[Discussion] Sexual Abuse Claims Against MJ Estate - Robson/ Safechuck/ Doe

InvincibleTal;4093231 said:
Irrelevant IMO.


Fields had been recommended to Michael Jackson by David Geffen and Sandy Gallin, Jackson’s manager, in 1990, and in 1993, when Jackson faced charges of child molestation, Fields recommended Weitzman and Johnnie Cochran as criminal-defense lawyers. He also brought in Pellicano, who unearthed embarrassing information about the family of the thirteen-year-old accuser; the family and Jackson eventually reached a settlement.


Larry Feldman, left, attorney for a boy accusing Michael Jackson of molestation, and Bert Fields, an attorney for Jackson, take part in a pretrial hearing
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Hi all so is this over?
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

But, maybe, Soundmind is right, "A bunch of corrupt greedy liars." Why didn't Michael go to trial, with Bert Fields representing him. Instead, Michael decides it would be best to settle for several million dollars. Because of the decision to settle, we still have people coming forward with outstretched hands, just like the Chandler's.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Good news hope the remain 3 moves faster.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

AliCat. I agree with you too ppls will always have their hands out it will never end and it is sad to see.
Wade admits that he and Michael had had sexual activity...

"I first spoke about the sexual activity I had with Jackson." And this is in 2012.

Wade testifies in Court in 2005, defending Michael. Michael is being accused of sexual activity with another boy. It is called "child molestation."

Wade, since 1990, till 2012, thought it was consensual sexual activity? That Wade thought all this time or at least till 2012, that he had given permission to Michael, when in reality it was not given with Wade's permission?

No...too many holes in Wade's story. It's the coincidence with Jamie King being hired, is what is the glaring light of truth.

Jamie King (born in 1972) is a creative director, choreographer, and producer whose work directing concert tours for pop stars has grossed over two billion dollars.

King started his career in entertainment as a dancer. He went on tour with Michael Jackson on his Dangerous World Tour in 1992.

King of Pop’s Dangerous tour. That 1992 experience launched his career. He credits two years of working with Michael for everything he knows about dance and choreography: “Michael is ‘Immortal’ because he lives on in all of us. http://lasvegassun.com/vegasdeluxe/2011/dec/02/director-jamie-king-spent-year-michael-jackson-imm/


The "Dangerous" tour, how this all ties into when Michael was first accused, while on the "Dangerous" tour. My, my Wade and Safechuck, you aren't the brightest criminals!


Michael Jackson: 10 Years Since The Court Acquittal That Eventually Killed Him

by Roger Friedman - June 12, 2015

Ten years ago tomorrow a jury in Santa Maria, California acquitted mega pop star Michael Jackson of child molestation and conspiracy. Santa Barbara District Attorney Tom Sneddon charged Michael with molesting Garvin Arvizo and then kidnapping Gavin’s family– his mother, brother, and sister. Attorney Thomas Mesereau mounted a brilliant defense and Michael, after four months, was acquitted.

But the damage was done. Michael had sat through weeks and weeks of crazy testimony and accusations. His entire life was laid open– his finances, his personal peccadilloes, relationships with every single person he ever knew, descriptions of his body parts. His mother and sometimes his father, or a sibling, sat in the row behind him. They heard it all. Everything was on the record for his child one day to read.

By the time the jury reached their verdict, Jackson was destroyed. There was no jubilant celebration. He was done. He took his kids and left California. Mesereau advised him, “Leave here now.” Why? He knew, as did I, and every reasonable person who’d watched this circus since Jackson’s arrest in November 2003, that Sneddon had it in for him. Sneddon was not going to stop until he somehow put Michael Jackson in jail. If Michael stayed at Neverland, in Santa Barbara County, he would always be a target.

Sneddon’s vendetta against Jackson reached back a decade, to when Michael agreed to a financial settlement with the family of another boy, Jordan Chandler. It was the worst decision that Michael ever made. It created an aura around him of a pedophile, one that he couldn’t shake. It made him a target for more extortion. It turned him into a real drug addict who couldn’t always make other, clear decisions. Eventually, it would kill him.

What was the upside of the Chandler settlement? To the lawyers and advisers, it kept Michael out of jail and court in 1994. Sneddon couldn’t prosecute Michael without the Chandlers. Sneddon was defeated before he could make his case. Jackson, Sneddon felt, danced away. Instead of leaving it alone, Jackson mocked Sneddon publicly in song, taunted him. And Sneddon vowed revenge.

There are just a couple of things you need to know about that trial. Gavin Arvizo’s mother, proved in court to be a scammer and a schemer, was crazy. Sneddon found in her a perfect collaborator. She said and did whatever he wanted. It didn’t matter that her so called “kidnappers” had a full record of their time with her including receipts for spa treatments, movie dates, fast food restaurant meals and shopping safaris. When those guys — Frank Cascio and Vinnie Amen– came to me in 2004 with a huge metal briefcase filled with records of what had gone on, the first thing I remember saying to them was, “Are you sure the Arvizos didn’t kidnap you?”

I was joking, but that’s really what had happened. Gavin Arvizo had cancer. His mother, Janet, used the cancer as leverage to worm her way into Michael’s life. Michael Jackson was naive about one thing since his “We are the World” hit project– that he could save the world, and “save the children who are destined to die,” as Marvin Gaye once sang. Michael, after selling 100 million records, and being dubbed the “King of Pop,” saw himself as a savior. Saving Gavin was just part of his duties.

And that’s what blew him up. He allowed Martin Bashir to come to his house and make a documentary that showed Michael embracing the Arvizos. It was appalling. The worst part of Bashir’ heavily slanted film, called “Living with Michael Jackson,” was a segment in which Gavin– who Michael had brought to Neverland for the filming to show that he was a savior– talked about sleeping in Michael’s bed. When the documentary ran on ABC at the end of January 2003, this moment set off alarms. I wrote at the time that it was possible Michael would wind up in jail. The internet blew up.

Sneddon immediately sent his people to the Arvizos’ apartment in Los Angeles. They left his card under their door. And when Michael realized what had happened, he kicked the freeloading Arvizo’s out of Neverland. They had to return to their real life– no more spa treatments and gifts. And that’s when Sneddon found a conspirator in Janet Arvizo. The only thing was, he didn’t do due diligence. He was so excited to have someone who could help him realize his goal of putting Michael Jackson in jail, he never investigated Janet Arvizo’s background.

My favorite moment sitting in that Santa Maria courthouse? When Tom Mesereau got Janet Arvizo to testify she thought Michael Jackson was going to steal her children by taking them away in a hot air balloon. The courtroom howled. Judge Melville banged his gavel. It was the culmination of a devastating testimony skillfully delived by Mesereau. Everyone knew at that moment the jury was not going to buy Sneddon’s prosecution. Everyone, that is, except Sneddon.

There were good prosecutors on Sneddon’s team. Ron Zonen was and is respected. So is Gordon Auchincloss. They had some great dramatic moments in court. But they never questioned Sneddon’s motives. They followed him right off the bridge into the ocean.

The prosecutors were so out of touch with what was happening that on the eve of the verdict, they threw themselves a congratulatory party. In a public restaurant. A woman I knew stumbled upon them and called me immediately.

This is what I wrote on June 10, 2005:
The prosecutors in Michael Jackson’s child molestation and conspiracy trial apparently feel they’ve already won their case.

On Wednesday night [June 8], the whole lot of them — DA Tom Sneddon, Ron Zonen, Gordon Auchincloss, their wives and families — all celebrated at the Hitching Post restaurant in Casmalia.

The Hitching Post, cousin of the Buellton restaurant featured in the movie “Sideways,” is considered the best restaurant in the greater Santa Maria area.

Sneddon was so happy that he actually embraced celebrity crime reporter Aphrodite Jones. She told me he was in a jubilant mood, and the most outgoing of all the people on hand.

Said one observer, “This group was happy. There was definitely a celebratory mood.”

The prosecutor’s team was first spotted making merry at the bar, and then retreated to a private dining room behind the bar that has no door.

“They could be heard laughing and carrying on,” said a source.

Also present at what could only be termed a party were several of the police investigators involved in the case, including Sgts. Steve Robel and Jeff Klapakis.

By contrast, little has been seen around town of defense attorney Tom Mesereau, who’s kept a low profile since the jury began deliberations a week ago.

It was two weeks since the defense had rested. It would be five more days before the jury would come back with their stunning verdict that rebuked Sneddon’s entire case. But there they were, so full of hubris, certain that they’d prevailed.

In a way they had. Tom Sneddon essentially killed Michael Jackson. If Sneddon had really been objective and had investigated the Arvizo’s properly, the case would not have come to trial. But he turned it into a circus from day 1–staging a surprise raid of Neverland, conspiring with tabloid reporter Diane Dimond (whose entire career is built on her obsession with being Jackson’s snarling enemy)– to make it a big media splash. Nothing was done by the book. It was all done to ruin Michael Jackson and it worked.

The Arvizos– we’ve never heard from them again, not a peep (except for Diane Dimond’s report about his 2013 wedding where — unbelievably– at least one Michael Jackson was played by the deejay). Jordan Chandler? His father, after turning his son into a recluse and destroying Jackson’s reputation, committed suicide five months after Michael’s death at the hands of Dr. Conrad Murray. In 1996, a journalist named Mary Fisher wrote a seminal piece in GQ proving Evan Chandler and his ex-wife’s new husband had brainwashed Jordy into thinking he’d been molested. They got $20 million for their hard work. Thirteen years later Michael Jackson was dead.

The jury in the trial thought that once they’d acquitted Michael, the solid gold gates to Neverland would swing open and Jackson would thank each of them individually. They were so wrong. The gates snapped shut. Jackson was never seen again in the town of Los Olivos. Two weeks later he and his children were gone, kicking off four years of homelessness that would end in death. Neverland fell silent. Unlike with the prosecutors, there was no celebration of this bitter victory.
Sneddon immediately sent his people to the Arvizos’ apartment in Los Angeles. They left his card under their door.

I remember hearing it before. I wonder where Friedman got this piece of info from.

There were good prosecutors on Sneddon’s team. Ron Zonen was and is respected. So is Gordon Auchincloss.

I'd disagree with Zonen being a good prosecutor. Since he still believes and befriends that scumbag family he cannot be that good.

Said one observer, “This group was happy. There was definitely a celebratory mood.”

How out of touch these people had to be to believe they won the case? There was nothing they managed to prove and one prosecution witness after another crumbled on the stand, got caught in contradictions and lies (including all members of the Arvizo family), some of their own witnesses refuted the prosecution's claims and theories etc. So based on what exactly they should have won the case? They really thought putting a kid on the stand to claim such things about MJ would be enough to win a criminal case - no matter how contradictory or even impossible the story is, no matter in how many lies the kid is caught in? Crazy.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Said in court wasnt it about the business card under the door. sneddon went looking for another accuser to the point of paying them 20k after accidently bumping into janet in a L.A carpark.she didnt agree to go ahead upto that point.

friedman still using mj to get hits.once an ars*h*** always an ars*h***. go to hell with the rest of them
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

So based on what exactly they should have won the case?.

they thought everyone was as racist ,corrupt and full of hate towards mj as they were. they were obsessed with putting him in his place. the fact they will continue to push the mantre and support anyone who accuses no matter how obviously false the claims are shows their deluded obsession
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

There are a few rude comments about Michael in Friedman's latest article so I am surprised to see it here.

What is not surprising is he cannot quote his comments about Michael from 2005.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

^^Thats actually a pretty good summation of events. Playwrights couldn't write a better tragedy.

Sometimes I'm still in disbelief that this actually happened. Total disbelief. I just want to wake up from it.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

Said in court wasnt it about the business card under the door. sneddon went looking for another accuser to the point of paying them 20k after accidently bumping into janet in a L.A carpark.she didnt agree to go ahead upto that point.

friedman still using mj to get hits.once an ars*h*** always an ars*h***. go to hell with the rest of them

yes , it was about Sneddon's business card.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

yes , it was about Sneddon's business card.

OK, but where does this story come from and how do we know he offered them 20k at the time?
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I think it was a victims fee compensation forum he gave her to fill out, I don't remember it being for 20k tho.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I saw an article where Kobe Bryant's accuser received at least 20,000 from a victim's compensation fund so it is possible that she did.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I remember hearing it before. I wonder where Friedman got this piece of info from.

I'd disagree with Zonen being a good prosecutor. Since he still believes and befriends that scumbag family he cannot be that good.

How out of touch these people had to be to believe they won the case? There was nothing they managed to prove and one prosecution witness after another crumbled on the stand, got caught in contradictions and lies (including all members of the Arvizo family), some of their own witnesses refuted the prosecution's claims and theories etc. So based on what exactly they should have won the case? They really thought putting a kid on the stand to claim such things about MJ would be enough to win a criminal case - no matter how contradictory or even impossible the story is, no matter in how many lies the kid is caught in? Crazy.

LOL@Sneddon and his crew going out to dinner celebrating and popping champagne before the jury had even reached a verdict. These people are so arrogant and pathetic. I wonder if the prosecutors who handled Jerry Sandusky's case were behaving this way? It just goes to show you that this wasn't about justice. It was about taking down the world's biggest celebrity and making a name for themselves. They were so blinded by zeal and the obsession to win that they put all their faith, trust, and resources into a family that turned out to be a total disaster for them. I read somewhere that Sneddon never recovered from the verdict and that he had a profound sadness about him up until he died..
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

OK, but where does this story come from and how do we know he offered them 20k at the time?

I dont remember exactly. But at the time it was revealed that he put his business card under their door immediately after the documentary was published and before the raid on Neverland, he met Janet Arvizo at a vacant lot in LA where he gave her the money. According to her that when she "knew" that her son was molested .LOL It was one of the worst scenarios ever, as by that time her three children had already met Dickerman (their first lawyer who she hired in February), Feildman in May and Katz but she had no idea about abuse until she met Sneddon that day, and the ignorant masses wonder why MJ was acquitted!
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I read somewhere that Sneddon never recovered from the verdict and that he had a profound sadness about him up until he died..


Michael lost his soul throughout that trial even though he was vindicated he was never the same as he was before- it destroyed him .
Soundmind;4094040 said:
I dont remember exactly. But at the time it was revealed that he put his business card under their door immediately after the documentary was published

OK, I just wanted to know if this was legit info, but it seems we do not have a source so far?

as by that time her three children had already met Dickerman (their first lawyer who she hired in February), Feildman in May and Katz but she had no idea about abuse until she met Sneddon that day, and the ignorant masses wonder why MJ was acquitted!

Actually she and the prosecution had four different stories about how she found out.

Now we have four different versions by the accusing side about how and when Janet Arvizo found out about the alleged abuse of her son:

1) According to the prosecution’s Statement of Probable Cause (November 17, 2003) in her initial interview with Sgt. Steve Robel on July 6-7, 2003 Janet Arvizo claimed that their sons disclosed to her the alleged abuse after February or March, 2003:
“These disclosures were made to her after February or March of this year [2003]. She explained that she would interrupt and tell Star and Gavin to “forgive and forget”. She did this because she thought she was doing the right thing. She wanted Star and Gavin to make the disclosures to a priest or someone else. She has since learned that this was wrong of her to do.” [5; page 23]
On the stand in 2005 Janet Arvizo claimed that at the time she was not aware that either of her sons were molested, she was only “aware of things”, however, in the prosecution’s Statement of Probable Cause document (November 17, 2003) it is clearly claimed that in February-March, 2003 her sons disclosed accounts of molestation to Janet Arvizo (eg. Jackson allegedly “moving his hips against Gavin” in bed while they were supposedly in bed together, Jackson allegedly touching Star’s private parts etc. – see page 22-23 of the referenced document [5]).

2) The very same prosecution document later contains a totally different version of how and when Janet Arvizo learnt about the alleged molestation of her son:
“It is important to note that during the course of the two interviews detailed in this affidavit, Mrs. Arvizo was not aware that Gavin has been molested. She believed the focus of our investigation was the family’s having been held against their wishes at the Neverland Ranch upon their return from Miami and their escape in March. Mrs. Arvizo (sic) told your Affiant she had contacted an attorney to help get their possessions back and to set up contacts with law enforcement to report what had happened to them. She emphasized she was not interested in money. Your affiant is aware through a conversation with Sgt. Robel that around 5:00 p.m. on September 30, 2003, that Sgt. Robel, Lt. Klapakis and District Attorney Tom Sneddon met with Mrs. Arvizo and her family in a Los Angeles hotel and informed her that our conversations with her children had established that Gavin had been molested. This was the first time she was aware of the nature of her children’s disclosures to law enforcement.” [5; page 64]
3) On contrary with both versions in the prosecution’s Statement of Probable Cause Larry Feldman in his testimony in 2005 then provided a third version when he said after sending the Arvizo family to Dr. Stanley Katz in June 2003 he called them back to his office and discussed Dr. Katz’s findings with them and what kind of legal actions were available to them at that time.

4) As mentioned above, in March-April 2003attorney William Dickerman wrote letters to Jackson’s attorney, Mark Geragos regarding the issue of returning the Arvizos’ items from a storage locker. In those letters Dickerman never makes any allegation of child molestation, false imprisonment or providing alcohol to a minor. When asked about this on the stand by Jackson’s attorney, Thomas Mesereau, this is what Janet Arvizo had to say:
Q. In none of his letters did he ever mention anything about alcohol or child molestation, true? A. Because that was information for these guys right here, for the police.
Q. How many months later?
A. Because I didn’t want Geragos to know that we were headed towards — straight to the police. [6]
So this is yet another version, in which they do not mention alleged molestation in those letters dated March-April, 2003, not because Janet Arvizo was not aware of it at the time yet, but because they were preserving that information for the police. Here we have to add, however, that they did not go “straight to the police” in March-April 2003, but they went to civil attorney Larry Feldman in May 2003 – like we have described above.

Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I read somewhere that Sneddon never recovered from the verdict and that he had a profound sadness about him up until he died..

Pft! I find that hard to believe that monster like Sneddon would be sad about Michael at all. To me he's still the sick old B@$^@#% wanting ruin his life and he keep at it for future or until he retires a happy man and now he's already gone.


Michael lost his soul throughout that trial even though he was vindicated he was never the same as he was before- it destroyed him .

Yeah, all the anxiety attacks, fear, weight loss and physical, mental and emotional pain due to all the stress he dealt with during the trial because these monsters wanting more than to have him incarcerated, but they also wanted him dead like he shouldn't exist to make them, the jealous media and those damned haters happy. Yet though when he won the trial we all looked at him like he's not the same anymore and looking back it's like he "lost his smile" all the same.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

OK, I just wanted to know if this was legit info, but it seems we do not have a source so far?

I'm pretty sure this information came from frank cascio. One of the times frank escorted the arvizos back to their home during that feb/march 03 period, he claimed he noticed sneddon's business card lying on the mat.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate



June 13th Michael, on behalf of mankind, we are sorry...
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

12/06/2015 & 13/06/2015 Memorial for Michael Jackson in Munich/Germany


Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

^^^Very beautiful images. Thanks for sharing or.....viel dank rather :)

Roger's article didn't seem all that bad to me honestly. Considering some of his output in the past I thought it was quite tamed in its criticism, if not downright supportive. I think it's a bit unrealistic to expect people to write 100% positive pieces in which Michael's every action or choice is praised.

One could even sense some sympathy for Michael's plight. Who knew Roger could do that? Was it in 2001 that he met Michael and had a rather flattering article only to change his tune and later focus on the "financial meltdown" once he stopped having direct access? In any case, those are things from the past. All that matters is the present and right now and for the time being I cannot say that I have that many objections to Mr. Friedman's choice of words, focus or perspective.

There was however a slight inaccuracy in it - the GQ article by Mary A. Fischer was published in October 1994 and not 1996. My elephunk memory still serves me well apparently https://mjjtruthnow.wordpress.com/2014/05/20/was-michael-jackson-framed-the-defining-1994-gq-article-by-mary-a-fischer-that-set-the-record-straight-on-the-1993-allegations/

I've always admired the courage of this woman in 1994 to go against the tide of media coverage. The same happened in 2005 with Linda Deutsch from the AP, Aphrodite Jones in later years and also in recent years with Anthony McCartney also from the AP. These people show that journalistic integrity is not a lost cause when it comes to media coverage of Michael's life, especially his tribulations. What a shame these people were the few exceptions in a world which tends to mistake freedom of speech with freedom to slander.

The verdict ten years ago came as a complete surprise to many and that was mainly due to media coverage. Most failed to report on the inconsistencies in the prosecution's case and the utter lack of credibility of the Arvizo clan. Had they been fair and had the legal "experts/analysts" (Mr. Toobin comes to mind) properly analyzed the evidence most would have seen how not guilty on all counts was not an impossible outcome, but the only possible outcome.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I've always admired the courage of this woman in 1994 to go against the tide of media coverage. The same happened in 2005 with Linda Deutsch from the AP, Aphrodite Jones in later years and also in recent years with Anthony McCartney also from the AP. These people show that journalistic integrity is not a lost cause when it comes to media coverage of Michael's life, especially his tribulations. What a shame these people were the few exceptions in a world which tends to mistake freedom of speech with freedom to slander.

I liked Linda Deutsch's reporting at AP. Totally factual, professional. No personal opinions, personal commentary, just reporting the facts as they happened in the courtroom. More journalists like her are needed. I heard after the trial Michael and Mez personally thanked her for her factual reporting. And I don't think she was pro-MJ or anything. Just factual, sticking to what was heard in the courtroom. And that should be natural for all journalists. It is so sad that it isn't and journalists with ethics and integrity were so rare around this case that Michael felt the need to thank them whenever he found one.

And yes, I commend Mary A. Fischer as well. Even though I don't think she was right about the Sodium Amytal but her article was important still.
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Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

I liked Linda Deutsch's reporting at AP. Totally factual, professional. No personal opinions, personal commentary, just reporting the facts as they happened in the courtroom.More journalists like her are needed. I heard after the trial Michael and Mez personally thanked her for her factual reporting. And I don't think she was pro-MJ or anything. Just factual, sticking to what was heard in the courtroom. And that should be natural for all journalists. It is so sad that it isn't and journalists with ethics and integrity were so rare around this case that Michael felt the need to thank them whenever she found one.

And yes, I commend Mary A. Fischer as well. Even though I don't think she was right about the Sodium Amytal but her article was important still.

Absolutely agree with you. That is exactly what was so refreshing about Mrs. Deutsch. She was simply being objective. She need not be an MJ "supporter"/have blinders on or whatever other things people accuse fans of.......she was simply stating the facts, just as all true journalists are supposed to be doing.

I didn't know Michael was not male, but a she btw :p You betta go hit the edit button lol.
Re: [Discussion] Wade Robson / James Safechuck file claim of sexual abuse against MJ-Estate

LOL@Sneddon and his crew going out to dinner celebrating and popping champagne before the jury had even reached a verdict. These people are so arrogant and pathetic. I wonder if the prosecutors who handled Jerry Sandusky's case were behaving this way? It just goes to show you that this wasn't about justice. It was about taking down the world's biggest celebrity and making a name for themselves. They were so blinded by zeal and the obsession to win that they put all their faith, trust, and resources into a family that turned out to be a total disaster for them. I read somewhere that Sneddon never recovered from the verdict and that he had a profound sadness about him up until he died..

Remember Sneddon laughing with the media and making jokes at his two main addresses to the press? I mean WTF. Something so deadly serious as child sexual abuse and you're making jokes?! Sitting there grinning like the cat that got the cream. Unbelievable. So few media outlets picked up on just how grossly inappropriate that was - nearly EVERYONE was pre-occupied and wrapped up in the Michael Jackson drama accelerating again.

Whoever else was speaking to the press at that media conference tried to keep Sneddon in check and retain professionalism but he simply couldn't contain himself.

Tells you absolutely everything you ever need to know, right there.