Joe Vogel replaced by Diane Dimond on HLN

trying? They have been doing it since Thriller. nothing going to change. Death seems like its not the end all to all troubles. Still follows you no matter what. Michael deserved better when he was alive and we all know it. Michael didn't deserve to be treated like dirt just because he worked hard. But these people get off on the fact that he is gossip. Sad but true. DD Is the devil incarnat so its no surprise how shes acting or how the world is acting. People need to know the truth about Michael but they wont get it from her. Joe seems the more likely person for that. Or hell even a fan.
As someone from Britain, i find the American media coverage of trials a real eyeopener. We have strict contempt of court laws here muzzling the media so that they can only report what is happening in a factual neutral manner, no opinion at all, until there is a verdict. This happens as soon as someone is charged and it is enforced strictly and the defendant can use any biased media coverage that might arise as a grounds for appeal. In the US you seem to value free speech above all else. For high profile trials like MJ's in 2005, this was such a disaster for him, as the media went all negative and sensationalist on him as it would translate into ratings. I see the same thing unfortunately happening in the Murray trial.

Also, Diane dimond's close links with Sneddon, i'm sure would not be seen as ethical in the UK. Is it in the US? With the Murdoch phone hacking scandal in Britian, a side issue is journalist's financial links with the police which many saw as more dangerous.
HLN is nothing but a rehash of CourtTV! They keep hiring the same stupid people! That's why I won't be watching! Diane Demon pays more attention to MJ then her own child, sick bitch!
this woman will get what she's got coming eventually, even if it's after her death. she'll get what she deserves. burn in the eternal flames of hell demon
I agree that contacting the sponsors is a great idea, and hitting HLN where it really hurts, their ratings. HLN doesn't care how much that we disagree with their coverage as long as we watch it.
Of course he will be replaced. God forbid they have someone who is actually educated on MJ and will positively speak out about him!

It is not worth it to show HLN we disapprove, IMHO. Their whole station format has been to bash MJ. I doubt they care what we think. I think we would be better served in trying to fight to get a more balanced station to know we support them and that we stop supporting HLN by giving them ratings and such.
Very well said Ginvid.

Exactly what I have been thinking.

I don't think a boycott campaign against HLN is the way to go...the alternative would be to support, as Ginvid mentioned, a well-balanced station.

I see some of you are hinting at contacting sponsors...we have to be really careful. We don't' want the media to get the impression that Joe is our mouthpiece (which he is not)....this could have the adverse effect.

Can you not take any action (Aside from not watching HLN) for the time being. Our group and others are in discussion to address the issue and we hope to get a plan match as quickly as humanly possible.

In the meantime, if you have friends or family with a Nielsen box..please tell them to turn off HLN.
Have a little cheer to break up the gloom and doom. Watching the annual little league world series on ESPN, and before a record setting crowd the team from california warmed up with an iconic MJ dance, crotch grab and all. Really cool.!!!!
^^Just to show you that haters, like the HLN 4, cannot destroy the contributions of Michael Jackson. That is why they are so mad and vindictive.
this woman will get what she's got coming eventually, even if it's after her death. she'll get what she deserves. burn in the eternal flames of hell demon
Sometimes I feel like "karma" doesnt happen soon enough. but I guess it doesnt happens on our time/when we want it to, it has to take its course.
I think she has to already have a pretty terrible life to continuously lie on someone. BUT I agree, she will get hers back ten fold...
Sometimes I feel like "karma" doesnt happen soon enough. but I guess it doesnt happens on our time/when we want it to, it has to take its course.
I think she has to already have a pretty terrible life to continuously lie on someone. BUT I agree, she will get hers back ten fold...

I personally always see people wishing others to hell as wishful thinking. Really, what is is the point in getting justice only after the person is dead. Hell or not, the damage they cause is done. At least if it happened in their lifetime the wrong they created can serve as either a warning to others to why you shouldn't act a certain way or at least lessen the wrong. But whatever, whatever allows people to sleep at night.

As for boycotting HLN it would to little good since most people on this board don't even watch the network. Most people who watch HLN are into Tab stories and dramatizations, so truth or fairness means little to them. Anyone who watch Nancy Grace is not going to be well inform and won't care if Murray's trial is fair. You do better trying to boycott the Sun in writing the truth.
SNAPE thanks for those great posts. I think the best way is to inform the sponsors of these shows, since the e-mails to Drew and co are not working. The e-mails just serve to cuss them out or show fans are against their non-facts, but the sponsors are interested in money and their good name and might be more swayed to do the right thing. On the other hand, since the trial will be on TV, the impact of the HLN four might not be as strong as in the Casey case. I am hoping that people will look at the trial themselves so they have an idea of the facts. I was also thinking that the HLN4 really cannot bring any more dirt about Michael. They have exhausted their pile of dirt. I mean, they have discussed everything including him being a drug addict, his color, his nose, how bad he was, what else have the audience not heard? So they cannot do anymore damage in my book, and this is partly why I have a positive view of the trial outcome. The HLN4 cannot do anything worse than has already been done.

I couldn't agree more. I think pressuring the sponsors will be a good strategy, however, it is not the only strategy we should take. By now, I think addressing our complaints to Demon, "Dr." Drew, and whoever else has proven itself to be useless at best and utterly counterproductive at worst. I'm pretty sure they're well-aware of the impact of their actions, despite their collective stupidity, this being especially noticeable in Dimond's expressed concern over fan reactions to her being placed on the so-called panel. Therefore, targeting them would prove itself redundant--they know what they're getting into, and why.

However, it is of crucial importance not only to pressure the sponsors of HLN/CNN, but also to express our support of networks which are setting a good example with fair, objective, and balanced coverage of the Murray trial. We should rally around them more than we complain against the others--if they are told what a great job they're doing, they will be inclined to keep it up, and people who are not Michael Jackson fans must be among those channels' audience--therefore, their fair/balanced reporting would reach their ears as well. It is important that we contact their sponsors as well, and tell them we are satisfied with the way things are going, and plan on continuing support. If sponsors see a network getting good support, they will be more likely to want to support it as well, simply to get at that viewer ppopulation. In other words, we are doing the exact same thing on two different platforms--they are mirror images of each other. We are reinforcing positive/wanted behaviour with our very apparent support, and disapproving of negative/unfair behaviour by going to the sponsors and saying we refuse to watch such garbage. Perhaps adding boycotting "threats" will raise the heat and pressure--that's what they want, after all, for viewers to become consumers. However, we should be adamant in our stance against the tactics used by HLN and state that we will not support any network who hires dishonest and disgraceful people like Diane Dimond, and we will not support any sponsor who thinks it fit to finance this wretched woman's efforts to spread her hatred for profit. Therefore, things come to an ultimatum--either revoke your support of HLN/Dimond, or we will revoke our support of you. The ball is on their court from that moment forward.

I think targeting the public at large is also of relevance here. Defending Michael in obvious ways will prove itself to be a bad strategy, since it will imply bias on our parts. Instead, we should expose those who are against him for what they truly are, in all the magnitude and nakedness of their crimes, whether Michael-related or otherwise (ESPECIALLY otherwise). In Dimond's case, we should point out her complete lack of experience/expertise in balanced and true journalism--she is, after all, just a measly, unimportant, and thoroughly moronic tabloid reporter in the end. Anyone who thinks she spouts the truth is completely mental--her work record and lack of qualifications would tell us otherwise. It is important that we bring evidence of wrongdoing to the table. No one in their right mind would (or should) take us seriously if we say things without providing proper evidence to validate them as fact as opposed to opinion/belief. That is the basis of all rational and logical arguments, and this is key in winning over at least the most intelligent among non-fans. The idiots will continue to believe what they will despite all evidence to the contrary, however, if we manage to change at least some people's minds, or make them see/think about the thorough injustice and corruption of Michael Jackson-related reporting through logic/reason, we will have achieved the most honourable of victories.
I sent an e-mail to HLN to express my disgust and disappointment in HLN's lapse of good judgment by adding Diane Dimond to this panel. Everyone knows that she has had it in for Michael and is totally biased. And what's up with "Jacko", his name is Jackson, you stupid woman! I will avoid any and all reporting by HLN at all costs. I am totally disgusted by them! ( Oh I'm so angry I could scream!)
Thank god we dont get this channel here but even if we did , i still wouldnt watch it anyway
They should know better than to cross Michael's army of love.
Never watched HLN and never will. The channel is total garbage, full of sensationalism. I will be avoiding the mainstream media at all costs unless I'm watching live coverage. Otherwise I will be getting my news through the fan community. The media cannot be trusted when it comes to Michael.
i decided to write in. i was reelected in doing so but i think we should. diane have NO integrity, knowledge or objectivity to cover any news on Michael
I hate the tabloid print media we have here in the UK, but USA magazine style talks shows are far worse because they are more persuasive. But I think anybody who believes the crap that comes from Diane Diamnd's dirty mouth must be brain dead. The attitude of Diane Diamond is unprofessional, her facial expressions of shock and concern etc are an obvious fake act. And most of all physically, she looks mentally ill. Her eyes don't dilate etc, her mind set is very warped. Why is she on television, because she's a bigot and sick.
Isn't the trial going to be broadcast on tv? so what do we have to worry about? Diane won't be able to twist anything because viewers will be able to see the truth for themselves.
What is a shame is that she continues to get employment in the field spite of the fact that her biased reporting is known.
Isn't the trial going to be broadcast on tv? so what do we have to worry about? Diane won't be able to twist anything because viewers will be able to see the truth for themselves.

Sadly yes she can, not everybody will be watching the trial all day, of course most fans will be on-line or glued to their tv's (or both) and if they hear anything they are not sure or upset about a fan would look further into it. However DD will be reporting and twisting nationwide and will not represent him how he deserves to be represented.

DD does not deserve to even whisper his name let alone receive a fat pay check to spread her bias.
Sadly yes she can, not everybody will be watching the trial all day, of course most fans will be on-line or glued to their tv's (or both) and if they hear anything they are not sure or upset about a fan would look further into it. However DD will be reporting and twisting nationwide and will not represent him how he deserves to be represented.

DD does not deserve to even whisper his name let alone receive a fat pay check to spread her bias.

OMG you got that right....she is a terrible creature, it just isn't fair that she will be covering this case, She WILL NOT do Michael ANY justice at all. She will twist and turn this whole damn case until she is satisfied that it looks like it was MJ's fault. and the sad part is that everyday people that will watch her. wont know that she is full of shit and they will tale her word for what it is that she is reporting, ....everyday people dont know just HOW evil this chic really is
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@xthunderx2, Yup, any opportunity she can muster she will twist and turn and put the spotlight on Michael, hell if it was down to her she would probably shake murray's hand and say good job! I hate that woman, and as far as I'm concerned she has Michael's blood on her hands as well as murray, his accusers and the tabloids.

*sorry, had to vent*
I had to laugh because even Wagner calls her the same names we do. He said he called her biased and she screamed at him at court in 05, and all her spit flew all over his face. So we know she will be up to her old tricks this time around.