Christian Members

Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

I saw this ridiculous thing recently where fans have called Michael the "second coming" and really believe it. The only plot hole in this ridiculous and blasphemous theory is that Michael passed on. The second coming would take us back with him as it is is written.

You know, it says in the bible that EVERYONE who celebrates a true and Christ-like love will be persecuted because they are in the world but not OF the world. Michael is not God or Jesus, he was simply setting an EXAMPLE of Christ -- he had his own misgivings like the rest of us, he is NOT to be put on that same pedestal; Christ would shake his head in sadness.

Michael did everything Jesus told US to do. There would be more of this going on, we just wouldn't know about it -- because other people who live devoutly in the footsteps of Christ are not famous, or do not have the money that Michael had to help in the same kinds of ways that he did. He is not the ONLY one.

He was a good hearted man who did largely what Christ asked us to do -- but most of us fail to.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)


I respect him so much since he tried to live in God's words, even though some people looked down on him calling MJ 'childish'. He never gave up, until the last days of his life....

I don't know how much faith in his mind, but he did try hard to act.
September 14th - exaltation of the Cross

On September 14th 326 Saint Helen, emperor Constantine's mother discovered the Holy Cross whilst on pilgrimage in Jerusalem. Therefore, this day has become a feast during which Christians celebrate Christ's sacrifice and His triumph over sin and death. What was once a Roman instrument for torture, has become a symbol of salvation for all humanity. It is by the costliest price - Christ's blood - and because of His Resurrection that we are saved.

5 Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
6 Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
7 but made Himself nothing,
taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
8 And being found in appearance as a man,
He humbled Himself
and became obedient to death—
even death on a cross!
9 Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place
and gave Him the name that is above every name,
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father. (Phillipians 2:5-11 NIV )


Adoramus Te, Christe, et benedicimus Tibi,
quia per sanctam crucem Tuam redemisti mundum.

Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

I have a prayer intention -- I have a lot of things happening in my life, if you could all possibly spare a prayer for opportunities, divine intervention and discernment over my life, I would love that :)

God bless guys!
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

always willing to pray. prayers being sent out now:)
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

I'm a believer. I am going to convert to Catholism from Islam next year. :)
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

I have a prayer intention -- I have a lot of things happening in my life, if you could all possibly spare a prayer for opportunities, divine intervention and discernment over my life, I would love that :)

God bless guys!

You are in my prayers. God bless you. :)

I'm a believer. I am going to convert to Catholism from Islam next year. :)

You are a very brave soul. I know from my own experience that the process of conversion (from one denomination to another, therefore within the same religion) is difficult. I cannot imagine what is like to pass from a religion to another, although i am aware that Jesus and Mary are mentioned often in the Koran and are well respected in the Muslim world. I too have found my spiritual home in the Catholic Church. I am still on my way home though. God bless you on your own journey.

There was talk earlier about Michael's soul. I really wouldn't worry about it. Michael's safe in God's loving care and all of those who have dared to question him or judge him do not have any authority over him and should really be worrying about the state of their own soul. I know this is gonna sound a bit strange, but hear me out nonetheless. For Michael there are millions of people praying.

I know November 2nd is still far away, but i would like to ask those of you who want and can to light a candle or say a prayer for those departed souls who no longer have anyone praying for them.

Earlier this year as i stopped by 'my' cathedral before i made my pilgrimage to Rome and Turin i bought some candles and the very kind and wise lady there told me to get one also for this kind of souls - the ones nobody can pray for anymore. I was reminded of her words earlier tonight as i watching the night sky and the gorgeous moon hanging way up there and thinking about the sanctity and the frailty of life.

We really need to pray for all the unsung heroes of the civil rights struggle, all of the victims of vile acts such a lynching, to pray for their tormentors many of whom might have died alone, all the unknown soldiers lying in mass graves all over the world, all the homeless and destitute people dying from cold on city streets everywhere adding up "just' another number to a faceless and nameless list of deaths, all the aborted children who didn't have a chance to become the musicians of tomorrow, the doctors who could find cure to strange diseases or the political leaders of the future brave enough to fight for people.

I know of course that the issue of abortion is such a thorny matter and it is easy for me to have a strong opinion about it, not having had to deal with such a horrible moment in my life. It's like one of my friends has been told - it's easy to have morals when you have money.

I do however have an indirect relationship to it since i do have in heaven a few sisters and a little brother. My parents have been pardoned by the Lord and i have no place or right to judge them and their choices - times were very difficult back when they acted like they did, but i could never escape the thought that i have no merit whatsoever in being the first and only child. Therefore, i have decided and have tried (not always succeeding) to live my life as intensely as possible and to make it worthwhile also in the name of those could no longer be a part of our family.

Also related to the sanctity of life here go a couple of videos from one of the greatest rappers who has ever lived - Tupac Shakur. The world lost him a little over 14 years ago. God rest his soul.

Remember to keep yourself alive, there is nothing more important than that such true and awesome words from a very brave woman - Afeni Shakur, a former Black Panther and a strong mother raising two children on her own.

Life - in all its forms and stages - truly is the greatest gift of all. Love makes it all worthwhile. They both must be preserved and cherished with great, great care.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

Aww Shabuya that's a amazing post. Thank you so much for give us to opportunity reading this. You're blessed by God and we can see this in a lot of your posts. I'm also Catholic, my whole family is, my brother is called (vocation) to be a missionary and I have learned a lot with him every day. I hope God's time so He can execute on me their plans.
Thanks again.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

You can take comfort in the fact that
Michael Jackson is is safely and happily being watched over
by Jesus Christ now. :angel:
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

I'm a believer. I am going to convert to Catholism from Islam next year. :)

WOW, WOW! Praise the Lord, Christ!!!

I am so happy for you! I reverted to Catholicism from Pentecostal about 5 years ago after an agnostic upbringing and it was the best decision of my life. The Sacraments of the Church are Jesus' biggest and most valuable gift to me.

I'm so happy for ya!!

Thanks for your awesome post. The issue of abortion is one that the Lord has put on my heart and one that deserves great compassion. a lot of women make choices because they don't know enough about the risks because the practitioner is not by law required to make the patient aware. Also, women are scared by the lies society fills them about children being more of a hindrance than a blessing. It is not always their fault and often a belief that they cannot continue a pregnancy. I would never judge anyone for the choices that they make - but I do make it my mission to make sure the information is out there and to fight others who believe that it is NOT murder or who believe that it is "ok" and it's "just a fetus" ...

Praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet is a wonderful rosary for those who have passed on or who are sick and in need. It also brings comfort to those in great pain. I experienced, personally a lot of blessings from this chaplet through the heart of our Lord... :)
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Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

This is the first time I've visited this thread - unfortunately, because it's over a hundred-pages long, I've only read the few latest posts.

I'm a Christian Orthodox and believe in Jesus - being half-man, half-God and in sacrificing his life on the cross. The cross is the most powerful and true symbol.

I've opened this thread to reply because of my worried and at times confused nature. Because of this board being devoted to Michael, I've just wanted to say how - despite knowing so many people pray for him and think of him while other pour lost souls have nobody to care about them to mention them and pray for them - I don't think about these things in relation to him, I just think of the fact that he was a beautiful and special human being that had some flaws as well. And, without extending this post of mine too much, I am still very preoccupied with where he is right now. A good friend of mine confused me with her knowledge and belief in reincarnation, which is against my religion and, quite frankly, I don't believe in. I can't help being confused after hearing my friend say how Christ reincarnates Himself in each new-born child, with each birth. And I do feel very deeply sometimes like I've known certain persons forever. But I only believe in the souls' ascension or fall... And it's specific in my belief how a person's sins can't be forgiven unless they've/'d been confessed before a minister, God's intermediary, and unless they were baptized in their life. I don't really think Michael would have had a trustworthy and authorized man of God near to speak to, except for some limited beings. I grew shortly panicky when reading somewhere that Michael, even though he became a JW in his late teens, he wasn't baptized/christened or chances were slim. Since Michael officially renounced the religion in 1987, he still kept hang on to some of its values, as well as Christian ones, but so far I haven't read that he was christened. Still thinking about this issue frightens me.

I've started musing a lot about the after-life, even before Michael's passing, and I value it more than this disapointing one we're living in. And I am thinking about Michael's soul, who was so incredibly beautiful and so incredibly tormented by forces who wanted to take it from him always. There is not any wonder to me why he'd so fiercely always clung unto childhood innocence and purity and why he desperately needed this godlike wonder near - not only because he sincerely and purely loved it, but also as a shield to protect him against the enemy who always threatened to ruin him. His soul was so sweet that drew all kinds of forces near, good all bad. Sweet is loved and craved for by anything and anyone. So, I'm always hoping and praying that this sweetest soul who I'll always love be saved and that, in spite of the strictness of His commands. Reading those unauthorized transcripts between that rabbi and himself, I was a bit stunned, I must say, when Michael asked that, since people are going to go to Heaven anyway why is there need for so much suffering on earth... People are all treated as equals before God, but are judged differently and can't all receive the everlasting reward. That would mean denying the existence of hell, which the rabbi does. I think, however, that people like Uri and the rabbi are such manipulating minds.

I don't want him to be a restless, wandering soul, I don't want him to be bothered by any psychics and so-called 'gifted' people now... I want him to be There, but always here somehow in spirit for comfort and help, and with his children, and that one sweet day, they'll be together again.

I don't idolize anyone but God, even though I sometimes can be overwhelmed by love for someone or something, but I see it as a gift from God, an extension of His, which we all are. I don't idolize Michael, am no follower and don't even like calling myself a fan. I simply love him as God loves His children, and feel at one with him or my equal, I didn't aspire to reach him. But I'm not one to easily just say a certain someone had such a pure heart, that they are now in Heaven. Even though their essence is good. The very sinful, decayed man crucified next to Jesus was taken with Him by Him because he believed in Him and confessed his sins to Him and was humble. This is one of my biggest fears and doubts. Heaven is such a profound dimension that so many are taking so lightly. A pure soul of a child dead shortly after their birth won't go where a cold-blooded criminal or self-killed will... there's also the notion of the 7 heavens, another notion which confuses me...

I'm experiencing much turmoil about all these things and there's pain in my heart because of these insecurities... What if a deserving soul will never see their loved one ever again in the after-life, what if they'll never be reunited? It is often said how nothing from this evanescent life will go with you when out of it, and that God will be the only One mattering and the Only One we'll ever need... And without wanting to upset Him, but this sounds lonely to me, at least in this life, because we were created to be united with the others and love each other, and we all want to see our loved ones again and see or feel the familiar faces of those we miss. It can't be that none of that will matter anymore when faced with the Lord. And I still will like to know my loved ones are safe, at least those truly deserving ones. I sometimes am feeling guilty when having moments of enjoyment when I don't know if the departed ones have moments of enjoyment too or, based on the terrible life they led, they are now in certain suffering.

I just know that a few weeks before June 25, and especially on June 25 and many months after, I've felt the loneliest I've ever felt, and a chasm formed inside me, ready to devour me. And what is more awful to me is that, pretty much during all of the few times I've looked at the sky subsequently to June 25, I don't feel as though Michael is there, but a huge mystery or a huge emptiness, like nothing of him exists anywhere anymore or somewhere out of reach. Many say 'Well, I'll close my eyes and he is there", or "Everytime I think of him, he'll always live in my heart", or "My heart/intuition tells me he is here with me'. But that is nothing, that is just make-belief. I've sometimes experienced some moments of warmth and comfort when thinking of him or when working on mine and my friends' site for him, but how can I know for sure he is there feeling?.

I can only close all the above by a big 'I don't know'.
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Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

^^^i've found many of my answers by reading the King James Bible, without anybody telling me what's in it. there's so many things in there, that no preacher ever preached to me. but it's good that you are able to say 'i don't know'. so many find it easy to judge, when they don't know what they are talking about. i believe it's purposeful that nobody can put an absolute finger on the relationship between Michael and God..that way, they cannot be in a position to judge. these days, people love to play judge jury and executioner. and it's still not their place to do so, as it wasn't their place, or our place, from the very beginning of time. anyway, Michael has said on many occasions that he worships God. and many are the benficiaries of Michael's good works, that honor God.
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Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

Please pray for me as my knee problems are getting worse. I am only 19 and I will have some tests done in the future and maybe procedures done, as well.

I thank God for the awesome, amazing friends and family that I have! They, along with God, keep me going every day.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

Just wanted to add that these uncertainties of mine stem from knowing how mysterious God's works are, that not just once we are asking ourselves how certain things happen to us or those whom we love or just hear of or see, and these are His tests for us that could crumble the weaker ones for good and strengthen those who are stronger. I know that Michael, for instance, was a special creature, such a beautiful child who always had to fight with the darkest of forces and was often stronger than them... I just pray that, given the incredibly difficult destiny he had, the manifold trials and tribulations he had to endure here on earth, that God could finally spare him now of current and future ones. God is much more that we know about, read about, think about, I really believe that..

Something has come to my mind today that further convinces me of how special a child he truly is. Just reading people's accounts and his accounts on his desperate needs and attempts to live the life the other fellow mortals live, from him coming across or searching for anonymous friends and families and get to see how they live, behave, always wanting to be treated as their equal and neighbor, from wanting to get the taste of poverty and disease by visiting poor areas and centers hosting ill children all over the world, by inviting over families - not just children, but families as well - over to Hayvenhurst and Neverland and making his homes theirs. From the account that he once spent a night in jail because of a misunderstanding, and he told his mother that he wasn't concerned, because he got to see what it's like being imprisoned; from his own account from when he was taken by ambulance to the Brothman Hospital for Burned People following the fateful Pepsi incident, and, despite being in pain, he loved being a patient, feeling the medical urgency, watching or feeling the ambulance's red lights flash, hearing the hooters sing, getting to visit the other far worse burned people in the hospital and mingling with them, making them feel better, just empathizing with them. From other accounts that he sometimes would check into hospitals to get the feel of what it's like being ill or being treated in such facilities like people are. From seeing him in rarer times being taken in a wheelchair or wearing pajamas even in public, which is the humblest one could ever see at/in a human being and which one will never really see at/in other celebrities or so-called celebrities. Just looking at him in such instances doesn't ring insanity to me, but a desperate need to be treated or feel like a human being... This screams of humility and non-threat and accessibility. He was never the untouchable one - his grossly distorted name and reputation made him appear like that. When he passed, I felt like my unborn child and brother passed, or my true friend, not who many thought and still think he was... I just miss him so terribly, even though I've never met him and can just only always pray sweet Jesus has mercy on him and takes care of him and allows him to continue to be there for others and pray to Him for them, especially his children. He said in those rabbi tapes how, if in Jesus' presence, he'd follow him like a child, one of His devout followers, and in the interview with Bashir, he also specified that he is married to God... and it seems so natural for me to envision - one of the most endearing images I could have... It just seems so natural and it would destroy me if they aren't finally together or together again.

It will just warm my heart as it happens every time when such thoughts come to me. I'll be able to finally live, no matter how short a time here, because that loving child will always mean so so much to me..

...* prays for MJJ_luv1991*...
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Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

Aww Shabuya that's a amazing post. Thank you so much for give us to opportunity reading this. You're blessed by God and we can see this in a lot of your posts. I'm also Catholic, my whole family is, my brother is called (vocation) to be a missionary and I have learned a lot with him every day. I hope God's time so He can execute on me their plans.
Thanks again.

Don't even mention it Lainey. I'm really glad to hear about your brother and his preparation for missionary work. And btw, we are ALL blessed by the Lord. We just don't realize how much and how often.

It's like the girls from MaryMary sing:

I sing about what He's done
For me it's been so much
That I couldn't even tell if I tried
I sing just to let the whole world know
That we all got something to
Be grateful for so lift your voice

Mary Mary - I Sings (Official Music Video). Watch more top selected videos about: Mary Mary

WOW, WOW! Praise the Lord, Christ!!!

I am so happy for you! I reverted to Catholicism from Pentecostal about 5 years ago after an agnostic upbringing and it was the best decision of my life. The Sacraments of the Church are Jesus' biggest and most valuable gift to me.

I'm so happy for ya!!

Shabuya, Thanks for your awesome post. The issue of abortion is one that the Lord has put on my heart and one that deserves great compassion. a lot of women make choices because they don't know enough about the risks because the practitioner is not by law required to make the patient aware. Also, women are scared by the lies society fills them about children being more of a hindrance than a blessing. It is not always their fault and often a belief that they cannot continue a pregnancy. I would never judge anyone for the choices that they make - but I do make it my mission to make sure the information is out there and to fight others who believe that it is NOT murder or who believe that it is "ok" and it's "just a fetus" ...

Praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet is a wonderful rosary for those who have passed on or who are sick and in need. It also brings comfort to those in great pain. I experienced, personally a lot of blessings from this chaplet through the heart of our Lord... :)

Thank YOU for all your kind words. I'm soo happy you shared the Divine Mercy Chaplet with everyone, it is indeed a very effective prayer. Saint Faustina's amazing contribution to the Church with the doctrine of Divine Mercy is the first and foremost reason for my conversion and John Paul II was the catalyst for it all. I am eagerly waiting to return to Rome for his beatification.

Please pray for me as my knee problems are getting worse. I am only 19 and I will have some tests done in the future and maybe procedures done, as well.

I thank God for the awesome, amazing friends and family that I have! They, along with God, keep me going every day.

I am sorry to hear that honey. Hopefully you will feel better soon. God bless you.

Alma (that's Spanish for soul, right?) dear, thank you for both your amazing posts and welcome to the thread :) You show great care and understanding, ain't no sin in being confused. Never fear to share your feelings with us.

Indeed you are very right about Michael's delicate and pure soul being under constant attack from the enemy. It is said that the souls closest to the Lord are also those being targeted most often and most ferociously on the front lines of salvation. But, at the same time, we know that the Lord has them all in His care and His Mercy is never far.

All we can really do is trust Him completely, because His love truly surpasses all human understanding.

o/t Cherub, you got a really beautiful picture in your signature, one of the least recognized and appreciated facets of Michael's personality - the little bookworm lol stackin' up readin' material from basically everywhere and his huge libraries. What was there not to love about the man, right? Truly a complete package - soul, brain and body.
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Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

Thank you so much, Shabuya.. And Vncwilliam too..

Yes, the username is Spanish for 'soul', even though it's not my real name..

I'll just keep praying and believing. Certain things are completely out of our reach, but I did forget to add that it is only when I sometimes look at the sky that I don't feel Michael - which, to me, is worrisome, but I sometimes do feel his warmth near and his soul near.. Even before 25th, just by looking at his pictures sometimes or hearing him speak, an overwhelming and empathizing and nurturing warmth engulfs you, not of an extraterrestrial or ostentatious or supreme nature, but something I feel should have characterize all of us, the earthlings - this homely, familiar and tender protection one would get from a very close one or from within your blood. Like, when looking at him, while (him) being in motion or frozen in time, you feel waves of warmth coming toward you from his cheeks and down to his chest. That just can't go away and I find it amazing sometimes that it hasn't so far... and somehow take comfort in. Just wanted to add that, it may be a part of a healing process, and I now it's a miracle I still exist, but really felt the need to type all this here...
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

Thank YOU for all your kind words. I'm soo happy you shared the Divine Mercy Chaplet with everyone, it is indeed a very effective prayer. Saint Faustina's amazing contribution to the Church with the doctrine of Divine Mercy is the first and foremost reason for my conversion and John Paul II was the catalyst for it all. I am eagerly waiting to return to Rome for his beatification.

Praise God! I hear of a lot of stories of people being brought to Our Church through the amazing Divine Mercy! It was also the motivating force behind me deciding to move away from a pentecostal church and closer to The Catholic Church.

My Catholic friend told me about St. Faustina and the Divine Mercy so I researched it on the net. My pentecostal church didn't allow "icons" :doh: but the blessings and miracles through Divine Mercy are endless and when I consecrated myself to Jesus of Divine Mercy, I have had an incredible peace that can never be explained. Also, it helps me feel relaxed about those in my life who have slipped, or who are sick. Try as I might, I never found another church that was so easy to explain itself to me and its "mysteries" -- none of my questions about the Catholic Church ever leave me stumped and my reversion to Catholicism was the only moment in my life where I ever felt confident that everything was always going to be "okay" :) :angel:
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

hey guys! I would really appreciate if you could pray for me because I've been having some problems recently, I don't know who I am anymore, I don't know what's wrong with me and I just feel I wanna die! I know that my family loves me and yet I feel left to fall through the cracks, ignored and just tossed form here to there. please pray that the Lord would open my heart and their heart and help me get over this period.

thank you very much and my prayers are with you:hug:
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

^ I will pray for you, darling.
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

thank you
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

hey guys! I would really appreciate if you could pray for me because I've been having some problems recently, I don't know who I am anymore, I don't know what's wrong with me and I just feel I wanna die! I know that my family loves me and yet I feel left to fall through the cracks, ignored and just tossed form here to there. please pray that the Lord would open my heart and their heart and help me get over this period.

thank you very much and my prayers are with you:hug:

Your life is worth everything to the Lord. No problem is so big that it can't be overcome. I am praying that God will be with you and that you'll be able to trust in Him regardless how hopeless things may feel sometimes. You will find that a lot of people have often felt that helplessness that you have felt, I know I have-- but I promise it will pass and in awhile you will be able to look back and think "I got through that! I Can get through anything!"

God loves you so much you are His beloved!!
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

^thanks for the nice words:flowers:
Saint Matthew - September 21st

Today we celebrate another extraordinary figure of the Church. Once a publican, Levi was earning his living in a shameful way through the exploitation of his people by the Roman empire but at Jesus' calling he had no hesitation to follow and became the author of some of the most beautiful pages of the Holy Book by writing one of the Gospels. His is a life that clearly demonstrates the Lord's willingness to chose His people in the most unlikely of places, going beyond any logic of merit and worth, being guided instead by His infinite mercy towards all of us sinners.

Saint Matthew is the patron saint of bankers. May he guide those in charge of financial affairs to act responsibly and ethically in all their dealings. In a day and age when financial collapse has led to a global economic crisis, the importance of morality in every aspect of life is more and more obvious.

May he also teach us all how to follow Jesus faithfully.


A wonderful paiting i discovered by chance. It's done by a new (to me, at least) artist whose style i like very much - Jason Sorley.

hey guys! I would really appreciate if you could pray for me because I've been having some problems recently, I don't know who I am anymore, I don't know what's wrong with me and I just feel I wanna die! I know that my family loves me and yet I feel left to fall through the cracks, ignored and just tossed form here to there. please pray that the Lord would open my heart and their heart and help me get over this period.

thank you very much and my prayers are with you:hug:

You are in prayers. Please stay strong. The Lord has a purpose and mission you alone can accomplish in this time and place. You may not have found it yet, but in time you will, you must know that. Take all your fears, sorrow and pain at the foot at the Cross and hand them to Jesus and He will transform them in peace, grace and love. You must trust Him. God bless you :)
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

Please pray for the family of Kenny McKinley, football player for the Denver Broncos. He killed himself on Monday. He was 23. He left behind a young son.
Please also pray for my aunt, uncle, and cousins, who are neighbors of his (when he would be home) and went to school with him. My cousins grew up with him.
My mom called me with this news and I was totally shocked and broke down. "Not Kenny...not Kenny...oh no...oh no..." is what I kept saying over and over.

Please pray for all of them as my family helps them through this extremely difficult and tragic time.
Saint Pio - September 23rd


Reflections and prayers by Saint Pio

In darkness, at times of tribulation and distress of the spirit, Jesus is with you. In such a state you see nothing but darkness, but I can assure you on God's behalf that the light of the Lord is all around you and pervades your spirit. . .You see yourself forsaken and I assure you that Jesus is holding you tighter than ever to His divine Heart.

At Jesus' school I have learned that silence and hope are the fortress of the soul.

Remember, our suffering is brief but our reward is eternal. You must remain calm, or at least resigned, but always convinced in the voice of authority. You must confide in it, without fearing the rages of the storm, because the vessel of your soul will never be submerged. Heaven and earth may pass away, but the Word of God, that assures the one who obeys it will find victory, will never pass away and will always remain fixed in indelible script in the Book of Life: I will exist forever.

You ought to ask our Lord for just one thing, to love Him. All the rest should be thanksgiving.

May Jesus comfort you
in all your afflictions.
May He sustain you in dangers,
watch over you always with His grace,
and indicate the safe path
that leads to eternal salvation.
And may He render you always
dearer to His Divine Heart
and always more worthy of Paradise.


Prayer recited by John Paul II on June 16th 2002 on the occasion of the canonization of Padre Pio.


Teach us, we pray, humility of heart,
so that we may be counted
among the little ones of the Gospel
to whom the Father promised to reveal
the mysteries of His Kingdom.
Help us to pray without ceasing,
certain that God knows what we need
even before we ask Him.
Obtain for us the eyes of faith that will help us recognize
in the poor and suffering, the very face of Jesus.
Sustain us in the hour of trouble and trial and, if we fall,
let us experience the joy of the sacrament of forgiveness.
Grant us your tender devotion to Mary,
mother of Jesus and our Mother.
Accompany us on our earthly pilgrimage
toward the blessed Homeland,
where we too, hope to arrive to contemplate forever
the Glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Please pray for the family of Kenny McKinley, football player for the Denver Broncos. He killed himself on Monday. He was 23. He left behind a young son.
Please also pray for my aunt, uncle, and cousins, who are neighbors of his (when he would be home) and went to school with him. My cousins grew up with him.
My mom called me with this news and I was totally shocked and broke down. "Not Kenny...not Kenny...oh no...oh no..." is what I kept saying over and over.

Please pray for all of them as my family helps them through this extremely difficult and tragic time.

Terrible, terrible situation. God bless that poor family and Lord help your family comfort them in their grief.
Re: Saint Matthew - September 21st

You are in prayers. Please stay strong. The Lord has a purpose and mission you alone can accomplish in this time and place. You may not have found it yet, but in time you will, you must know that. Take all your fears, sorrow and pain at the foot at the Cross and hand them to Jesus and He will transform them in peace, grace and love. You must trust Him. God bless you :)[/QUOTE]

thanks:) God bless you too
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

Please pray for the family of Kenny McKinley, football player for the Denver Broncos. He killed himself on Monday. He was 23. He left behind a young son.
Please also pray for my aunt, uncle, and cousins, who are neighbors of his (when he would be home) and went to school with him. My cousins grew up with him.
My mom called me with this news and I was totally shocked and broke down. "Not Kenny...not Kenny...oh no...oh no..." is what I kept saying over and over.

Please pray for all of them as my family helps them through this extremely difficult and tragic time.
I will pray for you and his family..I am so sorry for your lose...:hug:
Re: Any Believers in Jesus Christ Here? (Non-debate thread for believers only)

Please pray for me, this week has been horrific.

I'm so sorry to hear that. I know how it feels like to have not only some of them awful days when everything that can go wrong, does but weeks and even months on end, but you must remember that God is always on your side, come what may.

You'll be in prayers. Keep the faith and stay strong. Whatever problems might be weighting down on you they shall pass, you have to believe it. No suffering is neither without a purpose nor an ending. God bless you.

Here are some beautiful products from one of my favorites sites They are wonderful reminders of God's grace and love for us all. I actually have a Welcome sign made of recycled wood with the same Joshua 24:15 quote As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. I got it a few years ago from them, among many other things.








