How Are You Feeling Today?

Re: How are you feeling today?

Like I'm romantically frustrated LOL, in need of something new, bored with all the pretense, it's whack.....I need some serious mind, body, and soul stimulation.......
Re: How are you feeling today?

Much better...after seeing the new Bruno trailer.
Re: How are you feeling today?

crackup + painful

if i was you, as soon as i had grown up enouth to feel your pain and what's the root of the pain, whatever the way is(any way i can catch: card, call, email...), i would rush to cancel the pain for the one i love.
you didn't.
there was only 2 answer, 1)your love still be no enough, 2)you hadn't grown up enough to aware/care/know my pain(though every day you did advance on growing-up-way)... i guess/hope/think it was the latter(you love me in your own way that you can understand or you had understood, neglected those you do think it was't as urgent as what i describe...).
but sir,
how many lessons you've got as of now? even if you hadn't enough awareness to know my pain, can't you give me trust 1 time to believe i was really in pain and need to save... right now! with any possible way you can...
Re: How are you feeling today?

Blahhhhh LOL I have no jellybean restraint :cry: I finished off half a bag in no time flat? darn it!
Re: How are you feeling today?

^ LOL Some temptations are just too much LOL :lol: