I believe 'Breaking News' lead vocals are not 100% MJ and I want to talk about it here

You're so cute! :wink:
You know what two they are. KYHU is not one of them. :ninja:
Anyone else hate that annoying vibrato that is used in all the cascio tracks?
So I just ended up buying the album and have now listened to all the songs in CD quality. And to me it's even more obvious now, that things just aren't right with those three tracks :no: Of course some people would just say that my sound system isn't good enough or other BS, because it seems like the newest thing is that your equipment has to meet certain standards if you want to hear MJ on more than seven tracks... My goodness! :doh:

I'm so sad and angry at those people who did this to Michael and to us, that it's really difficult to enjoy even the real MJ tracks :sigh:

Has anyone ever noticed that who ever is singing on The Cascio tracks is singing with no heart or feeling? MJ always put is heart and soul into everything he sang

Michael Jackson - ''I don't sing it unless i mean it''

Well the person on the cascio tracks certainly wasn't singing it like he ment it

The person who sang it was focused on sounding like Michael Jackson, I guess he couldn't concentrate on two things at the same time :angry:
I would like to try out their magic PVC pipes and see if it makes my voice sound like Jason Malachi as well....

this made my day. so true! hahahaha, lmao.

the truth will come out. the first post said that michael jackson is the only one who could unequivocally say whether or not he's on the cascio tracks.

not true. there are a lot of people involved in this fraud, including whoever is actually singing lead. something will come out, in time.
Yeah the truth will come out. Sooner or later. Tony Kurtis may have got the ball rolling.....
The thing is though, if Sony or the Estate KNEW it wasn't MJ on these songs they would NOT release them, there is no way they would deliberately make such a huge risk, especially not potentially release one of them as a single just to bring even more attention to it.
Maybe it is down to the Cascios and whoever may have helped them fake the tracks and maybe sony are as annoyed as we are....But maybe it was too late for them to do anything when they realised what had happened. Maybe that is why we are seeing so little promo of the album? Maybe Sony decided to cut their losses? Maybe they knew it would do well enough for them regardless.... So many questions... so many questions. Maybe Teddy was so happy to be on the first posthumous MJ album his judgement was skewed. Maybe he just got carried away? Believed what he needed to believe to be in on the album as a whole....I would love for the truth to come out and when i say that i mean whatever that truth may be. I am obviously of the opinion that the tracks are not authentic but i would of course admit i was wrong if the Cascios gave us some proof other than saying things like "i was there pushing the buttons and he was there directing" as he did on Oprah. Not very convincing really.
If that were the case, Sony/Estate wouldn't have released a statement stating that they have full confidence that it's Michael's vocals.
What I would love to see: Jason Malachi recording a (new) session of Breaking News vocals in his Michael wannabe voice so that people can compare.
Honestly I would be surprised if it sounded any different...
Something i'd like to add here. I'm posting this in this thread because i know i won't get attacked lol

I'll support the Hold My Hand single because it does have MJ singing on it. However i refuse to support the Monster single because i think that MJ is nowhere on that song at all. So if any more Cascio tracks get's released as singles i will not support them
^^ I just think it's a HUGE mistake to be releasing any of the Cascio singles...regardless if they're Mike or not...They've caused WAY too much controversy...But since Monster is the next one :sigh:
Since Michael is singing the songs, you are not supporting him.

Well if that is so, we dont believe that. So please stop trying to shove your opinion down peoples throats.

Escpecially coming into a thread which is clearly to talk about Michael not being on the songs!
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^^ I just think it's a HUGE mistake to be releasing any of the Cascio singles...regardless if they're Mike or not...They've caused WAY too much controversy...But since Monster is the next one :sigh:
except the cascio tracks have the most potential to be hits.