Major Love Prayer - Worldwide Monthly Prayer Every 25th

Re: Prayer for global L.O.V.E. every month *APRIL 25th*

This is such a wonderful way to honor Michael--
I'm so happy to be a part of this love wave--
Re: Prayer for global L.O.V.E. every month *APRIL 25th*

another 25th is coming up...I cant believe how fast the time is feels as if it was just yesterday.....
Re: Prayer for global L.O.V.E. every month *APRIL 25th*

From MJJC Legacy Project Newsletter:


Major Love Prayer

- What is the Major Love Prayer?
Each month on the 25th at exactly 2pm/14:00 Los Angeles time thousands (hopefully someday millions?) of fans all over the world join together in hearts and spirits for a few minutes to 'send out a major love'. Our united goal is to spread the energy of love, peace and healing to everyone and everything, to essentially heal the world with L.O.V.E. We use the word "prayer", but if you're not the type of person who prays, please don't let it stop you from joining us! In that case, consider it a meditation, wish, affirmation or even the sending of an 'intention'. The important thing is that we do it together as one and with love in our hearts.

- How can you participate? What do you need to do?
It's very easy to participate. All you need to do is to set aside a few minutes each month. And you can join us from almost anywhere... from your bed, at your desk, in a parking lot, etc. There are instructions for the suggested visualization on our website. In short, we take some deep breaths and relax, ask for any assistance/etc from a higher power (if this is part of your belief), then focus on the feeling of LOVE and let it grow in our hearts. We visualize connecting with other fans across the world with this love and then watch and feel it grow until the the whole planet is enclosed in and glowing with LOVE, peace and healing. We know it, feel it and hold it for a few moments. Easy! (Of course there are suggestions for making it more powerful, but if you can at least do the basics above, that's great!)

- How did you come to the idea to set this up?
Well, in September 2009 a group of fans on another MJ forum began a monthly global prayer they dubbed "sending out a major love". I personally discovered it five minutes before the start of October's event. My first thought was, "Wow, how cool!", because I know of many studies that show this kind of thing can truly have an effect. Plus, what a wonderful way to keep us together as a community, to potentially change the world and to continue Michael's legacy through three things he believed in: LOVE, healing the world, and prayer. A couple of weeks later, we all decided that a website would be a perfect way to spread the word and get the whole world together, so was born. Since then many fans have contributed with translations of the prayer instructions and have spread the idea on MJ forums, websites, Facebook, Twitter, etc. It's really a group effort in all ways.

- Why could it be important for fans to participate in this moment?
I think this is important on multiple levels. To begin with, it brings us all together in unity for something entirely positive, no matter what our nationality, religion or feelings about the circumstances of Michael's passing. MJ fans are a family and we need to stay together as one, "with love". People who participate in Major Love Prayer have said it gives them real comfort and a greater sense of peace and connection to each other and even to Michael. Nearly everyone who has done it once wants to do it again. And what could possibly be wrong with thousands of people focusing on LOVE? How many times did Michael ask us to love one another, to give this love to the world? Maybe it can expand our compassion and uplift our hearts so that we can take this outside into the world and turn it into action; action that both heals the world and preserves Michael's beautiful legacy of LOVE.

On a whole other level are the spiritual and scientific aspects. Some studies on healing have shown remarkable results with group intention, and acts of compassion and concentrated attention have been shown to reduce stress, improve mood and possibly improve overall health. Spiritually speaking, those who believe in other realms and the connectedness of all life will probably agree that prayer and "what we put out there" can indeed help change the world, via a higher power (i.e. God) or a collective belief. If not with obvious, immediate physical results, perhaps by elevating consciousness beyond our daily awareness and opening hearts. After all, "Love is the most important thing in the world." (MJ 2009)

-Anything else people need to know?
We'd just like you to know that it's important to double-check the prayer time each month. The event time is set to 2pm in Los Angeles, so whenever the U.S. or other countries change their clocks for the season (in spring or autumn), this can shift your prayer time by an hour. We keep an updated time zone chart and a live countdown timer on the website to keep everyone in unison and post updates there as well. We're also on Facebook and Twitter, so that's another way to get updates. Thank you, Project Legacy Team and MJJC! Major L.O.V.E. to you all.
Re: Prayer for global L.O.V.E. every month *APRIL 25th! (this Sunday)*

Tomorrow! :heart:
Re: Prayer for global L.O.V.E. every month *APRIL 25th! (this Sunday)*

:unsure: ::bump:heart:

4 1/2 hours and counting...

(p.s. you can watch a live countdown to prayer time on ... top of the page left)
Re: Prayer for global L.O.V.E. every month *APRIL 25th! (this Sunday)*

Beautiful, tributes! Is there anything happening near London, UK?
Re: Prayer for global L.O.V.E. every month *APRIL 25th! (this Sunday)*

Beautiful, tributes! Is there anything happening near London, UK?
In London, near London... WHEREVER YOU ARE at 10pm UK time. This is a global prayer at the same moment. You can do it from your desk, your couch, wherever :) :heart: We all pray/meditate/send intention (whatever way you want to look at it) at the exact same moment to heal the world with LOVE. :heart:
Re: Prayer for global L.O.V.E. every month *APRIL 25th! (this Sunday)*

I will be joining :D :heart:
Re: Prayer for global L.O.V.E. every month *APRIL 25th! (this Sunday)*

:heart: Just one more hour to go until MAJOR LOVE ~ ` ` `
Re: Prayer for global L.O.V.E. every month *APRIL 25th! (this Sunday)*

Another month gone by ... I can't believe how fast time is flying by. :no:

I'll be there tonight. :yes:
Re: Prayer for global L.O.V.E. every month *APRIL 25th! (this Sunday)*

I'm here.. :) I have much to thank and share my own prayers of love and healing for everyone.
Re: Prayer for global L.O.V.E. every month *APRIL 25th! (this Sunday)*

I'm in, as always. :heart: :huggy:
Re: Prayer for global L.O.V.E. every month *APRIL 25th! (this Sunday)*

I'll be there!
Re: Prayer for global L.O.V.E. every month *APRIL 25th! (this Sunday)*

L.:wub:.V.E. :angel:
Re: Prayer for global L.O.V.E. every month *APRIL 25th! (this Sunday)*

I love Michael and everyone in here with ALL my heart.
:heart: :angel:
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Re: Prayer for global L.O.V.E. every month *APRIL 25th! (this Sunday)*

Je t'aime Michael :angel:
Re: Prayer for global L.O.V.E. every month *APRIL 25th! (this Sunday)*

L.O.V.E. to Michael, God, the heavens and Planet Earth.

Re: Prayer for global L.O.V.E. every month *APRIL 25th! (this Sunday)*

I'm so glad there is so much love for Michael and for our World. I'm sure that Michael is feeling all our love in Heaven. I love you all so much! :heart:
Re: Prayer for global L.O.V.E. every month *APRIL 25th! (this Sunday)*

Dear Michael.. thank you so much for inspiring us to be better people. To share the kindness of love. To believe and keep hope within ourselves.
Thank you for everything you brought forth in our dark and cynical world.
I found love in your vast kingdom and I am ever so thankful. I pray for everyone in this world to find that special loving feeling. To keep that hope alive. To share kindness of the heart to those who feel all is lost. We are one. Thank you God for giving us such an amazing gift. Thank you goodness grace for honoring us with a powerful deity that is Michael.

A major prayer of love and healing to all my friends here at MJJC. :huggy:

*listening to Will You Be There*

I love you Bryn. :wub:
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Re: Prayer for global L.O.V.E. every month *APRIL 25th! (this Sunday)*

i'm a little depress i'm take some time off i'm pray tonight and cry myself to sleep still can't believe in two months its going to be a year i lost a person i grew up listening too he was apart of my family.

A open prayer
Dear heavenly father

It seems like yesterday day we all smiled, laughed and loved and our pain went away
Its seems really hard because there’s more rainy days then sunny June 25th 2009 wasn’t even funny
This was devilish and unlucky something I never felt for any body I ever lost in my life the world stood still
Many people wanted to kill with revenge his concert was a smooth come back but all we got was a big payback just because he was black standing strong against his enemies they took a friend to me music to my ears that sounds so sweet. They once ruled guilty we show him support through your love god he was acquitted they couldn’t take this so his time was fading away he had to do a hard sentence witch coursed him his untimely death but through our prayers his legacy will always remin bless even at times i can feel his presence I take this as a lesson learn when god sends and share his gift with everyone and takes it back when their journey is done. MJ I love u
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Re: Prayer for global L.O.V.E. every month *APRIL 25th! (this Sunday)*

I'm so sad I missed out this months.:( Will concentrate twice as hard and long next time.
However, I try to stay with this l.o.v.e feeling every day of the month.

Love you Michael, always has and always will!