[Discussion] Sexual Abuse Claims Against MJ Estate - Robson/ Safechuck/ Doe

Re: [Confirmed ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#

It takes a ****ing powerful mind to repress memories of MICHAEL JACKSON molesting you for SEVEN YEARS straight after having DENIED it in court and interviews for decades. Mr. Robson, you are sad. But I envy the power of your mighty brain for suppressing something that would psychologically destroy the life of any other person, preventing them from ever being normal or succesful. Good job hiding the obvious mental scarring to your parents and loved ones throughout your entire childhood. Good job being just another bloodsucker looking for his paycheck.
Re: [Confirmed ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#

This is a nightmare. My kids are going to here about this somewhere. What do I tell them? MJ is there idol. This is getting hard defending MJ time and time again. I just don't buy any of this. I have not read a lot of the previous posts but AEG is behind this. My question is what is coming out next. The estate is powerful I hope this is resolved quickly the haters are in full force. We can't back down and submit we have to fight but it's getting harder and harder. Sorry I'm just venting I have no one else to talk to about this that would understand. Protect the legacy AEG is trying to kill it. Maybe the Jacksons know what happened maybe there is a conspiracy nothing would surprise me. It's the Price of Fame I guess? And it's painful.
“Mr. Robson has had NO contact whatsoever with AEG whatsoever regarding their case. It’s false and untrue that AEG had any contact with Mr. Robson before his claim was filed,” Susan Yu, one of the lawyers representing Robson told RadarOnline.com exclusively.

Susan Yu ???!!! That can't be true !! :no:
Re: [Confirmed ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#

Talking positively about Michael. Mentioning he's working on Cirque's MJ show... What happened with that? Did he get kicked out? He's been already replaced by Jamie King once on a Britney Spears tour. Was he again? Is this also a revenge for something that happened there? Maybe the timing is not to correlate with the AEG trial but with the premiere of ONE?

I mentioned it on twitter and Harrison Funk went crazy. You know it had to be related to AEG, god forbid if you consider other timing.
Michael Jackson’s Accuser Wade Robson Has Had NO Contact With AEG, Claims His Attorney
Posted on May 9, 2013 @ 5:21AM | By jenheger


Conspiracy theorists have questioned the timing of famed choreographer Wade Robson‘s bombshell decision to file a creditor’s claim against Michael Jackson’s Estate “for childhood sexual abuse,” because of Katherine Jackson‘s $40 billion wrongful death lawsuit trial against AEG and speculated that the concert promoter and the choreographer are working together, but an attorney for the alleged victim tells RadarOnline.com exclusively that is categorically false.

“Mr. Robson has had NO contact whatsoever with AEG whatsoever regarding their case. It’s false and untrue that AEG had any contact with Mr. Robson before his claim was filed,” Susan Yu, one of the lawyers representing Robson told RadarOnline.com exclusively.

EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS: Wade Robson¹s Creditor¹s Claim Against The Estate Of Michael Jackson

On Wednesday, sources close to AEG told us they had no plans to call Robson as a witness at the trial. “AEG has just learned about Wade Robson’s claims, and there doesn¹t seem to be any reason to call him to the stand. Wade doesn’t bring anything to the case that would bolster AEG’s case that they aren’t responsible for Michael Jackson¹s death.”

Katherine Jackson, 82, is suing AEG for up to $40 billion, saying AEG failed to properly screen and supervise cardiologist Dr. Conrad Murray, who was to be Michael’s personal physician during his This Is It series of comeback concerts at London’s 02 Arena.

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson Through The Years

As we previously reported, Robson, now 30, first met Jackson when he was 5 and had several sleepovers at the Bad singer’s Neverland Ranch — allegedly until he was 14.

This week, Robson used a court filing to reverse his previous position that he was never abused by the King of Pop, despite a maid telling the singer’s 2005 molestation trial that she once saw Robson with Jackson in the shower.

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson Performing

Howard Weitzman, the lawyer for Jackson’s estate, fired back at Robson’s newfound accusations, labeling his claim as “outrageous and pathetic.”

“This is a young man who has testified at least twice under oath over the past 20 years and said in numerous interviews that Michael Jackson never did anything inappropriate to him or with him,” Weitzman previously told RadarOnline.com.

“Now, nearly four years after Michael has passed, this sad and less than credible claim has been made. We are confident that the court will see this for what it is.”

PHOTOS: Really Bizarre Celebrity Pets

Robson’s lawyers fired back to Michael Jackson’s Estate response. In a prepared statement, Robson’s lawyer Henry Gradstein said, “Michael Jackson was a monster, and in their hearts every normal person knows it. Wade Robson, in addition to being one of the most talented people on the planet, is one of the kindest, most gentle, decent and introspective human beings one will ever meet. He is the loving father of a young son and happily married. Last year, on a career trajectory that was off the charts, he collapsed under the stress and sexual trauma of what had happened to him for seven years as a child. He lived with the brain washing by a sexual predator until the burden of it all crushed him. ‘If anyone ever finds out about what we did we will go to jail for the rest of our lives, and our lives will be ruined forever,’ Michael would say to him…

“This kind of intimidation of a child by a sexual predator is tragically characteristic and effective, keeping them quiet about the abuse – often for a lifetime. The irony here is that we were the ones who filed under seal and still tried to keep it secret. Amidst all the accusations of a financial motive, no amount of damages is even listed in our papers. There are significant legal issues involved in this case that have the potential to impact lives beyond just our client. But the Jackson money machine, in which everyone is indeed financially motivated, is at it once again to keep the truth from coming out. This time it won’t work.”

PHOTOS: Paris Jackson’s Transformation From Shy Child To Rock ‘N’ Roll Teen

The deadline to file creditor’s claims against Michael Jackson’s Estate has long since passed, but lawyers for the Australian have formally asked Judge Mitchell Beckloff to allow it to be paid.

The first hearing in Robson’s claim is scheduled for June 6

Someone on Facebook wrote this message and I am copy/pasting it here: Tom Mesereau thinks AEG is behind this and the timing is suspicious and I agree. And when I think of that tape of Murray saying that if they make him testify he will unlease information of "seismic proportions" I bet he (Murray) is going to say he saw Michael do stuff, AEG, Murray & Robson probably have all gotten together to create this bs! Makes me wonder if AEG hasn’t talked to Sneddon at all either. I feel sick.
Paris78;3820334 said:
“Mr. Robson has had NO contact whatsoever with AEG whatsoever regarding their case. It’s false and untrue that AEG had any contact with Mr. Robson before his claim was filed,” Susan Yu, one of the lawyers representing Robson told RadarOnline.com exclusively.

Susan Yu ???!!! That can't be true !! :no:

No way?! That cant be her. Susan Yu, the one we know, is a defense lawyer... isnt she?

If that IS really her then I dont know what to believe. What on earth is going on?!
Re: [Confirmed ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#

How could Susan Yu represent him? Isn't there some sort of conflict of interest?

Wth is going on???????
TMezz is in one side defending and Susan Yu is in the other side accusing and they own lawfirm together??????
Re: [Confirmed ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#

"The sealed documents include an affidavit from Dr. David Arrendondo, a San Francisco-based child psychiatrist, the filing said."

Information about that doc here:

I'll go and have a look if I can find some dirt on him.
Paris78;3820334 said:
“Mr. Robson has had NO contact whatsoever with AEG whatsoever regarding their case. It’s false and untrue that AEG had any contact with Mr. Robson before his claim was filed,” Susan Yu, one of the lawyers representing Robson told RadarOnline.com exclusively.

Susan Yu ???!!! That can't be true !! :no:

I think it's a mistake or that there is another Susan Yu , she is still on Tmez website, credited in January 2013.

Could she even accept such a case ? I remember there were troubles when Gourjian started to work for Murray, because he worked on the 05 trial for MJ- He finally was able to work for Murray, because his role in the 05 trial was not interfering, but that wouldn't be the case here.
Re: [Confirmed ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#

I came here to post my thoughts, only to see a quote from "Susan Yu".

If it is same Ms Yu, I remember her openly weeping at the announcement of the verdict. Would be interesting to see what happened between then and now.

If it is not the same Ms Yu - then what a coincidence!
Re: [Confirmed ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#

I think also it`s a mistake from Radar, hopefully.
Re: [Confirmed ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#

Susan Yu? THE Susan Yu who cried and held Michael's hend when he was acquitted? It can't be true. Can someone reach Mez and ask him about it?
Re: [Confirmed ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#

As Sharon said: Shame on you !

I think it´s about Michael when I read this
in addition to being one of the most talented people on the planet, is one of the kindest, most gentle, decent and introspective human beings one will ever meet
ivy;3820346 said:
But the Jackson money machine, in which everyone is indeed financially motivated, is at it once again to keep the truth from coming out. This time it won’t work.”

What the heck sense does it make? They are asking for money, for god's sake!
Re: [Confirmed ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#

I think it's a mistake or that there is another Susan Yu , she is still on Tmez website, credited in January 2013.

Could she even accept such a case ? I remember there were troubles when Gourjian started to work for Murray, because he worked on the 05 trial for MJ- He finally was able to work for Murray, because his role in the 05 trial was not interfering, but that wouldn't be the case here.

Her name is not in here either:

Must be mistake.
Re: [Confirmed ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#

As Sharon said: Shame on you !

What she says is true, attacking the estate is attacking Michael's kids.
Re: [Confirmed ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#

Susan Yu? THE Susan Yu who cried and held Michael's hend when he was acquitted? It can't be true. Can someone reach Mez and ask him about it?

the article is credited to Jen Heger. She is on twitter, those of you who have twitter can contact her and ask her.

Oh and by the way, send her the videos you found, Respect !
Re: [Confirmed ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#

It's wrong to say it but I'm glad Michael is gone. At least he can't experience yet another betrayal.
Re: [Confirmed ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#

To kick someone when he's down is pathetic. But to kick someone when he's dead, is beyond comprehension. "Anything for money" is an understatement........
Re: [Confirmed ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#

when will the judge decide on this nonsense?
Re: [Confirmed ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#

Can't believe what's happening :(( It's like a nightmaire, it can't be true.. what heart must have someone to do such a thing? :(
They don't leave him alone... not even now :(((
Re: [Confirmed ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#

As Sharon said: Shame on you !

:clap: Sharon, that scumbag is not only attacking and betraying Michael, he's attacking Michael's children. I don't know why the other 2 ladies are doubting. Of course his motive is money, of course it's a fallacious and ridiculous claim; how come you defended a man 20 years saying nothing wrong or inappropriate happened to you when you were with him and now you suddenly "remember" the opposite when you're broke!? :doh:

I don't know why Harvey Levine insist he's different from the other accusers because he's successful. 1. He became successful thanks to Michael (when he was.) 2. It's obvious he doesn't have much work these days because he's broke.
Re: [Confirmed ] New child molestation claim by Wade Robson/ Estate Pg16 -#230 /Wades Atty Pg 28 -#

I think that one positive thing is that Robson is IMO the last so-called victim, and whats better, his accusation(s) make him look an idiot and a mentaly sick opportunist facing the charges of perjury.

In fact, only a few people believe him, and as we can see, even (some) journalists and media bitches dont believe him, and in fact they in-directly defend Michael.
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