Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Hi everybody :hug: I'm gonna read back all the pages I have missed tomorrow .. Finally, my week is beginning to calm down ... This has been a very busy week ... A Lot of homework and presentantions going on so I haven't been able to be here that much... But next week is easter break (Yay! :D) I hope you all are doing fine , and L.O.V.E to all :hug: :heart: And I'll see you later in MLP ! :heart:
Sorry to hear about your bad night sleep, amy :(.
I had a pretty rubbish night sleep too, I kept waking up for ages! Had some really crazy dreams too. :yawn: tired today.
Thanks for the link for Speechless piano version :flowers:

Neeve - oh wow!! Let us know how the workshop goes!

Really looking forward to the MLP tonight :heart:
Was feeling a bit meh earlier on, considering it's the 25th again (and a Thursday)
It's my birthday tomorrow and I'm feeling a bit funny about it :lol: I feel like Peter Pan, I don't wanna grow uppp :( It seems silly I know.

Hope everyone is having a good day, :heart: to you all.
Hi everyone.

I had a weird experience a while back but I forgot to mention it here (I think :scratch:)

I was in bed and I could feel a weird energy in my room. It wasn't a good vibe but I was open to it because I thought that maybe things I experienced in the past weren't actually happening and the scared feeling was because this was my first "actual" experience.

I caught something moving in my tv screen and kept watching it. It was my duvet moving. I looked at my duvet and there was no movement. This went on for a while. Then I noticed a black shadow beside my head in the reflection of the tv. Again, I looked around, nothing there. I kept my eyes glued on the tv, put my hand up and moved it towards the shadow. It flinched. I kept my hand there and I started to drift off. I woke up suddenly two or three times before I fell asleep for the night and woke up sixteen hours later.

I have wondered ever since if whatever that thing was drained my energy during the night and if that was the reason I slept twice as long as I should have. Is that possible/likely?

As for the tarot thing, I have printed about half a book's worth of information and exercises so far, lol. My bf has agreed to be my guinea pig so I can try it out.

MLP tonight! Yay! :heart:
I do not want to post some more negativity in this thread but I want to ask you guys something. How you guys feel in general?
I feel very down again. Since he passed I am not stable at all… .I think I will never be able to go over his death. I do not understand still how in the world such a beautiful human being could die? It just does not make any sense and every little piece of my soul and every cell of my body say “no”. :no:
When I face this fact and force myself to look the real picture I still feel numb. I watch his videos, I listen to his music and his death looks even more unreal and so unbelievable. I do not know how you feel guys.
Do you feel any better than before? For me this pain still stays deep inside and it does not go anywhere. I still can cry a few times a day. :cry: Maybe I am too sensitive person I do not know… .

:huggy: I know how you feel.

It's so unfair that someone as beautiful as MJ had to go! So young too. It's so unfair.
I don't think I will ever get over his death either. Everyday it gets harder.
When I watch interviews with him, I just feel so sad inside. I listen to his music to feel closer to him.

For me personally, I feel worse than the summer. Just knowing it's another day without MJ being here, to look after his children etc.
I still cry at night sometimes, when I think about it. Some days I try and "forget" but it just comes back to me. I can't watch TII anymore, I get the urge to, but it's just too, too sad atm so I end up turning it off a few minutes in.

I said a while back in this thread I'm still lost in June. I really am.

@Mundy - haha, good of your boyfriend to offer to be a guinea pig :D
asedora I know how you feel :huggy: For me it's like my head is trying to get on with life and my heart is living in June. Does that makes sense?

darlingdear He didn't exactly offer but he's willing to go through with it, lol. :fortuneteller::unsure:
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I do not want to post some more negativity in this thread but I want to ask you guys something. How you guys feel in general?
I feel very down again. Since he passed I am not stable at all… .I think I will never be able to go over his death. I do not understand still how in the world such a beautiful human being could die? It just does not make any sense and every little piece of my soul and every cell of my body say “no”. :no:
When I face this fact and force myself to look the real picture I still feel numb. I watch his videos, I listen to his music and his death looks even more unreal and so unbelievable. I do not know how you feel guys.
Do you feel any better than before? For me this pain still stays deep inside and it does not go anywhere. I still can cry a few times a day. :cry: Maybe I am too sensitive person I do not know… .

Asedora, I know what you mean hun! I dread the upcoming trial and as a media advocacy member we will refute the BS the media puts out there, like blaming his death on him and other things ( don't wanna go into all that because that gets me very upset, but it's for Michael's legacy so I do it with love)

Anyway, one day I had the strangest experience. I felt and still feel empty and incomplete inside, knowing he is no longer here with us, although he still is, in spirit. Suddenly a voice inside my head spoke very lovingly "time and distance play no role at all, I'm right here" and it was the most comforting thing and it just stopped the unbearable sadness because at that instant I completely understood. But it's hard to explain and I hope it doesn't sound silly. Just wanted to share it with you. Allow yourself to feel what is there. A grieving process cannot be rushed nor can any part be skipped.

I'm listening now to the piano version of Speechless. It's so beautiful and spiritual. I love it! Thank you Amy Grace for sharing the link. Hope you sleep better tonight!

Someone should start a thread with the most boring stories ever, so we can all sleep for sure!hahahaha! Big hug to all of you!! :hug:

I have never felt more at ease and more able to be myself tha here with you guys. We have never met but somehow we are spiritually connected and we signed up for the same course. No one said it would be easy, but that is not the point. It is growing and evolving as humans, caring for our soul and giving it soulfood, which is more important than what goes into our physical bodies ( to a certain extent)

MLP tonight! :heart:
Anyway, one day I had the strangest experience. I felt and still feel empty and incomplete inside, knowing he is no longer here with us, although he still is, in spirit. Suddenly a voice inside my head spoke very lovingly "time and distance play no role at all, I'm right here" and it was the most comforting thing and it just stopped the unbearable sadness because at that instant I completely understood. But it's hard to explain and I hope it doesn't sound silly. Just wanted to share it with you.
I have never felt more at ease and more able to be myself tha here with you guys. We have never met but somehow we are spiritually connected and we signed up for the same course. No one said it would be easy, but that is not the point. It is growing and evolving as humans, caring for our soul and giving it soulfood, which is more important than what goes into our physical bodies ( to a certain extent)

MLP tonight! :heart:

Aw, that is so cool. Thanks for sharing it :flowers:
Must of been so comforting.

I agree with what you here. There is some wonderful cosmic & spiritual connection with everyone in this thread. It helps me so much to know that it is here, filled with such wonderful people as you guys all are :heart:
it's fascinating that a lot of us seem to have similar experiences at the same time..whether it's positive energy, negative energy, lack of energy or whatever... a lot of synchronicity going on.

mjbunny, that is a weird experience...I don't know what to say... hope you're feeling better.

I wanted to ask you guys' opinion...this is weird. My housemate has had a ridiculous week, since about Saturday: her car broke down and she has to pay almost $2000 to have it fixed. Her laptop has stopped working properly. Her phone broke. Her office computer crashed. She dyed her hair and it came out the wrong colour. She locked her work keys in her office.
She's a positive person, she's healthy, she does yoga... but this to me, is A LOT of negativity, right? Then I found a picture my sister took last Friday night:
That's her on the left (me on the right, lol).

That's an orb, right?? Do you think there could be a negative spirit around her, affecting all this? Or maybe I'm just letting my imagination run wild. I haven't said anything to her about this...
MJJLaugh, welcome to the thread. I don't think your experience is silly at all. It makes perfect sense actually. :)

How's everyone doing? Looking forward to MLP a little later. It seems like every month around this time, it's so needed. Haiti earthquake, fans fighting against each other, ect. The world needs a whole lot of love. :heart:
My grandpa just passed away. He died in my grandma's arms. She was holding him in her arms just after she gave him a sponge bath..and the nurse was changing his bedding..and he just took a deep breath and went...:cry:. The nurse said it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever witnessed. He's in no more pain. I have the greatest grandmother in the world. Rest in Peace grandpa. I love you...:angel:
Haven't read the thread yet, just checking in to say hi :heart:! MLP is in 30 minutes! I'll be offline like 15 before to prepare
Hey Fujon! Do you go to sleep really late? I have been having trouble sleeping too. Perhaps try something peaceful before bed like reading a book, or listening to calm music. I could send you some if you want? I hope you are doing ok. Big hug to you too my friend:hug:
Thank you, dear friend *Big HUG* :hug: :flowers: Yes, I go to sleep late usually ( and I'm a night person :) )
How are you sleep now? :hug: I'm a bit better... I have some nice music to listen and meditate..
But my brain storming with a lot, a lot, a lot informations and thoughts... :doh: ...and so many questions about Michael :( why it all happened like that?
I know, we don't see full picture, only God know it all...
Cyberjackson, I am so sorry. Sending love to you. I am sure he is in a beautiful place. I will be thinking of him, you and your family during the MLP.

mjbunny, that sight of so many people from around the world joining in Michael's name, brought tears to my eyes.

See you all in a bit
So sorry to heart it *HUGS* cyberjackson. May your grandfather Rest In Peace :angel:
My grandpa just passed away. He died in my grandma's arms. She was holding him in her arms just after she gave him a sponge bath..and the nurse was changing his bedding..and he just took a deep breath and went...:cry:. The nurse said it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever witnessed. He's in no more pain. I have the greatest grandmother in the world. Rest in Peace grandpa. I love you...:angel:

I'm very sorry,:cry: I'm sending L.O.V.E to you and your family :heart:
Hi Guys ! :hug: Okay, so I did the MLP in 15 minutes.. And during that I kept seeing eyes, and at one point I saw someone walking towards me , but I only saw the legs... And I felt reaaaally light.. It was a wonderful feeling! I felt like I was floating! But sometimes during the MLP my head kept hurting.. And I imagined that we sent out a big
pink net of love that covered the world ! :heart:
Hi Guys ! :hug: Okay, so I did the MLP in 15 minutes.. And during that I kept seeing eyes, and at one point I saw someone walking towards me , but I only saw the legs... And I felt reaaaally light.. It was a wonderful feeling! I felt like I was floating! But sometimes during the MLP my head kept hurting.. And I imagined that we sent out a big
pink net of love that covered the world ! :heart:

Im sorry for your loss cyberjackson. I will pray for you and your family.:angel:

Tinkerbell!!! I had a similar experience during the MLP. I saw these golden sparkles, and at one point i saw a little girl, first her eyes, and then the rest of her. she was very pretty. I also felt as if i was floating. I loved that feeling. There were also times when my head kept hurting, it was kind of like a full feeling, like alot of pressure.
It took me ages to get into the zone. I got interrupted a couple of times lol.
I had Speechless, the piano version on repeat (thank you so much amy). Ah it was so peaceful, at times I really did forget every thought in my head, and felt so so peaceful, I could of stayed like that forever! I also felt like I was moving "out" of my body, but really quickly like bambambam past all this light. It was very bright..
My right ear was burning, then it stopped and it's back burning again. I just sent out as much love as I could to everybody in the world. I asked Michael if he was recieving everybodys love, and if he could send it to who I asked. Everytime I imagined Michael, I felt a wave of emotions running through me, really strongly. It was almost like I could feel him there, but I'm remaining skeptical.
I got a bit emotional towards the end, little tears were forming.
I imagined everyone around the world who was taking part and thanked them all. I hope everyone got my love :) :flowers:
:heart: I feel calm and peaceful now.
mjbunny - it was so cool to see the live traffic on the MLP site! All the places people were coming from.
:better: I am so sorry, hugs to you! Your grandpa is with Michael now. :angel:


I did the MLP today. I listened to Butterflies and had a beautiful imagination. Michael in his Black and White outfit and with white wings flying high above the earth like you see it from orbit and we all following him like a huge flock of birds ... it felt so good ... :angel:
I'm just typing up my experience for later because I have to go soon.

I don't wanna sound like a weirdo :blush: but do you have cold hands mjbunny? I feel like we held hands and they were cold and kind of clammy. Or maybe it was someone else? I feel like such an idiot for asking this but I really want to know. My curiosity is outweighing my sense of dignity at the moment!
@Cyberjackson - I'm very sorry for your loss. My condolences!

@Asedora - glad you found it comforting.

@Mundy - my hands were very tingling during the MLP, not cold and clammy though. I did imagine that we all held hands towards the end to say goodbye and thank each other.
I had the piano version of Speechless on, maybe because of the music but I got a little emotional too.

Big hug to all of you! :hug:
Gotta go to bed now
The MLP was amazing, I saw us all on the middle of a wooded area where there was a clearing and we all held hands in a circle around Michael. Then it was like this golden light (that was glittery) came out of us and went around the earth and through to Michael it was crazy but cool!
During the Major Love Prayer, I saw a big white spotlight at one point, a greyish background at another point and us holding hands in a circle at another.

I felt love.

I got some tingles and shivers and at one or two points I felt very, very cold.
cyberjackson - I'm sorry. :( Thinking of you. :better:

I've been so busy that I didn't actually manage to participate in the MLP this time. :sigh:
I was thinking of all of you while you were doing it though. :angel:
OMG, I'm so behind in this thread. First of all...

CyberJackson - I'm so sorry to hear about your grandpa :hug: But he's at peace now. He's in the light and the love and feeling happy now. And no one ever truly leaves us. It just feels like they do. It's just from here, where we're living in these bodies that block so much of our awareness. They're still with us. And the beautiful thing for him, if you can see it this way yet, is that he's not in any pain. (I know this sounds weird, but I suddenly got a picture in my mind of yellow flowers by a bedside. Just tossing that out in case it means anything.) :angel:

I don't wanna sound like a weirdo :blush: but do you have cold hands mjbunny? I feel like we held hands and they were cold and kind of clammy. Or maybe it was someone else? I feel like such an idiot for asking this but I really want to know. My curiosity is outweighing my sense of dignity at the moment!
:hysterical: I'm not laughing at you, just because the question is funny. Well, we certainly all held hands, I believe. I'm one of those hot hands people, though :lol: During MLP they got really hot too. I guess it was because I got Reiki attunements some years ago and so it turns on when we're healing the world. So cool reading about others' MLP experiences. As I said, I'm behind in the thread, so... working through it :) :heart:
My grandpa just passed away. He died in my grandma's arms. She was holding him in her arms just after she gave him a sponge bath..and the nurse was changing his bedding..and he just took a deep breath and went...:cry:. The nurse said it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever witnessed. He's in no more pain. I have the greatest grandmother in the world. Rest in Peace grandpa. I love you...:angel:

I'm very sorry. I hope he is at peace now. :angel:

Ok only did MLP briefly again. Just 5 minutes. I felt the energy 30 seconds beforehand and got blasted with it for a minute. I've come to expect that every time now. :) It's always incredible. I saw a pink square flash before my vision a couple of times. Maybe it represented the unity of love? And even though I wasn't aware of Michael's presence, I think I got the sense he was there. And I felt a little tingling on my right upper arm. I saw some white flashes before my eyes before I opened them. Then I felt kind of tired a few minutes after.
:clapping: yes!!!! yes!!!! Our love for Michael is very special and no one can take that from us!!! :wub:

Thats's right darlin. His LOVE for us and the LOVE we have for him NO:timer: or persons can ever take away.
Each of our mutual love for MJ is here for eternity.........:love: