangs a bloodied shirt up, unless they don't care about it being found.

I'd expect a bloodied shirt to go where the changed sheets went.

There are 2 scenarios for the bloody shirt. One is that it was forgotten about (but who hangs up a bloody shirt) and the other is that it was planted. Depending on a DNA test result, it's hard work out why it's there.
A first response after Murray running down stairs and yelling for Prince, wouldn't be to form a prayer circle.

Wouldn't it normally be:

To scream, "What's wrong, what's wrong".
yell something like, "Do you need me to help? what can I do"
Start charging up those stairs yourself, passing anyone and everyone in tow
Call 911 yourself. No working phones, use your personal cell
Run through the house calling and yelling for others to come

Something is amiss with Kai's version. Something has been left out, but what?

I knew something was missing from her story.

So, its "time" thats missing...

Hmmmmmmm? alot can be done and said in a 15 min period.

We see that it's possible Kai's role in all of this was to clear the surroundings, so that whatever was done in those fifteen minuties could be done.

And also, she never said WHO was in the circle, only her and the children, and the rest of the staff...if I remember correctly. What staff, security is all else I can think of (unless he had gardeners or house cleaners)....but weren't security searching for phones? Or trying to figure out what was wrong with their boss? It's their job as security....

But Kai did say security was racing upstairs, even skipping steps.

Nothing makes sense.

And also, when she said security was RACING upstairs......were they really racing up to help Michael, or to take advantage of that 15 mins? Were they the newly hired security?

I'd like to know from her who exactly went up, and who stayed down.
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the sheet has been changed if it's his bed on the photo. the one cannot lie on it, or think of all this supposed "CPR" that supposedly happened on the bed and leave it so untouched. remember you any hotel experience and how your bed looks after you have slept on it or even sat on it for a while. the sheet wouldnt be that straigt and flat. on the photo there is a fresh sheet.

if the bloody shirt is real, then somebody placed it in there. you don't keep evidence like that. it's either somebody wanted to leave evidence or the shirt is fake.
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Kasume thanks for your points on the Kai story. Makes you wonder , doesn't it?

Oh, and about the bloody T-shirt, "Moth2aflame" told us very early on after the death, that our Michael died a violent death and he was tortured for hours. I am sorry to keep repeating these things but something is telling me, the way this person described Michael's final hours is very close to the truth.

The murderers did not intend for MJ's body to be shown to the public, too much evidence(dna) on it, revealing who they are and what they did to him.

Damn them all to hell!
^ Well you would think that they would know how to conceal that or not leave evidence everywhere so as not to cause any suspicion.
Besides, even a regular person knows not to leave bloody shirts that are evidence of what 'happened' at the crime scene, you would think that someone doing this on this level would know more?
I'm not knocking this theory yet but it still seems too outlandish for now, especially that we only have one person's story on it.
This bloody T-shirt was my main concern from the start. I still think (I may be wrong nad I hope I am) that it was sort of ritual murder by group of conspiracy for money and power. Putting this shirt to the media news looks like letting their bosses know that it was finally done.
It is very evil stuff and the world we live in full of weird things.
I do not want to think about it and I do not want to believe that Michael suffered a lot before he passed but all I know tells me that it could be worse than I can imagine.
If his body looked bad with obvious evidences of crime, why LAPD didn’t arrest anybody yet?
^ Well you would think that they would know how to conceal that or not leave evidence everywhere so as not to cause any suspicion.
Besides, even a regular person knows not to leave bloody shirts that are evidence of what 'happened' at the crime scene, you would think that someone doing this on this level would know more?
I'm not knocking this theory yet but it still seems too outlandish for now, especially that we only have one person's story on it.

Concealment isn't necessarliy what the Murderers Goal were.

From several different angles alot of us have run across evidence to prove, the Killers were very Arrogant and showed signes of "Bragging" about the fact they had just pulled off the Biggest Murder Scheme the Entire World will ever know.

The bloody t-shirt, may or may not be one of those signs?
This bloody T-shirt was my main concern from the start. I still think (I may be wrong nad I hope I am) that it was sort of ritual murder by group of conspiracy for money and power. Putting this shirt to the media news looks like letting their bosses know that it was finally done.
It is very evil stuff and the world we live in full of weird things.
I do not want to think about it and I do not want to believe that Michael suffered a lot before he passed but all I know tells me that it could be worse than I can imagine.
If his body looked bad with obvious evidences of crime, why LAPD didn’t arrest anybody yet?

Some people believe with the history of the LAPD being so corrupt, they would never seek real justice for our Michael.
Some people believe with the history of the LAPD being so corrupt, they would never seek real justice for our Michael.

I believe that LAPD got huge money to close this case. This is why fans have to fight for the truth. Publicity is a key for true justice.
I believe that LAPD got huge money to close this case. This is why fans have to fight for the truth. Publicity is a key for true justice.

Several people connected to Team MJ and this Murder have all gotten a huge payday from AEG.
And, remember the donations and where they came from!!
TMZ is again reporting today that Murray will be arrested next week! Boy I hope and pray they are wrong as much as I know that is what they will do!
And, remember the donations and where they came from!!
TMZ is again reporting today that Murray will be arrested next week! Boy I hope and pray they are wrong as much as I know that is what they will do!

Yep! The donations!

Money is the root of all evil!
if someone was amongst murderers but at the end became scared of what they did, he/she might have left the t-shirt in there. Say if they're scared to talk about what happened openly. Being scared of the rest of the "company". But wanted to leave a hint that it was a murder.
But yeah... it might sound crazy... i'm thinking aloud
I find it too odd that the bloody T-shirt was found in the closet. It was on a hanger :scratch: Murderers couldn't just forget it like that there. Or maybe it was there for a longer time (before the June 25th). I hope the t-shirt is BS, because the thoughts that Michael could be injured make me cringe :( Could so much blood be from IV? if someone pulled out a needle for example?
as for your question about where Jermaine says he was......I just looked up the youtube video again and he says.."I was across town when I got the phone call from my mother telling me Michael had passed"........hmm...this is what he told Matt Lauer in an interview....I however have my own suspicions too about Jermaine and Thome...

Sorry if I'm digging up older posts and certainly it is not important at all so please bear with me. But I remember that in an interview with LK Jermaine said:

JJ: "I was on the other side of the town in Asuza (?) and I got a call from you, guys, on my wife's phone."
LK: "CNN?"
JJ: "Yes. And they said, umm: 'Did you know that your brother was rushed to hospital?' And I said: 'What?' So I called my mother immediately, and I got her on the phone and she said that she was on her way. And umm, so ... a little time went by and I spoke to Janet, I spoke to sss ... a ... a few other siblings and then I ... about 45 minutes later, and then I called my mother back and I heard her sound in a voice that said (?sad? unclear) that he is dead!"

So ... who called whom?
The coroner (at the first press conference) said there was no indication of any external trauma and no sign of foul play on the body. I know that we have reason to believe foul play was involved in his death, but a bloody face or something would be an obvious sign of external trauma and foul play on the body wouldn't it..?

Also Karen Faye.. she supposedly did the make up on Michael's body. She has spoken so harshly about AEG, Kenny, Sony just stopping short of actually saying they murdered him, but she has never mentioned anything about his face. I don't think she'd remain silent if there was, shes been giving people lots of information. In fact she has said somewhat the opposite. When we were worried autopsy photos were coming out and that they said the photos were real because Michael had a scar on his cheek, she said 'don't believe it so easily' and then later 'Michael didn't have any scars on his cheeks'... wouldn't she have mentioned something about his face then?

La Toya said she saw his body and all she has said was 'he looked beautiful, just like Michael' she also said the children saw him (in the hospital, and Paris again later at FL. Would La Toya keep quiet if there was obvious indication of damage to his face, and would they let the children see him in a bad state with his face damaged? This is also why I don't believe they didn't do open casket because of damage to his face from CPR (aaaand since when does CPR cause damage on the face?)
Who posted that the estate made a large donnation to the LAPD?
I remember seeing that very well.
Do we have a link?

And could it have to do with the former LAPD chief's resignation in August 2009?
Who posted that the estate made a large donnation to the LAPD?
I remember seeing that very well.
Do we have a link?

And could it have to do with the former LAPD chief's resignation in August 2009?
That's an interesting point. Thanx.

Here are some clearer pics:





Did you guys know there was an underground entrance to MJ's rented home?:

And across the road is where Elvis used to live.
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I find it too odd that the bloody T-shirt was found in the closet. It was on a hanger :scratch: Murderers couldn't just forget it like that there. Or maybe it was there for a longer time (before the June 25th). I hope the t-shirt is BS, because the thoughts that Michael could be injured make me cringe :( Could so much blood be from IV? if someone pulled out a needle for example?

It's either one way or the other:

The bloody t-shirt was put there to sell more papers and sensationalism( staged deathbed scene) or

The bloody t-shirt is real, left behind by one of the killers as his Mark to show the Masterminds behind the Murder( Executives in Suits), that the Job has been completed.