Fans contacting DA / Atty.Gen. / Governor / President

Re: Letter to Governor Schwarzenegger, Suspend Murray's medical license...

I edited it:

Governor Schwarzenegger,

I want to express my concerns regarding the case: The people vs Conrad Robert Murray, case number SA073164. My concerns are about the medical license that Conrad Murray still has today which makes him able to continue to practice medicine.

I’m really disappointed that Judge Michael E. Pastor has ruled that he will postpone his decision about Conrad Murray’s medical license until the preliminary hearing on June 14th 2010. Not only am I disappointed but I just can’t understand why his Medical License hasn’t been suspended as a condition of Conrad Murray’s bail.

The medical board has clearly stated in their report that they feel Dr Conrad Murray is a threat to the public. This conclusion leaves it only possible in the court of law to do just one thing…suspend this man’s medical license right away.

At this point nobody should be exposed to the risk of losing their life while he or she is under the medical care of Conrad Murray. Due to this we urge you to step in on this matter to get a ruling about Conrad Murray’s Medical License as soon as possible.

In my eyes you not only have a legal obligation to do everything in your power to get this mans medical license suspended, you also have the ethical and moral obligation to do this. The people have a right to protection from doctors who are charged with manslaughter but most of all Michael Jackson, his children and his family have a right to see Justice is being done. Suspending Conrad Murray’s Medical License is a step in the right direction in showing that justice will be done in this case.

So I ask you once again to please step in and make sure Conrad Murray’s Medical License is suspended as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely

It probably could be edited more but it's passable.
Re: Letter to Governor Schwarzenegger, Suspend Murray's medical license...

this is what I edited to look like:
Dear Governor Schwarzenegger,

I wish to express my concerns regarding the case: The people vs Conrad Robert Murray, case number SA073164. My concerns are about the medical license that Conrad Murray still has today which makes him able to continue to practice medicine.

I’m really disappointed that Judge Michael E Pastor has ruled that he will postpone his decision about Conrad Murray’s medical licence until the preliminary hearing on June 14th 2010. I just can’t understand that this medical license hasn’t been suspended as part of the condition for Conrad Murray’s bail.

The medical board has clearly stated in their report that they feel Dr. Conrad Murray is a threat to the public. This conclusion leaves it only possible in the court of law to to just one thing - suspend this man’s medical licence right away.

At this point nobody should be exposed to the risk of losing their life while he or she is under the medical care of Conrad Murray. So we urge you to step in on this matter to get a ruling on this matter as soon as possible.

In my eyes you not only have a Legal obligation to do everything in your power to get his medical license suspended, but you also have the ethical and moral obligation to do this. The public have a right to protection from doctors who are charged with manslaughter but most of all Michael Jackson, his children and his family have a right to see Justice is being done.

I ask you to please step in and make this happen.

Yours sincerely,

Kati Murray
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom.
Last edited by a moderator:
Re: Letter to Governor Schwarzenegger, Suspend Murray's medical license...

Thank you Kati.....
Re: Letter to Governor Schwarzenegger, Suspend Murray's medical license...

your welcome esther1972 x
Re: Letter to Governor Schwarzenegger, Suspend Murray's medical license...

Well, dunno about anyone else but I just got a delivery failure notification for that email address.
Re: Letter to Governor Schwarzenegger, Suspend Murray's medical license...

Stacey i don't know what kind of email you've used but it could be that if you use hotmail, yahoo or something like that they see it as spam and than you get an error...i don't know if that's the case because i haven't gotten a delivery failure notification..but i sent it by regular email....
Re: Letter to Governor Schwarzenegger, Suspend Murray's medical license...

I used googlemail. That's all I have access to. :( Oh well.
Re: Letter to Governor Schwarzenegger, Suspend Murray's medical license...

Mine failed too.

I used hotmail. Damn it.
Re: Letter to Governor Schwarzenegger, Suspend Murray's medical license...

Hi all if you're having trouble with sending it by email please send it with regular mail than...
Re: Letter to Governor Schwarzenegger, Suspend Murray's medical license...

.............Its sended ofcourse!:D:yes::punk:
SIGNATURES for Group Letters to Obama,...etc...

Hi Guys, we are a FB grouo that is seeking JUSTICE 4 MICHAEL, and we're gonna to send letters to Obama, Mj friends, celebreties, LA Major, Senators, CA Governor etc...

We are collecting signatures for all these letters, so if you want to join us, please post here :


And please tell me if u want ur signature to be used for :

-Mr President Obama
-Mj Friends , family and Celebreties
-Mr Governor and Major and other politics and associations

Or if you want to ur signature to be used :

-For all our causes.

*please it is important u tell me which cause u want join*

ps: If u don't want to post here the info it' ok, u can do it by PM :D

Please we need your HELP, the more signatures we get the more impact that we'll make:angel:

And here the link to our FB group:!/group.php?gid=344751095929&ref=ts
Re: SIGNATURES for Group Letters to Obama,...etc...

Hi Guys, we are a FB grouo that is seeking JUSTICE 4 MICHAEL, and we're gonna to send letters to Obama, Mj friends, celebreties, LA Major, Senators, CA Governor etc...

We are collecting signatures for all these letters, so if you want to join us, please post here :


And please tell me if u want ur signature to be used for :

-Mr President Obama
-Mj Friends , family and Celebreties
-Mr Governor and Major and other politics and associations

Or if you want to ur signature to be used :

-For all our causes.

*please it is important u tell me which cause u want join*

ps: If u don't want to post here the info it' ok, u can do it by PM :D

Please we need your HELP, the more signatures we get the more impact that we'll make:angel:

And here the link to our FB group:!/group.php?gid=344751095929&ref=ts

Just pmed you. For all causes.
Re: SIGNATURES for Group Letters to Obama,...etc...

Hi Guys, we are a FB grouo that is seeking JUSTICE 4 MICHAEL, and we're gonna to send letters to Obama, Mj friends, celebreties, LA Major, Senators, CA Governor etc...

We are collecting signatures for all these letters, so if you want to join us, please post here :


And please tell me if u want ur signature to be used for :

-Mr President Obama
-Mj Friends , family and Celebreties
-Mr Governor and Major and other politics and associations

Or if you want to ur signature to be used :

-For all our causes.

*please it is important u tell me which cause u want join*

ps: If u don't want to post here the info it' ok, u can do it by PM :D

Please we need your HELP, the more signatures we get the more impact that we'll make:angel:

And here the link to our FB group:!/group.php?gid=344751095929&ref=ts

I've also PM'd you for all causes :)
Re: SIGNATURES for Group Letters to Obama,...etc...

NAME Carol

CITY Almere
COUNTRY The Netherlands

All causes!:D:punk:
Re: SIGNATURES for Group Letters to Obama,...etc...

Sent my info via PM.
Re: SIGNATURES for Group Letters to Obama,...etc...

You'll have to PM the original poster. She doesn't have access to this forum as of yet. The thread was moved here by the mods. So if you would like to participate, send the info via PM.
Re: SIGNATURES for Group Letters to Obama,...etc...

I'll PM you. For all causes.
Re: SIGNATURES for Group Letters to Obama,...etc...

I just pmed you too. I hope I'm not late, as the last post here was in early May.
Re: SIGNATURES for Group Letters to Obama,...etc...

I pmed you for all causes.