Debbie Rowe Wants Michael Jackson's Kids Back -- Going To Court for Custody

The only person who truly loved them and protected them the most was Michael. He never used his kids for deals, he never called tabloids about his kids and he never used his kids to help him with his image. He loved them and would do anything for them.

His kids not too long ago went to the hospital to visit sick kids and brighten their day. Something their father did and encouraged them to help others. That doesn`t seem like kids who are in trouble to me. I doubt the kids are out of control and Prince is an A student. He comes across as a strong, intelligent and well mannered boy who will be an adult soon. She doesn't even know him or Blanket.
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A reminder: Debbie also did threaten Michael with custody battles from time to time. And I think we all agree that Michael was a great dad. So why did Debbie threaten him? Well, she always threatened him when the money flow from Michael to her dried up. Once Michael paid, all her so called "concerns" about the kids were gone again. Debbie is this kind of person, so I'd say it's more to do with money and/or attention seeking again than anything wrong in the Jackson household.

Yes, she did indeed threaten to take the kids if Michael didn't give her $$.. So much for her saying that her giving Michael children wasn't for $$.. Yeah right :rolleyes:
Maybe Debbie is hoping for more of a connection with Prince. A photo has been posted on facebook that describes her as being "the director" of a video. And recently it seems that she may have been to UCLA. The two words "Director" and "UCLA" (film instructor from there used to meet with he and his dad) remind me of Prince. Maybe she wants him to take notice. (or maybe they already have a good amount of a phone/text/email relationship going on???)

I have sensed that Debbie was sitting on a lot of pain over the years regarding her children and her best friend, Michael, being out of her life for so long. She couldn't get to them. Maybe she felt encouraged by Paris reaching out to her that she still has a chance to mend it all, including things with Prince.

I have no idea what her true character is; I do not know her personally. I have never talked with her. But I really could sense her being in pain for a long time. She probably hopes for sunnier days now. Marriage, and her son and daughter back in her life, would be a part of having that awaited happiness, I should think.

If that is best for the children, I don't know. Like all of you, I want them to be in close relationships only with safe individuals who truly care; and only good influences...not anyone who will lead them astray or on the wrong paths of life.

All of this is none of my business, but these are a few of my thoughts. I wish them all well, if possible...they all have to make their own choices, and that things would work out for the best...whatever that may be.
I think Paris realized that Debbie was a source for a lot of her public image being damage and is growing up and putting her health and herself first. This is a great thing don't spoil it by saying Debbie needs this and Debbie needs that Debbie needs therapy. lol They had their parent he died. That's the end of that he gave his kids everything they needed to make it in this world prince said so on his BDay.
Will blanket ever know who his biological mother is? :)
Why does that matter? She wasn't around. As far as Blanket is concerned Michael was his mother and father, simple as that, and I'm sure that's always been his only concern. As long as he had his daddy, he was fine and well taken care of.
I am still wondering what brought on this story and what her motivations are. Why did she/Shaffel or both call this story into TMZ?

Just guessing about this, but possibly it has to do with Paris, the one child she is close to. Debbie IMO did show a lot of emotion about Paris in her trial testimony (AEG)--I mean she broke down. Some here might think it was all fake but I have to say it could have been real, genuine emotion and concern. She said, "I almost lost my daughter," and this may be what she is afraid of--that Paris is still depressed and might do something to hurt herself. I am not saying this is true, b/c I don't know, but it seems possible. How Paris is doing these days after her suicide attempt may be of concern to Debbie.

Or she is just a slimeball who is trying to make a buck, as some seem to suggest. She is no angel for sure in her past dealings with MJ but I think she loves Paris and also loved MJ (even though she she did take him to court for getting her parental rights back during the trial but then if he had been found guilty and sent to jail, maybe it was a good idea to get custody back so they would not be totally out of her life if that happened?).I remember reading somewhere that she kept trying to call MJ during this time (her effort to get her rights back) and he would not take her calls.)

All I can say is if I were Paris' mother, I would not want her in the same situation she was in Calabasas--the granny-napping, all the media exposure, no one except staff to really talk to, etc, and then the suicide attemot. Paris needs help and love and support to get through what she is going through. Admittedly, Debbie has her flaws but I personally think Paris would be happier living with Debbie and going to Calabasas to visit, rather than the other way around.

But at her age Paris can make her own choice.

I must say that Debbie is looking very overweight in the last pics and I wish for her own sake she would get healthier and drop some weight--those poor horses!

Also I must say last photos of Prince showed him really looking very handsome.:)
it's human instinct that they will want to know who their biological parents were.
So I believe Blanket will want to find the answer when he's grown up.
Believe it or not, not in most cases. Not in this day and age. Do you know how many children grow up today with a single parent (father or mother) and could care less about who the absentee was? As long as they were supported to fullest extent and capabilities by that single parent, they really don't care. And it's mostly dominant in males.

And Prince & Paris not knowing who their mom was until after Michael died is so freaking unlikely, I don't even know why such claims are being made in this thread. Just look at the proof for christ's sake, Michael never denied telling an interviewer who the mother of his two oldest children were, therefore how can one just assume that they didn't know? Michael told Bashit who their mother was at a time where the children were at least old enough to understand how they came to be. Michael took great pride in his children, I don't think he let them go on in this world never telling them who their biological mother was. And Prince was especially close with his father during his final years, this was a time period where Prince was a young man, growing into what he is today, does one sincerely believe that at that age, perhaps Prince never wondered or asked, if he wasn't aware before? It could be why Prince has so much animosity towards her now, the fact that while Michael was here, outside of idle threats made against him whenever she wanted money, she never took the initiative to be apart of his life. But the moment he's gone, now all of a sudden it's "I would like to have a relationship with my kids". Prince seems old and wise enough to be able to see through her crap.
it's human instinct that they will want to know who their biological parents were.
So I believe Blanket will want to find the answer when he's grown up.

Yes, this seems very true in most cases, from what I understand; children at some point feel a draw toward learning about or meeting a biological parent who has been absent from their lives growing up (there may be isolated cases, though...I just read the post above and WhoIsIT89's thoughts).

Blanket may be starting to feel that way. In Paris' case, it seems she had a real longing for a mother in her life. It may have been hard to be around the other daughters at her school who had very hands on moms who probably came to their school functions and such. I'm sure she was not oblivious of this. Or being around her friend, Michaela, and observing her friend's relationship with her own mom. The day came when she just strongly wanted a mom in her life, and she made that known. So she reached out to Debbie. And I think it made Debbie very emotional and very happy that Paris did.

If someone has decided they don't like Debbie and don't trust her, etc, then perhaps they would not be interested in her side or if she has been hurting. I don't know...I'm not like that, I try to be fair. It's not that I am a fan of Debbie's or not a fan of Debbie's; I don't even know her. I'm wishing to be impartial, and I wish to be fair.

If she turns out to not be a positive influence on Paris, or Prince, or Blanket, then I would not wish for her to be around them. Pretty simple. But behind all of this are four individuals all with their own separate feelings that matter.

WhoIsIt89 said:
Prince seems old and wise enough to be able to see through her crap.
And yes, Prince does seem old and wise enough to see a lot of things.
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Just guessing about this, but possibly it has to do with Paris, the one child she is close to. Debbie IMO did show a lot of emotion about Paris in her trial testimony (AEG)--I mean she broke down. Some here might think it was all fake but I have to say it could have been real, genuine emotion and concern. She said, "I almost lost my daughter," and this may be what she is afraid of--that Paris is still depressed and might do something to hurt herself. I am not saying this is true, b/c I don't know, but it seems possible. How Paris is doing these days after her suicide attempt may be of concern to Debbie.

And out of concern you sell pictures to tabloids or tip off tabloids about your daugher? Out of concern you threaten a custody battle through a tabloid while you are marrying one of the crooks who betrayed the father your daughter grieves? Paris has been just as exposed to the media (if not even more) while being with Debbie as she has been with the Jacksons, because Debbie and/or her handlers were kind enough to talk about her and their "bonding" to Debbie's buddy, Harvey Levin and other tabloids.
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Well said. debbie has serious issues. we have only to look at her actions over the last decade. she has motives and agendas just like everyone else. her getting with schaffel just confirms that. what next give arvizo a hug!

This reaffirms my personal belief that Deborah is shady and possibly even nutty af. There was a reason Michael had nothing to do with her, and cut her off of his and his children's lives. He wasn't being selfish or a control freak, but he knew. I truly believe he knew she wasn't stable enough to deal with him. Those children were everything to him, but he went the wrong way to get them imo. But then again it is easy for me as an outsider to look in from the outside and judge, I never walked in his shoes neither did I live his life. I just wish he'd still be here to protect what he loved the most- because he did an amazing job at protecting his children - his babies. He was their shield/wall.

Nobody dared to **** around while he was still here. I know it would break his heart more than any allegations ever did, if he were here to witness whatever his children had to go thru since his demise.

Debbie Rowe is scoffing at members of the Jackson family who claim she abandoned her children for Michael Jackson's money ... saying it's a class case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Sources connected to Rowe say Debbie expected Jermaine, Randy, Tito and Jackie to attack her when word got out -- via TMZ -- that she would fight for the guardianship of Paris and Prince.

Michael's brothers came out swinging, saying Rowe took Michael's money and then ran away from her kids and her responsibilities.

But our sources say Rowe is pissed but not surprised at the attack, insisting she never abandoned her kids. She says Michael constantly called her for parenting advice and she was always there for him and the children.

She also says Michael often told her the only sibling with any talent was Janet, and the others turned sponging off him into an art form.

Rowe -- who would also like to become Blanket's guardian -- is deeply fearful the kids have no proper supervision. She thinks Katherine is a good woman but way too old and slow to care for the kids, and she thinks Michael's siblings all couldn't give a crap and they are all bad influences.

Rowe believes MJ's brothers oppose her plan to seek guardianship because they know if that happens a huge chunk of the money Katherine gets from the MJ Estate -- more than $50K in child support -- will dry up.

Rowe is saying she wants to move the kids to her ranch in Palmdale, where she has a successful horse breeding business.

Read more:

Rowe believes MJ's brothers oppose her plan to seek guardianship because they know if that happens a huge chunk of the money Katherine gets from the MJ Estate -- more than $50K in child support -- will dry up.

Of course that's not rocket science.

The money is going to dry up in any case starting next year (Feb 2015) when prince turns 18 and Paris the year after(April 2016). Both will be receiving their money straight from the estate. At the same time KJ will be losing a good chunk of the guardianship salary ($9,000 per kid excluding the kids allowances which sit at $20,000 per kid) she's currently getting for doing NOTHING.

But Debbie Rowe for some reason can't wait because she also wants a piece of the action and, why not, be in a better position to influence the kids in her favor.

Now it's also becoming clear why she agreed to testify for KJ in the AEG suit last year. So KJ does not shut her out from the kids. But apparently something must have gone wrong.
Well, good luck with that Debbie.

I think Prince would rather seek guardianship over his siblings, when he turns 18, than see them go to live with her. He's not too fond of her, is he? :lol:
Michael used to call her for parenting advice. Yeah right! Lol

it it seems to me that Debbie, like many others, like to change HIStory.
But our sources say Rowe is pissed but not surprised at the attack, insisting she never abandoned her kids. She says Michael constantly called her for parenting advice and she was always there for him and the children.

Sure, Debbie, sure... :smilerolleyes:



Anyway, if such a dispute seriously exists between Debbie and the Jacksons there is no need to play it out in the tabloid media and Debbie has no place complaining about the brothers' reaction when she started this public smear campaign in the first place. If she was serious about it why to go TMZ, why not deal with it in front of the proper forums? The fact she's stirring the pot in the tabloids shows exactly why the children should NOT end up with her. A tabloid circus like this is the last thing Paris needs.


I never heard about this Ian Thomas so I looked him up:

According to Wikipedia he's some kind of Belgian Justin Bieber. It seems the whole thing has to do with Schaffel, because Wikipedia writes:

Thomas went to Los Angeles on November 18 to record a music video for "Walking On Air" with Lance Bass and attended the American Music Awards as a special guest of Lance Bass.[3]

One of the articles about Schaffel and Debbie's engagement mentioned that Schaffel currently manages Lance Bass.
So is that what all this is about, publicity?

I don't know what to say.........

Hmmm Lance Bass, Marc.... Not saying another word or I will get in lots of trouble.
Just guessing about this, but possibly it has to do with Paris, the one child she is close to. Debbie IMO did show a lot of emotion about Paris in her trial testimony (AEG)--I mean she broke down. Some here might think it was all fake but I have to say it could have been real, genuine emotion and concern. She said, "I almost lost my daughter," and this may be what she is afraid of--that Paris is still depressed and might do something to hurt herself. I am not saying this is true, b/c I don't know, but it seems possible. How Paris is doing these days after her suicide attempt may be of concern to Debbie.

Or she is just a slimeball who is trying to make a buck, as some seem to suggest. She is no angel for sure in her past dealings with MJ but I think she loves Paris and also loved MJ (even though she she did take him to court for getting her parental rights back during the trial but then if he had been found guilty and sent to jail, maybe it was a good idea to get custody back so they would not be totally out of her life if that happened?).I remember reading somewhere that she kept trying to call MJ during this time (her effort to get her rights back) and he would not take her calls.)

All I can say is if I were Paris' mother, I would not want her in the same situation she was in Calabasas--the granny-napping, all the media exposure, no one except staff to really talk to, etc, and then the suicide attemot. Paris needs help and love and support to get through what she is going through. Admittedly, Debbie has her flaws but I personally think Paris would be happier living with Debbie and going to Calabasas to visit, rather than the other way around.

But at her age Paris can make her own choice.

I must say that Debbie is looking very overweight in the last pics and I wish for her own sake she would get healthier and drop some weight--those poor horses!

Also I must say last photos of Prince showed him really looking very handsome.:)

I understand what you are saying. Something I have learned years ago from working with humans is that there are many sides to people. Sure Debbie gave up her children, but our man Michael wanted a woman who will leave the children to him. He said so in another way. Therefore, I can't fault her for making kids, giving them to Michael, and going away. Now it seems to me that she has some questionable friends like most humans do. She likes a man with questionable morals which most humans do. Some people marry thieves, crooks, murderers, etc. Yet, I notice like you that she really loves Paris, in her own way. You can tell as you said how she spoke about her that she loves her. She also loves Michael, in her own way. The way she spoke about Michael and their relationship shows the depth of that love. This does not mean that she did not get money form Michael, of did not try to get back custody. I mean, we know all the faults.

I feel she was very proud of Paris--making statements like my beautiful daughter, attending Paris' performance at school with flowers, taking her out, and posting several photos of her daughter although that was ill advised. I remember telling my mom not to bring all my photos to her job for "show and tell," but these proud mothers will do that. I guess if my mom had facebook back then, she would do the same thing and annoy me.

Right now something is afoot in the Debbie camp. I remember that Paris did seem to spend a lot of time there. Obviously she was looking for something that she did not get in the house she was living in. It seems also that being with Debbie did not fill the void she had or it did not provide her with healing for what was wrong, because she still ended up trying to kill herself. To this day I still blame Paris' guardians and Debbie for placing her in an institution far away from home, but that is another thread.

Maybe once Paris came into Debbie's life, she realized the great love that having a daughter can bring to your life. I am sure she misses the little visits and chats. Then, she claimed she was not engaged and then changed her mind and said, yes she is. What is the point of all this foolishness?

I hope Debbie did not say that horrible thing about Prince, since she does not bite her tongue either. Maybe she tried to talk to him, and he was very firm with her; and she interpreted it like that. It seems all the kids are wonderful children.

The article talked about one guardian being away, which is true. It talked about Katherine's age, which is true. Even Katherine said she does not understand children these days. Now none of this by itself is grounds to take the children in a custody battle, so why they were brought up is beyond me. The children are still supervised, are taken care of, Katherine still lives there even though one guardian is touring. Several children in the US live with an elderly grandmother, so if this was a problem you would have millions of children taken from their homes. Oh and let's not talk about the foul mouth. If that was grounds to take children away, then 3/4 of the US would be in foster care. Having creepy uncles visiting is not grounds either, since all you have to do is monitor that visit; and Debbie can't tell Katherine who to allow in Katherine's home, unless the court finds the people a danger to the children.

Let's see what Debbie says.

That new TMZ article is just more of the same. They just added part about Debbie being pissed.
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I never heard about this Ian Thomas so I looked him up:

According to Wikipedia he's some kind of Belgian Justin Bieber. It seems the whole thing has to do with Schaffel, because Wikipedia writes:

One of the articles about Schaffel and Debbie's engagement mentioned that Schaffel currently manages Lance Bass.

His facebook page has other items such as a picture of him with in the studio with Michael Prince, a shot of him with Debbie Rowe and Marc Schaffle (where he thanks his US Manager). Don't know if it's okay to post the link.

Why is Debbie listed as a director for his video? I mean, really.....
I shouldnt laugh but LOL that wasnt to obvious as to what was gonna happen next. all these games to promote justin bieber strije 2?


Debbie Rowe is scoffing at members of the Jackson family who claim she abandoned her children for Michael Jackson's money ... saying it's a class case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Sources connected to Rowe say Debbie expected Jermaine, Randy, Tito and Jackie to attack her when word got out -- via TMZ -- that she would fight for the guardianship of Paris and Prince.

Michael's brothers came out swinging, saying Rowe took Michael's money and then ran away from her kids and her responsibilities.

But our sources say Rowe is pissed but not surprised at the attack, insisting she never abandoned her kids. She says Michael constantly called her for parenting advice and she was always there for him and the children.

She also says Michael often told her the only sibling with any talent was Janet, and the others turned sponging off him into an art form.

Rowe -- who would also like to become Blanket's guardian -- is deeply fearful the kids have no proper supervision. She thinks Katherine is a good woman but way too old and slow to care for the kids, and she thinks Michael's siblings all couldn't give a crap and they are all bad influences.

Rowe believes MJ's brothers oppose her plan to seek guardianship because they know if that happens a huge chunk of the money Katherine gets from the MJ Estate -- more than $50K in child support -- will dry up.

Rowe is saying she wants to move the kids to her ranch in Palmdale, where she has a successful horse breeding business.

Read more:
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Does it mean she intends to get custody of the children then? That lawsuit will go nowhere. Prince and Paris are almost legally adults, little too late to want to be their mother tbh.
I don't know what the motive is for all of this is, but I don't believe she's serious about going for custody. And I don't think Debbie has developed a taste for being a caring mother to the three of them. In my opinion its some bizarre game being played out in the media with Schaffel standing in the background.
I don't know what the motive is for all of this is, but I don't believe she's serious about going for custody. And I don't think Debbie has developed a taste for being a caring mother to the three of them. In my opinion its some bizarre game being played out in the media with Schaffel standing in the background.

Yes, As much as I hate what's going on with Debbie, the fact that Schaffel is involved somehow is making me even more worried. Why would Debbie really want to marry this man after everything he did to Michael, whom she supposedly still cares about?