Autopsy Photo's, Crime Scene Pic to Show what really happened to our MJ!?

The coroner (at the first press conference) said there was no indication of any external trauma and no sign of foul play on the body. I know that we have reason to believe foul play was involved in his death, but a bloody face or something would be an obvious sign of external trauma and foul play on the body wouldn't it..?

Also Karen Faye.. she supposedly did the make up on Michael's body. She has spoken so harshly about AEG, Kenny, Sony just stopping short of actually saying they murdered him, but she has never mentioned anything about his face. I don't think she'd remain silent if there was, shes been giving people lots of information. In fact she has said somewhat the opposite. When we were worried autopsy photos were coming out and that they said the photos were real because Michael had a scar on his cheek, she said 'don't believe it so easily' and then later 'Michael didn't have any scars on his cheeks'... wouldn't she have mentioned something about his face then?

La Toya said she saw his body and all she has said was 'he looked beautiful, just like Michael' she also said the children saw him (in the hospital, and Paris again later at FL. Would La Toya keep quiet if there was obvious indication of damage to his face, and would they let the children see him in a bad state with his face damaged? This is also why I don't believe they didn't do open casket because of damage to his face from CPR (aaaand since when does CPR cause damage on the face?)

You know what? I had heard from one person, that Karen Faye didn't do Michael's make-up at the memorial or burial. I don't know if this is true or not. This was when I was still in shock and I never questioned it nor went back to revsisit this subject with the person who told me this. Karen Faye could be telling the truth, I dunno?

I don't necessarily think there would be "damage" to our MJ's face. But DNA on his body and possible signs of a struggle of sorts. The Dna could possibly tell us who and how many were in that room
The coroner (at the first press conference) said there was no indication of any external trauma and no sign of foul play on the body. I know that we have reason to believe foul play was involved in his death, but a bloody face or something would be an obvious sign of external trauma and foul play on the body wouldn't it..?

Also Karen Faye.. she supposedly did the make up on Michael's body. She has spoken so harshly about AEG, Kenny, Sony just stopping short of actually saying they murdered him, but she has never mentioned anything about his face. I don't think she'd remain silent if there was, shes been giving people lots of information. In fact she has said somewhat the opposite. When we were worried autopsy photos were coming out and that they said the photos were real because Michael had a scar on his cheek, she said 'don't believe it so easily' and then later 'Michael didn't have any scars on his cheeks'... wouldn't she have mentioned something about his face then?

La Toya said she saw his body and all she has said was 'he looked beautiful, just like Michael' she also said the children saw him (in the hospital, and Paris again later at FL. Would La Toya keep quiet if there was obvious indication of damage to his face, and would they let the children see him in a bad state with his face damaged? This is also why I don't believe they didn't do open casket because of damage to his face from CPR (aaaand since when does CPR cause damage on the face?)

Yeah and the coroner in the Elvis case said Elvis died of a heart attack. It wasn't until years later that the truth of the drug over dose came out.
Don't believe everything your being told.
Karen Faye also said Michael couldn't use a computer? Oh brohter!

I would think, that if there was anything like that, it would have to be kept quiet for the investigation. For me, anything is still possible.
That's an interesting point. Thanx.

Here are some clearer pics:





Did you guys know there was an underground entrance to MJ's rented home?:

And across the road is where Elvis used to live.

What is baside DVD and CD ? Not a doll legs, something dark, I cannot read it.
It's either one way or the other:

The bloody t-shirt was put there to sell more papers and sensationalism( staged deathbed scene) or

The bloody t-shirt is real, left behind by one of the killers as his Mark to show the Masterminds behind the Murder( Executives in Suits), that the Job has been completed.

Um, the bloody shirt and the deathbed stories are not related. The pictures appeared on news of the world (I always thought that it was someone from the family who gave that to them, as they seem to have sources inside the family), and the other one is from another tabloid, and appeared at a later date.
Um, the bloody shirt and the deathbed stories are not related. The pictures appeared on news of the world (I always thought that it was someone from the family who gave that to them, as they seem to have sources inside the family), and the other one is from another tabloid, and appeared at a later date.

Yeah and I've also heard that a TMZ journalist's sister works at the court house.
TMZ also has sources inside the family, my gut says it's Joe...

About the pictures. I can't believe a tabloid story just because. I compared the deathbed pictures to the actual interior of the house, they match. So at least this story could be true.

But I can't form an opinion based on a picture of a closet, with a bloody shirt in it. I just can't. It could be anyone's closet, it could be the closet of the person who sold the pic to the tabloid, the closet of the tabloid. It could be my closet, for all anyone knows (no, it isn't :) )
Um, the bloody shirt and the deathbed stories are not related. The pictures appeared on news of the world (I always thought that it was someone from the family who gave that to them, as they seem to have sources inside the family), and the other one is from another tabloid, and appeared at a later date.

Yes, I realize they came out at different times but they ARE related( in a sense), both (bloody-tshirt and deathbed pics) allegedly are tied into MJ's death or someone wants us to believe that is the case.
Yeah and the coroner in the Elvis case said Elvis died of a heart attack. It wasn't until years later that the truth of the drug over dose came out.
Don't believe everything your being told.
Karen Faye also said Michael couldn't use a computer? Oh brohter!

I would think, that if there was anything like that, it would have to be kept quiet for the investigation. For me, anything is still possible.

Karen Faye sure wasn't the only member of Team MJ trying to tell us that B.S. about Michael not using a computer. Raymone Bain said very similar things as well! she said something about him not ever being on a computer or operating a computer. I can't remember her exact words but they were striaght up lies!!!! During the trial we found out at aleast one of his user names online. Remember that?
Karen Faye sure wasn't the only member of Team MJ trying to tell us that B.S. about Michael not using a computer. Raymone Bain said very similar things as well! she said something about him not ever being on a computer or operating a computer. I can't remember her exact words but they were striaght up lies!!!! During the trial we found out at aleast one of his user names online. Remember that?
He also bought things on eBay with different aliases. How will you do this without a computer? :scratch:
He also bought things on eBay with different aliases. How will you do this without a computer? :scratch:

Thank You Samtkaninchen,

This goes to show, we can not "always" trust the words from MJ's Team. They do not tell the truth!
And oh, I just remember pictures of MJ's room at Neverland where I spotted at least one box of an Epson printer. Without a computer not too useful.
Karen Faye sure wasn't the only member of Team MJ trying to tell us that B.S. about Michael not using a computer. Raymone Bain said very similar things as well! she said something about him not ever being on a computer or operating a computer. I can't remember her exact words but they were striaght up lies!!!! During the trial we found out at aleast one of his user names online. Remember that?

Also in the FBI files that were just released in mentions that MJ had Mac's through out his house.
TMZ also has sources inside the family, my gut says it's Joe...

About the pictures. I can't believe a tabloid story just because. I compared the deathbed pictures to the actual interior of the house, they match. So at least this story could be true.

But I can't form an opinion based on a picture of a closet, with a bloody shirt in it. I just can't. It could be anyone's closet, it could be the closet of the person who sold the pic to the tabloid, the closet of the tabloid. It could be my closet, for all anyone knows (no, it isn't :) )

Or, it could be Michael's closet.
Sometimes I think the tabs print the truth to keep everyone guessing what the truth is.
Why would MJ own a $3.99 shirt? Seems like it was planted for one reason or another.

Here is a strange coincidence:
Yep, and he would need to be computer literate, he is a musician and we all know Michaels love of technology


The nerve of some members of team MJ trying to feed us that bull!
Or, it could be Michael's closet.
Sometimes I think the tabs print the truth to keep everyone guessing what the truth is.

It's obvious to me, since our MJ's murder, his family are relying on the Tabloids getting out the truth more and more.

Main Stream media ( and many of us on forums) have all but attacked them and resulted in disrespectful and inflammatory remarks as opposed to looking at the bigger picture and investigating for themselves( media) and allowing the evidence and information thats being
presented to them to speak for itself.

If they(media) did this, it would surely scream: "Foul Play".
I would like to know where in the world anyone could buy a new shirt for $3.99?
Something is up with this shirt? I just wish we knew what!
It's obvious to me, since our MJ's murder, his family are relying on the Tabloids getting out the truth more and more.

Main Stream media ( and many of us on forums) have all but attacked them and resulted in disrespectful and inflammatory remarks as opposed to looking at the bigger picture and investigating for themselves( media) and allowing the evidence and information thats being
presented to them to speak for itself.

If they(media) did this, it would surely scream: "Foul Play".

That is true. There are those in the family who have direct links to tabloids. Mainstream news doesn't want to hear it. That's why I'm taking tabloid stories a lot more seriously now.
Here are some surrounding images of Michael's home of 100 North Carolwoord Dr:


The first photo above shows the 16,119 square foot home smack in the middle of the photo. The photo to the right shows the underground parking garage entrance.


Unfortunately for MJ, this house sits right on busy Sunset Blvd and he no doubt had to endure the constant drone of passing traffic. Why anyone would build such a huge mansion right on a major thoroughfare, I have no idea. From what I have been reading, Sean Connery lived in this home at one time though I have not verified that.


But MJ rented it for $100K a month since his house up north is in foreclosure - he had to make due with a mere 8 bedrooms and 11 bathrooms. Notice this view from the back of the house shows three balconies, one on each of the three floors of the house.




Let's take a street level look. This is heading southbound on North Carolwood Drive. Carolwood drive branches to the right in this photo, and actually the video I've seen of MJ's ambulance leaving was taken about where the car is on the right branch. That car is sitting just outside the guest entrance to 100 Carolwood.


But let's head down Monovale Drive instead (this street level view doesn't go down the right branch)


As we head down Monovale, that's MJ's house on the right...we're coming upon the underground garage...


here is a peak inside the garage as we zoom on by. This home was built in 2002 and sold for $18M in 2004. It is valued at about $12M right now.


And now that we have passed, a look at it from the rear.

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So the follower fans were only gathered at the main entrance? Who knows what was going on at the underground one? Especially if there's no video feed and that should be the main sign that there was foul play...
Dangerous Inc. Thanks for those photo's and pointing out the back underground entrance. This is very significant being that the there was a mysterious death in this house, and the security tapes are missing.

There could have been all kinds of activity going on at the underground entrance for hours right under the noses of people who stood at the main entrance before and during the murder. And I have a hunch that there was.

Angel, you and I are on the same page with this.
Unfortunately for MJ, this house sits right on busy Sunset Blvd and he no doubt had to endure the constant drone of passing traffic. Why anyone would build such a huge mansion right on a major thoroughfare, I have no idea.
I had the same thought.
But do you know how old this house is? It is possible that the thoroughfare was built after the mansion was already there.
As we head down Monovale, that's MJ's house on the right...we're coming upon the underground garage...

This underground garage bothers me now. Ppl could go in and out and nobody could see them without going trough main gates. It feels like somebody else was in the house that night.