Merged: Psychics channel Michael

mjbunny That's ok. It is a funny question :D. It's just that at this stage, I don't know whether I'm making this stuff up in my head or not but some parts feel real. Some things randomly come into my head and they feel like I couldn't have made them up. Oh well, maybe it was someone else or just my imagination :doh:

I hope you all had a great MLP. I love reading the experiences. I have to go now so I'll post my experience tomorrow.

My grandpa just passed away. He died in my grandma's arms. She was holding him in her arms just after she gave him a sponge bath..and the nurse was changing his bedding..and he just took a deep breath and went...:cry:. The nurse said it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever witnessed. He's in no more pain. I have the greatest grandmother in the world. Rest in Peace grandpa. I love you...:angel:

Sorry to hear this cyberjackson.:(
Hugs to you and love to you. I am sure you are a great strength and comfort to your grandma, even though you too are missing him:better:
^Thanks guys. I ended up not sleeping at's 10am and now I feel tired. :glare: Annoying. Hope I'm able to stay awake for the MLP later!
OMG, i was up until after 10am this morning too! But then I was also the day before. What the heck. Just can't sleep. I think part of it is that it's alone-time then, you know? At night you can be alone. But I hated it because I just wanted to sleep. This morning the main prob was I was trying to finish up some stuff for MLP pages and then... poof... no internet. We agreed to an upgrade in speed with a new package and it went into effect today and when they switched it on we had no internet for like two hours. I was freaking out, restarting the router over and over :lol: I was like... why TODAY? Why the 25th?? But thankfully it came back on. But this kept me up all night and morning again :rolleyes2:

I feel very down again. Since he passed I am not stable at all… .I think I will never be able to go over his death. I do not understand still how in the world such a beautiful human being could die? It just does not make any sense and every little piece of my soul and every cell of my body say “no”. :no: When I face this fact and force myself to look the real picture I still feel numb. I watch his videos, I listen to his music and his death looks even more unreal and so unbelievable. I do not know how you feel guys. Do you feel any better than before? For me this pain still stays deep inside and it does not go anywhere. I still can cry a few times a day. :cry: Maybe I am too sensitive person I do not know… .
:hug: For me it seems to swing a lot depending on the day. When I feel closest to MJ in spirit I'm usually doing better. When I feel more alone and something really gets to me, then I'm a wreck. Like the night before last after listening to ustream :cry: God, I was so upset. I lay awake for like 3 hours in bed just crying and crying out loud because it's just so wrong and it hurts so much :no: But like this morning I was dealing with MLP and felt so close to Michael and just love, really :heart: It goes up and down. I'm so sorry for anyone who's stuck in another sadness rut at the moment. I totally know how it feels :hug:

Then I noticed a black shadow beside my head in the reflection of the tv. Again, I looked around, nothing there. I kept my eyes glued on the tv, put my hand up and moved it towards the shadow. It flinched. I kept my hand there and I started to drift off. I woke up suddenly two or three times before I fell asleep for the night and woke up sixteen hours later. I have wondered ever since if whatever that thing was drained my energy during the night and if that was the reason I slept twice as long as I should have. Is that possible/likely?
Honestly? It's possible. Or it's possible that you were quite tired anyway and just needed to sleep. I slept for 14 hours the other day, but I don't think there was anything negative getting me. I'd just protected my place like crazy, psychically cleaned it out. It felt totally fine. Guess I was just sleepy. If you feel under any threat or you're worried about it, definitely ask for protection. Bring light around you (for some reason the term "God light" always works for me) and like amygrace has mentioned, call for guides or Archangel Michael to get anything negative out and fill your place with protective light.

Anyway, one day I had the strangest experience. I felt and still feel empty and incomplete inside, knowing he is no longer here with us, although he still is, in spirit. Suddenly a voice inside my head spoke very lovingly "time and distance play no role at all, I'm right here" and it was the most comforting thing and it just stopped the unbearable sadness because at that instant I completely understood.
Oh God, I know, the trial... this is going to be tough. I know that. It's not going to be easy at all :mello: Wow, your experience hearing about time and distance... that's sooooo beautiful :heart: Like a reminder from above or from the soul :angel: Thanks for sharing :)

Neeve - That picture is kinda freaky, yes. Photo nerds would say it's dust or light refraction. But I've seen spirit orbs with my EYES (I think, anyway :scratch:), so I believe they can appear that way in pictures. I really don't know what to say!

Tinkerbell - I saw eyes as well, but for me they were Michael's eyes :wub: I also saw others. I saw a lot, actually. It was pretty amazing. I'll try to write a short (yeah, I know... me? short? lolol) summary later. Way cool about the energy net. Saw that too... first pink, then waves of blue and green.

flyaway622 - Maybe it was like the Earth Girl? Gaia? Way cool :) Neat about the gold sparkles. For both you and Tinkerbell and anyone else who had the head hurting problems... I've had that in past MLPs. And sure enough, as soon as it hit top of the hour and I could feel the influx of people I started to get a headache. This time I asked my guides to clear any energy blockages that were causing the headache and it went away! I didn't get the MLP Headache this time! Yay! So try that next time. Ask that energy blockages be cleared and let me know if it works :)

darlingdear - It was VERY peaceful for me too. I cried a lot as well. It was very emotional. Interesting about seeing the bright light and your ear burning. That seems to be something for you when you're 'connected', right? The warmth on your ear, I mean. Don't have to be skeptical about Michael being there. He totally was, I swear I just know it :angel:

Yeah, cool watching the MLP live traffic, huh? I put the link here just for that purpose... isn't it amazing? I mean, just to watch people from all over the world just... ding, ding, ding, ding... it's really inspiring because you see just how many are coming and how it's the whole planet. Hopefully someday the traffic will roll in so fast that you can't even read the locations, lol.

I did the MLP today. I listened to Butterflies and had a beautiful imagination. Michael in his Black and White outfit and with white wings flying high above the earth like you see it from orbit and we all following him like a huge flock of birds ... it felt so good ... :angel:
Wow, what an interesting visualization! Sounds really neat :)
it's fascinating that a lot of us seem to have similar experiences at the same time..whether it's positive energy, negative energy, lack of energy or whatever... a lot of synchronicity going on.

mjbunny, that is a weird experience...I don't know what to say... hope you're feeling better.

I wanted to ask you guys' opinion...this is weird. My housemate has had a ridiculous week, since about Saturday: her car broke down and she has to pay almost $2000 to have it fixed. Her laptop has stopped working properly. Her phone broke. Her office computer crashed. She dyed her hair and it came out the wrong colour. She locked her work keys in her office.
She's a positive person, she's healthy, she does yoga... but this to me, is A LOT of negativity, right? Then I found a picture my sister took last Friday night:
That's her on the left (me on the right, lol).

That's an orb, right?? Do you think there could be a negative spirit around her, affecting all this? Or maybe I'm just letting my imagination run wild. I haven't said anything to her about this...

Sweetheart please be encouraged as what you have a photo of there is a blue orb.:)
Some poeple think that 'orbs' are flecks of dust refelcting off a camera........but here quite clearly there wouldnt be any 'dust' in the open air outside!:scratch:
From what I have read about orbs it is said that they are connected with angels.............and a blue orb apparantly has a higher energy level that a so called 'normal' whiteish greyish one.:angel:
So the fact that your friend has been having this awfully crazy week means that she also very possibly has this angel presence..........:wub:
I am no authority on's still only my opinion...........
I have only seen a blue orb once in a photo and that was taken recently................can add the pic at some point if you would find it helpful or interesting............
lovely to have joined this thread btw......been enjoying reading some of it and would like to come in again...........:yes:

Hi everyone. I know I am new to this thread but I do have some stories to tell which I feel would be appropriate amongst you.
I hope you dont mind me coming into this thread.....:scratch:
I have also had the whispering in my ears on the night of MJ's birthday last year. :swoon:
It shocked me so much and I almost dismissed it as just in my is not uncommon for people going through extreme grief and sadness to have a supernatural experience which is there to bring some comfort to their distress.............
I'll tell you what happened if you would like?
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I felt the energy 30 seconds beforehand and got blasted with it for a minute. I've come to expect that every time now. :) It's always incredible. I saw a pink square flash before my vision a couple of times. Maybe it represented the unity of love? And even though I wasn't aware of Michael's presence, I think I got the sense he was there. And I felt a little tingling on my right upper arm. I saw some white flashes before my eyes before I opened them. Then I felt kind of tired a few minutes after.
LOL, yes the blast! I always start a few minutes early and I can really feel when everyone else joins. Woooosh.

mjbunny That's ok. It is a funny question :D. It's just that at this stage, I don't know whether I'm making this stuff up in my head or not but some parts feel real. Some things randomly come into my head and they feel like I couldn't have made
I guess it's just a matter of trusting yourself, you know. Just accept what comes without judging it. Easier said than done, though, especially if it's something you feel emotional about. But like in this case, you weren't physically touching anyone's hands, so who's to say whose would be hot or cold or big or small to you energically :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .

MLP for me this time... I saw some weird stuff, I have to say, so just bear with me (and luckily the forum is private again :lol:). Ok, I already mentioned how I started getting the headache, but then asked my guides to clear energy blocks and then the pain went away. (Yay!) I've found that Michael is like my Patronus Charm thought/feeling, lol. I imagine being at a concert, there with him, with all you ... it just... :heart: I started crying. I could see him, his eyes mostly in front of me. I looked into them and I started saying lyrics to HTW in my mind. They just came to me. Then I really felt it inside and I took deep breaths that grew like a huge pink heart from me and I reached out to everyone. My hands were a bit tingly and got quite warm. But it was so PEACEFUL. I could've just sat there like that for ages. This time I felt especially for the Earth itself. And I tried this time asking more for God to take this energy and heal with it. (I was reading recently about prayer and healing and handing over the task to higher beings. Thought I'd see how this felt.) At one point I got soooo emotional, just about everyone. I mean, really feeling like... why do people kill each other? Why are we fighting? Why are we destroying nature for pure profit? It's just so wrong :cry: And I just... cried and really felt with my heart like, "Come on, guys... come on!!!... it's LOVE... feel it, you know we're part of one" and I really felt like I was connecting with the planet. And I saw all of us... even some of you by screen name, lol... and we were holding hands and this energy was so intense and warm. I saw the Earth glowing pink, then blue with flashes of green. And this is going to sound hella weird, but since it came to me out of the freaking blue... ok... I saw a flying saucer, like this big huge irridescent ship in our atmosphere... it felt like they joined us. I know how weird that sounds ;) and I've never thought for a moment about ETs joining us, lol. Why would that just pop in my head like that? I saw this so clearly. Whoa. They felt peaceful and loving and like they were helping, happy to see that Earthlings were trying to raise consciousness. So I see it as kind of cool :) Ok, then I saw Michael... oh, Michael... always smiling, you beautiful being :wub:. And beside him appeared Jesus. Ok. And then I saw Gandhi. I've never seen him in a meditation, so it was really interesting! Then I thought, wow, who else? :lol: I then saw John Lennon, then John Denver... and then... like so many others to the point I couldn't pick out who was who. Yeah, I know it sounds like some religious-themed hippie acid trip, lololol, but I can't help it... it's the truth, so there it is. Then I saw Buddha glowing in a lotus position and like white light... so many were with us, you guys!!! :angel: So this was... way out there, but it felt SO nice. I stayed with it for 15 minutes and then sat there on my bed with the lamp light on low and listened to Speechless and HTW with my eyes closed. About halfway through HTW I opened my eyes and saw this bright white light, like a half-orb (from my view) next to my bed by the door that vanished as my eyes adjusted. I don't know if that was really someone or just my eyes. But anyway... wow. Weird :D I know I'm probably forgetting something important. Hmmm... Will add if I remember.
MJBunny, sounds great and and absolutely not acid trippy. I have seen Michael morphing into the strangest beings and I have seen other religious figures as well. Sounds like you brought in a whole bunch of beings, so to speaks. Very cool! :yes::yes:
I'm neither surprised by Buddha nor Jesus, I have seen Shiva appear and mind you, I have no connection to Hinduism that I am aware off. So certain ones just show up on their terms.
Like Pavarotti, for example. THAT one I did not expect, I literally stood in my bed.:hysterical:
^ I've seen Jesus quite a few times before, but Pavarotti... that's a new one for me :hysterical: But really, ... it was so amazing :)

Ok, so now that I'm on the crazy train, I'll go onto other topics ;)

This morning I was soooooo in love with Michael. I can't explain it. Just amazing, just intense emotion. And I asked to dream of him and then had a dream that it was about 1980 or so, just post-afro :lol: I was his girlfriend (same age as he then, I guess) and it was all so sweet. In the dream I just ADORED him. He was kind of a typical younger guy (a bit dorky at times, lol), but ... oh, I just adored him. We just kind of hung out at home, went to the grocery store... boring stuff like that. I can't recall specific conversations, but I can see him quite clearly in my mind and recall the feeling of it all. And some other stuff went on in the dream too... :girl_whistle:, but I won't ever tell it all... :blush: :lol: (I always thought a dream like that would make me feel really weird, lol, but not at all. I woke up just like... oh, that's fine.) It was just so innocent and adoring. What a cute dream. So nice to have had it :wub: (P.S. I'll add that parts of it felt quite symbolic when I woke up, like making a connection, merging in sweetness and innocence.)
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Hey guys! Wow this thread grew quite a few pages since I checked in last. I just finished reading it all but I don't have the energy to reply to everyone energy is just drained from lack of sleep. Hope you guys understand. Sending love to you all! :group:

About the MLP...I missed it... bah. Realized I did at 4:20 just like last month too. lol. Do'h! But as usual it's nice to read about everyone's experiences...and I still can't help but feel like my higher self was there anyway. I was at my parents when the prayer was going on and I had a headache come on... I didn't realize until now that it was around the time of the prayer...and some of you experienced the same thing too! So...interesting.

cyberjackson - much love to you and your family :huggy: even though it feels like a loss, remember it was just a transition. He probably got a warm welcome home and is happy to be free of pain now.

Billie_Jean09 - always feel free to share!

mjbunny - you didn't sleep again too huh? I know what you mean about nights feeling like your alone time. Same here. Especially since most of my day is devoted to being a Mother. Still don't know what's been up with this insomnia though...I mean I'm known for staying up later than I should but not sleeping at all? I've never had that problem before.
Ok, so now that I'm on the crazy train, I'll go onto other topics ;)

This morning I was soooooo in love with Michael. I can't explain it. Just amazing, just intense emotion. And I asked to dream of him and then had a dream that it was about 1980 or so, just post-afro :lol: I was his girlfriend (same age as he then, I guess) and it was all so sweet. In the dream I just ADORED him. He was kind of a typical younger guy (a bit dorky at times, lol), but ... oh, I just adored him. We just kind of hung out at home, went to the grocery store... boring stuff like that. I can't recall specific conversations, but I can see him quite clearly in my mind and recall the feeling of it all. And some other stuff went on in the dream too... :girl_whistle:, but I won't ever tell it all... :blush: :lol: (I always thought a dream like that would make me feel really weird, lol, but not at all. I woke up just like... oh, that's fine.) It was just so innocent and adoring. What a cute dream. So nice to have had it :wub:


Apparently I'm a bigamist because around Christmas I had quite the dream myself and I found myself newly married to MJ. Guess what he wore this time around? The orange skinny pants and silver jacket, my least favorite outfit. I think that was on purpose because he knows it's my least favorite outfit although I really don't care, he could wear a trash bash over his head I wouldn't mind...:D
People somehow got upset though I got married with the rings from my actual marriage "down here", Michael thought that was funny.
I didn't dream about any ceremony just we were standing there later together being very happy holding hands- and I remember how soft his hands were and his hair. That was mighty real. He was laughing and snuggling, just being happy. How's that for a dream! :wild::wild:

So, we got girlfriend, wife, children- any takers??
About the MLP...I missed it... bah. Realized I did at 4:20 just like last month too. lol. Do'h!
Do we have a "SLAP!" smiley on this board? :cheeky:
But as usual it's nice to read about everyone's experiences...and I still can't help but feel like my higher self was there anyway. I was at my parents when the prayer was going on and I had a headache come on... I didn't realize until now that it was around the time of the prayer...and some of you experienced the same thing too! So...interesting.
Um, I think you were. At the beginning when I started looking around for everyone you were one of the ones I 'saw' or sensed. So yeah, maybe hence the headache?!
Just read your MLP prayer experience mjbunny... super cool! I'm pretty out there myself so none of that struck me as odd, just made me radass! :punk: :lol: And gurrrrl how do you get hooked up with such divine dreams?! So jealous.
Guess what he wore this time around? The orange skinny pants and silver jacket, my least favorite outfit. I think that was on purpose because he knows it's my least favorite outfit although I really don't care, he could wear a trash bash over his head I wouldn't mind...:D
:hysterical: I don't like that one either. I don't understand the skinny jeans thing at all. And orange? Well, you know. :lol: Yeah, whatever he wants to wear... I totally don't care. It's funny about the married thing. I've been a fan for many years and so has my husband (also a longtime fan). We joke sometimes that he's either 'husband #1" or 'husband #2', alongside Michael :lol:
Thanks AmyGrace.:)
Well on the night of MJ's bday last year after an extremely exhausting day, both physically and mentally, I went to the hotel room alone.
I was feeling so miserable. Utterly sad.:(
I had been amongst people all day at both St.James park and then at the 02 but now I was alone.
In the silence as I sat on the bed, I heard what sounded like a childs voice whisper ''Michael Jackson is the king of pop''
I was so shocked and wondered where on earth this had come from!:wild:
It was rather like in the Jam video where the children whisper this..............but I didnt have that song was just silence apart from this one quiet yet distictive whisper.:angel:
Something else rather uncanny happened the next morning too......I'll tell you that in a min.
The next morning I was getting my bits together ready to leave. I went over to an A4 pic of MJ that didnt get put on the ground as my tribute......and I spoke outloud tearfully to say ''where are you darling?''......................all of a sudden the TV came on, on it's own and the tv presenter of the show was saying ''he's great''...................Now dont get me wrong my common sense and rationality says that I know the explanation is that the TV was set to come on a timer..........just to say goodbye with a pre printed screen of text.....''Hope you enjoyed your stay..thanks for staying with us...........please leave your key at reception....etc ............'' which it did do,,,,,but it also must have for that split second brought through speech of a football commentry............obviously talking about a footballer.............''yeah he's great''............but just check out the timing!!!
Make of it what you will but I liked to think of it as a sign................that he is fine.

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:hysterical: I don't like that one either. I don't understand the skinny jeans thing at all. And orange? Well, you know. :lol: Yeah, whatever he wants to wear... I totally don't care. It's funny about the married thing. I've been a fan for many years and so has my husband (also a longtime fan). We joke sometimes that he's either 'husband #1" or 'husband #2', alongside Michael :lol:

Well, judging by that LMP and MJ wedding videos he's kind of "business casual on the lighter side" anyway when getting married. :hysterical: So the orange pants he wore ON PURPOSE. I was laughing.
I remember how soft his hands were and his hair.
Just had to quote this part 'cause it reminds me of what I read recently in Michael's book Moonwalk... as quoted straight from Michael:

I remember when I first shook Smokey Robinson's hand. It was like shaking hands with a king. My eyes lit up with stars, and I remember telling my mother that his hand felt as if it was layered with soft pillows. You don't think about the little impressions people walk away with when you're a star yourself, but the fans do. At least, I know I did. I mean, I walked round saying "His hand is so soft"
I thought it was so cute to see Michael as a fan himself, in the same way that we are... and it's funny because I have heard countless stories of people who have actually gotten to shake Michael's hand, and even those who just dreamed about it - go on about how soft his hands were.
mjbunny said:
Um, I think you were. At the beginning when I started looking around for everyone you were one of the ones I 'saw' or sensed. So yeah, maybe hence the headache?!
No need to slap me then, I was so there! :cheeky:

The next morning I was getting my bits together ready to leave. I went over to an A4 pic of MJ that didnt get put on the ground as my tribute......and I spoke outloud tearfully to say ''where are you darling?''......................all of a sudden the TV came on, on it's own and the tv presenter of the show was saying ''he's great''...................Now dont get me wrong my common sense and rationality says that I know the explanation is that the TV was set to come on a timer..........just to say goodbye with a pre printed screen of text.....''Hope you enjoyed your stay..thanks for staying with us...........please leave your key at reception....etc ............'' which it did do,,,,,but it also must have for that split second brought through speech of a football commentry............obviously talking about a footballer.............''yeah he's great''............but just check out the timing!!!
It's all about synchronicity! :angel: Thanks for sharing

Modulation Alert said:
Michael's hands actually don't look that soft to me in photos but in that dream his skin was very soft.
Hehe...yeah they don't appear that soft but I've sure heard otherwise!

While on the subject of Moonwalk too... did anyone else notice how similar Michael's description about Martin Luther King's death was to his own?

I remember so well the day he died. Everyone was torn up. ... People were crying like they had lost a member of their own family. Even the men who were usually pretty unemotional were unable to control their grief .... it makes me want to cry - for Dr. King, for his family, and for all of us
and I spoke outloud tearfully to say ''where are you darling?''......................all of a sudden the TV came on, on it's own and the tv presenter of the show was saying ''he's great''...................Now dont get me wrong my common sense and rationality says that I know the explanation is that the TV was set to come on a timer..........just to say goodbye with a pre printed screen of text.....''Hope you enjoyed your stay..thanks for staying with us...........please leave your key at reception....etc ............'' which it did do,,,,,but it also must have for that split second brought through speech of a football commentry............obviously talking about a footballer.............''yeah he's great''............but just check out the timing!!! Make of it what you will but I liked to think of it as a sign................that he is fine.
Cool. And this is always one of my big questions... timing. If you'd been in that hotel room and MJ was still alive and then the TV came on, it wouldn't have meant anything. I know that we can take things as signs that are just silly coincidences, but sometimes they REALLY seem like signs. One theory is ... since the universe doesn't really have time and we're aware of so much more than we think we are, perhaps sometimes we'll ask a question BECAUSE the TV is about to switch on or something is about to fall. Like on some level we know something's about to happen and so some complex workings that we can't consciously comprehend compels us to ask a question so that we'll get an answer to our question. But that could also just sound like reaching for an answer. Some examples of mine recently: a powder container that had been in the same position for at least an hour suddenly slid sideways 3 inches when I asked, "Michael, you do KNOW, don't you???" with desperate emotion. I happened to be looking that direction. Nothing had bumped it. Was that coincidence or an answer? Or when I was reading the coroner's report and felt so bad about it all and said in my mind, "I'm sorry, Michael. I just want to know for myself what really happened" and right then my golden sparkly butterfly sitting by my HTW poster fell off the shelf and onto the TV. Coincidence or answer? (It had fallen before.)

Or the one that really floored me: back around July 1st I'd finally fallen asleep just after dawn and woke up an hour later feeling like a bug was crawling on my bare shoulder. The only thing in my mind was "THERE'S A LITTLE BUG" (quote from Leipzig show that's in one of my youtube vids, so I've heard MJ say this 1,000 times). I thought that sentence before I even felt anything. I couldn't find a bug. Rolled over then felt it again. Got up, thinking "oh, please just let me sleep!" and searched the bed, the room. No bug. Used the bathroom, came back inside, again looked for a bug. Couldn't find one. Lay back down and then thought... hmmm... why did that quote of MJ's wake me up... I could imagine him tickling me like a joke then, lol... nah, it couldn't be. That would be a wish, but not for real. Ah, ok, I'll ask... "Michael, was that you?" And no kidding, less than 2 seconds later... SLAM!!!! the bedroom door slammed shut with force. :bugeyed Now logically I must say that there was cross-breeze through the house and I had gotten up to use the bathroom, so could've left the door at a different angle, thus allowing the breeze to catch it and slam it. But wow, what TIMING. What can I take from that? Coincidence...?

MJbunny What a lovely dream :heart: Was it visitation or a dream? How do you feel about it? I am just thinking again about this transition process he went through as we assume.
I always wonder how weird that Michael spirit comes to ppl. I have never had so many dreams and paranormal expirienses when my grandpa or my grandma passed. But with Michael it is something unbelievable.
Interesting about the marriage dream stuff. But how's this for weird: I had a dream about being forced into an arranged marriage with a GERMAN about 2 years before my hubby and I met. I was throwing temper tantrums and refusing to marry someone I didn't know. My mom made me call his parents to explain I was backing out of the wedding. I called and HE (the guy I was going to marry) answered. I told him sorry, there's no way. He agreed that it was crazy and said he didn't want to either. Then we talked for a minute and I asked about what kind of music he liked. He answered, "Michael Jackson". I was like... no way... I LOVE MJ! So we decided we should at least meet to see if we hit it off or not. I totally (!) spaced this dream completely until months after my hubby and I met and then I was like... :bugeyed Holy crap! No way! And I had to dig through emails to my friends to find that dream again. AMAZING. (Because we met on an MJ forum, you know.) I have a lot of other weird stories like that about me and him. It's crazy. :fortuneteller:

I thought it was so cute to see Michael as a fan himself, in the same way that we are... and it's funny because I have heard countless stories of people who have actually gotten to shake Michael's hand, and even those who just dreamed about it - go on about how soft his hands were.
LOL, I remember reading that :) Yeah, in one of my dreams too. I think I wrote something like 'he had the softest hands I've ever felt on anyone'
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Oh Asedora... duh, I forgot the whole other point of the quote above... me too, I'm stunned by the amount of contact with Michael. I hardly had any with relatives who've passed. And yet here so many fans have had soooo much contact. It's ... I just don't know how to explain it. At one point I was kind of asking Michael like, "Who ARE you?" (I mean who are you that there's so much contact? Like a special... someone?) I don't know the whys. Is it just the intensity of emotion and the fact that he cared so much about us being so devastated and that there are so many of us who love him so deeply that it's like... a powerful energy to work with?

And about the dream this morning... I had felt very close to him before I fell asleep and asked to dream of him, so it felt kind of like half and half. I guess then more like a dream, since it wasn't so amazing like a visitation. But still rather vivid. Yeah, I guess more dreamlike, but with a touch of otherworldlyness at moments.
Some examples of mine recently: a powder container that had been in the same position for at least an hour suddenly slid sideways 3 inches when I asked, "Michael, you do KNOW, don't you???" with desperate emotion.
I'll ask... "Michael, was that you?" And no kidding, less than 2 seconds later... SLAM!!!! the bedroom door slammed shut with force. :bugeyed
This stuff is so cool to hear but also makes me kind of frustrated. Like...if that WAS Michael - and he was able to move things to give you an answer of sorts, then why isn't he able to do this for me too? I have asked a few times, when I felt like Michael was near me, to have some kind of sign that he's around like that...but nothing ever happens. and I know without a doubt I wouldn't get scared if something I can count out fear getting in the way. So what gives? (......just realized that whole statement may make me sound like a greedy ungrateful little girl. lol. I'm totally not - just when I get to thinking about it...I wonder why nothing like that ever happens? I'm still completely grateful to have any kind of visit, with or without some kind of sign. :angel: I'm grateful to at least sense things... but I often wonder if they are all in my head...since I can't seem to get clear confirmation. But again...not complaining, just curious.)

I had a dream about being forced into an arranged marriage with a GERMAN about 2 years before my hubby and I met. I was throwing temper tantrums and refusing to marry someone I didn't know. My mom made me call his parents to explain I was backing out of the wedding. I called and HE (the guy I was going to marry) answered. I told him sorry, there's no way. He agreed that it was crazy and said he didn't want to either. Then we talked for a minute and I asked about what kind of music he liked. He answered, "Michael Jackson". I was like... no way... I LOVE MJ! So we decided we should at least meet to see if we hit it off or not. I totally (!) spaced this dream completely until months after my hubby and I met and then I was like... :bugeyed Holy crap! No way!
Wow, that's crazy!
This stuff is so cool to hear but also makes me kind of frustrated. Like...if that WAS Michael - and he was able to move things to give you an answer of sorts, then why isn't he able to do this for me too? I have asked a few times, when I felt like Michael was near me, to have some kind of sign that he's around like that...but nothing ever happens. and I know without a doubt I wouldn't get scared if something I can count out fear getting in the way. So what gives? (......just realized that whole statement may make me sound like a greedy ungrateful little girl. lol. I'm totally not - just when I get to thinking about it...I wonder why nothing like that ever happens? I'm still completely grateful to have any kind of visit, with or without some kind of sign. :angel: I'm grateful to at least sense things... but I often wonder if they are all in my head...since I can't seem to get clear confirmation. But again...not complaining, just curious.)
Oh, I totally get you. I may have had those questionable things happen and the powder incident in particular really felt like something, but otherwise... yeah.... whine, whine. I've heard his voice more than once (unless they were auditory illusions), I've felt him so intensely... so shut up, mjbunny! But the ones that amaze me are the ones who've SEEN him or really heard his voice, like not half in their heads but as if he was there in the room with them. I mean, WOW. I have NO reason to doubt these people. Some things might be a trick of the mind, sure, but not ALL of them. And then I think... I totally believe in this stuff and I'm NOT scared... why don't I get those things? And then again... think, geesh, be grateful you have anything! :) I know, I know. :lol: It's not that I think I'm entitled to something special or ungrateful for the moments I've had (oh THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!) ... I'm just soooo fascinated by these things and so willing, you know. I'm always looking for the thing that will blow my mind so much that there's NO doubt left. It's frustrating on some level to believe it, be open for it and even like, "Ok, I'm ready! You can appear! I won't freak out! Please, just do it. I'm totally ok with it. I won't even tell if you don't want me to. It could be our little secret, I swear to God. Just tell me 'don't tell' and I won't. Please?" and then... nothing. And others take walks to the grocery store and he appears in front of them. It's like... why does it work one way for one person and not another? Is it me? Just different gifts? Have I blocked some ability? Or am I not allowed to have that experience because my guides have decided that I have to just have faith without THAT level of experience?

But I guess in the end consider this... if you actually SAW him, not like out of the corner of your eye, but there in front of you for 2 minutes and he spoke to you and you absolutely saw him... you think you'd take it as total proof, right? But wouldn't you start wondering a couple of weeks later... hmmm, what if I had some kind of seizure or brain freak-out? Could I have been asleep? No, but... what if... it wasn't real??? If you started hearing his voice talking to you when you'd call (like Sylvia and Louise in Vibes, lol)... would it be true proof? Or would you start wondering if you're hallucinating and have developed schizophrenia? See, that's the tough thing. But then... I saw something once that many people think is crazy. And this was up WAY close and 100% real, 100% awake and I KNOW it was real without ANY doubt. It simply was. Absolutely. So maybe it IS possible to see something "incredible" that gives you proof of something. :doh::doh::doh: Good grief, my stupid brain...
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I just added a bunch of stuff to my last post, so hopefully I got all those extra sentences in before everyone hit 'quote' lolol. Just mentioning it in case not.
the ones that amaze me are the ones who've SEEN him or really heard his voice, like not half in their heads but as if he was there in the room with them. I mean, WOW.
Oh goodness I know! I can only imagine...:wub: How blessed those people are!
I can understand why I don't have things like that happen though ...because for some people it's a psychic ability you have to develop and go through a process to get there. Sometimes it's just a matter of vibrations too - people who operate at higher vibrations may see spirits easier because that's what the spirits are made of and where they reside - in higher vibrations. The reason why I whine about not having things move is because I mean, anyone can have that happen. You don't have to have a developed psychic gift, you don't have to be in an enlightened state or have meditated to raise your vibration - they can happen to anyone any time. And I'm on spirits, move a little somthin for me! Pleeeease? :)

Knowing how our minds love to question everything though as you mentioned...what do you bet something moves for me and I blow it off as the wind or something. :lol: Naw... for me, my mind loves to question feelings, oh it will question my feelings nonstop. But when it comes to things that just happen, even though it may appear as a "coincidence" - my intuition knows better and overrules my head.
It's frustrating on some level to believe it, be open for it and even like, "Ok, I'm ready! You can appear! I won't freak out! Please, just do it. I'm totally ok with it. I won't even tell if you don't want me to. It could be our little secret, I swear to God. Just tell me 'don't tell' and I won't. Please?" and then... nothing.
Just saw this added part. Omg I do the same thing. :lol:
I can understand why I don't have things like that happen though ...because for some people it's a psychic ability you have to develop and go through a process to get there. Sometimes it's just a matter of vibrations too - people who operate at higher vibrations may see spirits easier because that's what the spirits are made of and where they reside - in higher vibrations. The reason why I whine about not having things move is because I mean, anyone can have that happen. You don't have to have a developed psychic gift, you don't have to be in an enlightened state or have meditated to raise your vibration - they can happen to anyone any time. And I'm on spirits, move a little somthin for me! Pleeeease? :)
But then what about the kind of person who never meditates, who's an atheist, "doesn't believe in that crap" and then finds themselves face to face with a spirit :lol: Happens often enough. Did they have higher energy or vibrations? Of course we don't know, but we would tend to guess not. Or maybe they saw the ghost because they didn't believe and they needed that to jolt them out of their dumbness. Whereas you already believe in this stuff, so someone up there has decided you don't need to see anything :lol:

I was just considering how annoying my brain is... like I had that amazing out of body experience consciously when I was about 24 years old. WOW. And I totally believe it is what it is. I don't doubt it. It was real. It wasn't a dream. I completely believe my consciousness was separated from my body, yes. And in the old days before that I had tried and tried to have that experience to no avail, believing it would give me solid proof of the soul. If I could have a conscious OBE, ok then we're spirits and life after death is real and all that. But by the time I had that experience I'd already realized that all it would actually prove to me is that consciousness could separate from the body :lol: It doesn't mean it's eternal. Maybe it's a product of self-awareness within the brain that's able to leave on some level, but that would disappear if my brain died. :rolleyes2: I mean, wtf is wrong in there :doh: lol.

I guess in the end there are the certain truths that are defaults, and maybe those are what's real. Like the moment I found out that Michael was really gone... I had NO DOUBT, not one doubt in my mind or heart that HE still existed. I KNEW it. I was praying and praying for him, asking that he doesn't worry about all of us... just go, please help him, surround him with love and light... thank you, thank you, we love you. :cry: I mean, it was PURE. I knew he existed. I wondered where he was, what he was going through... did he leave or hang around? Was he with his kids? Was he already in the light getting a hug from James Brown and Princess Diana? I mean, the point is I didn't have ANY doubt that he still existed, that the beautiful SOUL/spirit/energy who had so bravely been Michael Jackson for us was still around. It's only later that doubts start coming up. But if I KNEW at that terrible moment... why wouldn't it be true then?
The pain of missing someone you love:(
Whether other people understand it or not it is a FACT:doh:
Pain is pain................:(
I sobbed for my mum for 3 months solid everyday after she passed.
I noticed the first day I hadnt cried for it was so significant..............
I cry for MJ the same as I did for my own mum!!:agree:
Strange for other people to understand..............
but its true
Yes I never met MJ or really knew him........BUT he has affected me so much as if he were a close relative............cos he bared his soul.....his all..................he is our universal brother:wub::wub::wub:
There is so much more than we can see hear or understand to this:doh:
A higher order..........something outside of our rational day to day understanding.:yes:
6th Sense?
Keep the faith cos the best is yet to come!:wub::wub::wub: